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Board Minutes Archive - MY2011


PRESENT: Vicki Guenther, Andy Ungerer, Kristin Francisconi, Mike Wilmert, George Looney, Joan Reukauf, Elaine Markley, Sean Kutzler, Gibby Reynolds, Luke Cotton, Cindy Preece, April Spehar, Rich Raleigh, Manny Hur, Nichole Stucki, Aaron Collette via telephone system from Bend

TREASURER'S REPORT: George submitted his last treasurer's report and is turning the books over to Joan Reukauf. He noted that there were only three NSF checks this past year. The scholarship numbers remained about the same as the previous year. George Looney and Aaron Collette's names will be taken off the bank signing card and Vicki Guenther and Joan Reukauf's names will be added to the card. Elaine Markley and Rema Robinson are also authorized to sign checks. Thanks to George for his continued dedication to AYSO as our Past Commissioner and Treasurer.

CVPA REPORT: Donna was not able to attend the meeting. Rich reported there were 78 volunteers who had not filled out registration forms. He sent emails to all these volunteers and had 18 reply that they turned in their forms. The forms seem to have been misplaced. Elaine has checked the file in the Safety Station and they are not there.

COACH REPORT: Luke has not set dates for coach training. It is his hope that we will be able to get more certified trainers so John Williams is not the only one who can train coaches at the higher level.

FIELDS REPORT: Sean researched the cost and quality of field striping machines. Elaine moved that we approve Sean's proposal to purchase a new machine to line the fields. Luke seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Joan will order the machine. Mike Middleton applied for the Fields Coordinator Board position. Sean interviewed Mike and feels like he would be a great fit for the position. Elaine moved that we appoint Mike Middleton as the new Fields Coordinator. Gibby seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Sean will become the Assistant Fields Coordinator and mentor Mike. Welcome to the Board, MikeJ

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that we had one concussion reported in Progressive Play. The player has been cleared to continue activity and the form was filed properly. It is the intent to provide all coaches with the AYSO concussion information that is made available. There was also discussion about having the coaches take the CDC concussion training that is required by OSAA for all coaches of high school sports. A certificate is printed by the coach once they have completed the on-line course which takes about 20 minutes. Gibby and Luke need to decide how they want to handle this training.

AYSO VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSIP: Kelsey Walker received $300 toward her college education this past spring. Elaine will coordinate with Kelsey to make sure the money gets in her account at the college of her choice. It is the hope that Kelsey will continue to be an active part of Region 149 as continue to work with the youth referee volunteers. There have been many positive comments made about the wonderful support Kelsey provides our younger referees.

REGISTRATION/TEAM FORMATION: There are 1144 registered players at this time. All player cards are to go to Andy and April and the registration forms to Rema. Vicki must submit the final uniform information to Score by July 13. April reported that the new coaches evaluation system did not work out they way it was intended. The number system needs to be changed for next year. Andy has three new divisional coordinators. Aaron would like those names sent to him so he can add that in the August newsletter.

ENVELOPE STUFFING PARTY: Tuesday, July 24 we will stuff envelopes to be mailed to each player regarding their team placement for 2012-13 season and information about the August parent meeting held at Corvallis High School gym August 14 and 15. We will meet at Consumer Power Bldg at 7:00. Older children and Board members are encouraged to attend to make this go quickly.

PRGRESSIVE PLAY: Cindy reported that National AYSO states that players can play EXTRA without being registered for primary programs. As a region we can require players to be a part of the primary program in order to be a part of the EXTRA program or play one of the adjacent seasons. Cindy requested that one player be allowed to play EXTRA immediately and pay the $15 National dues fee. After some discussion, Luke moved that we allow this player the opportunity to play in the summer and he will be enrolled in primary play beginning in the fall. Gibby seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. Rich will register the player for the 2011-12 season.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Vicki reported that she will have the uniforms delivered to her home the first week of August. She intends to use as many of the old sets of uniforms that are available to free up garage space! If she can find a replacement for Equipment Manager she would mentor that person for the following season. Elaine will pursue a possible replacement.

REFEREE REPORT: With sadness, Bill Stickle has decided to step down from the Regional Referee Administrator. We are so thankful for all the hours Bill has spent on the field each Saturday and the hours of training that he has done for our region. We had a gift to present Bill but he was not at the meeting. We will catch up with him at a later date. Daniel Haak applied for the RRA position and Walter Mahafee applied for the Assistant Referee Administrator. It was moved by Gibby and seconded by Elaine that these positions be filled by Daniel and Walter. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome WalterJ

TRUSTED DATA MANAGER REPORT: Rich presented the idea of up-dating the Parent Handbook and having it ready for the August parent meeting. The Board agreed to print new handbooks. Luke will receive the edits and be in charge of refining the information. Each Board member should look over the section that pertains to their position and send Luke and changes.

NEW COMMISSIONER: Vicki Guenther will assume the position of Regional Commissioner. We would like to thank Aaron for his time as Commissioner and wish him the best in his new job in Bend. We are sure you will find an AYSO for your daughters to be a part of and you can go back to coaching!!! J

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, July 19 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. Our informal gathering will be Tuesday July 24 at the Consumer Power Building to stuff envelopes for the 2012-13 season.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Cindy Preece, Luke Cotton, Manny Hur, Andy Ungerer, George Looney, Aaron Collette, Gibby Reynolds, Bill Stickle, Daniel Haak, Elaine Markley, Vicki Guenther, Rema Robinson, Walt Mahaffee (guest), Brent Pawlowski (guest)

FIELDS REPORT: Bill will check with the Corvallis School District about the possibility of removing old goals and replacing them with new portable goals before the end of the summer. The cost to replace goals would be taken from the field improvement fund. Gibby will check on new lining system for the field lines.

TREASURER REPORT: George presented the revised budget for review and approval. Gibby moved that the revised budget be accepted. Bill seconded the motion. The motion carried. A big thank you to George for all he has done in a short time as the Treasurer.
Cindy asked the question that needs to be answered by Rich: How are the newsletter labels sorted? She is receiving one newsletter per family member rather than one for her family. This would save money if less were printed and mailed.

