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Spring Registration Opens February

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Board Minutes Archive - MY2012

JUN 2013

No Meeting

EXECUTIVE SESSION (reported by Elaine)

PRESENT: Gibby R, Joan R, Manny H, Walt M, Elaine M and Vicki G in and out by phone. Mike M and Andy U as non-voting attendees.

BUDGET REVIEW: The Executive Board met to review the budget one more time. Mike presented alternate ways to look at the field expenses to make sure we are staying within our means. After clarification and discussion, it was moved by Walt and seconded by Gibby that the budget be approved for submission to National. The motion carried unanimously.

REAPPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER: Vicki has requested approval to submit an application for reappointment as Commissioner of Region 149. Her current term expires June 31, 2013. She requests that the extension be for two more years. During that time, she plans to recruit and train an Assistant Commissioner. In a vote by the Executive Board, it was a 100% agreement that Vicki's request be honored. The Executive Board appreciates the commitment Vicki Guenther has to Region 149 and her willingness to continue in this leadership role for two more years.

AYSO VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP: Applicants for the AYSO Volunteer Recognition Scholarship Award were reviewed by Elaine, Joan and Rema and it was unanimously decided that the winner of the scholarship for the 2013 year was Jayce Guenther. Jayce has been a youth referee for Region 149 and also completed his Eagle Scout project coordinating the building of the Safety Station. Jayce plans to attend OSU in the fall and hopefully will continue his involvement with AYSO while he attends school. Elaine will coordinate the specifics with Jayce to get the $300 into his account at OSU. Congratulations Jayce and thank you for your volunteer hours.

NEXT MEETING: There will not be a formal Board meeting in June. During the month of June Team Formation will be working to form teams. April and Andy will inform the Board when they are meeting and all Board members are encouraged to attend this process and help as needed. We will meet again July 17, 2013 at 7:15pm in the OSU Oceanography Administration Bldg.


PRESENT: Manny Hur, Erin Harrington, Leanne Henriques, Rynda Gregory, Cindy Haskill, Kristin Franisconi, Gibby Reynolds, Joan Reukauf, Walt Mahaffee, Ben Potter, Luke Cotton, Brent Pawlowski., Vicki Guenther, Rema Robinson, Marc Betz

Minutes were reported by Gibby in the absence of Elaine…thanks Gibby

MINUTES FROM APRIL MEETING: Walt moved that the minutes from April 18, 2013 be approved as written. Gibby seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.

COACH REPORT: A discussion centered around potential replacements for outgoing Coach Administrator, Luke. Coach trainers were discussed and it was felt that we have capable candidates to fill the role of Coach Trainer, but they may not want to assume the role of Coach Administrator. Keep your eyes and ears open for volunteers who can fill this important role. Luke will be leaving Corvallis by June 26. We wish him well and thank him for the extended time he has given to Region 149.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that there were two U14 girls injured; one with a broken wrist and the other head a dislocated finger. The AED has been ordered for a total of $1705.00, which includes a 35% discount that Gibby was able to obtain. Thanks for wheeling and dealing to Gibby and thanks to Elaine for applying for the OSU Thrift Shop grant to help reduce the cost Region 149 pays by $750.00.

U5 JAMBOREE REGISTRATION: There seems to be a lot of interest in the new U5 program with about 50 registered players for the fall season. The birth date guidelines will conform to National guidelines. Players must be 4 years old by the first game date.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE: Brent Pawlowski presented the National trophy for one of the Region 149 players who placed at the national level. This is the second year in a row that one of our players has placed nationally!

NEWSLETTER EDITOR APPLICATION: Jennifer Gardner has applied for the Newsletter Editor position. After a review of her application, it was moved by Rema and seconded by Walt that we accept Jennifer for this vacant position. The motion carried unanimously. One of Vicki's goals is to meet with new Board members to debrief with the outgoing member, making the transition for the new member as smooth as possible. She will set up a meeting with Jennifer, Melissa and Ben to coordinate the communication between the Board and the region members.

SCHOLARSHIP CONCERNS: The percentage of requests seems to be increasing. The cost of National dues and uniform cost continue to increase. We will be looking into the number of scholarship requests and see how much it is actually costing the region to support these requests even though we raised the cost to $20 per player for the 2013-14 season.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Joan presented the detailed treasures report. The budget was reviewed after suggestions were added to the revised version. The Executive Board will meet to go over the budget for final approval. Thank you Joan for crunching the numbers over and over again as Board members provide new information! We have budgeted for two weeks for the UK coaches to help out in the fall due to the addition of the U5 program and the current lack of a Coach Administrator.

PROGRESSIVE PLAY: Rynda Gregory, the Boys Progressive Coordinator, expressed concern about the lack of guidance and lack of information she has received in trying to make the Boys Progressive program work for this spring and summer. The Board will provide as much support as they can to make this a success. Elaine will contact Julia Jones, the coordinator before Cindy Preece, to see if she can support Rynda.

Respectfully submitted;
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Joan Reukauf, Kristin Francisconi, April Spehar, Elaine Markley, Vicki Guenther, Gibby Reynolds, Luke Cotton, Mike Middleton, Kelsey Walker, Manny Hur, Rich Raleigh, Ben Potter, Leanne Henriques, Rema Robinson

MINUTES FROM MARCH MEETING: Gibby moved that the minutes from the March meeting be approved as written. Luke seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Joan presented the budget for the next year. If anyone has any changes, the need to contact Joan immediately. She did talk about the increase for travel and registration to the section meeting next year. It is hoped that we can afford to send at least 10 Board members for training.

BOYS TEAM FORMATION: April reported that there were a lot of late drops in the spring, making it difficult in some divisions to fill with new players. Several ideas were presented to try next year.
Send out roster at the end of the fall season asking who does not plan to return in the spring.
Division coordinators deal with their own issues rather than having the Division Coordinator solve all problems.
Close eAYSO if a division is full so players can not register and think they are being placed on a team.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Welcome to Leanne Henriques who has joined the Board as the Camp Coordinator. Ben Potter is serving in a new position as the Social Media /Publicity Coordinator. We are excited to have their fresh ideas and enthusiasm

BOARD MEMBER CHECK IN: Board members are reminded to stop by the Safety Station when you arrive at the field and fill in where you are going to be. Take a radio with you if there is one available so if anyone at the Safety Station has a question they can not answer, they can radio for an answer.

COACH REPORT: Luke reported that he would be leaving in June. The Board would like to thank Luke for all the years he has spent at the Adams fields as a player and as a Board member. We appreciate the roles you have chosen to take on and the vision of how the fields can be improved at Adams. There will be a coaches meeting on May 3 at Papa's Pizza to discuss the up-coming season and honor veteran coaches with a small gift. An agenda of that meeting will be sent out to the coaches as well as Board members.

