Spring Registration Limited

Spring Outdoor Rec Registration

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Board Minutes Archive - MY2016

Jun 2017

No board meeting was held on June 15, 2017, Team Formation had a meeting to review Blue Sombrero data and discuss formation strategy.

May 2017


PRESENT: Juan Fernandez, Eric Gleske, Humberto Nation, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Andy Ungerer, Joan Ruekauf, Luke Cotton, Anton Grube, Bob Vingelin

MINUTES FROM APRIL 20 MEETING: It was moved by Toby and seconded by Joan that the minutes be approved with the correction of Chris Jordan’s name rather than Chris Nelson. The motion carried unanimously.

SPRING SEASON SUMMARY: Considering all the weather issues, field closures and changes in program levels, the consensus was the season was a success. The Eagle Scout project to collect used equipment and jerseys is ongoing. It was suggested the scout move to the hub of the field to become more visible. Please be sure he does not collect coach gear that needs to be turned in the last Saturday of the season! For coach appreciation, each coach will receive "coach bucks" when they turn in their equipment to be used at the concession stand. Summer camps will run one per month in June, July and August. Registration will close on June 10. Nets will stay on the goal post for the time being and will be removed at a later date.

Spring Takeways : We need to continue to have better "in person" communication with the Spanish speaking community. Juan has a contact at Lincoln Elementary that can assist with this. There was confusion on the new age/division breakdowns. Cases will be discussed with players especially in 15U. Volunteer sign up needs to be tracked better for the fall with the help of the Team Manager to make sure all volunteers are signing up for their 2 hour shift in the fall and in the spring. The new players in the spring tend to not sign up due to lack of clear expectations. There are 59 scholarships remaining after the two weekends of registration. There will be another on site registration at the field on May 25 from 5;00-6:30pm Credit cards will be the acceptable way to pay. EXTRA will pay $100 to register and that will be done on-line this year through Blue Sombrero. Team Manager communication was poor this spring. Improvements will be made for fall. Yard signs were a plus to advertise registration. Board members can take signs and place them in areas throughout the city but are responsible for picking them up by June 10. The quality of balls seemed to be good this year. Eric would like to order hats and T-shirts for coaches for next year.

BOARD MEMBER POSITIONS: A number of Board position applications were reviewed and discussed. The following were voted unanimously to serve in the following positions:

  • Registrar: Andy Ungerer
  • Referee Administrator: Chris Jordan
  • Director of Youth Engagement: Joe McVeety
  • Referee Instruction: Vince Waterhous
  • Youth Referee Support: Amy McVeety
  • Safety Director: Toby Westberry
  • 6U Boys Coordinator: Danny Aynes

Thank you to those who stepped up to help out with our needs. Welcome aboard!

BUDGET REVIEW: Joan presented the budget and issues were discussed and edited. The one issue that is still on the table to discuss, gather more information and make a final decision is the proposal from Luke to purchase a Seiner mower for the Corvallis School District. More information will need to be received from National about liability and proper procedures. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Toby that the MY2017 budget be approved as edited. The motion carried unanimously. Joan will retype the changes and distribute those to the Board.

POLICIES AND PROTOCOLS: Luke will tidy up the policies to reflect the change in the $17.50 refund for those who request to drop from the program. He will modify the 15U and 19U wording for player placement as well.

TEAM FORMATION: Since school is out so late, it was decided to start team formation the 3rd week in June. The number of players in the program may not appear to be accurate with the new Blue Sombrero program so more research will be needed to know who is still in applicant status and how the names of those who paid a scholarship rate will show up in the list of players.

SUMMER PLANNING: Andy, Luke and Joan will get together and develop a new "refund request form."

  • Arianne needs to develop an Equipment/Uniform ordering form for standardization.
  • Chris and Eric will get together and develop a clear practice and rainout policy, practice policy and build out line clarifications.
  • Other items that will be considered during the summer are: cost per player breakdown pie chart, Spanish communication, volunteer sign ups, Board position advertising, team formation, identifying key volunteers for team formation.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be June 15 at 7:15pm. The location is to be announced.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

Apr 2017


PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Juan Fernandez, Humberto Nation, Anton Grube, Christopher Jordan, Eric Gleske, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Andy Ungerer

VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DAYS: Team Manager Appreciation will be April 22. Luke will email coaches to remind them to thank their team managers for all they do for the team. It was reported that Tori Amato will no longer be serving as the Team Manager Coordinator. Elaine will pick up the pieces until a new Board member is identified. May 6 will be Referee appreciation and May 20 will be Coach appreciation day. Luke will give tickets to Referees to use at the concession stand as a token of appreciation. The Board will not give any monetary gifts to the Team Manager or Coaches. The team can do something if they would like to.

WEATHER AND PRACTICES: The majority of fields are closed at the Corvallis schools. Because we have a policy to cancel practice when over half the fields are closed, Luke will continue to monitor the situation and post cancellation notices on the website each day. The Adams fields are not closed, but the but decided to not allow practices to save them for the games. The EXTRA teams and the U14 teams are going to be allowed to practice since they play against other Regions that are practicing and they have an unfair advantage when we have interplay.

RANDOM ISSUES: Luke will put the No Parking signs out with the rope connecting them in the area by the Western View Center to keep people from parking on the grass. More information will be given on the “build out line” to clarify concerns. Silent Saturday has been cancelled for this spring due to the weather conditions and teams not being able to practice. Coaches need to be communicating with their players. Corvallis Soccer Club wants a tent on the field to advertise. It was decided ONE Saturday will be allowed but that is all.

PLAYER EVALUATION: Since we are transitioning from eAYSO to Blue Sombrero the coach evaluations will be done manually. Luke will draft a message about this. Data is still needed to created balanced teams. Eric will continue to remind coaches this is coming. Coaches can either email the evaluations or put them in the Safety Station when they turn in their goalie jerseys and pinnies on May 20.

BOARD POSITIONS OPEN: The following Board positions are currently open and all Board members need to be talking to parents about joining the fun. Positions that need filling are: Team Manager Coordinator, Safety Director, Registrar, Shoe Swap Coordinator, Summer Camp Coordinator, Fields Coordinator, Assistant Fields Coordinator, U6B Coordinator.

BOARD MEMBER APPLICATIONS: Due to the lack of time for discussion of Board applications, the positions of Referee Administrator, Referee Instructor, Safety Director, Director of Youth Engagement and Registrar have been received and will be reviewed at the May meeting.