SOCCER CHALLENGE: Brent Pawlowski presented information about local winners who scored big at the International Level for the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. Max Sun and Saul Contreras will be honored at the field Saturday, May 19 and trophies will be presented to the boys. There will be a free hot dog lunch served by the Knights of Columbus at the field to say "thank you and don't forget we will have another event in October, 2012." McDonalds, Trader Joe's and Knights of Columbus donated the food for the lunch. Youth out reach is a goal of the Knights of Columbus and they appreciate the opportunity to reach this goal through AYSO.

COACH REPORT: Luke reported that there were no major problems. Cindy mentioned she has observed coach volunteers acting as AR's and still coaching. This is a "no-no." This can be addressed in the coaches meeting in the fall.

SPECIAL EVENTS REPORT: Daniel reported that there was $99 received in registration fees for 5-a-Side. There will be teams in U8-U14. The U14G and U14B will play together. Two fields will be used and the games will begin at 10:00am and will be over by 2:00pm. There will be NO concessions due to lack of volunteers and families tend to bring their food with them since they are "camping out" for several hours for this event.

REFEREE REPORT: Bill reported that there are 3 volunteers seeking Advanced level. Classes will take place at the area tourney. This year Daniel, Bill, Gibby and Kelsey Walker will attend the National Games. Great representation for Region 149J There were five volunteers who are completing the Assessor's Course bringing out total to eight in our region. Ricardo Letelier will be attending Golden Gate camp this summer for National Referee certification. Gibby will be doing this as well but at National Games.

SAFETY/RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT: Gibby reported there were two accident reports that ended up with positive results. One was a concussion with a U12B where the coach did a great job of recognizing the situation and handled it properly. The player was checked out by Gibby and was cleared to play again. There was a U19 player that suffered a broken rib and did not have sports related insurance. His grandmother was very pleased with the AYSO coverage plan. There will be AYSO information flyers on concussions in the coach's packets next fall. Rema and Gibby will see that these are ordered.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Rema reported that the one copy, electronic signature forms are wonderful! She would like to explore another time for Open Registration other than Saturday when all the computers are bogged down with the National load. This is the second year in a row that we had trouble logging on with so many using the system. It is frustrating for the volunteers and the people trying to register. There were a lot of scholarship requests but people seemed to understand they needed verification of the free/reduced lunch program in the schools. The Kid Zone form was discussed briefly. Luke suggests we laminate the Kid Zone pledge and attach it to the recycle bins so the message is out at all fields. It is a good idea to have families sign the Kid Zone pledge the first time they register a child but some felt it was not necessary if the reminders are posted. National does not require this form as a part of the registration packet. It was also suggested that we might have "A" frame signs with the fields marked on them to take to the fields so people can identify the fields.

TEAM FORMATION REPORT: Andy reported that six volunteers responded to help with the work session for team formation. Some even wanted to be division coordinators! In order to help with team formation, volunteers must help with the work session. All registration forms must be received by June 15. Board members are encouraged to attend the work sessions and team formation to assist with the balanced team concept. Andy will need to let everyone know the dates and times of the sessions.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Luke and Vicki both were considered for the position of Regional Commissioner. Luke could only guarantee that he would be in Corvallis for one year, while Vicki is here for the long haul. Elaine felt that moving Luke out of Coach Administrator would not be in the best interest of the region since he is developing a lot of positive action with the coaches. Bill nominated Vicki Guenther as the interim Regional Commissioner for AYSO Region 149. George seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. Applications were reviewed for the position of Treasurer. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by George that Joan Reukauf be appointed as the new Treasurer of AYSO Region 149. The motion carried unanimously. Joan has 19 years of banking experience and has been looking for an organization to become involved in since moving to Corvallis two years ago. She felt this was the perfect fit for her. George will mentor Joan and he will get the proper documentation switched over to Joan and Vicki's names for the bank statements, etc. Mike Wilmert was nominated for the position of Assistant Commissioner by Gibby and seconded by George. The motion carried unanimously. Mike has been involved in AYSO for 10 years and has just recently completed the Assessor's Course offered by our Region. He has been and area and section referee in California and part of the training staff. Kristin Francisconi was nominated by Gibby and seconded by George for the position of Assistant Boys Team Formation. The motion carried unanimously. Kristin has been involved in AYSO for 13 years as a player and as a parent. Welcome to all the new Board members. We are glad you have stepped up to be a part of the big picture of AYSO Region 149. The children of our community will benefit by your dedication and enthusiasm.

NEXT MEETING: Our next Board meeting will be held on Thursday, June 21 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. This will be the last meeting for Aaron and new Board members will take over their positions at that time.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, George Looney, Rich Raleigh, Andy Ungerer, Manny Hur, Cindy Preece, Luke Cotton, Daniel Haak, Rema Robinson, Casey Fries (guest), Erin Harrington, Elaine Markley, Gibby Reynolds, Bill Stickle, Connie Buddingh, Marc Betz

FIELDS COMMITTEE REPORT: Aaron reported on options the fields committee (Aaron, Gibby, Bill and Daniel) had proposed for the use of fields funds. There were four options to consider:

  • No action. Do not use the money at this time for any changes. Use the money for other operating expenses such as electronic registration signatures, keep player cost low, etc.
  • Alternate action. Do not emphasize fields, but emphasis on training coaches.
  • Field upgrades to existing fields at Adams. Work with OSU turf management, seed research to better the playing surface, purchase new portable goals and remove old goals on site. Also firm up a formal contract with the district for our protection of fields use.
  • Buy our own fields. Would we have enough money and if not, how do we generate more funds? We would need to maintain the fields so added costs would include equipment to do that. Rates may have to be raised to make this affordable. Long-term use would allow us to rent out the fields for added income.

