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Board Minutes Archive - MY2010


No Meeting


-several added registrations
-35% profit in concessions
-need to find something to do with Citizens bank account and Smith Barney
-sever thousand are owed to insurance for AYSO

Scholarship issues:
-funding created by concessions and shoe swap ect.
-scholarships must find another earning source
-indoor and 5-a-side lost money
-127 players can be on scholarships for 40$
-past several years around 10% of players have been on scholarships
-13% on it now
-130 players signed up for scholarships
-scholarship fund is losing money
-fields reserve is the only place to get more money for scholarships
-possible withdrawal of money from fields fund to support scholarship opportunities.
-two types of scholarships, to play and high school scholarships for graduates
-to be eligible for high school scholarships one must fulfill certain req.s
-1300 approx. Players in AYSO
-Must make decision about whether or not to allow extra scholarships next year
-possibly check and verify free and reduced lunch status of families to receive scholarships
-possible abuse of the system but cannot be verified

Vote on whether or not to require letters from school district to verify that families are on free and reduced lunch. Secondary option for families are to allow AYSO permission to verify free and reduced lunch.
Luke Cotton proposed to have a vote on the issue and Bill Stickle seconded this vote.
Vote results: 5 in favor 4 abstentions
Resolution is to require families to submit proof of free and reduced lunch from the school district. Also to possibly allow AYSO to check with school district to verify that families seeking scholarships are on the free and reduced lunch menu.

It is decided that applications for scholarships will continue to be allowed and will be payed for by the interest on the fields fund. When half of the field fund interest is used then scholarships will no longer be accepted.

Preliminary decision is to is to raise scholarship price to 25$ paid per family. 30$ in savings is seen to be plenty for a free and reduced lunch scholarship. Decision will be revisited in January. No vote occurred.

Something must be approved by the board because budget must be submitted by June 1st
-Budget is based on a 1300 player pool.
-Budget assumes that there will be no more scholarships.
-assumed that there will be no profit from 5 a side and indoor soccer
-scholarship of 300$ for graduating high school student
-no golden gate camp cost accounted for referees or coaches

It has been decided that the budget will be accepted with the following changes: scholarships will move to 25$ minimum, Shed rent will be subtracted.

Golden Gate Camp
-Gibby Renolds and Ricardo Letelier would like to attend the Golden Gat Camp during the summer of 2012

Storage shed in Philomath
-The board would like to clean out the shed in Philomath and store anything necessary in the blue shed at Adams
-Luke would like to head a comity to clean out the shed
-shed must be inventoried by no later than early June

Our Own Fields
-possible corroboration with OSU on new fields

Coach Reports
-calendar for the next season
-Coahuila training in august and September
-referee classes and coaching classes should not be on the same weekend
-Luke will make a calendar of all aiming called in mid to late July

Special Events
-5 a side was a success
-2 problem coaches that were handled very quickly
-inviting Albany AYSO teams was good
-teams, coaches, parents, and players enjoyed the games
-no complaints about the lack of medals
-U14 teams had a playoff group of games
-price for 5 a side ought to be set at 30$ per team of 6 kids
-possible date in fall would be Sunday in early October

Team Formation
-refund procedure
-all requests have been filled

Data Management
-many vacancies in board
-regional commissioner ought to appoint a nominating committee
-U12 boys division coordinator is filled by Mary Johnson
-nominating committee is made up of Mary Johnson, Luke Cotton, Daniel Haak, and several unnamed others

New Board Member
-Rich raised the concern that possibly minors cannot be on the board
-board decided to postpone the vote on Nolan Kelly pending further research

Submitted by
Nolan Kelly, volunteer
For Elaine Markley, Region 149 Secretary


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Bill Stickle, Elaine Markley, Connie Buddingh, Daniel Haak, Kelsey Walker, Kirsten Holbo, Marc Betz, Steve Zander, Rich Raleigh, Luke Cotton, Rema Robinson, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds, Vicki Guenther, Erin Harrington, Mary Johnson, George Looney

TREASURER REPORT: Steve reported that there were only three transactions in the month of March but there will be more activity after the open registration for fall 2011/spring 2012 coming up at the end of the month. The budget will be prepared by June 1st. Next year's budget will reflect additional funds for the UK training done by coaches from AYSO Camp.