FIELDS REPORT: Luke talked about the latest plan for irrigation and field layout. There will be one full sized field (Field D) and the rest will be modified sizes. We are waiting to hear back from the Corvallis School District as to where the water will come from. They will continue to mow the fields for us.

WEBSITE: Luke and Ben will get together and talk their language about the website and how things have been set up so Ben is familiar with what Luke has been doing. Luke has been gathering statistics on what gets the most hits on the website and has found that the Board roster gets the most hits after the home page. Any information that should be added to the website needs to go to Luke as soon as you have it prepared.

U5 PROGRAM: Vicki reported that some regions are using the UK coaches to help instruct the U5 program. She will contact Stuart to see if they can work with U5 and U6 in the fall for a 2-week period of time on Saturdays. It was suggested that they are invited to come the 2nd week and send 3 coaches this year.

REGISTRATION: The "packet party" will be April 22 at Adams gym for anyone who would like to help out. Packets will be handed out through the Safety Station volunteers April 27. Help is needed to check volunteer applications and photo ID. Manny will contact Erin and Donna to see if they are available to help either May 4 or May 11 or both Saturdays. A tent will be set up to receive information.

TEAM MANAGER: Rich shared an information sheet that will go on every registration packet explaining the role of the Team Manager.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported there were two injuries that were reported but no claims were filed. The AED quotes have been received and he will order the machine. No medical training is needed to operate the AED and the Oregon "good samaritan law" protects anyone using it. Elaine received word that AYSO Region 149 received a $750 grant from the OSU Folk Club Thrift Shop Foundation to go toward the purchase of the AED

YOUTH VOLUNTEER REPORT: Kelsey reported that she would be ordering a two color lettered T-shirt printed on purple for the Youth Referees. The shirt cost is $6.25 per shirt for a total of $243.00.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Vicki would like to have outgoing Board members join her for coffee and talk to the incoming Board member, providing insight and create a positive transition. During an email discussion and vote by the Executive Board, it was moved by and seconded that Rynda Gregory fill the position of Boys Progressive Coordinator. The vote was unanimous. We welcome Rynda to the Board and thank her for stepping up to help the boys who want to continue playing soccer after the primary season.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Andy Ungerer, Luke Cotton, Rich Raleigh, John Williams, Marc Betz, Kelsey Walker, Walt Mahaffee, Aaron Rock, Manny Hur, Gibby Reynolds, Leanne Henriques (guest), Elaine Markley

MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY MEETING: It was moved y Andy and seconded by Walt that the minutes be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Joan was not able to attend the meeting so Vicki went over the financial report. It was noted that we are over budget in several areas, uniforms being one. We may need to adjust this item, as the cost seems to continue to increase. The budgets are due to Joan for those who have spending responsibilities by April 1, 2013. You are asked to break down one- time and on-going expenses. Andy volunteered to do an audit, which needs to be done by June 1st.

COACH REPORT: The Board reviewed the email that Luke is proposing to send out the coaches and assistant coaches.

TEAM PARENT REPORT: Erica was ill and not able to attend the meeting. Marc discussed the new language for the Team Manager responsibilities. Concerns were raised about changing the title from Team Parent to Team Manager. The new position would take the place of the Team Parent and that person would be the #1 contact for each team rather than the Coach. They would be taking on more responsibilities than in the past. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Gibby that the job title be changed from Team Parent to Team Manager. The motion carried. Additional discussion was brought up by Luke that the Team Manager Coordinator be added to the Executive Board. He suggested that the Assistant Commissioner be dropped from the voting Executive Board. Vicki suggests everyone think about this and we will discuss it at a future meeting. If anyone has any language changes for the document explaining the rationale for Team Manager, send them to Marc as soon as you can.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy reported there are four new U6G teams and two new U6B teams for the spring. Since there are so few openings in most divisions, it was suggested that Luke identify the open divisions on the website so everyone knows whether it is worth their time to register for spring season. We will open the eayso window for registration. Andy will communicate with Rich about the message to include on the eayso registration form. The window will open from March 31-April 1 to pick up any additional players.

EQUIPMENT MANAGER REPORT: Melissa was not able to attend the meeting but contacted Vicki about concerns about the jersey sizing and wants to order longer shorts in U12-U14 divisions. Melissa will be asked to email the cost difference to Vicki.
CVPA REPORT: National AYSO is no longer accepting Paper forms. Everyone will have to apply on-line from now on and e-sign his or her form. They will only print 1 copy since the data is stored through National.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: National AYSO dues are increasing by $2.50 per player to $17.50. We must consider this in building our budget. We did decide at an earlier meeting that the scholarship requests will cost each player $20 for the 2013-14 season. Vicki reported there are four Board members who have not completed Safe Haven. She will email them directly. Vicki also reported there was trouble with the printing of the newsletter. Melissa is suggesting we use an electronic newsletter rather than paper. This will be discussed at a future meeting.

U5 JAMBOREE DIVISION: Aaron and Kelsey reported on what they learned from the conference about the U5 Jamboree Division. The objective of the program is to have players and parents experience a pressure free soccer experience. In order to qualify, players must be 4 by July 31. If there were enough player interest, there would be a girls and boys division. The format is broken into three parts: 1) activity session 2) break and 3) 3 v 3 "game." Everyone would have the same uniform. They would be on an assigned field for one hour. One possibility would be to split Field C East or West during the middle of the day for the U5 Jamboree Division. There is a "Master Coach" and youth volunteers are considered the "trainers." It was moved by Luke and seconded by Elaine that we implement a pilot program for the 2013-14 season. The motion carried unanimously.

FIELDS REPORT: Discussion about contractors for future field work was discussed. The agreement with the Corvallis School District is that AYSO Region 149 can select the company to do the work but they are contracted by the school district. They would pay the contracted company with a purchase order and we would reimburse the district for the costs. The school district will be responsible for mowing the fields. They need maps and tracers for the project. AYSO Region 149 would have it's own water meter and pay the bill directly. Pesticide management guidelines must be followed. The district requests that we stop supplying seed and fertilizer at this time since they have too much. If we are purchasing a water cannon, we will need to have some type of shed in the "bone yard" for storage when it is not in use. Field F is not ready for use this spring so games will be played on Temporary Field F. The fields will need to be painted since lines will no longer be able to be burned in. Fields volunteers are going to be asked to do more than simply put up or take down the nets.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby discussed "safe equipment" worn in hair. Bobbie pins seem to qualify as safe but barrettes do not. National guidelines do not allow them. Walt wants to be sure referees are consistent and not go overboard.

WHISTLE STOP: Our own Kelsey Walker was featured in the Whistle Stop for her accomplishments and advancement in the referee ranks. Great job Kelsey. Kelsey shared a draft design for a shirt for youth referees with the theme of "Proud to be a Youth Referee." She would like to have the youth referees receive a shirt to wear and encourage others to volunteer.

