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Board Minutes Archive - MY2014


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Elaine Markley, Toby Westbury, Marc Betz, Eric Gleske, Jason Hower, Juan Fernandez, Dan Stevens, Luke Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Walt Mahaffee, Benjamin Carleski, Rachel Smith, Michelle Sparks, Mike Middleton


  • Data Managers: Print player card and get to team formation.
  • Juan, Jason and Andy: Get Toby key volunteer names for CVPA background check.
  • Leanne: Move applicant players out of that status to "active."
  • Jason: Research U6 and U8 goals and discuss with Gibby about safety features.
  • Mike and John: Lay out (identify with either numbers or alphabetical letters) the fields, coordinating with Dan who has done preliminary work
  • Luke: re-do the field maps after John and Mike have identified the spacing.
  • Eric and Jason: Draft the coach letter to be mailed out in early August.
  • Rachel and Michelle: Draft the team manager letter to be mailed out prior to team manager training. Make sure Eric and Jason have a copy to include key ideas in their coach letter.
  • Leanne: Draft a player letter to be mailed out in early August.
  • Elaine: Reserve CHS auditorium for the parent meetings August 19 and 27.

MINUTES: The minutes were discussed and one edit that was not in the revised minutes that were mailed out prior to the meeting indicated that the U12B will play a 9 v 9 format this fall to conform to National Standards. It was moved by Dan and seconded by Benjamin that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD MEMEBERS: Welcome back to Luke Cotton, our webmaster, who has been working from across the United States and is now back in town to further assist Region 149. Kristin will continue as the Registrar through the MY2015-16 but we need to find a replacement for her since her daughter will not be playing AYSO after this year. Sean had to resign from the Trusted Data Manager position due to time commitment. Bob Carleski will step in and take the lead as Trusted Data Manager and Luke will be the assistant. Benjamin will oversee the transition. Dan will be stepping down as the Coach Administrator and concentrate on training and coaching. He will coach one U5 Jamboree session this next season. Eric Gleske will assume the role of Coach Administrator. Jason Hower applied for the Assistant Coach Administrator. His focus will be on making sure more coaches are trained in a timely manner and that families will love soccer as much as he does Marc will continue as the U19 Coordinator "one more year" and transition a new volunteer who has expressed an interest in taking on the high school group. No application has been received for Marc's replacement. All Board changes were approved unanimously. Benjamin encouraged all Board members to add "staff" members to help them with their duties, but the Board would like to meet them and find out how they are supporting the Board member in what they are doing. This is not to be confused with being a Board member just a staff helper.

GOLDEN GATE TRAINING: Dan and Jason will attend Golden Gate for additional coach training. Joe McVeety and Zane VanHorsen will attend the referee training. Leanne will chaperon Zane since she is a minor and needs a female chaperon.

REGIONAL BOARD TRAINING: Luke, Vicki and Leanne are qualified to do Regional Board training. A date will be set for this since there are a number of new Region 149 Board members.

SIX WEEK CALENDAR: Team formation will be taking place within the next few weeks. Player cards need to be printed before they can begin their process. Key volunteers (coach, assistant coach, referee, team manager need to be identified. Toby needs the names of these volunteers so he can start the background check process. Keep him in the loop. The progressive teams need the player emergency cards. It was suggested that those be printed for the progressive coaches. The progressive coach would need to provide the Data Manager with the names so they can be printed.

REFEREE REPORT: Walt reported that he received feedback that our very own Zane VanHorsen and Kieran VanHorsen were the best referee crew at Davis Cup. Good job! He talked about a software program that will send text reminders to referees to let them know when they are scheduled to referee. Other features of the program will block out dates they are not available, can ask others to pick up their game, will manage primary play games and progressive games as well as have training videos available. The yearly cost is $360 for 120 licenses.

REGISTRATION REPORT: There are currently 300 players in the applicant status. Leanne will work on moving them into the active status within the next week. If a player paid by credit card and was in the applicant status, they will automatically be moved to active status. The total number of players is approximately 950 which is down from our previous total, but as always, families will try to register late.
PARKING LOT FOR JANUARY RETREAT: A discussion needs to take place about the registration process. Can a player be fully registered if they pay on-line and not bring printed copies? Is it in our best interest to have stations where each family must physically get checked off to make sure volunteer jobs are indicated?