CVPA REPORT: Donna was not present and Erin did not have anything to report.

COACHES REPORT: The UK coaches will be coming to Corvallis on April 23. They will be working with the U6 groups all day long and have a short afternoon session with the U8 coaches on Fields C East and West. Because of the weather and limited time they can come, Aaron was going to try to negotiate the cost of their program.

5-A-SIDE REPORT: 5-A-Side will take place on Sunday, May 15. There will be no charge to the teams from Corvallis due to the shorter season this spring (rain outs). Albany teams will pay $30 to help defray the costs of the event. It will be made clear that this is a one year only no cost event. Registration will be at the referee tent on April 23. Daniel feels this is a good event to help recruit youth referees to gain confidence as a center referee.

REFEREE REPORT: Bill reported that there have been "no complaints yet" but that is largely due to the fact that we have only been able to play one game so far this month! Bill and Daniel are working with Luke to streamline the referee schedule and getting information out to all referees with their game information. There are 8 or 9 region volunteers who will be taking the advanced referee classes taught by John Park. It is the hope that we can send members of our region to San Fransico the first week in June for the training to be an advanced instructor to give our area more instructors. Elaine made a motion that we support the advanced training and spend the $600 per person for those who want to seek additional training. Luke seconded the motion. The motion carried.

FIELDS REPORT: Bill, Luke, Gibby, Daniel, Sean and Aaron met and will continue to meet with the school district office about our contract with the district. The last contract that was signed was by Laurie Iversen, our Past Commissioner several Commissioners ago. The school board must approve any contracts. This is different from the contract that Elaine has all coaches fill out to use the field. That is a field use agreement contract and we must continue to do that at every school, not just Adams/Westland.

SAETY REPORT: Gibby reviewed the accident insurance and incident claim forms. Three are forms in the Safety/Information tent and coaches should have a copy as well. There will a special section in the parent handbook next year explaining the insurance procedures. He reminded everyone that there are no casts or splints to be worn in either practice or games.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy reported that there were 45 new girls added in the spring. U10B lost a coach so Daniel Haak will step in for that open position for the remainder of the spring. Due to the declining number of boys returning in the spring season, it was suggested we lower the number of players on the U10B team to 9 like the U10G. The team formation coordinators need to communicate with the Equipment Manager if this is going to happen.

EQUIIPMENT REPORT: Vicki did not order custom balls this year. The cost of a custom ball is $7.45, a stock ball is $6.25 and an AYSO specific ball was $7.95. There were 13 sets of uniforms for individual players not picked up this spring. A waste of money and coaches need to be more careful with their counts in our January survey of equipment. First Aid kits will be ordered for coaches for next year. Gibby is working on this.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Steve is stepping down as Treasurer at the end of June. Past Commissioner, George Looney has applied for this Board position. George comes back to the Region 149 Board with a firm statement that "he is not going to be the Commissioner." It was moved by Steve and seconded by Elaine that George Looney fill the vacant Board position for AYSO Region 149 Treasurer. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome back GeorgeJ

U19 REPORT: Marc is traveling with the U19 to Eugene for games. The Eugene AYSO will provide the referees. The players seem to enjoy the experience of going out of town for some of their games.

GAME CANCELLATIONS: A discussion occurred around changing the opening weekend of soccer for the spring to perhaps a week later. The down side of this is that spring sports such as Little League baseball and softball overlap already and this would make it more difficult for players to do both without hurting their teams. The idea of having a "make-up Saturday" built into the schedule. This past two spring seasons have been atypical so hopefully this will not occur again.

COACH LEAD PRAYER: There has been a concern raised about a coach leading a prayer prior to their games. Not everyone on the team believes the same way and some feel very uncomfortable about this. It appears that the National policy 2.11 addresses this. Luke and Aaron will have a discussion with the Hornets coach and give him a warning about his conduct.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, May 19 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


(Elaine was gone, so...)