THANKS: Thanks to Gibby for taking notes until I arrived at the meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 18 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Bldg.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Marc Betz, Kristin Francisconi, Elaine Markley, Walt Mahaffee, Cindy Haskill, Joan Reukauf, Kelsey Walker, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Mike Middleton

MINUTES FROM JANUARY RETREAT/MEETING: With the addition that Elaine was present for a minor portion of the retreat at the end, it was moved by Walt and seconded by Kristin that the retreat minutes be accepted as amended. The motion carried unanimously.

SUMMER CAMPS: The AYSO Camp will be June 24-28 and August 5-9. The Skyhawks camp will be July 15-19. We are still in need of a Camp Coordinator for the AYSO camp and Elaine is hoping the Camp Coordinator would also oversee the Skyhawks camp as well.

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: It would be helpful for Melissa to have the articles for the newsletter by February 25 if possible. The goal is to have the newsletter in the mail prior to spring break, which is the week of March 25.

  • Team Manager aka Team Parent...Erica
  • Concessions chart...Elaine
  • Shoe Swap page...Elaine
  • Safety instructions for sign-up...Gibby
  • Girls Team Formation...Andy
  • Youth Referees...Kelsey
  • Fields Update...Mike
  • Commissioner Report...Vicki
  • Coach Report...Luke will send to coaches, not in newsletter
  • Schedule...John

5-A-SIDE: Luke would like to be in charge of the 5-A-Side that will take place Saturday, May 25 for anyone who wants to participate. There is also a Jamboree in Albany for U8-U19 but it was the feeling of the Board that we need to keep the momentum going for players to enjoy the 5-A-Side event at our own fields and help raise a little money for the fields' funds. Walt will schedule the referees. Good publicity is the key to the success of the 5-A-Side event.

TREASURERS REPORT: Joan reported that we are over budget on the fields therefore funds will have to be transferred. It was estimated that $30,000 would be transferred. There are a lot of unknowns with the new fields project and how much the water will cost each year. It is estimated that we should allow no less that $5,000 per year. Everyone needs to have his or her own Board position budget to Joan by April 1. We will review the budget at the May meeting and it will be submitted to National June 1, 2013.

SCHOLARSHIP FEE: A discussion of how much Region 149 should charge players who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Since the cost of uniforms has gone up and National dues have gone up, we are paying a lot of general fund money when families are currently paying $15 per player. Elaine moved and Gibby seconded the motion that we charge all players $20 for the 2013-14 season if they provide evidence they qualify for the free/reduced lunch program. The motion carried.

CVPA REPORT: Manny was not present to give a report. Vicki shared with the group that one player will be moved to another team due to circumstances centered around behavior with other players outside of AYSO and the players can not be on the same team.

U5 REPORT: Kelsey and Aaron attended the U5 session at the conference. Kelsey explained how the U5 Jamboree was organized and how it was different from U6. The biggest difference is that the parents are taking an active role on the field during the "game time." No decision to add U5 for the Fall/Spring 2013-2014 season was made. A definite decision must be made next month in order to advertise the change.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Melissa was not present. Deadline for ordering new uniforms is March 8 in order to have them in time to meet the new U6 teams on April 1. Marc is requesting better quality size 5 balls for the U16-19 teams. He will need 6 new balls for the spring season. Marc and Luke will work with Melissa to get the best ball possible for the most reasonable cost. Purchases are being made through the supply center and only Executive Board members are authorized to purchase supplies. Vicki will verify the list.

ROSE PARADE 2014: AYSO will have a float in the Pasadena Rose Parade and would like each region to sell pins for $5.00 to raise money for the float and celebrate the 50th anniversary year of AYSO. It was decided that we would not do this at this time.

SECTION CONFERENCE: Those who attended obtained valuable information and were thankful for the opportunity to attend. In attendance were Vicki, Joan, Kelsey, Manny, Walt, and Aaron. Next year the venue will move to The Rio in Las Vegas and have a lot more classes scheduled. Regions are encouraged to send more members next year.

FIELDS REPORT: Luke, Mike and Vicki will be meeting with the district office to discuss the improvements of the fields. Luke has drawn out maps and charted sizes of proposed fields for the next season. Irrigation will be considered for the summer with the purchase of water cannons. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Walt that we increase the size of Field B. The motion carried unanimously. Vicki reminds everyone that this is a several phase project and we will not be completing everything at once.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Mike Middleton, Manny Hur, Elaine Markley, Marc Betz, Erica Lerch-Griffin, Kelsey Walker, Gibby Reynolds, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Vicki Guenther, Walt Mahaffee

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby researched the purchase of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to have at the Safety Station during games each Saturday. There are no specific guidelines from National AYSO and no specific training is required but encouraged. He reported that there are 365,000 deaths due to heart failure nation wide each year and 50,000 are preventable. After a brief discussion it was moved by Gibby and seconded by Luke that we purchase an AED subject to the availability of approximately $1500 in the budget. The motion passed unanimously. Gibby will check with Joan about funds and then order the AED so it will be here for the first game in the spring.

TEAM MANAGER DISCUSSION: A discussion centered on the new responsibilities of the Team Manager (formerly the Team Parent) for the 2013-2014 season. Each Team Manager will need to take the Safe Haven course on line prior to assuming the responsibilities of this volunteer job. The rationale behind the change was twofold: 1) Reduce the burden on coaches to do administrative chores so they can focus on teaching skills and strategies of the game 2) Create a better tracking and utilization of volunteer resources. We are hoping that the philosophy of "Many hands make for light work" will be divided by our 110 Team Managers. Additional information will be found in the spring newsletter and on line.

TREASURER REPORT: None. Joan was absent.

NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Melissa would like to have all Spring newsletter articles to her by March 1, 2013. She is also seeking a replacement so she can concentrate on her new Board position as the Equipment Manager. Please get articles to her on time!

CAMP COORDINATOR: We are still seeking a Camp Coordinator. Elaine suggested that Vicki contact families who have attended AYSO Camps as a starting point. She will contact the volunteer who arranged housing for the coaching staff last summer, hoping she would like to continue this volunteer role.

JANUARY RETREAT: Notes and action items from the January retreat held January 12 2013 from 9:00am-4:00pm will be sorted and distributed at a later date. The monthly meeting held tonight was brief due to the amount of time the Board spent on Region 149 business the previous weekend. Vicki expressed her appreciation to those who were able to attend.

OPEN REGISTRATION FOR SPRING: All coaches received a roster and directions to contact all players/families to see if they plan to play in the Spring 2013 season. They are due back to the Division Coordinators at the end of January. It appears that there are few openings so on-line registration will take place beginning February 1, 2013. Luke will put the information on the website and Rich will open the window of registration beginning Feb. 1. New teams will be formed in U6 ONLY if there are more registered players than we have openings. Elaine will advertise the information in the Gazette Times, the radio and the local schools.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, February 21 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15pm.