REGISTRATION: We will be at Adams gym and computer lab May 6 and 13 from 9:00am-2;00pm helping people register. Elaine will recruit 3-4 Spanish speaking students every hour and one half to help with those who need translation and general help on the computer. It was decided that all players, regardless of their division, will pay $80. Scholarship qualifiers will pay $35 but must produce either a letter from the schools showing eligibility for free/reduced lunch, an Oregon Trail food stamp card or OHP insurance card to qualify. A half page form will be filled out and a sticker will be placed on the form showing the number of the scholarship. We have budgeted 175 scholarship for MY2017-18. Elaine will make 175 stickers so we can keep an accurate count of how many scholarships have been awarded. Board members are asked to be in the gym and/or computer lab as much as they can on the 6th and 13th. Toby will be gone May 6. Elaine and Joan will be gone May 13. All payment will be done online with a credit card unless the player is seeking a scholarship. Cash or a check can be paid in the gym after then have completed the online registration. Joan will keep a running spreadsheet of those who pay in the gym rather than online. Luke will bring some laptops for the gym. We may have another date to assist families but it will be at the shed rather than Adams.

MINUTES: It was moved by Toby and seconded by Eric the minutes from the March 16 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled meeting will be May 18 at 7:15pm at the Western View Center, unless we hear otherwise.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

Mar 2017


PRESENT: Anton Grube, John Williams, Arianne Custer, Juan Fernandez, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Humberto Nation, Toby Westberry, Eric Gleske, Dan Stevens, Kelsey Walker, Marty Hernandez, Elaine Markley

BOARD POSITIONS: Luke Cotton submitted an application for the position of Commissioner of Region 149 for a 3-year term. Luke has been involved in Region 149 since he was a player. He is currently acting in a variety of Board positions until replacements can be found. After discussing the importance of having open filled and allowing the Commissioner to focus on that job, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Eric that we accept Luke Cotton as Commissioner. The vote carried unanimously. Assistant Commissioners Anton and Leanne will be meeting with Luke to outline the Executive strategies and divide the responsibilities.

SPRING SEASON: At this date, no one knows if they have been placed on a team. Eric will start sending out emails to coaches to get them prepared for the spring season. It appears there will be an odd number of teams in U6B. If that remains, Eric volunteered to contact the coach of the teams who have the "bye" and explain how their field time will look without an opponent. There is need for another coach for the U19 since there are 45 registered players. Dan Stevens volunteered to coach the second team. Eric will call the coach of the U14B Rebels to get the names of the dropped players. The new field assignments will be posted on the website. Luke will see that we have larger size maps for the referee station, safety station and the main gate. Elaine can get them laminated.

CVPA: Toby is starting to get volunteer information. He will be at the Safety station on April 8 to check ID.

NEW TEAMS: The final decision of how many teams must be made by March 19 so John can complete the schedule. Arianne needs to know what uniforms need to be ordered by March 22.

VOLUNTEER SIGN UP: Luke has combined the Safety, Concession, Shoe Sale and Field Volunteer sign up into one "game day" sign up. It is the hope that there will be a way to list "extra" volunteers who can be contacted if a replacement is needed. The coordinators of these volunteer jobs will have the ability to create lists for the sheds even though Luke was the administrator of the sign up program.

MINI NEWSLETTER: Luke volunteered to put together a "mini" newsletter over spring break to send out to all families. Items of importance are 1) Field map 2) volunteer sign up 3) Rule changes 4) information from coach report 5) Shoe/equipment sale

PORT-A-POTS: Elaine will order the units to be delivered the week of April 3. None of the units will be locked per okay from the Corvallis School District. One change will be an oversized/handicapped unit will be placed on the cement right at the entry gate. Two standard units will be on the south end of the U8 fields and one standard unit next to the pickle ball courts.

REFEREE: The online schedule will be available soon. Luke, Walt, Kelsey and Anton will help with the new rule of the build out line. There may be video links identified to help explain this rule. John requested that the referees be trained on how to fill out the game card properly. It is difficult to gather data when the cards are incomplete. Kelsey will be available to help remind referees to turn in their cards at the end of the game and check them before they drop them in the box.

INDOOR: Luke will follow up with Jason to see if there were any glitches.

MEMBERSHIP YEAR: We have an option for setting the membership year by calendar year for a full year or keep it the way it has been. The consensus was to go with the calendar year. Blue Sombrero will have this built into in when players register for MY2017-18.

EXTRA PROGRAM: There will be girl's teams of 5th and 6th graders and another team of 7th and 8th graders competing in Kid Sports. This is a continuation of the fall grouping. Anton will be overseeing the EXTRA program. Bob was not at the meeting to report on the boy's side of EXTRA.

BOARD MEMBERS: Luke asked for a commitment of all Board members for the next season. Boys Team Formation (Juan) will continue as long as there is shared data and he is not left out of the loop. He needs to be in the first loop of information. Girls Team Formation (Andy) will continue but would like to move his role to Registrar and find someone for team formation. Equipment (Arianne) will continue. Scheduler/EXTRA/Coach trainer (John) will continue in all roles. Assistant Commissioner (Anton) will continue as well as Coach Trainer. Youth Volunteers (Kelsey) will continue as long as her schedule allows. She is waiting to hear about possible responsibilities on campus that might take her away from the field. Concessions (Marty) will continue. Secretary (Elaine) will continue and do the shopping for concessions among other duties. Coach Administrator (Eric) will continue. CVPA (Toby) will continue but expressed an interest in changing roles as needs arise. U19 Coordinator (Humberto) will be able to continue 1-2 more years. Shoe Swap (Shana) is seeking a replacement after this spring. U5 Master Coach (Dan) will continue this spring but is uncertain where he will be in the fall of 2017.

READ ATTACHMENTS: Luke suggested that everyone read the attachments of data and the matrix he has prepared. We will do Safe Haven yearly.

MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY MEETING: It was moved by Anton and seconded by Eric that the minutes from February 21, 2017 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 20 at 7:15 an the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary, AYSO Region 149

Feb 2017


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Tori Amato, Elaine Markley, Humberto Nation, Andy Ungerer, Toby Westberry, Luke Cotton, Mary Cotton

MINUTES: It was moved by Andy and seconded by Toby that the minutes from the January 14, 2017 retreat be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD MEMBERS: As Commissioner, Leanne appointed Luke Cotton as an Assistant Commissioner to take the place of Benjamin Carleski who will be serving on the Area Board only. New bank account signers were identified due to Board position changes. The following Board members are authorized to sign checks: Leanne Henriques (Region 149 Commissioner), Elaine Markley (Region 149 Secretary), Joan Ruekauf (Region 149 Treasurer), Luke Cotton (Region 149 Assistant Commissioner) and Gibby Reynolds (Area Commissioner). New bank cards will need to be signed once Joan gets them from the bank.