The Board was asked for opinions on which option seemed most realistic and supportive. Elaine suggested option #3, upgrading the existing fields since we do not have enough money to support the purchase of new fields. There was a brief discussion but that seemed to be the best option for our Region at this time. Bill is the chair of the committee so if you have any suggestions on how we can upgrade the existing fields, please let him know your ideas.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that he has purchased an "IN and OUT" board for the Board to use each Saturday. There will be a space for notes to write what field you will be found. There is also a chart that asks Board members to be the "official" Board member for a 2-hour block of time. He will send out an electronic version of the chart for people to sign up. The "official" on site Board member can be any place on the field but will have a "walkie talkie" with them so if the Safety Volunteer needs a question answered, they can be reached. Rich will purchase the walkie talkies.

BOARD MEMBER PARKING: Elaine did an hour-by-hour tally of the number of vehicles in the new Board/Handicapped parking area. There are 20 legal parking spaces in the area marked off. At any one time there were no more than 10 spaces occupied the first Saturday. There were some cars without any marking, several handicap stickers on rear view mirrors in addition to Board member tagged vehicles. The comments for the AYSO community seemed positive and they felt safer in that area since there are fewer cars actually there and they are not dropping off kids and then trying to back out of the parking area. If you haven't picked up your Board parking permit, they are located in the Safety Station. Sign the form and identify the number on the permit.

PROGRESSIVE PLAY REPORT: Cindy asked for clarification on several issues with the boys progressive play teams. It appears the number of players has grown and additional coaches are needed, especially in the U10B group. Andy pointed out that the same philosophy of balanced teams and everybody plays is to be honored in extra play options. Anyone who wants to try out may do so. The teams are not necessarily the same from year to year. The training sessions that Cindy is offering throughout the week are generating more interest. Good job CindyJ

REFEREE REPORT: Bill reported that there are a lot of youth referees this season. There are 57 teams that need two referee volunteers for a total need of 114. There are four teams without any referee volunteers. We have 101 referees signed up for the spring. Of those 101 referees, there are 35 that are not associated with a specific team and those volunteers end up doing the most games. We are grateful for volunteers like Pat McGowan and Mark Wilson who are highly trained and love helping us out. Look for them in their red referee jersey and say "thanks."

TREASURER'S REPORT: George presented the monthly report as well as the budget for the 2012-2013 year. The timeline will be the presentation of the budget in April, ratification in May and submit to National in June. There was some discussion about bumping up the total amount of coach and referee training. This year we would send one referee and one coach to Golden Gate camp if there was interest. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Bill that we authorize Rich to purchase a laser printer/copier not to exceed $200 for this calendar year. Motion passed unanimously. George will make any final adjustments to the budget draft for a vote next month. If anyone knows of anyone who would be a good candidate for Treasurer, please talk to them and get back to Aaron right away so contact can be made. If we don't have this Board position filled by the end of June our region can not exist. Elaine gave Luke a name to follow up with since he knows her personally.

REGISTRAR REPORT: There will be a "packet party" on Monday April 23 at Adams at 6:30pm for anyone who can help out assembling registration packets to distribute April 28. We will be done in time for Dancing with the Stars at 8:00pm!!!!! The Board was introduced to Rema's new Assistant Registrar, Manny Hur. Manny and his family just moved from the east coast and they are happy to be a part of our organization. Manny will do a lot of the computer end of the Registrar's duties and assist Rema as needed.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, May 17 at 7:15pm in the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, George Looney, Andy Ungerer, Luke Cotton, Vicki Guenther, Gibby Reynolds, April Spehar, Daniel Haak, Elaine Markley, Bill Stickle, Cindy Preece, Marc Betz, Erin Harrington, Kelsey Walker

EQUIPMENT MANAGER REPORT: Vicki did an inventory of old sets of uniforms and there appears to be about 12 sets. Some would be difficult to use since they are discontinued and are not a close match to the new options. She will sort through and keep random jersey tops, socks and shorts to have available at the Shoe/Equipment Sale. Elaine mentioned that there is a community church group going to Mexico over spring break and as part of a service projects they are taking "jerseys on a journey." Steve Gress is a local contact for this project. Vicki and/or Elaine will contact Steve about taking uniforms to the Mexican village for the children to enjoy. Coaches will be able to sign for the uniforms for new players at the Safety Station April 7.

SAFETY MANAGER REPORT: Gibby will be purchasing a white board for and "IN" and "OUT" contact for Board members to use on Saturdays. The intent is to have an identified Board member on the field at all times. Two-hour shifts are suggested as a minimum to cover the day from 8:30am-3:30pm. Gibby will purchase an upgraded walkie-talkie set to have at the field for the Board member "on duty" when they are roaming the field. The other walkie-talkie will be at the Safety Station for those volunteers to contact the Board member. The idea of canceling the cell phone service that is used at the Safety Station was discussed. Some Board members felt that there are enough cell phones at the field in case of emergency. Elaine felt we were obligated to have one on site. Erin suggested we do a pre-paid monthly phone card for approximately $25 per month. George reported that we are currently spending $33 every month for the phone service even though we only use it four months out of the year. George will cancel the phone service. A phone card will be purchased the first week of April to be used during April and May for the phone at the field.
A "closing the field" walk through will be held at the conclusion of the U6 new team orientation held on April 2. Board members are asked to be at the field by 6:45pm to participate in this.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT: Luke, Daniel and Gibby brainstormed possible coaches and/or referees who might be a good candidate for the position of Assistant Commissioner. Rich should be added to this committee for future meetings. Several options were suggested about current Board members changing roles until an Assistant Commissioner was found. The bottom line is, we must recruit an Assistant Commissioner to complete the Board so that would not solve the long-term void. Aaron is willing to continue as the Commissioner after his two-year term is over in June until the proper replacement is found. Andy and Elaine questioned why the term was only two years and not three. It seems that the Area Director had given Aaron that information. Aaron will send out an email requesting folks to think seriously about stepping up and being a part of the Region 149 Board.
April suggested that rather than having Board Member as the last choice of volunteer positions on the player card, Rich move it to the TOP and then have Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, etc. follow on the card. Since we have to have the Board positions filled to remain a Region this should be the top billing! J