  • Emails around the time...
  • New Player Registration Card & Kid Zone Digital Form
  • Voicemail Auto Attendant Research
  • Sorry for the last minute e-mail, just got back into town from a conference. If you are catching this on the way to our meeting, from what responses I got the agenda is short and attendance is low. My thought is we try to start right on time and work through what agenda we do have so you all can get home at a reasonable time this evening.
  • Just a note that the lines are sprayed for spring season, I have tried the last two years to roll the fields but weather has not permitted , looks like this year will be the same but I will try . Will not be there Thursday , happy spring break to all!!
  • Equipment update: All spring uniforms have been ordered. 5 new teams plus additions to all divisions. Pre-order for Fall 2011 has been sent. I will be working on the ball order this month. This will be new for me since we did standard balls last year.
  • Elaine Markley - I have worked with the district office to get the poles and signs for NO PARKING by the library. Also asked for eye bolts so we can hook the rope through them. They will be in place by April 2.


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Steve Zander, Erin Harrington, Rema Robinson, Andy Ungerer, Rich Raleigh, Daniel Haak, Luke Cotton, Gibby Reynolds, Mary Johnson, Elaine Markley

REGISTRATION: The main focus of the gathering was to register players for the spring season where there are openings. We were able to add two new U6G and two new U6B teams as well as finalize the U8B team that was on a waiting list from last fall. Kirsten and her Division Coordinator felt they had the major volunteers to form this team. There were a lot of people registering for a spot on the teams. If players can not be placed, their check will be returned to them. It was helpful to have the computer lab open to guide many of the families through the eAYSO process. This really created a good relationship with those who are very uncomfortable with using the computer. We must keep the kids off the stage in future registration events. We are guests at Adams and that is not a place we have asked to use. STARS program leaves their supplies out and we need to make sure they are not bothered.

NEW PLAYER MEETING: A new player meeting for the 5 new teams that were added will be on Monday, March 28 at 6:00 in the Adams gym. Elaine will request a microphone so we can give instructions in an organized manner. Uniforms will be given out that night so Vicki needs to order the complete sets for these teams. We will need to have a Referee Administrator there to help with U6 referee duties and give out shirts.

COACH ADMINISTRATOR: Luke Cotton, our Webmaster, applied and was unanimously approved as the new Coach Administrator. Luke has attended many classes and values continued education in this role. Connie will become the Assistant Coach Administrator.

NEWSLETTER: Melissa has informed everyone she will be out of town between March 1 and March 5 so it is very important that you get your newsletter articles to her sooner than later. Try to have them to her before she leaves town, please. Articles submitted should include the following:

  • Aaron…Recruiting new Board members (Assistant Commissioner, Team Parent Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator) New Board members, make up of Board (most don't have kids in the program any longer)
  • Aaron/Luke…AYSO coaches training being offered
  • Rema…repeat from previous spring letter, but needs to edit that
  • Daniel…referee clinics
  • Ariel…5-a-Side information and timelines
  • Elaine…calendar (please let me know training dates for coaches and referees!)
  • Elaine…Edit concession and safety charts
  • Elaine…Edit equipment/shoe sale page
  • Elaine…New player meeting
  • Elaine…Field closure policy
  • John…schedule to reflect the 5 new teams
  • John and Julia…EXTRA play try-outs/information
  • Andy and Kirsten…anything about team formation?
  • Rich…volunteer forms/certification

Please help Melissa out and get these articles in on time.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Bill Stickle, Luke Cotton, Connie Buddingh, Ariel Johnson, Elaine Markley, Steve Zander, Kristen Holbo, Andy Ungerer, Rema Robinson, John Williams, Nichole Stucki, Richard Raleigh, Mary Johnson, Kelsey Walker, Daniel Haak

REGISTRATION: Open registration for spring season will be February 1-March 1 for on-line mail in. A walk-in registration will be held at Adams gym/computer lab on Thursday, Feb. 17 from 7:00-8:30pm.

Fall complaints: It was noted that people were dissatisfied with the length of time it took from when they registered to when they were informed if they were placed on a team in the limited opening time frame. There are multiple steps that must be taken in order to get a player registered. Rema explained the steps it takes to get to the end of the registration process.
Mail-in forms go to PO Box and picked up by Rich.
Rich gives forms to Rema to process
Rema then gives forms to Division Coordinators

  • Applicant applies (fills out forms, mail check and 2 signed copies)
  • Registered by Region
  • Placed by Region
  • Notified by Division Coordinator
  • Coach notified of new player by Division Coordinator

REGIONAL GUIDELINES: After going over Draft 7, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Gibby that we approve the document as edited at the Board meeting. The Regional Guidelines were approved. Luke will create links on the website to connect specific references in the Regional Guidelines.