CVPA REPORT: Toby reported there are 150 registered volunteers at this time. An email blast needs to go out before team formation to make sure the volunteers who are going to do the key jobs are registered so teams can be formed around those volunteers.

FIELD REPORT: There will be 3 U8 fields as there have been in the past. Due to the change of team size, they are likely to be moved from the current site. Mike and John W need to work together to name and label the fields. This needs to be done in early July. It would be helpful if team formation could let them know how many teams there are forming at each division. Jason volunteered to look into the new goals size and possible purchase for U6 and U8. He is to check with Gibby for safety features. Luke will re-do the map of the fields. That will be posted on the website and the Corvallis School District will need a copy to assign teams for practice space.

COACH REPORT: The U8 practice time per week was discussed in length. National suggests they maximum time is one hour per week plus game time. It was moved by Eric and seconded by Dan that we adopt this for the MY2015-16. Eric, Benjamin and Walt voted in favor of the motion while Elaine, Toby and Rachel voted against. Commissioner Leanne broke the tie vote by voting to support the National Standards. Coach administrators will discuss this in their training and communication to the U8 coaches since this is a change from previous years. Marc has requested that the U19 have numbers on their reversible jerseys this season. He is to send a note to Leanne with this request.

PARENT MEETING: The agenda for the parent meeting will be generic to all divisions and specific age groups will not be assigned a specific night to attend. Receiving uniforms will be taken out of the parent meeting agenda. Elaine will see about the availability of CHS for the meeting. Coaches or team managers will receive equipment bag and balls the evening they attend. We will try to reserve Corvallis High School auditorium for August 19 and August 27 from 7:00pm-8:00pm for the meeting. The building will be reserved from 6:00-9:00pm. Dates for uniform distribution will be September 8 in the evening, Saturday, September 12 in the morning and the last pick-up will be September 14 in the evening. The first game will be September 19.
Communication leading up to Parent Meeting: Eric and Jason will draft the letter that goes to the coaches and explain the role of their Team Manager. They need to check with Rachel and Michelle to make sure everyone is on the same page. Rachel and Michelle will draft the letter to the Team Manager and have a training session prior to the parent meetings. A gathering for the team is suggested prior to the parent meeting so volunteer positions can be identified. They will be submitted electronically this year. It was not determined who will create the electronic sheet or where it will be sent. Leanne will draft the player letter that will go out in early August.

NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled Board meeting will be Thursday, July 16 at 7:15pm at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Daniel Haak, Zane Van Horsen, Elaine Markley, Michelle Sparks, Rachel Smith, John Williams, Dan Stevens, Juan Fernandez, Joan Reukauf, Gibby Reynolds, Andy Ungerer, Walt Mahaffee, Jason Hower, Bob Vingelen

MINUTES FROM APRIL MEETING: It was moved by Gibby and seconded by Joan that the minutes from the April 16, 2015 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Michelle Sparks applied for the position as Assistant Team Manager. She has two players in the program and lives near the fields, making it convenient to perform duties at the field throughout the week. She would work closely with Rachel to strengthen the Team Manager role and provide more detailed communication on expectations of the managers. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Walt that Michelle fills this position. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome aboard, Michelle

UPCOMING TRAINING: continues to provide webinar training. Each Board member needs to watch for the course that applies to them and take it when it is offered. Regional Board training will be set up soon for those who have not gone through that program.

SIX-WEEK CALENDAR REVIEW: Team formation cut off date will be at the end of May. Andy, Juan, Sean, Jason, Bob and Leanne will meet to line up what steps are next since player ratings are going to be placed on cards for team formation groups. At this time, there were 11 teams that have not completed their rating of players. Coach training will take place on May 29 from 6:30-8:30 at Adams. Open registration has been added. See details below.

