Registration Status Update

We have built teams for fall soccer, we have opened up registration to allow players to register for the openings. After filled, registrations will go to wait list to fill in for dropped players.

Please register your player ASAP, this is first-come first-serve to fill spots
Registration Portal:

Volunteers, can we register?
Yes! Please go ahead and register as a volunteer, players of volunteers will get fast tracked / priority placements.

Fall Registration Limited

Outdoor Soccer Registration Fall 2024

- - - - - - - - - - TEAM MENU - - - - - - - - - -
Task Signup

Team Volunteer & Helper Jobs

  • Yearly = Region runs like a School Year, starting on August 1st.
  • Seasonal = Every Fall or Spring Season.
TEAM COACH (One Required) (Age 18+)
  • Yearly Volunteer Registration Required (here)
  • Specific Job Training Required (here)
  • Safe Haven Certification Required (here)
  • Safe Sport Training Required (here)
  • Yearly Concussion Training Required (here)
  • Equipment Provided

This is an individual willing to take the responsibility for organizing a team, arranging team training sessions, coaching during games, and assuring that AYSO philosophies are followed during training & games. Position/Job Manager (Coach Admin.)


ASSISTANT COACH (One Required) (18+)
  • Yearly Volunteer Registration Required (here)
  • Specific Job Training Required (here)
  • Safe Haven Certification Required (here)
  • Safe Sport Training Required (here)
  • Yearly Concussion Training Required (here)
  • Equipment Provided

Individuals willing to take responsibility for assisting the coach during training sessions and games and provide leadership in carrying out AYSO and team philosophies. Position/Job Manager (Coach Admin.)


YOUTH COACH HELPER (Optional) (12+)
  • Yearly Volunteer Registration Required (here)
  • Specific Job Training Required (here)
  • Safe Haven Certification Required (here)
  • Yearly Concussion Training Required (here)
  • Equipment Provided

Youth willing to help by assisting the coach during training sessions and provide leadership in carrying out AYSO and team philosophies. A registered adult manager, referee, or coach must be present at all training sessions with a youth helper. Position/Job Manager (Coach Admin.)


REFEREE (Two Required) (12+) (Kinder - 2nd grade the ref is a coach)
  • Yearly Volunteer Registration Required (here)
  • Specific Job Training Required (here)
  • Safe Haven Certification Required (here)
  • Safe Sport Training Required (here)
  • Yearly Concussion Training Required (here)
  • Equipment Provided
  • No Soccer Experience Needed

3rd grade & up - You signup for an assignment w/ a division that fits your experience and training. Your commitment involves 1 game per week in the fall and spring, or an equivalent number of games per season for each child you are representing (you can ref your child's game). Trading game assignments and getting substitutes are OK as long both referees fulfill their game count commitment. Position/Job Manager (Referee Admin.)


TEAM HELPER (Multiple/All Other Parents On Team)
  • Seasonal Scheduling Signup Required (here)
    • Signup for at least one spot/shift per player per season.
  • No Soccer Experience Needed

Events Helper (18+): helps with miscellaneous jobs such as the Soccer Equipment Sale (Shoe Swap) the first Saturday of the season, or any other special events as they arise.

Concessions Helper (18+): helps on game day at the concession stand for an hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper. Position/Job Manager (Concessions Coord.)

Safety Helper (16+): helps operate the Safety/Information station on game day, answer questions about game day, general operations, and keep first aid supplies and forms in order for an hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper. Position/Job Manager (Safety Coord.)

Opening Helper (16+): helps set out equipment for use during the game day, checks fields, and could do other field tasks (like lining fields, helping with nets, etc.). On-the-job training will be provided. Position/Job Manager (Safety Coord.)

Fields Helper (16+): helps maintain and improve the soccer fields at practice and game areas. The field helpers are responsible for field lining, preseason set up, post season take down, opening and closing on game day, and other field maintenance tasks. Field lining slots are anytime Thursday afternoon through Friday evening. Learn more about Field Reline and Marking work (here).  Position/Job Manager (Fields Coord.)


  • Board Position Application (here)
  • Yearly Volunteer Registration Required (here)
  • Safe Haven Certification Required (here)
  • Board Job Training Required (ask)
  • No Soccer Experience Needed

Board Members help manage the region. Communication skills are important for every Board position, but the variety of roles allow for choices that can utilize your strengths. You can find the open board positions and job descriptions (here). Board Members are managed by the Regional Commissioner. (Contact the Commissioner)



The AYSO Board hopes everyone will find an assignment that they can and will fulfill. Everyone should make it fun for himself or herself! Every player needs to have a position filled for his/her team. If parents are not available, older AYSO siblings are encouraged to referee and can enjoy being a volunteer.