COACHES CLINICS/TRAINING: Aaron presented several options for involvement with AYSO Camp instructors to come to Corvallis to help train coaches with their players present. Before a decision is made, Aaron will poll the coaches to see if there is interest in the U6 coaches to have training the first part of their time on the field and then play their game on selected Saturdays. U8 coaches (or any level) could have instruction after the full day of U6 is over. There is a cost of between $2000-$4000 depending on the concept we choose. It was felt that having the AYSO trainers on the field on Saturday made better sense since there is more of a captive audience and visible to draw interest. We might even find some people who want to coach next season!

SUMMER CAMPS: AYSO camp will add another session in August. That will run from August 8-12. June 20-14 is the first session and Skyhawks will run from July 11-15. All camps will be at the Adams/Westland fields. Mrs. Collette will coordinate the housing for the AYSO camp coaches.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: Mary Johnson will be stepping down after the spring season as Volunteer Coordinator. She will train a new person this spring and help with special events where she can help check ID forms, etc. We appreciate all the time Mary has spent helping secure volunteers and help with the EXTRA program in the summerJ We are also seeking an Assistant Commissioner and a Team Parent Coordinator. Elaine assumed the duties of the Team Parent Coordinator last spring but would love to train someone to fill this position. We are also looking for an active Assistant Registration Coordinator to help Rema.

FIELDS: Rich volunteered to build some light weight, splinter-free barricades for the parking lot at the far north end of the fields by the old library and Field F. Elaine will contact the school district about constructing some permanent poles with "No Parking on grass" messages so we have less to do each Saturday to keep cars off the grass area. Elaine will contact the district office about a long-term lease, but will time it right, so we don't give them any ideas about dropping AYSO from using the fields. We feel we have been good stewards and have put money into the fields not only at Adams but all the fields in Corvallis as well as Philomath. Once we get a feel for the mood of the district, and find out whom the person would be to talk to, Daniel, Bill, Sean and John, along with Elaine and Aaron would present a long-term plan for the field use. Time needs to be spent developing this.

REFEREE: Silent Saturday has 113 responses from players. Of those responses, 70 were favorable, 30 were not in favor of the concept and who knows what the other 13 thought? Our Region will be offering Basic, Advance and Intermediate training in the near future. U10-U14 games were filled by youth referees and it was reported that they did a great job. Some people took the first part of the basic training and not the second, therefore were not placed on the schedule for the fall. Hopefully they will take the second part this spring and be ready to be added to the schedule. The BBQ at the field the last game of the fall was a huge success. The Referee Administrators want to continue this as a tradition to honor the referees at the end of each half season. Now that we have our Safety Station, that frees up the two large tents to house the referees throughout the day. The referees would be responsible for setting up and taking down the tents as needed each Saturday.

FEE SCHEDULE: It was determined that we would not increase the player fee for the 2011-12 season, but the fee for those seeking a scholarship would increase to $15 to fully cover the National fee. It was suggested that we post on the website the fee schedule and itemize what players get for the $55 fee. A scholarship form might also be added on the website, but that was not determined at the retreat. Rema will create a new scholarship form reflecting the new fee.

SHUTTERFLY AWARD: No final decision was made about how to use the $1500 we received from Shutterfly at the end of the fall season. Suggestions were:

  • Put money toward paying the AYSO camp coaches for on site training
  • New goals for Field I
  • EXTRA scholarship funds
  • 5-A-Side expenses

NATIONAL AWARDS: Region 149 received a Silver award in 2009 but did not complete the paperwork for the 2010 season. Aaron has set a goal to complete this for the next year.

SECTION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE: Daniel, Luke and Gibby will be our representatives for the conference this year. Although the conference classes are limited, they felt they could spread out and cover most of the topics to share with our Region. They were asked to keep their eyes open for some larger Kid Zone banners.

YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE: Kelsey Walker has applied for a Board position. Kelsey is a junior at Philomath High School and has been a player and referee in our region. She is seeking the newly created position of Youth Volunteer Representative. Her responsibilities would include networking with other youth volunteers and mentoring them in their volunteer positions. We welcome Kelsey and look forward to having her serve on the Board with the "old folks!"