Respectively Submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

JANUARY 12, 2013

Attendees: Joan Reukauf, Luke Cotton, Gibby Reynolds, Aaron Rock, John Williams, Marc Betz, Andy Ungerer, Walt Mahaffee, April Spehar, Kelsey Walker, Manny Hur, Melissa Edwards, Elaine Markley

Thank you so much to Elaine and Joan for setting up and providing wonderful snacks, beverages and lunch!

Please note that much of the meeting I forgot to take notes or they were very sketchy. Those of you that attended please feel free to add more information or additional items for anything I've missed.

John brought up the need for game cards to be completely and accurately filled out by refs particularly in the fall. Spring scheduling is done by separating the divisions in two halves so the games are better balanced. That separation is based on the information taken off the game cards, incomplete cards make that very difficult. Walt will address that with refs.

Breakout Sessions:

Re-purpose Team Parent - Team Manager: Marc, April, Walt, Andy

This group focused on working out details to repurpose the team parent position into the Team Manager position. The idea is that Team Manager would take the "managerial duties" away from the coach and truly run the team. Marc has drafted a Corvallis Team Manager Page (also attached) that will be posted on our website after we approve it and notify current team parents and coaches of the changes. Erica is working on an article for the newsletter addressing this change.


  • Responsible for all team communication
  • Insures volunteer position filled and commitments met
    • Send weekly reminders
    • Get assignments from volunteers
  • Must be present at games but practices optional


  • Develop web voice over training
  • Explore Shutterfly for utility in helping with team management
  • They are welcome to distribute responsibilities to other parents but they are our primary contact


  • Lead volunteer on roster / teams formed around TM
  • Preferred practice location
  • The thanks of the referee administrator, coach admin and board


  • Newsletter
  • Website
  • Email to current team parents and coaches
  • Registration folder
  • Annual meeting


  • Need to reduce the burden on coaches since their training requirements are increasing
  • Improve the efficacy of the volunteer base

Items to follow up: Region specific video download for training, develop training process

Board Recruitment: Joan, Kelsey, Vicki

This group focused on various ways to recruit for the board members, but also touched briefly on recruitment for other positions

  • Positive and Proactive
  • List of long term team parents to pull from for board positions
  • Face to face on fields, all current board members, same fields multiple weeks (on duty?)
    • Who I am, What I do, Humanize the positions, Connect
    • Why do you volunteer, favorite moments etc.
  • Traditional forms to continue, Newsletters, fall meeting, website
  • Use of Facebook for emergency recruitment only
  • Personal, names to faces more likely to follow through

Follow through with Thank You's

  • Kudos on Facebook
  • Volunteer of the week parking spot, 3 categories, Coach/Assist Coach, Ref/Assist Ref, Team Manager
  • Newsletter years of service and thanks
  • All Board end of year Photo with Thank You (Some fun photo idea conveying our thanks for website and e-mailed to volunteers)

Step by Step:

  • Introduce self and what you do – name tags kept at fields
  • How's it going? Get conversation going, LISTEN (Perhaps assign teams)
  • Follow up on suggestions
  • Always get contact info
  • Testimonials

Fields: John, Gibby, Luke, Aaron

Luke reported on improvements that have been made to the fields. We are going to watch the progress to see if we want to continue having improvements made by the same company annually. Outlined upcoming tasks and ongoing annual maintenance and changes.

  • Fields Task List
  • Watering plan proposal (early April)(started)
  • Field Repair (aerating)(mid April)
  • Install pipe and fill burn lines (mid May)
  • Set new field sizes and burn field marking guides (corners) and sink corner stakes (late Aug)
  • Rethink deal related to annual donation to 509j

Luke mentioned the roofs for the Brown and Blue sheds will need to be replaced soon. Vicki will e-mail area troops to see if any Scouts are interested in taking on the project for Eagle.

Guest Speaker: Keith Underdahl is the AYSO Area Tournament Coordinator. He is currently setting up a tournament that will be in the Albany/Lebanon area in June. It will be open to all regions interested. He will be drafting an article to go in the spring newsletter and will send that to us early to mid February. Vicki will forward that information to the board when she gets it.

2013/2014 Fees

Discussion on fees, currently cost per player is significantly above $55. Will remain higher due to increased spending to maintain and improve fields. Moved by Luke and seconded by Walt to place fees at $65 for 2013/14, motion passed unanimously.

Discussion on Scholarship fees, plan to hold at current rate $15, recommendation to raise. Will revisit vote pending info on numbers of players we currently support vs number we would be able to provide scholarships for at the new rate for players.

U-5 Program: Vicki was strongly encouraged by National to include the U5 program. Didn't have on-line ability at the meeting so was not able to show complete information. There was concern that we would not have proper field space, Luke, John and Walt felt we probably do have adequate space. Would need to know program specifics to know exactly. Would need to increase our coach certification levels. Master coaches are preferred to run the U5 programs, but not required. John will follow up and find out more information about U5 and look into what will be needed to start the program. Will also contact his son-in-law about possibly running the program. We would also like to make sure that one attendee to the Section 2/9 conference will champion the u5 program and attend those classes.

Fall Parent Meeting Discussion: talked about the benefits of having the meeting moved back to all one evening. Locations discussed, our fields or possibly going back to LaSells. Cost for LaSells seems to be prohibitive. Fields difficult for hearing/attention. CHS our best option currently which necessitates a two evening commitment.

Based on above, the discussion moved to content of Fall Meeting. Move U08 and U12/14 to first night, U6 and U10 to second. Tailor each meeting to fit group, ie 1st time parent information not necessarily beneficial to U12/U14. Have completely different format allowing teams to organize in advance, make attendance optional for older divisions, have a separate smaller meeting for those new to the area or AYSO with general info (all same evening). Benefits of reducing the size of meeting for older age groups vs loss of contact with parents discussed. The idea is that having a Team Manager would enable that procedure to work.

We would like to be able to have multiple computers at fall team meeting to facilitate speedy volunteer registration. Elaine will check with CHS for WiFi. If none available we'll check with Verizon on hotspot rental. Belief is that it would be approximately a $35 rental for 1 month.

Plan to continue ball sales at fall meeting. Decrease the number of size 5, increase the number of size 4 offered. Customers would like to see other colors than Duck colors, will need to check availability of quality balls at good prices. Last year we were able to get them at a special discount, colors weren't an option. Melissa will see what is available May/June.

Team Formation: Open to coaches and all others interested. Create a partial blind system beginning with Team Manager, then Coach, Refs, etc . April and Andy will continue with developing that system.

From October minutes: A note will be drafted by Walt to put in the January letter to the teams of the 26 volunteers who did not fulfill their obligation as a referee for that team. It was suggested that Walt summarize his report and include that in the Spring newsletter to make all Region 149 families aware of the volunteer obligation that is not being fulfilled and why there are games where there isn't a referee.