TREASURER'S REPORT: George presented the financial report. There was not a lot of activity recorded since our last meeting but things will pick up with the Open Registration checks being deposited and some of the uniform costs for spring. There were a few NSF checks from the fall open registration that we will cover this time around. George stressed the importance of the Division Coordinators completing the placement of players as soon as possible, making sure they are notified as soon as possible avoiding less confusion by all.
George requested that anyone who has a big ticket item of $200 or more to submit the request to him with some type of documented price listing speculation so that can be considered for the 2012-13 budget. Examples he used were the purchase of a printer or laptop for the field or new portable goals to replace some of the older goals. The esignature has already been figured into the next season budget review. The timeline would be to have all requests and suggestions to George by April, present the budget to the Board at the May meeting and vote on acceptance/rejection at the June meeting. The budget committee consists of George, Luke, Rema and Aaron. It was suggested that the scholarship requests be recorded as an expense to help track how much money is spent for uniforms and other costs beyond the National dues that we are requiring players to pay as their payment for the season. Verification for free and/or reduced lunch will be a part of the scholarship form for the 2012-13 season. Luke was going to design a draft of a new scholarship form.
A request for a handicap port-a-potty was brought up. Elaine will order two standard units and one handicap unit for the spring season. The cost of a standard unit is $92.40 per month and the handicap unit is $138 per month. The handicap unit will be placed next to the "C" Fields.
On a sad note, George informed the Board that he will resign from his position as Region 149 Treasurer effective at the end of June, 2012. He feels his current schedule can not fit the needs of the Board and he always wants to pull his weight on the responsibilities we all have at game day. Everyone needs to think of someone who could fill this important position. Due to the trust, integrity and sensitivity of the position of Treasurer, personal references and a known commodity to Board members are highly recommended. The replacement must need to know how to work with Quicken. We will not function as a region if we do not have this position filled by the end of June.

PROGRESSIVE PLAY REPORT: Cindy asked about purchase of equipment for the Progressive Play program. The expenses to purchase any extra equipment must come from the player budget for the program, not the general AYSO Region budget and then it will stay with the Progressive Program. Cindy reported that Progressive would not be participating in the Keizer program this spring due to the lack of time to prepare. Referees who are certified at the higher levels are recommended to referee Progressive games. It was suggested that the Progressive games be listed on the Referee Board game chart so everyone knows when the games will be played and not take down the field at the end of the primary play games. Both John Williams and Cindy Preece need to send this information to Daniel.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy clarified that the age cut-off for young players is just that…a cut off date and they will have to wait until they are old enough to play. As Erin mentioned, it is just like waiting until you are really 16 to get a drivers license or 21 to buy a beer in Oregon (she may not have said that, but it is the same idea!)

COACH REPORT: Luke discussed the new Evaluation Form to be used by the coaches and this year, assistant coaches, to evaluate players. It was felt that the current U6 evaluation form works just fine for evaluation criteria and will not be changed. By having the coach and the assistant coach fill out an evaluation form there will be a second opinion on the rating of players for balanced teams for the next season. Only the coach form will be used initially and the assistant coach form will be used as needed for confirmation of skill. It was suggested that since the evaluation is a matter of interpretation a video be developed and put on our website showing what level of skill would represent a high mark, average mark and lower mark. Using the same player(s) to demonstrate the skill would be necessary so no one is singled out by skill level. No one stepped up to do this at this time.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: The handicap/Board member signs are ready to go and look good. One suggestion would be to create another sign that says "no drop off past this point." Perhaps that can also be discussed in the newsletter or April Soccer Shorts since the signs are already purchased.
All the investigations from Fall season are completed. Certified letters were sent to those involved and no one chose to respond to the decision presented in the letter each received.

KELSEY WALKER SENIOR PROJECT: Kelsey reported on her progress of her Senior Project for her Philomath High School graduation requirement. She has created a booklet for referees that could be used to help potential referees for AYSO as well as club soccer referees. Bill will be looking at the final draft to make sure all is well with the information. Once it is completed, Region 149 could print copies to have at open registration events to encourage volunteers to give the position of referee a try!

SOCCER SHORTS: It has been awhile since we have published Soccer Shorts. Andy feels it is important to have an issue distributed BEFORE the registration materials to help people make informed choices about volunteer jobs and specific changes to the registration procedure, just to name a few articles. The deadline for articles would be April 10 and distribution would be April 21 in the team folders. Registration materials will be received by current players on April 28. If you have articles to submit to Melissa Edwards, start thinking about them NOW.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, April 19 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, George Looney, Andy Ungerer, Rich Raleigh, Cindy Preece, Rema Robinson, Luke Cotton, Marc Betz, Donna Sattem, Vicki Guenther, Elaine Markley, Connie Buddingh, Bill Stickle, Daniel Haak

TREASURER'S REPORT: George presented the treasurer's report. He reported that the money market account is gaining more interest than CD's so that is why there is money in that account. George would like to form a Budget Review committee to be a part of the budget process. He feels that knowledge is helpful for more Board members to see the process and how the budget is created. Aaron, Rema and Luke volunteered to serve on this to give input and learn more about the process.

COACH ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Luke would like to have a player evaluation committee to study what is being done now with the evaluation process and how it can be improved for future team balancing. April, Cindy, Andy and Vicki will join together to work on this evaluation process. Vicki volunteered since she gained information from the Area conference that will be of value to the group. It was suggested to remove the uniform size from the player card. There is an expectation that every player will get the exact of uniform they indicated on their card when that is not the case. If there is an exceptionally large or small child playing, the parent should note that on the comments section of the card. We are keeping the height and weight on the card.

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Aaron briefly touched on the status of the incidence response procedures and where we are in the closure of the issues. Elaine shared that at the Area conference in the Dispute Resolution course, a Review Panel should be established at the beginning of each year. Typically members of that committee are the CVPA, Coach Administrator and the Referee Administrator. They would be responsible for gathering the facts and present the findings to the Commissioner. We have a Due Process flow chart in our Regional Guidelines for everyone to follow. Other Board members are not privy to the investigation and it should be private between those on the Review Panel and the RC.

AUGUST PARENT MEETING: No decisions were made as to what we will do with this at this time. We want to make this as productive as possible so we can gather all the volunteer information and make sure the uniforms are distributed. Further discussion will need to come at a future meeting.