THANK YOU ERIN: Thank you to Erin who arranged the Grand Oaks recreation room for our retreat. With the pool just outside the door, we felt as though we were meeting in a tropical paradise! It was a perfect setting for our meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be held in conjunction with Open Registration at Adams Elementary on February 17. We will meet briefly after registration closes at 8:30pm. As always, everyone is encouraged to attend registration to help Rema and her volunteers.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

DEC 2010

No Meeting

NOV 2010

No Meeting


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Bill Stickle, Daniel Haak, Luke Cotton, Erin Harrington, Rich Raleigh, Vicki Guenther, Rema Robinson, Steve Zander, Nichole Stucki, Elaine Markley, Ariel Johnson, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds

TREASURER'S REPORT: Steve shared the monthly treasurer's report as well as the yearly audit prepared by Dean Stephens. Everything was acceptable in both reports. Dean submitted his review to all Board members to view prior to the meeting.

CVPA REPORT: None due to illness of Donna.

SILENT SATURDAY: Aaron received 10-20 emails expressing disagreement (mostly from coaches. The negative feedback stemmed around the inability to cheer and that we violated their freedom of speech. Referees will be asking players Saturday, October 23 for their feedback and recording their responses on the back of the player cards. The decision on future Silent Saturday's will be tabled pending more information.

5-A-SIDE: 5-A-Side was canceled due to the low registration. It has been a long time since we sponsored a large 5-A-Side and current age groups do not see the objectives and don't understand why 5-A-Side is so beneficial. The trend seems to be that players want to play and parents/coaches don't! We will be looking into ways to increase interest for May 2011.

INDOOR SOCCER: Registration will continue through October 23. Prem Mathew is on top of the registration and everything seems to be on track. Daniel Haak will not be scheduling the referees this year for Indoor Soccer. Perhaps Rica can help Prem with the scheduling of referees?

REFEREE REPORT: There will be an intermediate class scheduled for this weekend. Between the fall and spring season, advanced and intermediate classes will be offered. Since we now have our Safety Station, the referees will use the white tent to have a place to relax between games and be visible to other referees who may need to find them. The referees will be responsible for setting up and taking down the tent each Saturday. This will be the "Referee Haven!" Who knows, maybe others will want to be a part of this and sign up to referee next year

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby will be checking the notebook at the safety station each week, looking for injury reports as well as comments that could have been left for other Board members. If there is something pertinent, Gibby will send that message to the Board. The issue of toe cleats surfaced a couple of weeks ago. The player was not allowed to play with the shoes she had since our Regional Guidelines prohibits the use of toe cleats.

DATA MANAGER REPORT: Rich is in the process of modifying the Regional Guidelines and merging ideas from the National Guidelines. Be watching for the revised version to read and make any necessary changes. The document is 53 pages so you can do this in smaller readings! We will review changes in the November meeting and then final edits will be made. The December meeting will be when the final approval is made.

FIELD REPORT: The barricades that we have borrowed from various places present some dangers with sharp edges and nails. Elaine will talk to the Corvallis School District about installing permanent poles that say "No Parking on Grass" to be placed along the south side of the driveway to Field F. Region 149 will offer to pay for the installation cost. If the district accepts our offer, the ropes can be wrapped around the poles, saving a lot of time setting things up. The barricades would still need to be placed around the gravel area to keep vehicles off the grass on the north side of the driveway. The question came up about the condition of some of the goals on the fields. Field I is especially crooked. We will discuss the possibility of purchasing more heavy-duty portable goals for some of the fields.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Aaron encouraged Board members to actively recruit volunteers to fill the Assistant Commissioner role and the Coach Administrator role.