LIMITED OPEN REGISTRATION: Leanne reported that she split the lists of Team Managers with Tori and she will help contact any Team Managers who have not reported back with information for openings on their team. Michelle Sparks will not be able to fulfill her role as Assistant Team Manger so we need to all help out Tori with her duties as needed. We will offer online registration starting February 1 and walk in registration on February 9 and February 27. The computer lab will not be open. Luke will bring laptops for use. Spanish speaking students from CHS will be on hand to help out if needed.

EXPO REPORT: Luke and Mary attended the EXPO in Chicago. They came back with a lot of notes that they are sharing with the region. Luke used the remainder of the meeting to go over a power point slide presentation of the ins and outs of Blue Sombrero, which we will be using for the MY2017-18 registration in May. More information is needed, therefore, Andy was given the task of trying to find out the answers to a variety of questions we still have about the program. It appears we can tailor it to our needs, but of course, there isn’t a perfect program that will be 100%. There are other organizations that use Blue Sombrero so it is not a new program to those who have registered for Little League or Boys and Girls Club (Albany). The debate will be whether or not we need to have the registration stations in the gym the first two Saturdays of May. The computer lab will be open for those who do not have a computer. The goal is to have as many people as possible pay on line. The drawback is the cost of the program per registration player is $2.72 per player. Joan will be asked to factor that cost into the registration fee when figuring the budget and report back at the March meeting. The change of birthdates was also mentioned. Luke will run a report of the birthdate and school choices to see the possible impact on balanced teams.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 16 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

JAN 2017


PRESENT: Marti Hernandez, Dan Stevens, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Anton Grube, Mary Cotton, Leanne Henriques, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Bob Vingelen, John Williams, Jason Hower, Kelsey Walker, Walt Mahaffee, Luke Cotton, Joan Reukauf, Arianne Custer, Eric Gleske

MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 2016 MEETING: It was moved by Anton and seconded by Juan that the minutes from the October 26, 2016 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

SEASON IN REVIEW: Working on speed bumps from the 2015 retreat, the following events were cited as positive growth for the Fall 2016 season:
-- Less open spots in the Safety Station
-- More youth referees
-- Better communication with U14 players to referee
-- Flip coin given to youth referees
-- On line scheduling for referees
-- More youth coaches
-- Field realignment, changes in goal sizes and field lining
-- Vandalism resulted in improvements to infrastructure (sheds, etc.)
-- Team balancing seemed good, but data not evaluated yet
-- Less complaints in general
-- Addition of Mary to U5 Coordinator and Picture Day
-- $700 from NW Sports for scholarship fund
-- U8 coach/referee training combined together
-- Combination training gave coaches more information
-- Canceled games at the right time to save them for future games due to weather
-- Arianne's attention to detail with the uniform/equipment orders and inventory to find out what we do not need to order
-- Data flow improved

Speed bumps to work on between now and 2018 retreat:
-- Better communication with Spanish speaking families
-- Photo procedures. Better communication on use of forms. Need flexibility in schedule and not a strict time to report for pictures.
-- Schedule pictures September 23, 2017 when OSU football is away.
-- Weather in Albany was bad and games still were played and Corvallis games canceled.

U5 COORDINATOR REPORT: The addition of Mary as the coordinator has had positive results. Some suggestions Mary has to offer for the future include:
-- Better communication of how to register for first timers
-- Better communication on the role of the parents in U5
-- Better internet access at the fields
-- Don't move the equipment!
-- Fields need to be lined by a volunteer, not the U5 coaches
-- Need a Spanish translator at the field when players are registering
-- Mary has a parent who volunteered to help translate emails
-- Needs the website updated
-- More U5 Coach training to have more Master Coaches
-- Keep numbers at no more than 24 per session
-- Will slide birthdates for spring if they turn 4
-- Need to know who will coach in the fall 2017 for better planning

FIELDS REPORT: Luke prepared copies of the proposed field labeling for the spring to correspond with the age assigned to the field. The old Field A would now be Field 122 which is the second field for U12 players and old Field F would now be Field 121. Because the parents and fans would not see a pattern for the field marking it was suggested that business size cards be printed up with the map on the card indicating the age of the player and what field is assigned to that age group. Luke will get those made and have them available in the Safety Station. Other items discussed were:
-- Develop a plan for consistent volunteers to line fields and to water fields in the summer. Luke, Walt, Toby and Doug will work on this as a subcommittee.
-- Walt said other regions give points for parent helpers
-- EXTRA players could help line fields?
-- Ask district to mow earlier in the week so we are not lining fields at the last minute.
-- Have quality lines!
-- Summer watering: Pay a high school student a stipend at end of summer if job is done properly and consistently
-- Ask professional landscape business to water field and display banner that says “Fields maintained over the summer by…(name of business).
-- Offer a scholarship to high school student upon completion of summer
-- Check with OSU Turf Club
-- Port-a-Pots will remain unlocked per permission of school district.
-- Oversized unit will be placed on the cement by the main gate
-- Gravel will be placed in front of the two units next to the bone yard
-- New field placement will be used in the spring 2017
See PDF file for additional field information provided by Luke.

INTERPLAY: Corvallis does not travel well. Better communication needed to teams who are traveling. U12 teams WILL NOT travel next year. The Newport team appreciated having a home game. Anton volunteered his team to travel to Newport in the spring. The question came up about our U14B teams traveling to Dallas for a game. Certified referees must be provided. At this time, Dallas has not requested that.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan reported we had budgeted 108 scholarships and 138 were awarded. All who received the scholarships had proof of free/reduced lunch. She said if we keep this pace, we must set up a reserve for scholarships or seek sponsorships from outside sources. The button was not turned on last year for registration so we did not get automatic donations when players registered like the previous year. The button will be turned on for MY2017-18! John suggested we send out an email request for direct donations at the end of the calendar year. Anton suggested we look into Amazon Smile for donations. We would need to check with National. Joan proposed we change banks for our field funds to make more interest money. Money is currently with Smith-Barney and there is a $50 fee. She suggests we keep $25,000 liquid which should be enough for 2-3 years and invest $45,000 for 25 months with Willamette Community. It was moved by Anton and seconded by Elaine that we accept Joan's proposal. The motion carried unanimously. The question came up if we can use the interest gained to slide to scholarship funds. No decision was made on this idea. Joan will have details on other budget items next month.