PARKING LOT SIGNS: Rich ordered two Board Member/Handicap Parking signs that will be placed on each side of the narrow driveway leading to the main gate of the fields. A generic Board Member tag will be given to each Board member to put on their rear view mirror when they are at the field. A Board member nametag and/or Board member attire must be worn in order to park in the designated area. We must set a good example and represent the Board if we drive into that area. After the signs arrive someone will figure out what kind of base is needed to support the signs, making sure they are light weight enough to carry to and from the equipment shed.

E-SIGNATURE ON FORMS: Luke contacted National to be certain of the price of the esignature. At this time each player and each volunteer form will cost $1.00. If enough regions use this, the cost could go down. When we were at the Area conference, the AYSO Help Desk told Elaine that the cost was going to be 25 cents. Rema and Vicki had also heard that number in some of their classes. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Rema that we go forward with the esignature on our registration forms. The motion carried unanimously.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Daniel discussed possible ideas for the 5-A-Side and it was decided to have the event earmarked for the 7th Sunday which would be May 20 this spring. There would not be medals so the only expense would be the cost of chalk to line the fields. Cindy suggested that we have the event even if there are only a few teams rather than cancel it. The teams signed up can play each other several times. Advertise it as a end of the year celebration full of fun for your team! Daniel needs to find out from Sean how much the bags of chalk cost and approximately how many bags it takes to line each field. A cost will be figured from that information.

REFEREE ADMINSTRATOR REPORT: Bill reported that there will be Intermediate and Basic referee courses offered in March but did not have specific dates at this time. Daniel would like to offer training that is coordinated with the Area tournament to be held in Lebanon in May.

REGISTRAR REPORT: There will be a walk in registration at Adams Elementary on Thursday, Feb. 23 from 7:00-8:30pm. Elaine has arranged for Spanish speaking translators to be present and has advertised the event through the radio, newspaper and flyers at the K-12 schools and local pre-schools. Rema would like as many Board members to come help with the event. Set up will begin around 6:30pm. Wear your Board attire and nametag. If you don't have a nametag, let either Elaine or Rich know so we can make one for you.

EQUIPMENT MANAGER REPORT: Vicki had good conversations with representatives of Score at the Area conference. She will be placing our order soon. She will be getting bids on a polo shirt and jackets for Board members to consider if we are investing money in a different line of apparel. She will also look into the cost of the Kid Zone flags to perhaps place at the entry of the main gate.

MESSAGE CENTER: It was decided that we will disconnect our phone for the message center at the end of the spring season (end of May) and have our website as the place to make contact with Board members. Rema noted that many people think the phone is at our "office" and we work out of that space and are irritated if they do not get a call back. This will eliminate that thought! Elaine and Aaron will contact Diana Kepner to let her know about this plan and ask that she change the message to NOT have a "leave a message" at the end of the message…just direct everyone to the website.

COMMISSIONER REPLACEMENT: Aaron's term as Commissioner will be up at the end of June, 2012 and we do not have a replacement. Rich reminded everyone that in Article 5, item 5, of our Regional Guidelines it is clearly spelled out that we need to do to fill this position. Luke, Gibby and Daniel had volunteered to help with recruitment of this position.

POSITIONING OF PARENTS/SPECTATORS ON FIELD: Cindy brought up the concept of having all the spectators/parents on the opposite side of the field from the teams that are playing on the field. Only coaches and players would be allowed on one sideline and everyone else would be across the field. Rema mentioned that this did not seem to align with what she had learned at the conference and that would not be a good idea for younger players. Cindy suggested U10 and above so it makes it easier for the coaches to coach. Luke had to leave the meeting early so he did not get to be a part of this conversation but was going to be asked to bring that up in his newsletter article. Luke did some research on this concept and shared that in an email the next day. Sources were from Text from AYSO FIFA Handbook and the following quote:
A small part of the coach training is team management, aka parent management, and the idea is to put all the people trained to deal with parents on the opposite side of the field. (Team Management - U8 Coach Training Manual Page 12) (Parent Pledge - U8 Coach Training Manual Page 51) (similar pages in U6 & U10)

It would appear that we are not ready to act on this until there is further discussion and it will not be a part of his newsletter article. After further discussion, communication can be made to the coaches in the age appropriate divisions if this is something that AYSO follows.

Vicki, Rema, Donna and Elaine attended the Area conference in Las Vegas Feb. 10-12. The conference was very informative and we brought back a lot of good information to share with our Region. Attached is a summary of the classes that Elaine, Vicki and Rema attended. All conference powerpoint presentations are found at in the Toolbox section of the website. Rema thanked the Board on behalf of those who went for the support in attending the conference and wanted everyone to know that it is valuable even if you don't see very many classes with your Board position. Being a part of the Board is grasping a large picture of AYSO and the conference lends itself to this.

NEWSLETTER: All newsletter articles are due to Melissa Edwards by March 1. Aaron would like Board members to submit a sentence or two as to "why you are a Board member" so he can incorporate this into his Commissioner Corner. State a first name or first and last name, position held and how many years/months you have served on the Board. At the Area conference we learned that Board members must be committed and know WHY we do what we do so others will catch the feverJ Melissa will hopefully be able to put the ideas in bubbles rather than sentences. Andy would like to see a Soccer Shorts in April. It has been awhile since we have had one and registration information as well as Progressive Play can be a feature of that edition.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

JAN 2012

Retreat Missing

DEC 2011

No Meeting


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Vicki Guenther, Donna Sattem, Marc Betz, Rema Robinson, George Looney, Prem Mathew, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds, Connie Buddingh, Daniel Haak, Erin Harrington

TREASURER REPORT: George just flew in from a conference and did not have a written summary of our accounts. He did deposit $10,000 into our account to pay the Indoor Sports Park for the Indoor program. There were 31 scholarships totally $1100. There were 245 registered players this fall, which is up from last year. The $3500 outstanding checks is still an issue for George so it is critical that Andy, Kirsten and Rema get together with George to see which players were actually placed. Next year it would be wise to put the name of the child on the "Memo" line of the check with their division so it is easier to trace the check to the player. Many players have a different last name than the person who wrote the check, making the task more difficult.