EAGLE SCOUT SHED REPORT: Vicki reported that Jayce will be installing gutters on the new safety station and the concession stand by the weekend. He will complete the shutters and finish the painting after the regular season. This will be done in time for the winter months. We need to keep our eyes open for several "bar" stools with backs on them for the new safety station. Folding lawn chairs are too low for the volunteers to sit and see out the windows. It was suggested that Jayce not lower the window on the east end of the shed. Volunteers have been seen leaning on it and look very comfortable with the height.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 18 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

...With the help of Gibby Reynolds until I arrived. Thanks Gibby


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Marc Betz, Luke Cotton, Rich Raleigh, Rema Robinson, Steve Zander, Connie Buddingh, Nichole Stucki, Mary Johnson, Daniel Haak, Gibby Reynolds, Bill Stickle, Aaron Collette, Kirsten Holbo, Elaine Markley

TREASURER'S REPORT: Steve provided a detailed treasurer's report. He noted that there were $3000 additional player registration fees this month and $24,000 paid out for uniforms. Aaron is still working with the supplier for the portable goals that were covered under the guarantee.

COACHES REPORT: Connie reported that Silent Saturday will be Oct. 9. Connie will develop a sheet of information to email to the coaches. Bill will forward the information to all referees. Connie will have a tablet available at the Safety/Information Station for anyone who would like to write comments about the event.

REFEREE REPORT: Bill clarified the differences between U8 and basic certified referees. The feedback has been positive to allow U8 parents to be an assistant referee for their own child's game. Special referee shirts were provided for these referees. The referee refresher class will be held Sept. 17.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reminded everyone that wristbands or jewelry are not allowed to be worn in games. His volunteer pool looks good. Cate Conway will be contacting the volunteers each week to remind them of their two hour commitment.

REGISTRATION AND TEAM FORMATION: One of the big concerns that needs to be addressed at the January retreat is the flow of events that takes place from when a new players submits their registration form and when they are notified of placement. A lot of frustration from parents that they 'have not heard anything and left messages and emails and no one has contacted us." Board members need to register each year and make sure that player cards are marked "Board member" so priority placement can be made. If this is overlooked, on the Board members part, they may not get placed on the team they prefer.

U19 COORDINATOR: Marc reported that our region will play against Albany and Lebanon on smaller fields several times this fall. Coordination with the referee schedule is a must for this.

COMMISSIONER: Aaron would like everyone to keep track of Questions and Answers for the Top 10 Concerns to help educate everyone about what is happening in Region 149. Keep track of things you hear "out and about" and get those to Aaron.

SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR: Welcome Ariel Johnson as our new Special Events Coordinator. Ariel volunteered in the spring to help with 5-a-side and is willing to become a member of the Board. She also plans to referee in addition to her Board position.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, October 21 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully Submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

Thanks Kirsten Holbo for starting the minutes until I could get there

AUG 2010

No Meeting


PRESENT: Bill Stickle, Vicki Guenther, Elaine Markley, Daniel Haak, Erin Harrington, Steve Zander, Aaron Colette, Rich Raleigh, Rema Schniedecker, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Diana Kepner, Marc Betz, Nichole Stucki, Connie Buddingh

EAGLE SCOUT REPORT ON SAFETY SHED: Jayce Guenther presented his plan to install a new safety/information station at the field located east of the new concession stand. He will have Tuff Shed do the construction work. The AYSO Board must comply with the 509-J request that if we are asked to move the building for any reason, we will be responsible for the removal. We are also responsible for the maintaining of the building. The new building will need to be painted similar to the concession stand. Jayce will also paint the blue storage shed (old concession stand) as part of his project. The school district has a blanket waiver for liability. A motion was made by Elaine and seconded by Bill that we invest $5075.12 for the cost of the new Tuff Shed. The motion passed.

TREASURER REPORT: The uniforms have been purchased and the payments for the progressive team are included in the report for this month. There are still players registering so fees are still being processed.

COACH REPORT: Connie is having the Silent Saturday on October 9. She will put an article in the Fall newsletter and talk about it at the coaches training. Aaron will address the concept at the August parent meetings. Joel will be presenting U14 intermediate coaches training on July 31 and August 1. Connie would like to split the U6 and U8 coaches training this year. Specific dates and location of the clinics are being confirmed.

REFEREE REPORT: There are four instructors able to teach classes in Region 149. Instruction will be held August 27 and 28 and again Sept. 10 and 11. U6 will have their orientation on the night of the parent meeting at CHS.