Vicki explained her reasoning in making the decision not to include that note to the coaches. Walt agreed that it was fairly harsh and did not target the audience we need to reach with that information. Walt has created an excellent table explaining the numbers of refs we have, should have, numbers that do minimum games and numbers that fill in large quantities of extra games. We discussed the reasons that referees are not showing up for games or not signing up in the first place. Reasons varied from work related issues to I just don't want to. Elaine suggested that board members each take a few refs that have volunteered in that position and then never have shown up and call them. Using a positive/proactive method and asking what we can do to help them. How can we make it possible for them to actually ref the games .

Melissa will be placing the order for custom balls for the region before Jan 31st. Luke would like to change how we run the U6 program and so requested that we order balls for the fields rather than teams and will be working out a check out/return system for U6. 2 Sets of 10 balls with bag and cones for each field for the teams to practice with since they don't have practice in between Saturdays. This will make future years less expensive in ordering balls and should cover the cost of having UK International come in and run U6 clinics.

Discussion about ordering Blades/Banners that would identify fields and have Kid's Zone information on them. Melissa? will look into custom Blades/Banners. Sorry, question mark because I can't remember who offered to research that.

Walt will be holding spring ref training. Dates to be determined after Section Conference. John W requested that part of that training cover properly filling out game cards.

There has been some indication of club recruiting during games that is done in a very negative way. Negative comments about AYSO parents/coaches during the games. While we understand that both AYSO and club have their place in the community, negative comments will not be tolerated. We will continue to address those issues as they come up. We can not kick them off the fields, but we can ask them to use professional words and behavior.
There was a brief discussion of rebuilding the newsletter to a more exciting (new) format. Will not be for spring. Something we need to look into along with a new editor as Melissa is ready to move fully into her new position.

Board Positions Open:

  • Summer Camp Coordinator
  • Boys Progressive Coordinator
  • Auditor
  • Assistant Commissioner
  • Assistant Coach Administrator
  • Newsletter Editor
  • U5 Coordinator
  • Special Events Coordinator
  • Public Relations
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Division Coordinators Currently U14B, possible U08 or U10B, U12G


EXECUTIVE MEETING: Vicki gathered the Executive Board together to announce that Donna Sattem is resigning as the CVPA and Manny Hur is willing to assume that position. If there were no objections by the Board, Manny would attend the Section Conference to obtain training for the new position. Since Manny was the Assistant Registrar, Rema felt that the Division Coordinators have relieved a lot of the chores that she once did with the use of the eAYSO programs and having an assistant at this time was not as critical as filling the position of CVPA. It was moved and seconded that Manny Hur assume the position of CVPA. The motion carried unanimously. Manny will need to complete a Board application for the records and send that to Elaine for her file.
We will add Assistant Registrar to the Open Board positions.


PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Mike Middleton, April Spehar, Rema Robinson, Elaine Markley, Prem Mathew, Kristi Franisconi, Rich Raleigh, Luke Cotton, Walt Mahaffee, Andy Ungerer, Marc Betz, Joan Reukauf

MINTUES FROM OCTOBER MEETING: It was moved by April and seconded by Andy that the minutes be approved as submitted. The motion carried.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Vicki reported that the RC Training was "incredible!" She was able to network with 33 other Commissioners from all across the United States. A tour of the Score factory was an added bonus, especially since her previous position on the Board was Equipment Manager. She toured the National office as well. Region 149 received a report card for how we are doing as a region. We only had one needs improvement, a few satisfactory and the rest were outstanding. We need to work on the Regional Assessment Program and have different Board members complete sections of the report that pertain to their specific board position rather than having one person do the entire report. Vicki thanked the Board for the opportunity to receive the training and feels it is necessary for all Regional Commissioners.

CVPA REPORT: There was no report.

COACH REPORT: Luke gave a recap of the World Cup 5-a-Side event. 13 teams participated. Registration was done on-line and through email. The largest number of teams came from the U10 division. To reduce the amount of lining for short-sided fields, the field size was slightly bigger than the size we have used in the past. This seemed to work fine and no one seemed to notice any difference! It was suggested that if we were to do this in the fall of 2013 perhaps a pitch should be made at the August team meeting so everyone has a better idea of the event and how much fun it can be. Prem mentioned that it was difficult to sign up not knowing if the games were in the morning or afternoon. The new format had a later start time and extended into the afternoon.

PROGRESSIVE REPORT: Vicki reported that Cindy Preece would no longer be the AYSO Boys Progressive Coordinator. She has taken a position with the Valley Futball Club and therefore there is a conflict of interest between the positions. A new coordinator will be needed before the spring in order to keep the boys program going. We appreciate the energy Cindy put forth in her brief stay with the Board.

INDOOR REPORT: Prem reported that there were 210 players signed up for the program this fall. That is 30 short from last year, which is approximately the same number of players who requested scholarships last year. Scholarships will not be given for this Extra program. The good news is he did not hear any complaints! Prem needs coverage on December 15 since he will be out of the country. Vicki and Luke will represent the Board that day.

REFEREE REPORT: Walt presented a visual report and recommendations to better the referee volunteer pool. Too many referees have to do multiple games that were not assigned to them to fill in for those who did not show up for the assigned game. The youth referee program has been very successful and those volunteers are gaining more confidence all the time. Thanks to Kelsey for her role in encouraging more youths to volunteer. To help keep the cost down, it was suggested that referee uniforms be turned in if the volunteer is not continuing the following season. Lisa Still following the game on Saturday called all the "no show" referee volunteers. Walt will be working with the computer science department at OSU to develop a way to help monitor and manage referee volunteers. A note will be drafted by Walt to put in the January letter to the teams of the 26 volunteers who did not fulfill their obligation as a referee for that team. It was suggested that Walt summarize his report and include that in the Spring newsletter to make all Region 149 families aware of the volunteer obligation that is not being fulfilled and why there are games where there isn't a referee.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: Vicki reported that Mike Wilmert could no longer fulfill the position as Assistant Commissioner due to family obligations. We will miss Mike's insight and forward thinking and hope to see him on the fields in a lesser capacity for Region 149. It was suggested we add a Board position to catch the younger generation who are using Facebook and Twitter in addition to the more traditional ways to communicate through social media.
-Assistant Commissioner
-Boys Progressive Coordinator
-Volunteer Coordinator
-Assistant Coach Administrator
-Special Events Coordinator (5-a-Side)
-Summer Camp Coordinator
-Division Coordinators

FIELDS REPORT: In an Executive Board meeting held on November 14, Luke presented the bid proposal for renovation/maintenance of the fields at Adams. The bid is from Pacific Sports Turf for $10,304 to aerating defined playing surfaces of all fields, slit seed the most used portions of the fields, add 800 pounds of winter blend seed, apply 2300 pounds of ammonium sulfate, and apply 11.8 tons of fertilized lime using a spreader that will not damage the fields during the wet conditions. This renovation process should be repeated approximately every three years. Elaine moved and Walt seconded the motion that we approve this bid and move forward with the improvements as soon as possible. The motion carried unanimously. Work will take place on November 30 if the weather cooperates. Joan will contact the company about payment and Luke will set up a time for the work to be completed. Mike will chain and lock the portable goals together that are on the outer edges of the fields at Adams.