OPEN REGISTRATION DATES ADDED: There are 937 registered players at this time. Additional dates will be added to catch those who did not complete their forms and turn them in. Dates decided are: May 27 from 8:00am-9:00am at the AYSO soccer fields (Leanne and Juan will be there), and from 5:30pm-6: 30pm (Jason and Andy will be there). On May 29 from 5:30pm-6: 30pm Jason and perhaps Kristin or Leanne will collect registration before the coach training. These dates will be posted on the website and an email blast will let current members know it isn't too late. The fee is now $80 for those who register. Elaine will contact the GT and the radio station with this information.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan presented the budget and discussed changes from the previous proposal. $5000 was added for conference expenses and $500 was budgeted for yard signs to advertise open registration. The credit card option has worked well. Joan can access the summary of those who paid with credit card and if they added a donation to the scholarship fund. Parents seemed happy with how that worked and there didn't seem to be any glitches. It was moved by Rachel and seconded by Gibby we accept the proposed budget for the 2015-2016 membership year. The motion passed unanimously.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported there was only one concussion reported during the spring season. The family chose not to do an insurance claim. The open volunteer spots for shifts during the day in the safety station were discussed. A better job will be done in the fall to make sure every spot is filled. Coordination with the Team Mangers will help this situation.

REFEREE REPORT: Walt discussed the need for new software program to schedule referees. The one he likes will send a reminder text and email to the referee of their scheduled game(s). There are a total of 155 referees so that would help with the communication piece. The cost would be approximately $600 for the season. He is looking for a U8 Referee Coordinator. There was discussion about restructuring the U8 referee program again. This past spring the referees representing the team didn't show up to do their job. If anyone knows of someone who would like to help with the U8 program, let Walt know.

TEAM FORMATION: The deadline for placing players on new teams in mass will be May 29. The player card with coach ratings will be used and printed out by new divisions. Can the data be sorted by August birthdays is Andy's question. Sean or Bob need to answer this question. Players that have not registered by May 29 will be in a waiting pile to be added if there is space available. Dates for actual team formation have not been determined.

PROGRESSIVE: Bob reported that players want to play in June and July. It was suggested that the registration window be opened for a very short period of time for these players to register for the 2014-15 season. Players requesting this have to be currently registered for MY2015 and have paid full price. Walt moved that players will be allowed to register for the previous season and pay half the cost of the player fee if they are playing progressive only. Juan seconded the motion. The motion passed. The exact cost was left generic so it could change from year to year. Volunteers must be registered in the MY2014 to help this summer. Gibby suggested that because of this motion, our Region Guidelines must be altered to reflect side-by-side play. Appendix 11, Section 4 needs to allow players to do this. Also there needs to be a change in Subsection B. Benjamin will be asked to edit this. The cost of the Port-a-Pot will be shared by the teams. The cost is $125 with a $30 service charge each time it is serviced. This will be added to the progressive player cost. There was a good player response for wanting to play in the summer program.

YOUTH VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: Zane Van Horsen will assist Kelsey with the youth program. Since there is a growing number of youth volunteers, the job has become too large for one person. Zane will help as a youth referee mentor. She is striving to receive her National Referee Badge so she is well qualified for this job. Thank you Zane for stepping up and giving back to Region 149. We are happy to have you join us.

RAP (Regional Assessment Program): Executive Board members were sent out documents for their specific charge. Please fill these out and get them back to Benjamin.

UK COACH TRAINING: Various options of whether to use the UK coaches for training or if we do, what is the best use of their skills for our program. Anton did a survey with the U6 coaches and the results were a mixed bag. It was decided that we would pay for 2 UK coaches. The first Saturday of the fall season they will work with the U6 coaches. The second Saturday of the season they will work with the U8 and any other level that would like to attend. The cost to the region would be $1500 for this training.

COACH REPORT: Dan presented the National Standards for team size and how that might look on our fields. It was determined that in U6, there will be 7-9 players on each team and the games will be a 3 v 3 match-up. There will be 7-9 players on each team and games will be 2 simultaneous 3 v 3 match-ups. It was moved by Jason and seconded by Walt we adopt this format. The motion was approved unanimously. U8 would be using 5 v 5 game formation and carry 7-8 players on each team, leaving 2-3 subs each weekend. It was moved by Gibby and seconded by Dan we adopt this configuration. The motion carried unanimously. These changes would take place in the 2015-16 season. The U10 configuration will be discussed for the 2016-17 season. With these changes, more team names need to be created. The U12B team configuration will be 9 v 9 to conform with National Standards. Rachel, Michelle and Elaine will brainstorm team names. The fields will have to be located to match the new team size. Will the fields go to a number system or to alphabetical letters? Dan will need to connect with Luke to look at the field once we have determined how many teams will be formed and match the fields to that number. ****John Williams needs this information as soon as it is determined so he can build it into the schedule.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, June 18 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administrative Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Mike Middleton, Jason Hower, Juan Fernandez, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds, Sean Ziniker, Dan Stevens, Joan Reukoff, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Anton Grube, Rachel Smith