DATA MANAGER REPORT: There are 1188 registered players at this time. The letters to all players and coaches will be printed Sunday, July 18. If there are any new players being added to a team, please let Rich know ASAP so the most accurate information can be mailed to the coaches and families. Rich filled in the volunteer positions in the top 5 jobs if there were volunteers on that particular team. There were a few teams that had a volunteer for each position and he typed those names in as well. We will have our annual stuffing of envelopes party on Wednesday, July 21 at 6:45 at Consumer Power off West Hills Road.

NATIONAL GAMES REPORT: Daniel attended the National AYSO Games in Florida in early July. He spoke highly of his experience and kudos to our Region for all the positive steps we take with our players, coaches and referees. Daniel passed the National referee course and just needs two assessments to finish up. John Park will do the assessments. We are proud of the fact that Region 149 has 3 National referees; Daniel Haak, Bill Stickle, and John Park. The highlight of the National Games was that Tom B. hand picked Daniel to referee the championship match with him Way to go Daniel!

TEAM FORMATION: Andy reported that we are short 2 coaches for teams in U12G. If anyone knows of someone in the community who might like to do this, please let him know. Division coordinators are needed for both the girls and boys teams. Talk it up to get more volunteers for this valuable position

WEBMASTER REPORT: Luke reported that the eayso schedule program does not work. This may create extra work to schedule referees this fall. There will be a web change to a cheaper provider saving $350 month. More to come on this and how it may affect each Board member.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Vicki reported that the shipment of equipment and uniforms will arrive August 6. We will not have the signature Region 149 balls this year since the order was placed too late. The "free" gifts this year will be sports bags, cones and a ball pump. Sorry, no goalie gloves. Kelley really got a deal on those and we probably won't be able to match that again. Vicki needs to email a picture of the Board jacket to the AYSO Store so new Board jackets will arrive before the beginning of the fall season. Connie, Vicki and Sean will provide trucks for the hauling of uniforms. We will get those loaded up on August 9. Vicki will let us know if they are at her house or Sean's work at E.D. Hughes like they were last year.

LATE UNIFORM PICK-UP: If teams can not provide us with the names of all volunteer positions needed for their team on August 10 or August 11, uniforms will not be distributed. We will hand out uniforms to those teams who complete their volunteer forms on Wednesday, September 8th at Adams Elementary soccer field from 6:00-7:00pm.

PARENT HANDBOOK: The Board decided to make the parent handbook ageless. We need 24 pages in order to convert it to the publisher program. Someone needs to expand the Progressive Play section (Julia Jones would be the logical person), Marc Betz needs to write something about the U19 program and Connie Buddingh will write something about Silent Saturday. Everyone is asked to proof the 2009-10 version and make necessary changes. Submit these changes or new articles to Luke Cotton.

PROGRESSIVE REGISTRATION: Rich reported that there were 5 or 6 boys who paid the additional $25 to continue playing progressive after August 1. We will evaluate the program at the October meeting and the amount of Board member time it takes to register and process fees for those who have not signed up for the fall/spring season. Aaron is making progressive soccer his two year goal and will develop procedures for both the girls and boys to follow. The procedures need to be the same for both genders.

NEWSLETTER FOR FALL: Elaine reported that all newsletter articles must be submitted to Melissa by July 22 so the newsletter can be mailed on or around August 1. Please don't be late!

PARENT MEETINGS IN AUGUST: Aaron reported that George Looney will be at the parent meetings to introduce Aaron. Elaine will bring the white board with a listing of Board positions that are open. Board members will be asked to speak about their volunteer jobs people need to know about and how/where to sign up that evening. This is especially for Special Events (shoe swap), concessions and safety/information. Luke will bring the flood lights to CHS for the second shift of meetings when it gets dark. Vicki, Elaine, Melissa and Luke will be at the uniform distribution. Sean and Steve will be at the finish line. Donna will need to get a few extra people for the CVPA table to streamline the process when teams come to get checked off. All Board members need to plan to attend the parent meetings both evenings and stay for both sessions. A reminder will be sent out later.

5-A-SIDE REPORT: Daniel would like to have the fall 5-A-Side on Sunday, October 17. Teams can register on October 2 and October 9 at the new safety/information station. The cost will be $45. A list of current coaches will be provided to confirm their status.

AYSO CAMP: Aaron agreed to host the AYSO camp in June, 2011. There were 130 campers registered this year.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, August 19 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149