SECTION MEETING: Vicki, Joan, Walt, and Todd will attend the meeting. These Board members need to get together to finalize the travel plans and register for the meeting.

REQUEST FROM ANDY: Andy received a phone call from a former Region 149 volunteer who is in Costa Rica. He is hoping our region could help with donations of used soccer balls for children in that country. There is another family joining him and could take the donations with him. Andy will go to the shed and select some soccer balls to donate to the children in Costa Rica.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Joan presented a written report of the finances. Joan will be looking at the long range fields funds and make sure there are available to pay for improvements to the fields at Adams. The Adult League that exists from our region has an account separate from the players Region 149. Vicki found out that the Commissioner can close the account and the money can be donated to Region 149. Marc and Vicki will coordinate the forms and get that account closed.

JANUARY RETREAT: The two dates that are being considered for the retreat at Grand Oaks recreation room are Saturday, January 5 or 12. Luke will prepare a survey and all Board members should indicate when they could attend. If you have specific agenda items please get them to Vicki as soon as possible.

DECEMBER DINNER: We will enjoy our December meeting at Rich's home on the 18th. Use the survey that will be send out to indicate what potluck item you will bring to supplement the meal. If there is any pending business for December, it will be done at the dinner.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, January 17 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building unless it is determined that we do not need this meeting after the Board retreat.

Respectively submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Walt Mahaffee, Andy Ungerer, Kelsey Walker, Luke Cotton, Rich Raleigh, Todd Moss, Erin Harrington, Elaine Markley, Aaron Rock, Mike Wilmert, Joan Reukauf, Marc Betz, Brent Pawlowski

MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER: It was moved by Walt and seconded by Luke that the minutes for the September 20, 2012 meeting be approved with the edit that Rema Robinson was present. The motion carried unanimously.

5-A-SIDE: Elaine reported that she tallied the registration forms for the 5-a-Side scheduled for October 21 and there were very few teams in each of the divisions and the individuals were scattered throughout the divisions so a team could not be formed from those interested players. She will notify the coaches and individuals to pick up their registration fee at the Safety Station before the fall season ends. Luke proposed a 5-a-Side concept that he is doing for a school project. It would be called The Corvallis World Cup. The target date would be November 4. There would be a higher cost for each team and the proceeds would go towards the fields improvement fund. He feels that better publicity will be the key to getting players interested. Mike Wilmert moved to support this endeavor and Walt seconded the motion. The motion carried.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan presented the report for the past month. There were some questions about the amount budgeted for certain line items that Joan will discuss with George Looney, our former Treasurer. National AYSO sets the categories and each Region must comply with using those categories for expenses. We will be sending as many interested Board members to the Section conference in Las Vegas February 15-17, 2013 that we can afford based on the budget. Vicki needs to know the names of any Board member who wants to attend and write a short summary as to why you should be allowed to attend. This needs to be done immediately so reservations for air travel and conference registration can be taken care of. Luke ordered new corner flags. Elaine suggested that Progressive Soccer teams use the old ones so they have their own equipment and wouldn't need to have a key for the equipment shed.

ADULT SOCCER REGION: Marc would like to find out what needs to be done to dissolve the Adult Soccer Region that was started years ago. At this time, he is listed as the Commissioner and Joan would be considered the Treasurer. He said that Vicki was listed as the Safety Coordinator. Vicki will take this issue to the Commissioner Training in November and find out what happens to the money in the account.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING: Luke explained the purpose of the "memo of understanding" that was drafted for the Corvallis School District. This document stays with the district and provides guidelines to what has been agreed upon. Both Elaine and Rich feel that this document and the maintenance agreement need to be read by a legal expert before anyone signs anything. Vicki will take the documents to the Commissioner Training and have the legal authority for National AYSO look over the documents for us.
Luke felt the maintenance agreement needs to be improved.

NEW BOARD MEMBER: Aaron Rock was present at the Board meeting and has applied for the position of Assistant Referee Administrator. Aaron has been a referee with our region since 2005 but due to a knee injury, he is no longer able to actively referee. As we all know, there are many details that need to be attended to other than running up and down the field and he feels he can assist the referee program in many ways. It was moved by Walt and seconded by Elaine that Aaron Rock become the new Assistant Referee Administrator. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome Aaron

PROGRESSIVE GAMES: Elaine brought up the fact that there was no one cleaning up the fields the past Saturday after a Progressive game and wanted to know who is in charge of making sure the equipment is stored and port-a-pots are locked. She will send out the Closing the Fields document to all Board members so they all know know what is to be done at the end of each soccer event if you are the last one there. The document is located at the field in the front of the Board member mail box in the Safety Station, in the white metal first aid cabinet in the brown equipment shed and hanging on the shelf in the blue referee shed for everyone to read if they are the last one at the field. Vicki will check with Cindy Preece and John Williams to see how they are handling this as the Progressive Coordinators.

FLYER REQUEST: The Corvallis Aquatic Team (CAT) requested that a half sheet flyer be placed on car windshields at the field on Saturday. Vicki will report back to them that they are not to do this and go through the proper channels at the school to distribute registration information just like AYSO does!

SOCCER YOUTH CHALLENGE: Brent Pawlowksi wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the soccer challenge coming up Oct. 27 and answer any questions that Board members may have. Registration will take place at the Safety Station. He will bring additional flyers to have available to sign up.

SAFE HAVEN TRAINING: All Board members who have not completed the Safe Haven training on-line need to do that sooner than later. It takes approximately 45 minutes if you start and finish without interruptions! Once you hit submit, it is recorded in the National data base.

BIRTH YEAR CHART: Vicki has suggested to Luke to include a birth year chart on the front of our website so people are not registering children who are too young. She would like it to say that they can register "…if child is born between _____ and _____" changing the dates with each new season. Then have a "see chart below for age divisions." Our region does have a field that pops up that says "player is too young" but people still register. Walt suggested that we change the field so it blocks them from going any further if they are too young.

DECEMBER MEETING: Rich and Nancy Raleigh are again opening their home to host the December dinner meeting. Everyone should check their calendars to see which day might work best for them. This meeting is a potluck affair and spouse/significant others are welcome to attend. Vicki will ask either Gibby or Luke to create a Doodle Poll when possible dates are submitted to Vicki. Carpools will be formed when we know the date and who can attend.