-- Kristin: Open Registration. Forms, signs, floor plan of event
-- Leanne: Create a Genius sign up for registration volunteers for May 2 and 9
-- Luke: Get all directions, registration volunteer Sign up on website
-- Elaine and Miriam: Create the flyer and written paragraph for schools in English and Spanish
-- Elaine: Advertise open registration in GT and on the radio
-- Elaine: Secure volunteers to translate in Spanish on May 2 and 9 from CHS advanced level Spanish classes.
-- All: Plan to spend time at Adams gym and/or computer lab May 2 and 9
-- Sean: Change the eAYSO to reflect the new membership year and open April 20
-- Anton: Communicate with coaches about evaluating players
-- Anton, Dan and Jason: Develop the "what it looks like" examples for coach evaluation
-- Rachel: Send note to U8 teams about providing their own referee
-- Rachel: Make sure registration materials are in team folders this week
-- Sean: Run off current rosters for Team Manager to check players off when giving directions for registration. Coordinate with Rachel to get in folders
-- Leanne: Meet with applicant for Assistant Equipment Manager

MINUTES: It was moved by Anton and seconded by Dan that the minutes for March 19, 2015 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD MEMBER APPLICATIONS: Rachel Smith applied for the position of Team Manager. After a discussion with Rachel, it was moved by Elaine and seconded by Gibby that we accept Rachel Smith as the new Team Manager Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome aboard Rachel Elaine and Leanne will mentor Rachel in her new position. There was one applicant for Assistant Equipment Manager, but Leanne has not had time to meet with the applicant. This will take place at a later date.

SIX WEEK CALENDAR: Sean reviewed the events coming up. The big event is the open registration being held on May 2 and 9 from 9:00am-2:00 at the Adams Elementary gym and computer lab. Registration volunteers will need to sign up to assist. A sign up Genius will be developed by Leanne and Luke will put it on the website. Each volunteer will focus on one specific part of the registration for their 2 hour shift. Bob and Sean will be able to help retrieve passwords for those who may have forgotten them from last registration. Sean will open the MY2015 on April 20. Board members are encouraged to register and try the credit/debit card payment method to test it out. Specific directions on how to register will be in the team folders April 25. Sean will make the membership year changes and price change.

PLAYER EVALUATION: Dan, Anton and Jason will offer advice to coaches on what each number might look like in the rating categories. The same rating system of numbering will be used for all divisions. Dan will send out an email to coaches letting them know they will be evaluating players in several weeks. The player evaluation will be emailed to coaches rather than be a hard copy in the team folder.

TEAM FORMATION: Three practice areas will be used to form and balance teams next season. Anton will send out an email to let folks know about this, along with a map showing the new zones. A subcommittee has been working on team formation standards.

SPONSORSHIP: Leanne shared that Dutch Bros will offer a one day Dine Out in the near future and give back $1.00 for every drink served to the AYSO Region 149 scholarship fund. The coupons will be in the team folder, concession stand and safety station. Everyone is encouraged to share the coupons with anyone they know to bring money back to the region.

BLOW OUT GAMES: The topic of lopsided games was discussed again. It appears that Region 870 and Region 149 deal with these games in different ways. Continued discussion is needed to make sure everyone is safe and is enjoying their experience.

BUDGET: Joan presented the detailed budget and numbers were punched in to reflect cost per player to help determine the player fee for the coming season. After hearing a proposal by Benjamin and discussing other options, it was moved by Gibby that the fee for the fall 2015-spring 2016 membership year be $80 with a $5 early registration discount if registration forms and payment are received by May 16 and the scholarship fee be a fixed $35 for those who show verification of being on the free/reduced lunch program. The motion carried unanimously.

GIRLS TEAM FORMATION: Andy reported that the Newport team experienced a negative experience in their inter-regional play against an Albany team this past week. Rough play was the concern and Walt will be in communication with the referee crew that worked that game.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that there have been no accidents reported on our fields this spring. He is now the Assistant Area Director. Thanks for helping at the next level

REFEREE REPORT: Walt needs a referee staff who can help with the schedule. U8 has been a trouble area since the team referees are not showing up to do their games. Other referees are being pulled away at the last minute to cover those games. If there is advance notice, this would be much easier to facilitate. Rachel will send a note to the U8 Team Mangers reminding them they need to provide a referee for their games.