INDOOR SOCCCER REPORT: Prem reported that there are 70 more players this year than last year. All slots that the Sports Park allowed were filled. It was suggested that we go to a "first come first served" basis next year and end the registration one week earlier so there is a bit more time to organize the teams. Next year each player will need to print out their AYSO emergency form and turn that in with their registration fee so the coach will have that at all times at the Sports Park. Prem did all the scheduling of teams and referees by himself! WOW!!! Great job PremJ

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Vicki reported that she would finalize the custom design for the balls by the end of the month. She admits she is not an artist but has great ideas for the design. One Board member (not to mention names E.H.!) said her husband could be used as a resource for the artwork if Vicki needs help. Several Board members who are also coaches reported that the balls we purchased this year are not holding air like they should and are not keeping their round shape. Size 5 balls were especially faulty. Vicki has found that the custom balls that have received in the past hold up better. She will contact Score to let them know we are not satisfied with this past years supply. U19 will receive all new size 5 balls in the spring.

COMMISSIONER'S REPORT: Aaron reported that Santiam Christian School has offered the use of their turf field if we needed to use it. There would be a cost for the use. Aaron will ask them for a fee schedule just to see what it would cost, if we were to ever need a field. The Portland Timbers is offering group tickets at a reduced rate. They also offer for a $250 deposit, on the field activities. An AYSO parent is willing to help coordinate this. We need to find out how much the tickets would be and offer the information in the spring newsletter for anyone wanting to participate.

JANUARY RETREAT: The following topics were suggested for the January retreat to be held at the Grand Oaks clubhouse.

  • Board recruitment
  • Progressive Program
  • Board presence at the field
  • Team formation
  • Inter regional play
  • Fields committee

A date has not been finalized for the retreat. Most likely the date will be either January 21 or 28. A survey will go out soon to give Board members a chance to indicate which date works best for their schedule. Watch for that email and fill it out right away! If anyone has additional topics for the retreat, please let Aaron know as soon as possible.

YOUTH SOCCER CHALLENGE: The Board felt the Knights of Columbus Youth Soccer Challenge went for the first time effort. The group seemed organized and the kids had a great time. The participants received a soccer ball. Elaine will send a note to Brent Pawlowski thanking him for the opportunity and welcome their organization to do this again next year.

CVPA REPORT: Donna reported that the end of the fall season has been busy! There was one issue regarding two players on the same team and another issue with the personality of a coach. She has done investigations on both issues and will finalize her report as soon as she can.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be held at Nancy and Rich Raleigh's home for our traditional holiday potluck dinner. A survey has been sent out for Board members to indicate dates they could attend and what they are willing to bring to the dinner. Please do this right away so we can lock in the meeting date. Rich will send out directions to his home. It is suggested we carpool. Last year some of us met at Vicki's house and parked there and then proceeded to Connie's to pick up others. Once we know the date and who is attending we can figure this out.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Rema Robinson, Erin Harrington, Rich Raleigh, George Looney, Gibby Reynolds, Prem Mathew, Daniel Haak, Cindy Preece, April Spehar, Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer

BOARD MEMBERS AT FIELD: Aaron reminded Board members that it is important that our presence be observed at the fields each Saturday. It is his hope that Board members can stagger their time at the field and be around the hour before and/or the hour after their games. We need support in the closing routine. Even though Elaine calls the "closers" each week and goes over the information, it is still hard to know exactly what to do, especially when there are still games going on that are not on the schedule. At a later time in the season or in the spring, the Board will tour the field and see what needs to be done to close the fields. The "open" chores are taken care of by Elaine and the fields volunteers that are called since she is there before the sun comes up each Saturday to get things going at the concession stand.

REQUEST TO FILL GILL: Aaron received a request from a representative at Oregon State to put information out to our Region about filling Gill Coliseum for the women's basketball game November 11. The Board was not in favor of supporting this since it is not soccer related and gave suggestions of contacting Boys and Girls Club or Park and Rec programs since they are involved in basketball. Aaron will follow up on the request.

JANUARY RETREAT: Erin will reserve a couple of dates in January for the retreat at the Grand Oaks clubhouse. It would not be the first weekend in January or the MLK weekend. Check calendars and see if there is a Saturday that works best for you. For new members, the retreat is a fancy name for an extended meeting to cover a lot of business that our monthly meetings don't allow time. Food is provided and a set agenda will be presented to stay on task.

SECTIONAL MEETING: The Sectional meeting is Feb. 9-12 in Las Vegas. The deadline for early bird registration is Dec. 14 so if you are interested, write a note to Aaron expressing why you would like to attend. At this time the course outline has not been published, making it hard to know if it is valuable to attend. We have a budget for $750 per person, which would be 4 Board members. Hopefully the attendees are gender paired to keep the cost to two rooms.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that there were several injuries in either games or practice that required a visit to the doctor but all accident reports are on file. The new on-line sign up for shifts worked out well for the volunteers. Next spring there needs to be a field added to the sign-up to include a phone number where the volunteer can be reached on game day. A team link would also be helpful, especially if they do not show up for their shift and we need to track them down! Nichole will wait for Gibby to work out all the bugs in the system then use this method of sign-up for concession volunteers.

INDOOR SOCCER REPORT: Clarification was made that an Indoor coach does not have to have national training at the level they are coaching but all must be a registered volunteer and have completed Safe Haven. Prem said there is a club team that wants to join our Indoor program. If they were to do this, they would have to pay the $55 for registration for fall/spring and the $46 for Indoor fee. Scholarship price for Indoor will be $10 but this will be reviewed at the end of the season to make sure Indoor is supporting itself.