BOARD MEMBERS AT THE FIELD: Thanks Gibby for putting together the chart for tracking when Board members are at the field. It is very helpful and allows us to see where we have open spots throughout the day. If it is raining and you want to stay dry while wearing your Board member jacket, just put a light weight raincoat under the maroon jacket and you will solve your problem of getting wet

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 29. There are five Thursday's in the month of November and Vicki will be back from her training by then. Please mark your calendar with this change. The meeting will be held at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Walt Mahaffee, Kelsey Walker, Mike Wilmert, Elaine Markley, Mike Middleton, Prem Mathew, Gibby Reynolds, Daniel Haak, April Spehar, Connie Buddingh, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Rich Raleigh, Joan Reukauf, Todd Moss, Vicki Guenther, Jayce Guenther, Erin Harrington, Rema Robinson

SPECIAL GUEST: Jayce Guenther came to share with the Board that his Eagle Scout project for the coordination of the new safety station is now complete and he needed to have the final papers signed. His primary responsibilities were to secure in kind donations and discount prices on goods and materials needed to complete the project. There was good community support for project. Region 149 purchased the Tuff Shed to be placed on the concrete slab that was prepared by Jayce and his work crew. Jayce will write a summary of the project, listing the community sponsors for our next newsletter and submit that to Elaine. Thank you Jayce for thinking of Region 149 for your Eagle Scout projectJ

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: In an Executive Board member email communication it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Mike Wilmert that Erica Lerch-Griffin become our new Team Parent Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Elaine nominated Todd Moss as the Assistant Trusted Data Manager and Daniel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. All Board members had an opportunity to read the applicants application prior to the vote. Both Erica and Todd have already jumped right in and have been performing their duties. Thanks and welcome!

TREASURER REPORT: Joan changed the look of the financial statement, primarily on the last page, creating a budget comparison. By January Joan would like to have a fields budget to help prepare for the following year. Mike Middleton will be working on that document.

COACH REPORT: Luke reported that there have been two coach-training sessions (one in August and one in September). Luke has informed all coaches who have not completed the necessary training that they have a specific deadline to complete this in order to continue to coach. There will be additional training in April. After some discussion about the process of getting all coaches properly trained, it was decided that an "intent to complete" form will be developed for coaches to work toward completion of missing pieces of training. All coaches must have Safe Haven in order to be at a practice with children. Luke will prepare a flyer on "how to complete" the necessary training and will be speaking to the 22 coaches that are missing parts of the training. Connie Buddingh announced she plans to step down as the Assistant Coach Administrator. She has contacted another Board member about taking her place but no application has been received at this time. We would like to thank Connie for all the energy she has put forth in our region not only as a Coach Administrator but as the Message Center Coordinator. She thanked the Board for the opportunity to be a part of the Board and the chance to grow as a person.

CVPA REPORT: There was no report.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: The coach shirts should arrive in time for the September 22 game. They will be distributed from the safety station.

5-A-SIDE REPORT: Ariel was not present but the registration for 5-A-Side should be October 6 and 13 with the games being played on Oct. 21.

INDOOR SOCCER REPORT: Prem has worked with the Indoor Sports Park to identify the player cost this year. After some discussion, it was agreed that on all information about indoor soccer, we must advertise that there are no scholarships available for indoor soccer. We must break even on this and it is not fair to have players pay for their own soccer expenses and subsidize those who can not afford the program. It was moved by Daniel and seconded by Elaine that we charge a flat fee of $45 for the indoor soccer program for the 2012 season. The motion carried. We will start advertising on Oct. 29 and registration will take place out of the safety station. Prem will prepare the flyers and the Q and A for the safety volunteers to have. He will inform Albany of the program but priority will be given to current Region 149 players. If a club player wants to play indoor, they must register for the 2012-13 season and pay the full $55 plus the $45 indoor fee. They too will be on a space available list.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that there were no major accidents reported the first week. It was suggested that a form be generated to log incidents that required some type of attention (band aid, nose bleed, scrape, bee sting, etc.) and have that log in the safety notebook for volunteers to document. Gibby will be create a Board member availability sheet electronically to allow everyone to check when they are going to be at the field each Saturday. Please check your game schedule and personal schedule and sign up to be the "official" Board member on duty. Gibby will have the walkie talkie radios at the field each Saturday. One radio will always stay at the safety station and the other 3 can be taken to the fields with the Board members that are present.

FIELDS REPORT: Welcome Mike Middleton to the Board as the Fields Coordinator. Mike has been extremely active in getting Field F ready for the season and has been working with the Corvallis School District to maintain a good working partnership. Since the water cannon seemed to work well to get Field F green in a short period of time, Mike will explore the cost of water cannons and prepare a budget and proposal for the long range plans of the fields. He would like to use fields volunteers to line the fields on an every other week basis in the future. This will be factored into the budget for the cost of paint or chalk. The cost of water for Field F could be as high as $2,000-$3000 but Mike is not sure at this time. Mike Middleton, Mike Wilmert and Luke Cotton have been meeting with the district. A memorandum of understanding with the district is being drafted. It was noted that the principal of Adams Elementary makes the decisions for fields from the rock roadway to the south and the district controls decisions from the roadway north.

REFEREE REPORT: Daniel announced to the Board he will be moving to Reno within the next few weeks. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Mike Wilmert that Walt Mahaffee move into the Referee Administrator position. The motion passed unanimously. Daniel has contacted another volunteer to fill the Assistant Referee Administrator position but no application has been received at this time. It was noted that 1/3 or our trained and scheduled referees are youth volunteers. There are a lot of new referees and therefore a considerable number of uniforms had to be ordered. Elaine suggested that we collect the uniforms from any referee that does not plan to return to cut down on the cost. The mentor program for referees can use more help since many of the mentors are scheduled on the field for games. We wish Daniel the best and thank him for all the hours he has volunteered for the players of Region 149. We will see him in Vegas for the section conference in February.J

MESSAGE PHONE: It was discovered that Pioneer Telephone did not cancel our landline at the end of May and we are still receiving a bill for their service that we are not using. Vicki will contact them immediately to stop the service and see if we can get a discount on our bill.

MINUTES FOR JULY: It was moved by Luke and seconded by Joan that the minutes of the July 19, 2012 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried with a unanimous vote.

EXECTIVE SESSION: Due to the length of the meeting, the Executive Board stayed after to discuss the Commissioner Training that will take place in California November 16-18. Vicki presented the paperwork and costs to our Region. National will support part of the costs to train new Regional Commissioners. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Joan that we send Vicki to the Regional Commissioner training. The motion carried unanimously. We have money in the budget to support this training as well as the section conference in February.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, October 18 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building.