CVPA REPORT: Toby reported there was no report!

CLOSING THE FIELDS: Although Elaine contacts fields volunteers from the last games being played on the field each week, teams are still not helping like they should be close down the fields. Notes are put in the team folder for all games that are the last on their field with an outline of how to take care of their field. Board members will oversee the closing of the fields. There is a detailed checklist located in the safety shed on the west wall, one located in the medicine cabinet in the equipment shed and one in the file on the back table in the safety shed (goldenrod colored paper) to help the Board member know what needs to be done.

Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, May 21 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Walt Mahaffee, Toby Westberry, Eric Gleske, Dan Stephens, Juan Fernandez, Andy Ungerer, Benjamin Carleski, Leanne Henriques, Marc Betz, Sean Ziniker, Anton Grube

MINUTES FROM February 15, 2014: The minutes from the February board meeting were approved. (motion by Benjamin, 2nd by Toby)


1.) Rhonda (Team Manager Coordinator) has already officially resigned, but further requests to be removed from all email correspondence. Leanne/Benjamin will notify Luke to ensure she is removed from all Corvallis AYSO email lists.

2.) Official resignation received from Melissa Edwards (Equipment Manager). She will help through Spring 2015, but we need to find someone ASAP. Get the word out‼

3.) Application received from Jason Hower for Boys Team Formation Assistant. Leanne and Juan met with him last week to clarify role and responsibilities. Both were very impressed. Sean Z. knows him well and gives an overall good recommendation. Dan S. also met him in recent coach training and was impressed also. Motion to approve application made by Walt, 2nd by Dan S. Unanimous approval. NOTE: an added benefit is that he wants to become a coach instructor.

4.) Anton Grube has applied to become a 2nd Assistant Regional Commissioner. He went to Expo in February and wants to take on more responsibility. Eric inquired about division of labor between Leanne/Benjamin/Anton. Leanne referred to recent email where this was spelled out very clearly. Walt motions to approve application, 2nd by Benjamin, unanimous approval. Hurray!


  • Benjamin working on annual RAP
  • Newsletter is forthcoming (beginning of April)
  • eayso preparation for change in Membership Year (MY)
  • Certain divisions need to close registration on 3/30. Juan/Andy email Sean to let him know which divisions to close and when.
  • 2nd week of April start advertising for Fall season
  • Eric G and/or Dan needs to work with new U6 coaches, ideally on or before the first Saturday (the two new teams play each other). Leanne will email interested parties (e.g., Andy, Juan, Walt, etc.) to coordinate meeting time/place.
  • Benjamin will create Google Calendar and share
  • Benjamin will check with Mike M. to make sure goals are in place prior to 1st Saturday
  • Elaine will take care of stocking concessions and sign-up genius
  • Sean Z. will download updated player information from eayso and import to local database during 1st week of April. Create up-to-date player listing for Safety/Info Shed.
  • Need to think about how to advertise Progressive
  • Sean Z. will send out existing timeline/calendar which Leanne is currently using as a guide.


1.) Committee for Improving Team Balancing (Anton) – full report at next Board Meeting, but summary provided by Anton G. There are 4 major suggestions:

  • Move from 6 practice preference areas to 3 (e.g., North, South, Central)
  • Standardize player ranking system to be 1-9, rather than 0-50.
  • Make sure to use goals-scored information
  • Stop honoring special requests for placement

There was a follow-up discussion about pros/cons of the first suggestion, in order to facilitate a vote. Note that the proposed 3-practice regions are geographic, not school-based. There will inevitably be push back and we may lose some players, particularly in U-8. Walt motions to support this suggestion and change existing practice zones from 6 to 3. 2nd by Benjamin, unanimous vote pass. We must think through how this ripples through wording on website, eayso, etc.

2.) Sponsorship committee (Leanne) – We can look to Corvallis Little League and/or Pop Warner Football as examples. Leanne also reached out to Tracey Lengwin (?) from Dutch Bros. to get an idea of what is reasonable to expect for sponsorship. This is ongoing.