EXTRA PROGRAM REPORT: The side by side tryouts for girls and boys was received well. A set fee for both genders is suggested as is the team size. Bob would like to see a summer only program so there is less overlap with the core program. Summer only is not an option like it used to be. There is a new league forming that might help with this schedule. Bob is seeking coaches who are willing to continue coaching each summer for consistency. On the girls side, John reported the EXTRA girls practice in the summer. At the end of the summer they can decide if they want to play in Kidsports out of Eugene in addition to the core program. John feels these players must stay in core program to keep it alive due to number of players. Jason said we must step back and answer the question of “what need are we trying to fill with EXTRA? Then details of how to build the program will be easier.” Dan feels that open registration is important and the cost remain reasonable since club costs exclude players right away. A subcommittee was formed to discuss options. Those members are: Jason, John, Bob, Anton and Eric. A report will be given at the March meeting.

SCHEDULE: Any new teams that are added need to be named and given to John no later than March 5 so he can build the spring schedule. Additional dates to be added to the calendar are:
-- February 1, 2017 Open Registration begins for Spring 2017
-- February 9, 2017 Limited Open Registration at Adams 5:30-7:00??? Leanne will check
-- February 22, 2017 No NEW TEAMS will be allowed to be formed
-- February 27, 2017 Limited Open Registration at Adams 5:30-7:00??? Leanne will check
-- March 8, 2017 Schedule for spring due
-- March 8, 2017 Volunteer sign ups open for concessions, safety, shoe swap and fields
-- April 8, 2017 First game of spring season
-- April 22, 2017 Team Manager recognition
-- April 29, 2017 Silent Saturday
-- May 6 and May 13 Open Registration for MY2017-18
-- May 20, 2017 Coach recognition
-- May 20, 2017 Last game of Spring 2017 season
-- ???Referee recognition. Luke please let us know which date!

Anton will check with the GT reporter and see if he can get interest on an article to perhaps generate interest and money for scholarship fund. Leanne will reach out to the Valley Newsletter for the same purpose.

TEAM MANAGER: Letters will go out to the Team Manager and the Coach on January 30, 2017 to find out if players are returning for spring 2017. The information is due back to the Team Formation Coordinators by February10. Juan, Kristin, Andy and Leanne will meet to discuss the procedure for new player registration. Due to lack of budgeted funds, NO scholarships are available for spring 2017. Andy and Juan will print out new player forms and get to team manager for the folders.

NEWSLETTER: There are a few changes in team size and rules at U8 that will be printed for a Spring newsletter. Luke and Eric have those changes.

DIVISION SUMMARY: Luke prepared a flow chart with all the information needed for equipment, volunteers, field size, birthdates, etc. that was discussed and some changes were made. The initial draft of the division summary is found in the attached PDF file. A revision will follow from Luke.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: The pre-order for MY2017-18 is due February 15. The quality and number of soccer balls ordered and distributed seemed to be a good fit. Arianne and Leanne will discuss what and how to place the order. New team/spectator signs are coming. Leanne is arranging that. Also lawn type Registration signs are being ordered for Spring and also for Fall/Spring season. They will be slightly different. Leanne is working on that as well.

BLUE SOMBRERO: There are still a lot of unknowns about the new program, but EXPO is offering sessions to learn how to use the program (we hope). Luke does know that it will cost our region more money to use the online payment method. Stay tuned for more information as Board members report back from EXPO.

EXPO: Luke and Mary will attend the EXPO in Chicago. Joan and Anton will be attending the EXPO in Los Vegas for sure. Andy, Dan and Eric might attend and need to decide soon.

PHOTOGRAPHY REPORT: As discussed previously, we will ask for picture day to be September 23, 2017 with September 30 as a makeup date for teams that were off site or could not make the first date. Hearing no major complaints about the photography company, it was moved by Luke and seconded by Anton we sign a 3 year contract with NW Sports Photography to receive additional kickbacks to go directly into the scholarship fund. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD POSITIONS: Leanne's term as Commissioner is up in April and she will not seek re-election. She has decided to step down and fill the role of Assistant Commissioner and Luke has agreed to run for the position of Commissioner. If elected, he will be looking for passionate volunteers to take over the Safety Coordinator and the Referee Administrator positions. He would like to continue to maintain the website, keeping everyone up to date with changing information. The positions are open to anyone, but Leanne has worked hard to fill her vacancy. Over the past three years, Region 149 has been moving forward because of Leanne's leadership and willingness to network with so many different Board members to make sure their jobs are defined and can be carried out to meet the needs of our Region. We appreciate all she has done for so many and isn't leaving us. Thank you Leanne.

2018 RETREAT: Mark your calendars now for the retreat next January 6, 2018. The location is likely to be CPI and we can only hope the weather isn't as cold to freeze the pipes and water will be available for the gathering.

NEXT MEETING: Leanne or Luke will send out a Doodle Poll to see what date works best for our next meeting since we want to have it after Board members have attended EXPO. Results will be shared. The options will be either February 20 or 21 or perhaps wait until March 16. Be sure to fill out the survey when it comes to you. We will meet at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

DEC 2016

No Meeting

NOV 2016

No Meeting


PRESENT: Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Joan Ruekauf, Leanne Henriques, Anton Grube, Jason Hower, Andy Ungerer, Eric Gleske, Luke Cotton, Juan Fernandez

TREASURER'S REPORT/BUDGET: Joan reports that we are doing well with our budget. Fields is getting close since we did receive a water bill from the Corvallis School District, although there is not a date on the bill so it could have been from summer 2015.

MINUTES: It was moved by Eric and seconded by Toby that the minutes for September 15, 2016 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

FIELDS REPORT: Due to the amount of rain over the last week, several fields have been closed for use by the Corvallis School District. At this time, all fields at Linus Pauling and Cheldelin are closed as well as Crystal Lake. This is a first that we cancelled a game in the fall due to inclement weather. Luke submitted the following report via email prior to the meeting. It also includes a section on Incident Reports.

Field Closures
509j has quietly been closing some fields, and it appears they are not notifying some about the closures. I will be working with the district office to see if we can improve notifications about closures.

Overall this season has gone well, with so many changes the parents and players seem to adapt well. We have had some road bumps with field lining, locks, and field equipment. It became evident that we might need to tighten the approach in how we get volunteers to line fields, with some struggling to paint straight lines, and other having their kids do it, we were left with some unfortunate lining s after Doug and a few others did their exceptional work at the beginning of the season. Lock handling has had its ups and downs, with one combination lock disappearing, we are working to improve our education of volunteers handling the locks. While some field equipment getting misplaced or damaged, is an expected scenario, having a U6 goal disappear after the second weekend was troubling. Doug has built a new goal for U8 and helped to replace the flimsy fiberglass goals. We now keep those fiberglass goals as backups, where we had none before.