Respectively submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

No Meeting in AUG 2012



PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Cindy Preece, April Spehar, Walt Mahaffee, Marc Betz, Gibby Reynolds, Kelsey Walker, Connie Buddingh, Elaine Markley, Rich Raleigh, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Mike Wilmert, Joan Reukauf, Nichole Stucki, Rema Robinson, Kristin Francisconi, Ariel Johnson, Daniel Haak

AYSO CAMP: Vicki reported that AYSO Camp wanted her to sign a contract for the following year at the conclusion of the June camp. This will be done to secure dates in June and August 2013.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan provided the Board with her first treasurer's report. The uniform and ball order has not been paid at this time since they have not been received. One CD matured and that money was moved to the money market account. It was decided that we will purchase Galaxy soccer balls from SCORE ad charge the families $8 per ball which covers the cost of shipping and handling. Vicki will order 30 size 3 balls, 40 size 4 balls and 20 size 5 balls. Joan will sell the balls at the annual parent meeting in the court yard at CHS. Joan ordered the field liner and it should arrive soon.

CVPA REPORT: Donna was not present but Vicki reported they are investigating an incident that occurred during the AYSO Camp the week of June 25-29. That is all she is able to report at this time.

COACH REPORT: Luke has the coach training dates on the website. They will be the Friday and Saturday after the parent meeting (August 16 and 17) and again September 7 and 8. It was reported that the Safe Haven training is not working according to Walt. Daniel will check into that and alert National there is a problem. Luke reported that the UK training for the coaches at U6 will cost $1680 which is $180 over budget. The coaches would be on the field all day the first and second week of the fall season to work with teams the first 30 minutes of their scheduled time on the field. Any coach is welcome to observe but the training is geared for U6.

REFEREE REPORT: Daniel reported that there are 5-6 volunteers moving up to intermediate level and that Gibby passed the National level course while in Knoxville at the National Games. We have volunteers at our Regional level who can be trainers so we don't have to send anyone out of the area to be trained. Gibby, Kelsey and Daniel represented our Region at National Games and through the assessment procedure, all three were awarded games in the finals..Daniel taught the Advanced Referee course prior to the games. National Games will be coming to the West coast (Torrance, CA) in a year or two and Daniel is hoping we could send a team from Region 149. Each team must do their own fundraising for this tournament. Kelsey will try to get more youth referees signed up for the 2012-13 season and especially try to target females.
Gibby requested that expenses for training for National certification be paid for by the Region. He is asking for the cost of the flight and three days of car rental. It was moved by Daniel and seconded by Mike that we support this request. The motion carried unanimously. Gibby needs to get receipts for expenses to Joan.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby had nothing to report.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Rema reported that there are approximately 1150 players and 80 are in the applicant status. There have been 8 drops at this time. There are very few players in the unassigned status. Good job team formationJ

TEAM FORMATION REPORT: April was seeking clarification on the number of players assigned to the U10B and U8B teams to match the girls divisions. If there are a few extra players that have not been placed, she will contact the coach and see if they are willing to take an extra player. Vicki has ordered one extra uniform for the boys teams so that would not require an additional uniform order. Andy reported that they only division with an odd number of teams is U14G so hopefully they can pick up an extra game with Albany/Lebanon/Sweet Home.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Vicki reported that the uniforms will be delivered to her home between August 1-6. We will have a sorting party on August 13 at 7:00 for anyone who wants to help. We will use trucks from Rich, Connie and Sean (can we use your truck as always?) and any extra will go into either Melissa or Vicki's vehicle. And speaking of Melissa Edwards, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Daniel that Melissa become the new Equipment Manager to replace Vicki. The motion was unanimously carried. At this time Melissa has agreed to continue as the Newsletter Editor as well. Vicki will help in the transition to Melissa on board. Late distribution of uniforms will be September 5 from 6-7pm at the Adams soccer fields. Rich will indicate that on the "sorry" slip given out at the parent meeting.

BOARD MEMBER ROSTER: Rich needs to have a firm list from Vicki confirming all the Board members for Region 149 prior to August 1.

NEWSLETTER ARTICLES: Everyone should submit their Fall newsletter articles to Melissa by July 31 so the letter will be distributed prior to the annual parent meeting. We will be using the 16 page format so articles can be spaced out better for easy reading and more information can be found in the newsletter. Western Oregon Web Press does not print the 12 page version as a rule so it is cheaper to have more pages rather than have them custom the order and waste paper to make things fit. Articles include the following:

  • National Games…Daniel Haak
  • Indoor Program and registration dates…Prem
  • Youth Referees…Kelsey
  • 5-A-Side…Ariel
  • Commissioner Farewell…Aaron Collette
  • Commissioner Report…Vicki and Mike
  • Silent Saturday…Ariel
  • Safety (no jewelry and general tips about casts,etc.) …Gibby
  • Schedule…John
  • At cost soccer balls at annual meeting (cash or checks/no plastic)…Vicki
  • Concession sign-up…Elaine for Nichole
  • Safety…how to sign up (even though Gibby will have a sheet in folder at parent meeting)…Gibby
  • Coach tips/training reminders…Luke
  • Referee clinics…Daniel
  • Picture Day…Elaine
  • How to check your courses/certifications…Use Fall 2011 article … Rich Raleigh
  • Shoe/Equipment Sale…Elaine
  • AYSO Regin 149 Rules…Melissa (check with Andy on numbers of players on each team)
  • Limited Open Registration?????...Rema will there be any?
  • Other?????

PARENT HANDBOOK: Thanks to Luke and Rich for their efforts in revising and editing the parent handbook. There was still some confusion on the registration pages that were discussed. Changes need to go to Luke for final edit. The handbook will be ready for distribution at the parent meeting on August 14-15. Western Oregon Web Press has run it in the past. Last call for any changes to Luke!

ANNUAL PARENT MEETING: Vicki will do a brief introduction of the purpose of the meeting. Kelsey will speak briefly about recruiting youth volunteers to fill referee spots. Elaine will briefly speak about obtaining fields for practice at schools. Other than those three speakers, the remainder of the time is for teams to meet and decide volunteers, practice times, etc. Uniforms will be given out after all volunteer forms are completed. Curbside distribution will be the location for picking up uniforms and equipment. Meeting will be in the CHS gym with bleachers pulled out. The first session is at 6:30 each day so Board members are asked to be there as close to 6:00pm as possible. Tables will be set up for the following Board members:

  • CVPA…4 volunteers needed that are trained
  • Finish Line…Rich, Sean and Mike Wilmert
  • Data Entry…Marc
  • Coach table
  • Referee table
  • Team Formation/ Registrar together
  • Special Events (Shoe Swap) and Concessions together
  • Safety table
  • Greeters/Handbook distribution: Kristin Francisconi's kids
  • Soccer ball sale…Joan in the court yard
  • Changing of team name signs between sessions…Connie

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 16, but this could be changed if we met at the conclusion of the parent meeting on August 15 so we are not bonding for 3 nights in a row!. Stay tuned for an executive decision!

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149