TREASURER REPORT: George is concerned that he still has $3500 in checks that have not been deposited from players that may or may not have been placed on teams for late registration. Coordination with both the Girls and Boys Team Formation Coordinators must be made, along with Registrar so this can be cleared up. This process is easier said than done! Concessions has been averaging $450-$480 each week and the Shoe Swap took in $280 this fall. J

VOLUNTEER PROTECTION: Rich prepared several documents to share with the Board regarding Volunteer Protection (Chapter 139), Volunteer Requirements and Youth Volunteers (pages 8-9 in AYSO Safe Haven 2011-12). There was also a discussion about the wording on the Youth Soccer Challenge liability form, but it had been changed to protect Region 149. The bottom line is we must follow the operating guidelines making certain the Board is held harmless. Thank you Rich for the extra work and thought that went into this presentation.

REFEREE REPORT: Daniel reported that there are a number of youth referees receiving negative comments from parents. As a spectator and Board member, if anyone hears of such things, they need to step up and protect the youth referees by saying something to the parents. We do not want to lose youth referees. Daniel requested that he and Bill attend an Advanced Referee Class in Los Angles January 14-15 since the one previously scheduled in San Francisco was cancelled. It was moved by Gibby and seconded my Rema that we support the attendance of Bill and Daniel up to $1000 total expense to attend the training. Motion carried.

PROGRESSIVE SOCCER REPORT: Cindy reported that there has been a 3:30pm pick-up game each week to draw interest in the Progressive program. She would like to poll the coaches to see who has the ability to play Progressive and encourage them to play in the extended season. A reminder was made that the medical release form must be present when players are involved in the 3:30pm games.

NEXT MEETING: Our next schedule meeting will be November 17 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Bill Stickle, Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, April Spehar, Cindy Preece, Donna Statem, Rema Robinson, Richard Raleigh, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds, Connie Buddingh, Kristin Holbo, Kelsey Walker, John Park, Keith Underdahl

TREASURER REPORT: George and Steve are still in the transition phase for Treasurer so George will present a complete report next month. George would like to request that all Board members let him know when you have purchased something for the Region and when it arrives so he can pay the bill only after receipt of goods.

AREA 2-S TOURNAMENT: Keith Underahl from Albany presented his ideas of having an Area 2-S tournament in the spring each year. It could be a potential fundraiser for the host Region. He pointed out that there are differences in all the regions in the area so finding the right mix might be a problem. Some regions do not play in the spring, others are co-ed from U12 through U19. He would like to see regions put together balanced teams, not an A Team and B Team. A pilot program would take place in the summer of 2012 in Lebanon. Keith recognizes that not all communities have adequate fields to host a tournament. He will keep us posted but our Region is interested in participating.

MANNY HIRSCHEL AWARD: John Park presented Elaine with the Manny Hirschel award that was given to a member of Area 2S at the conference this past spring. This is the second time she has been honored for her long time volunteer service with AYSO with this volunteer award.

COACH REPORT: Connie was pleased at the number of coaches that have attended the classes. One thing that was noted is that the manuals do not match our region (as an example in U8 with 7 v 7). On the field training has been successful and combining U10 and U12 has worked well. Coaches training budget needs to be worked out with George and with the referees as well.

REFEREE REPORT: Bill reported that there were about 45 referees trained in Basic. We are short on numbers (95 listed on schedule) so an email will go out to make sure we are not missing anyone who has been trained and get them on the schedule. A post card will not be sent with the scheduled games to each referee. Instead, an email will be sent with all the scheduled times and games. There are an increased number of youth referees. Kelsey will be working with these younger referees. Referees are needed for the Progressive games. Due to the late notice of the need for experienced referees, it is difficult to schedule. This will be discussed at the January retreat.

SOCCER SHOOT: Brent Polowski presented his ideas for the Knights of Columbus Soccer Shoot. Aaron cleared with Shelly to make sure we were not violating any National rules about outside groups presenting an event. Prizes of soccer balls will be given to winners in each age group. No emails will be sent out to any players about the event. The even is scheduled to begin after the last games on October 29. Brent will let our Region know what specific help is needed but his organization is responsible for the set-up and take down of nets that day. It was moved by Gibby and seconded by Bill that Region 149 co-sponsor the Soccer Shoot. The motion carried unanimously.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: At this date, there are still 4 teams that have not received their uniforms. Board members will be on hand at the Safety Station to check paperwork on opening day to make sure the volunteers are properly registered. It was reported to Vicki that the uniforms were too large this year and that one team complained about the socks not fitting. Further investigation finds that there were two sizes of socks in the uniform bags and all the team needs to do is swap larger ones for smaller ones within the team!

TEAM FORMATION: Further discussion will take place at the January retreat, but it seems like there needs to be some streamlining of the registration process. There are issues in some of the boys teams and Division Coordinators are working overtime to correct problems. There has been a lot of complaining from coaches about lack of balance before we have even played one game! Grrrrrrrrr!

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Aaron would like to have everyone work on better P.R. and communication within the Region and within the Board. Try to eliminate the emotional tones when communicating to others.

YOUTH VOLUNTEER REPORT: Kelsey decided to change her Senior Project after discussion with the Board last month. She is taking on 4 youth referees each Saturday to mentor those volunteers and help them with pre and post game critique. She will do a follow-up in the spring.

SECTION MEETING: The section meeting is scheduled for Feb. 10-12, 2012 in Las Vegas. If anyone wants to attend, they need to submit the request in writing to Aaron stating why you would like to attend. We have not seen a schedule of classes at this time so that will determine interest.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, October 20 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Bldg. at 7:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Aaron Collette, Bill Stickle (and his date…aka wife), Elaine Markley, Donna Sattem, Gibby Reynolds, Rema Robinson, Marc Betz, Andy Ungerer, George Looney, Nichole Stucki, Kelsey Walker

REFEREE REPORT: All equipment has been ordered and received. Two trainings are being offered but no data yet to know how many referees are signed up and need the training. All training sessions are listed on the website.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy reported that there are 30 openings across the board in girls. There were awkward combinations of numbers so many divisions ended up adding another team to place everyone who had signed up in the spring. It was suggested that we add another box on the player card to say: 1st Choice-____2nd Choice____Any place____ for their choice of practices. That would cut down on the phone calls when trying to find a place for players. The boys teams are full but still taking registrations just in case there are drops. There may be openings in U14B.