Sheds & Shelter Project

Current State:

  • All signage, registration, excess uniforms, excess team equipment (first aid, team/coach bag, cones, balls, etc.), fliers, and tools (pens, binders, white boards, paper clips, etc.) are in the safety shed.
  • Excess fields equipment has been recycled or donated (extra chairs, old canopies, old nets, and old line painters).
  • First Aid Cabinet, First Aid Box, AED, and Fire Extinguisher are on the wall near the safety shed exit.
  • Security improvements have been installed.
  • All training equipment, referee uniforms, coach uniforms, and shoe swap items are in the blue shed.
  • All fields equipment for normal weekly use like, U5 equipment, U6 equipment, U8 equipment, referee flags, trash cans, recycle bins, team folders, line painters, paint, team & spectator signs, board parking signs, kid zone signs, Lost & Found, corner flags, Adams field nets, dumpster sign, small ladders, and team info white board are in the brown shed.

Pending Work:

  • Further caulking is needed on both info and concessions sheds (bottom of walls, faced boards, panel joints, & some windows).
  • Brow shed roofing, a temporary 1-2year fix will be put in place once weather permits.
  • The fields storage shed project, this little gem is tough, a discussion with the district and ED Hughes is on the docket to get something started.

Fields Re-Alignment Concept
A group of stakeholders will be having a discussion on 10/22 about adjusting fields, and/or shifting the sizes/locations of old fields. A formal proposal will be provided at the November board meeting.

Brow Shed Roofing
I have not sent out an email requesting help with a final solution on this. I have a temporary solution that can be applied to the main roof, and will be applied when the weather outlook is favorable.

Golf Cart & Other Equipment
Walt has been helping to fix the Golf Cart, there are still some plans in the future that could include this tool, and will be included in a proposal that is being developed for future fields work distribution.

Incident Report
No formal incidents have been submitted, game reports indicate some minor concerns, after follow up, no incidents to report. I have added to the website an option to submit a fillable PDF for an incident report, and added the link in the Coach FAQ.

Leanne read a thank you note from Newport expressing their appreciation for allowing them to host a U14G game there. There was a brief mention about perhaps adding a U12G team from Newport in the future. This is to be continued.

REFEREE REPORT: It was requested by Eric that if Luke has any "remarks" on the player score card, please let Eric know when he is emailing the coach mentioned in the remarks. The following was submitted by Luke prior to the meeting via email:

We continue to cover games, but each week is slim on the games in the afternoon, much of the burden is placed on a few that cover many. Overall the referees have been doing a great job this year, and the mentoring has been bearing fruit as more youth and adults are taking bigger roles. The youth referee count is up this season, and the drop rate is lower, but not ideal. The adult drop rate is low, but many are choosing to stop contributing or not contribute instead of looking for a replacement or indicating the job is not for them. Some U8 teams are working though losses in volunteers, the new program allowing coaches to referee is working out well. We plan to have training over the winter break, the dates and times are TBA, we will be working on a campaign the last week to get referees to consider Intermediate or Advanced training. Only about 50% of the referee budget has been used, compared to the expected 80% at this time in the year. We will be looking toward investments in extra equipment preparing for next year.


  • Each week we serve over 1,100 players, using over 530 registered volunteers, running about 430 games in 7 weeks.
  • 189 of the volunteers indicated they are willing to referee, with 114 for U10+, 34 for U8, 28 for U6, and the remainder are floaters.
  • Each week we ask for about 90 volunteer referees to cover U10+ games, 17 referees to cover U8 games, and 14 referees to cover U6 games.
  • Even with those numbers we continue to have issues to get referees to cover some games. For example, of the 114 referees for U10+, only 102 are actively contributing so far.
  • We have continued issues with game coverage, likely due to the number of teams that somehow passed without referee volunteers.
    • U08B54 Broncos, U08G11 Robins, U12G02 Eclipse, & U14G04 Mercury have no referees indicated.
    • U06G01 Canaries, U06G04 Ladybugs, U10B53 Clippers, U10B54 Cougars, U10B60 Suns, U10B68 Thunder, U10G06 Magic, U10G08 Pacers, U12B58 Seahawks, & U14B54 Rebels are missing one referee of the required two.
    • Of all of the above, I was aware of four teams that talked to me about their issues with getting volunteers.
  • 9 referees are filling multiple team referee spots, and bear the weight of most games.
  • 36 referees are filling multiple positions like coach + referee, this includes the people above.
  • 14 referee volunteers did not get the requirements done or are no longer volunteering.
  • 24 referees have filled the required number of 6 games for this season.
  • Top Contributors: Naomi O. 11 (2 teams), Bob Carleski 10, Litzy B. 9, Jaewoo C. 9 (2 teams), Un-Ku M. 9, & Maranda T. 9 (2 teams)
    • If you see them say thank you!
  • We trained 45 U10+ referees and 49 U8 Ref+Coaches

Youth Volunteers
We have 28 identified Youth Referees, 8 of them are not currently contributing. 46 youth are registered as volunteers, and more work needs to be done to understand why some registered and got trained, but are not volunteering. Joe's Youth Referee of the week program is doing well and going over well, the plan is to reward the volunteers with Gift Certificates (like we did last year) to the Snack Shack.

WEBMASTER REPORT: Luke provided a summary of the website action along with graphs. The graphs will not be documented in the minutes but he can make them available for anyone who wants to see them.

Game schedule online continues to be the most popular page, and it peaks on Saturdays. The most popular documents are the schedule, the region flier, and picture day schedule. Most users are on a Windows PC and using Chrome, but IOS and Safari is next up. Many people search for the site, go to the site from Facebook, and the rest open links from an email.

Webpage Updates
I am always looking for updated information, especially information on special programs or changes in procedures. Updates for Extra, Team Managers, U5, & U19 would be beneficial to ensure the information communicated is accurate. Do you have Frequently Asked Questions? Send the question and answer to me for posting.

I continue to add little things, but Facebook is not my forte, if you can help with monitoring and posting, I would appreciate it.

Newsletter & Soccer Shorts
We did not have a newsletter this year, and we have not had Soccer Shorts Letters, so much of the calendar and events were guessed from the region Google calendar, please email me if you have something coming up. If you expect to have something in the future, you can ask I include it on the website and the region calendar.

CVPA REPORT: Toby reported there was nothing new and the one case that is pending will be closed by the end of the season.

INDOOR SOCCER: Jason wanted to be sure that the registration window was open for anyone who is not currently registered for fall/spring season. Luke will open the eAYSO for Winter and close it on October 30. Teams will be formed after the registration closes for new players. An email blast will go out to all players U8-U19 advertising Indoor and include registration forms and FAQ flyer. Players are encouraged to print the form and bring exact payment this Saturday since we only have one more week to register.

TEAM MANGER REPORT: Tori was not present, but Leanne outlined items that should go in the team email this next week before we end the season.

  • If their team is in need of a referee, now is the time to try to get one for the spring. Training will take place prior to the spring season.
  • In January we will be contacting them to find out which players are not returning in the spring.
  • Remind players to keep their uniforms
  • Remind coaches to keep all extra uniforms
  • Pictures need to go to parents Oct. 29. If parent is not at game, Team Manager needs to make arrangements to get their order to them.
  • If they know their coach or any referees are leaving, let us know.

COACH REPORT: Eric submitted his report via email prior to the meeting.
Things are going more or less swimmingly. I have not been made aware of any major conflicts or concerns, so folks are either keeping me in the dark or have other worries.

Two items have been mentioned to me repeatedly, however: Parking and field sizes. The latter is one in which a few Board members have been having a continuous discussion, and we are meeting this Saturday to discuss in greater depth, in person with the group of concerned person.
Field size is the most common complaint. Field D in particular is far too large for our U12 matches, but the U10 fields are a bit on the large side, too. Our Extra teams play on a different size, and we are larger in general than club fields. Again, there is a meeting of the minds this Saturday to look to the future...

A few U8 Coaches and families have expressed concern about the spacing of the U8 fields, as have some U6 folks. We may need to look to that as well, to allow adequate team/spectator spacing on the back-to-back U8 fields.
The other issue that folks have addressed to me because they see me in my stylish Board Wear is parking. With the addition of U5, and the very packed schedule we have at Adams on Saturdays, it's getting to be a bear, parking-wise. Yes, people on A and B, and the U6 teams, for that matter, can park at the church and walk over, but few do. Most families complaining to me and their teams like to enter and/or exit near the snack shack.
As we address fields, this will impact scheduling, and this will in turn impact parking. I don't have answers, but a few have asked me questions...
Any messaging that needs to get in front of coaches? Let me know.

PICTURES: Leanne reviewed the system with the new photography company. The will be on hand to take the rest of the pictures that were missed on the first weekend. She will publicize how much money was donated to the scholarship fund as a result of purchase of picture packets.

RETREAT: January 14, 2017 is the date for the retreat but the location is TBA. Watch for emails from Leanne about subcommittees that will be formed to work up proposals and ideas prior to the retreat. Topics that have been identified for the retreat are:

  • Water and lining of fields
  • Weather conditions and cancellations

EXPO and NAGM: EXPO will be back in Vegas again this year. Dates are March 2-5. New Board members are encouraged to attend. Leanne will not be attending this year due to a prior commitment that weekend. The NAGM is in Chicago February 17-19. If there are training sessions that apply to our needs, Leanne encourages Board members to attend to receive the proper training. Let Leanne know if you plan on attending either conference. Blue Sombrero is live! If they are offering "hands on training" several Board members indicated they would attend to learn the new program.

CLOSING THE FIELDS AT END OF DAY: Please see if you can take a turn at closing the fields.

NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, November 17 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Anton Grube, Benjamin Carleski, Andy Ungerer, Joan Ruekauf, Mary Cotton, Juan Fernandez, Luke Cotton, Eric Gleske, Elaine Markley, Tori Amato, Toby Westberry, Leanne Henriques, Doug Conrad, Arianne Custer

MINUTES: The minutes were edited to correct the spelling of Eric's last name which should have been Gleske. It was moved by Eric and seconded by Toby the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.

SAFETY REPORT: Luke reported that the boy that broke into the sheds has confessed to his vandalism. Leanne and Luke are to meet with the boy and his family to settle the amount of money that needs to be paid for the damage done in the two break-ins. Gary and Elaine made metal grates and installed them on the inside of the safety and concession sheds under the skylights to prevent future entry from that area. Luke will email the members of AYSO and ask for donation of time, labor and materials to replace the shake roof on the equipment shed that was vandalized. Hopefully there are folks out there who can help out with salvageable materials they have from a business and safe additional cost. Luke reported that Doug injured his back while moving the goals into place. Elaine requested that a list of all players and the team they are on be printed and put in the Safety Station by the first game. Benjamin will create the list and print it for the notebook kept at the station.

REFEREE REPORT: Luke reported that we need more referees! If we do not have enough scheduled referees for the games, the game will be treated as a practice and the two coaches will run the practice for the time allowed on the field. The U8 combined training classes allows the coach to referee their games if no one else is scheduled for that game. Luke also reported that the concussion training course is not working. Many coaches and referees have expressed frustration with the program.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Jason Hower applied for the Indoor Coordinator position. Jason is familiar with the indoor program and is enthusiastic about keeping it going. It was moved by Toby and seconded by Eric that Jason be appointed to the Indoor Soccer Coordinator position. The motion carried unanimously. Jason will need to meet with Prem to be mentored and follow his guidelines of a well oiled machine that he has run for years. Thank you Prem for your dedication to the off-season Indoor Soccer program

CALENDAR LINK: Benjamin will send all Board members the link to the Google calendar.

SILENT SATURDAY: It was decided that we will not do a Silent Saturday this fall. The topic will be on the agenda for the January Retreat which is scheduled for January 14, 2017 at a location to be determined. Mark your calendars now!

BAKE SALE FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Kristin's daughter and team will be doing the bake sale to benefit the scholarship fund. The date has not been determined. They will use a wagon to travel to the various fields to promote their sales.

CVPA REPORT: There are approximately 500 registered volunteers at this date. Only the head coach was assigned to a team. Benjamin will add assistant coach to the program. We can not link volunteers with eAYSO.

TEAM FORMATION: The topic of borrowing players from the opposing team was discussed if a team is short players. The idea of having a pool of players who would like to play an extra game was also discussed. Emergency forms would need to be duplicated so the player would have that with them if they were a guest player. Juan will present his proposal to the coaches by email in U10 and above.

COACH REPORT: Walt, Kelsey and Luke conducted classes. There were 36 coaches who took the U8 combo referee/coach course. Training has been going well.