SENIOR PROJECT: Kelsey is still working on the concept of her senior projects. She wanted to have the "Referee Camp" on August 29 and 30 at Adams from 5:30-7:30pm but that is when high school students have their own practices if they are not playing AYSO. Various Board members helped brainstorm ideas and the importance of having volunteers sign up in advance to know how many to expect. More details need to be worked out.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby is trying the electronic sign-up for his volunteers this fall. At this time there are only 12 spaces left for the entire season (not counting 5-a-Side). The volunteer will receive an electronic reminder the week they are scheduled to be at the Safety Station.

CERTIFICATION: All coaches need to be certified through U8 and continue to take certification each year to match the level they are coaching. There was a misconception that in order to coach this year, the coach must have completed certification through that level. Eventually they will but not this year.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS; Still not enough information to make a decision. The main concern is that this is a religious affiliation and we do not want to violate National policy. Aaron will check with Shelly and see what she thinks.

CVPA REPORT: Donna reported that out of 225 Volunteer forms turned in that were filled out by hand, 55 were not done properly. Donna needed to make a lot of phone calls and sent our a lot of emails to gather information that was omitted. Biggest area of omission was drivers license number, expiration year of license and social security number. Thanks to past Board CVPA Assistant Susan Rose for helping on both parent meeting nights.

PARKING FOR BOARD MEMBERS: Aaron mentioned at the parent meetings that we might be having an area blocked off for Board member parking. He would like to put a barricade up in the alcove leading to the main gate for Board members only. The sign would also indicate "no drop off" so people don't drive in to the gate then have to back out.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, September 15 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Bldg.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)
Region 149
Corvallis, Oregon

July 31, 2011

Dear Board of Directors:

On July 13, 2011, I met with AYSO, outgoing Region 149 Treasurer, Steve Zander, and incoming Region 149 Treasurer George Looney, for the purpose of reviewing the Region 149, 2010-11 FY financial records. My review included comparing June 30, 2011 bank statement balances to the bank balances reported in the year-end financial report. Further, I tested a sample of expenses by randomly selecting invoices from the invoice files and comparing them to expenses listed in the financial report and to the canceled checks. I also reversed the process by testing a sample of expenses found in the report and tracing them back to the supporting invoices and to the canceled checks..

The results of my review are as follows:

  • The financial records are reported on a cash basis.
  • The June 30, 2011, MorganStanley SmithBarney investment statement agreed with the AYSO, Region 149, financial report at $144,408.92.
  • The June 30, 2010, Citizens Bank statement agreed with the AYSO, Region 149, financial report at $72,074.21 after reconciling 11 outstanding checks valued at $2,148.95 and 4 deposits valued at $4,774.14.
  • Total cash on deposit at both institutions on June 30, 2010, was $216,483.13.
  • A sample of 20 invoices valued at $63,058.35 (76% of total expenses) were tested by either tracing the invoices to the expenses listed in the year-end report or tracing the expenses from the year-end report to the invoices. No discrepancies were found.
  • Analytical review revealed that the amount of registration revenue reported appeared to be reasonable for approximately 1,200 registered players.
  • The financial records were in good order and the records needed for my review were readily provided by the Treasurer.

In conclusion, during my review I found no errors or irregularities in the 2010-11 FY AYSO, Region 149, financial records. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this report or AYSO's financial records.

Dean Stephens
AYSO Region 149 Auditor


PRESENT: Marc Betz, Gibby Reynolds, Aaron Collette, Mary Johnson, Kirsten Holbo, Daniel Haak, George Looney, Bill Stickle, April Spehar, Connie Buddingh, Donna Sattem, Kelsey Walker, Rich Raleigh, Erin Harrington, Sean Kutzler, Andy Ungerer, Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton

AGENDA TWO FOLD: The purpose of the meeting was to stuff envelopes to all coaches and players informing them of their team placement and information for the parent meetings held in August at Corvallis High School. Thanks to the AYSO players who came with their parents to help with this project. Elaine will purchase additional envelope sealers for next year since we had more helpers than equipmentJ

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Aaron received a request from Knights of Columbus to run a "Soccer Shoot" on our fields and offer prizes to players. They are requesting we supply the referees. Questions were raised and more information must be gathered before making a decision.

AREA 2S ANNUAL TOURNAMENT: Keith Underall from Albany would like to speak to the Board about Area Interplay and how it could move from city to city in the month of June. An invitation will be extended later in the year since there is no rush in this topic.

SHED CLEAN-UP: A big thank you to Luke for organizing all the shed organization and clean-up. Thanks to Rich for doing the spray painting and Marc for his help with gravel and other jobs as assigned by Luke. It looks great! Still need to finish the shelves in the Safety Station.

NW NATURAL GAS COMING: The school district office has made us aware that NW Natural Gas will be setting large mainlines that will probably disturb Field F. Luke volunteered to check out the size of that field and see where we might fit another field to take it's place until the project is complete. No dates have been announced as to when this might occur but it won't be this fall.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Welcome to April Spehar who is going to be the Assistant Boys Team Formation Coordinator and Cindy Preece who will be the Boys Progressive Coordinator. We are still not sure about the status of the Message Center applicant.

HAULING UNIFORMS: The uniforms are in Vicki's garage ready to take to the parent meetings. Connie, Rich and Sean will provide pick-ups again this year. Be at Vicki's house at 6:00pm on August 9 to help load the trucks.

PARENT MEETING: If you have anything to say or want to be on the agenda for the parent meeting let Aaron know right away so he can prepare the agenda. He wants it to be short so parents can move to their individual meetings. Stations for the meeting will be:

  • Referee
  • Coach
  • Safety
  • Concessions
  • Special Events
  • Team Formation
  • CVPA (two tables)

Elaine has the bin with the signs and will bring them to the meeting.

SENIOR PROJECT: Kelsey Walker wants to have her Philomath High School senior project center around helping youth volunteers learn how to referee. Anyone 12 years or older is eligible for the instruction. She is still working out the kinks but wanted to give the Board the heads up.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, August 17 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149