TEAM MANAGER REPORT: Tori reported she is fielding questions as they come and asking questions when she does not have the answer to the question. There are a lot of teams that need volunteers. If a team is short of volunteers that are trained, any parent who has Safe Haven and CDC can be at the practice to fill in for a missing volunteer. Michelle will be stuffing the folders each week. If anyone has something that needs to get into the folders, contact Michelle to make arrangements to get what you need in the folder.

FIELDS: The topic of fields will be discussed in detail at the retreat. The field size will change again next year, going to slightly larger fields in U12 where they will be playing 9 v 9. Doug requested to purchase a small trainer to haul dirt to fill holes at all fields. The cost would be about $240. He was given the green light to make that purchase since there is money budgeted for such items to improve the fields. Secretary comment: "The lines on the fields look the best they have ever looked! Nice wide lines with a lot of color to show up for the referees." Thanks Doug!

INTERPLAY: There was some discussion about the U14G having to travel to Newport for games. It was the understanding of the Board that Newport joined our Region and we did not think our existing teams would have to travel to Newport. Nothing was concluded from this discussion.

PICTURE DAY: We are using NW Sports this year for team and individual pictures. There will be two dates this year rather than all on one Saturday. The dates are October 8 and 15. The photographer said they would have tents to shelter from the rain since it is very late in the season for the pictures. They promised pictures would be here by the last game of the fall season (3 week turnaround guaranteed). The coach will receive a free 8" x 10" team picture. Mary has agreed to help check in teams at the picture location both October 8 and 15. Leanne will make the time slot chart and see that Team Mangers know when they have their pictures. Michelle will stuff the team folders with the price document from NW Sports as well as the flyer for the decals that are an option for car or home windows. The decal will be personalized to Region 149.

JANUARY RETREAT: (January 14, 2017) Leanne would like ideas for agenda topics to be emailed to her as soon as possible. If there are special committees that are meeting and need to report back to the entire Board, Leanne needs to know that as well.


EQUIPMENT REPORT: Arianne is trying to get a solid count of what items we have, don't need or are in demand. She is requesting "PLEASE DO NOT MOVE EQUIPMENT AROUND." She is trying to sort, organize and create a flow of where things are going to be stored and can not do that if things are being moved around all the time. We will continue to give out uniforms when teams have their volunteers in place. There will be WiFi available when representatives come to the field to get equipment or if a volunteer needs to verify their paperwork. We are hopeful that the Blue Sombrero will help the Team Manager link the volunteers to a position and we will have verification of that list when the new program is up and running. Arianne is doing a great job of organization in her first time of distributing uniforms.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, October 20 at the OSU Oceanography Building at 7:15.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski, Kristin Francisconi, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Eric Gleske, Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Joan Ruekauf

MINUTES FROM JULY 21, 2016 MEETING: It was moved by Luke and seconded by Kristin that the minutes from July 21 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.

PARENT MEETING: The set up for stations seemed to work well at the August 16 parent meeting. We will keep them the same, but know that we may be setting tables in place at the last minute since Corvallis High School registration is going on until 7:00pm. Several ideas for new slides in Toby's presentation include:

  • No practices until the Tuesday AFTER LABOR DAY.
  • Board member openings: Indoor Coordinator, Data Manager, Team Formation assistants
  • Bone marrow drive to honor Rio (Benjamin sent the link to be used along with Rio's picture) Side note: Juan will follow up on obtaining a jersey and personalize it with Rio's name on it since he would have been in U6 this fall.
  • NO team changes

Leanne will make it clear we are not letting then know what team they are on at the August 24 meeting. A letter will be sent.

BOARD POSITIONS: Leanne reported that Benjamin will step down as Assistant Commissioner but will still be available for consultation and will stay on the Area AYSO Board. We can not thank Benjamin enough for all the attention to detail and forward thinking he has brought to the Board. Thank you Benjamin Applications were reviewed for the position of U5 Coordinator and Team Manager. Mary Cotton was approved to begin the duties of U5 Coordinator and Tori Amato was approved as the Team Manager Coordinator. Michelle Sparks will be working closely with Tori and Leanne will be guiding Mary in her duties. Welcome Mary and Tori.

MINI CAMP REPORT: The training camp is scheduled for August 19-20 which is the predicted hottest day of the year! Management training and VIP training will not be offered.

UPCOMING PARENT MEETING AND LOGISTICS FOR EQUIPMENT: Equipment was issued to coaches only on the parent meeting on August 16. If the teams are identified by team name, either the coach or team manager can pick up equipment after the parent meeting on August 24. It is the hope that the emergency forms will be printed and sorted and be ready for distribution that date but if not, August 29 emergency forms and equipment will be given out at the soccer sheds. Uniforms will be given out September 6 and 12 at the shed. A list will be generated with names of teams that have all their volunteers identified. Player letters will be mailed on August 24 if we are ready. An electronic message will be sent to the coach and team manager August 23 with names of team members and parent information. The team manager will submit the volunteers in order to be eligible for uniforms to be picked up. The following number of player uniforms are needed by division:

  • U12 12 uniforms 9 v 9
  • U8 8 uniforms 5 v 5
  • U6 9 uniforms 3 v 3 splitting into two teams
  • U10 10 uniforms 7 v 7
  • U14 14 uniforms 11 v 11

VANDALISM AT SHEDS: Over the past two weekends, the sheds have been broken into. Police reports were filed and a case number was received. Luke and Leanne contacted the school district to view the camera footage and tried to narrow the time of the activity. With further investigation and the help of a neighbor, someone came forward and confessed their vandal action. A summary of the cost of the vandalism needs to be given to Luke. Elaine will itemize the expenses and the loss of a bin of candy. Luke's time will be factored into the cost as well as the cost of new skylights, roof replacement on the brown equipment shed and damage to the referee door and drop down window. If the family cooperates, charges may not be pressed. Community service hours was recommended by the Board for the youth. Luke will send out an email asking for volunteer labor and supplies to refinish the entire equipment shed shake roof.

FIELDS: Luke presented the map that he designed based on the new field size needs. Field "E" will now be used for four U8 fields running east and west. Field C will now run east and west and be used for U10 games. The size of the fields is the maximum size. The water cannons are being used for the fields. Luke will see that large field maps are created and smaller ones inside the safety station.

INTERPLAY WITH REGION 870: We will not be sending any teams to play against region 870 in U12 this fall. Eric asked coaches and they were not interested. A detailed survey will go out to families in the spring to include U10 players as well and see if anyone is interested in traveling in the future. Dallas is putting together a team from their area and will travel to Corvallis each Saturday in the boys U14 division.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, September 15 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. Everyone is encouraged to be at the parent meeting at CHS on August 24 and help out on uniform distribution dates.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Humberto Nation, Elaine Markley, Toby Westberry, Eric Gleske, Juan Fernandez, Andy Ungerer, Kristin Francisconi, Benjamin Carleski, Luke Cotton

MINUTES FROM MAY MEETING: The minutes for the May 19, 2016 meeting were approved as written. There was no meeting held in June due to multiple schedule conflicts of all Board members.

BOARD POSITIONS OPEN: Leanne will follow up with Mary Cotton to make sure she is willing to be the U5 Coordinator. The Data Coordinator position is open. At this time, Marc Betz, Benjamin and Bob Carleski are sharing responsibilities. Leanne reported that Rachel Smith, our Team Manager Coordinator will step down since her family is moving away from the area. Michelle Sparks, the Assistant Team Manager Coordinator will be stepping in on a trial bases. Michelle will be actively seeking someone to work along side her in the fall. We are looking for an Assistant Equipment Manager to train with Arianne Custer, who is new to the position. Kristin will complete this membership year as Registrar but will step down after that. We need to actively recruit someone to train with her during the fall and spring.

TRAINING SESSIONS: The mini training camp will be held August 20-21 for coaches, assistant coaches and referees. Referee training will also include assessment training and intermediate training. Coaches will be trained at all levels. These sessions will be at Adams in the modular and at the field. If the modular are not available, the sessions are likely to be held at Richardson Hall on the OSU campus. Dan Stevens and Jason Hower will be doing the training. Luke and Leanne are able to teach job specific duties. They will not be offering CVPA training or dispute resolution training.

GOLDEN GATE CAMP: Region 149 will be sending Dan Herford and Jason Hower to the camp this year.

PARENT MEETING: The two dates set for the parent meeting held at the Corvallis High School theater are August 16 and 24 from 7:00-8:00pm. Board members are asked to be there at 6:00. The presentation of materials for parents will be done with a Power Point presentation by Toby. Anyone that has information they would like presented needs to send that to Toby soon. Any new families and U5 parents will be asked to stay in the theater after the presentation for special information and questions and answers. Board members will be in the hall and forum at tables to field questions. To the right of the doors as you exit the theater; the Coach, Referee and Team Managers will have tables set up. Safety/Concessions/Fields will share a table to the left. Further to the left will be CVPA then Data. Team Formation/Registration will be at the end near the kitchen and gym area where there is more open space. If there are enough tables, EXTRA will be in that area and if not, they will meet in the courtyard. Eric will bring "gaffer" tape to connect the signs for each table group. Leanne will order vinyl signs with stations identified. Elaine will check out the space and what tables will be available for the August 24 session since CHS has their registration until 7:00 in the cafeteria and tables are being used for that event. Last resort is to use the round cafeteria tables. Any Board member who would like a business card with your name and contact information on it should let Benjamin know and he will have those for you at the parent meeting. It was discussed that we will stress "no moving of players to other teams." It will be in the parent letter and a Power Point slide. Coaches or Team Managers will pick up equipment at the curb by the courtyard at CHS the night of the parent meeting. They will receive balls, mesh ball bag, First Aid kit, a set of cones, pinnies in U8-U19 (one per player~ half one color, half a different color) goalkeeper jerseys in U10-U19. Available for new coaches or anyone who wants them will be a lanyard with a whistle and a coach bag. Uniforms will be given out at Adams sheds on August 29 and September 6. Last desperation distribution would be September 12. It was moved by Juan and seconded by Eric that we purchase additional pinnies in colors we do not have to allow each team to have one pinnie per player in U8-U19. The motion was approved with one Board member abstaining. Leanne will contact the AYSO Store to see the pricing ($2.95 or less) and get those ordered right away. There are 109 teams so the cost would be approximately $1,200 as a one-time expense.

GAME BALLS: Anton gave Leanne his report on suggestions for purchasing and distribution of balls to teams. He has experimented with Score, Baden and Molten balls. Current we are giving each team 3 balls, which were $7.50 per ball for a total of $2,750. Another proposal would be to have 1 ball for every 2 players per team and have 8 balls per field at the U6 games. A third proposal was to increase the quality of U12-U19 balls. After discussion by coaches who have used the equipment it was moved by Luke and seconded by Benjamin that we have 30 field balls at the U6 fields and purchase enough Baden balls (same quality that was purchased for the 2015-16 season) for 1 ball for every 2 players. The motion carried unanimously.

PHOTOGRAPHY VENDOR: Luke prepared and submitted a survey to the parents about their interest in team and individual pictures. The concern expressed was the quality of pictures. Leanne researched and got bids from other vendors. She presented the bid from NW Sports for a one-year contract. They will give a "kick back" to Region 149 that will go into our scholarship fund. This kick back will be advertised on the flyer handed out to the players. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Eric that we try NW Sports as the vendor for pictures this year. The motion carried with one Board member abstaining. Leanne will follow up with Hise Studio and let them know of the decision for the 2016-17 membership year.

TEAM FORMATION: It was reported by Andy and Juan that there is a shortage of key volunteers at all levels. Letters will be mailed out to let families know we need their help in stepping into one of these roles in order to form teams. Team formation needs to get together soon. Team cards are at the printers so they will be ready to use in sorting out teams.

REQUEST FROM PHILOMATH SCHOOL DISTRICT: The Philomath School District requested fertilizer and seed for their fields. Leanne will have Doug check with Mike Middleton about how to order and get that delivered. At this time, Corvallis School District did not need any more supplies.

SUMMER PROJECTS: Luke has been busy with painting, repairs and moving things around in the concession stand, safety station, equipment shed and referee shed. If you are looking for something specific, ask Luke because it might not be where you last saw it! Thanks Luke. The water cannon has not been used yet since Doug and Luke are trying to figure out how to get it moved to the starting location to travel back to the water source. Neither have a vehicle that can pull it. A conversation with Mike is in order to get his ideas on how to make this work.

MONITORED SUBSTITUTION: Please note the addition to the original minutes shown in red that was submitted by Luke Cotton to be added to the minutes. Initial Implementation: U14 will have normal soccer substitution rules (sub at stoppage), ARs are asked to keep an eye on player time spent out, but not required to record anything regarding subs. 2nd Tier: If an issue arises (complaint/concern is received), spectators with opposite allegiances will be asked to keep track of player's time out (in minutes) on extra game cards. Those extra cards are returned to the AR or center referee and submitted.

NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled meeting would be August 18 but since we are having the parent meeting on August 16 and again August 24, typically we meet after one of those gatherings. Stay tuned for Leanne's decision on if we need another meeting.

Respectfully submitted.
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149