3.) Blow-out Games U8 Committee (Dan S.) – nothing done yet. Dan will email committee members to get ball rolling.


  • Leanne, Joan and others will meet to discuss increase of player fees. Leanne will send out email invite to meeting for interested parties next week. Decision on this issue needs to be made prior to next Board Meeting (April).
  • Dan get coach-related expenses to Joan
  • Some basic discussion of player fee increase ensued. Part of problem is the Scholarship Fund which last year spent ~$7200, but only made $3187. Something has to be done to reconcile this difference going forward. We can't raise fees directly to accommodate scholarship fund, must find a different solution. Leanne mentioned Dutch Bros possible hosting a "Dine Out" event, for example. Perhaps the addition of credit card payment of registration fees (via Cordura) will make people more willing to add a donation when they register their child. Currently, the bulk of our player fees ($65/yr) are accounted for by National/Area dues (~$25/yr), Uniforms/equipment (~$20/yr), and water (~$6/yr according to Mike M.). Our player fees are very low!


Gibby not present. Nothing to report! Easy!


  • Walt and Gibby both became Referee Instructor Evaluators, hooray! This makes the program more self-sufficient because they can train AND evaluate referees.
  • Kelsey became an Advanced Referee Instructor
  • Walt has been working closely across regions (with 870)
  • Walt wants to approach Corvallis Soccer Club (CSC) to enter into some joint instruction efforts. He proposes to co-teach with CSC to produce USSF and AYSO certified referees. He would ask that CSC pays for referees' USSF class fees. This should benefit everybody. One down side is that we may generate good referees that leave AYSO in order to pursue other USSF referee opportunities (and make $$ for referee-ing). He notes that even in this scenario, we are still fulfilling the AYSO vision of player (referee) development.
  • Joe McVeety is going to help revamp the referee scheduling process. Leanne reminded us of our existing agreement/effort to work together with Region 870 on development of referee and game scheduling together.

CVPA REPORT: Quiet offseason. Only a few new volunteer registrations have been submitted. Toby will bring updated lists (4 or more) of volunteers who need ID checked to 1st Saturday.


  • Juan will contact Bill Callender (?) regarding use of OSU Intramural fields (turf) for tournament play
  • Early Registration Fee Proposal: This is under consideration. The idea is to provide a nominal discount ($5-10) to "Key" volunteers (coaches, refs, team managers, etc.). We would only advertise this to existing volunteers. Enacting such a program will reduce our budget and must be factored into the discussion of player fee increases (see above)
  • Leanne floated the idea of Kerrigold® sampling cheese products at fields, similar to the way Dole® did last year. Mixed feeling from the board members present.
  • CSC will be at Adams fields with a tent on April 11th and 25th, similar to last fall. Leanne has spoken frankly with Casey Fries about expectations of anyone working in the booth. Multiple board members stated that Casey was supportive of AYSO and performed well last time.
  • Walt will provide date for bake sale to Leanne
  • Last 2 Saturdays will be MY2015 registration
  • Anton mentioned idea of having a "Silent Saturday" where coaches and spectators are not allowed to talk during games. This fosters broader coach and parent awareness. Tentative plan for this is May 2nd. Anton will get something to Leanne/Vicki about this for the newsletter.
  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays (April 11, 18, 25, respectively) are designated as "Appreciation" days for coaches, refs, etc. Emphasis is not on anything monetary, just a time to go out of our way to thank those people. Each position will have a specific day. Details to follow (likely in Newsletter).
  • Anton proposes increasing utility of email from Board to parents. For instance, sending out "soccer shorts" reminding parents about a "theme" of the upcoming week (e.g., the appreciation days mentioned above.

Benjamin motioned to Adjourn meeting at 9:50 pm, Walt 2nd.

NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, April 16 at 7:15pm. Location will be in OSU Oceanography Admin Building (thanks Andy!).

Respectively submitted,
Toby Westberry, CVPA
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski, Juan Fernandez, Dan Stevens, Sean Ziniker, Anton Grube, Walt Mahaffee, Kelsey Walker, Andy Ungerer, Elaine Markley


  • Kristin: Open registration
  • Andy and Juan: Form teams based on new applicants
  • Andy and Juan: Get uniform needs to Melissa ASAP
  • Andy and Juan: Get new team names to John so he can create the schedule
  • John: Create the schedule and get to Luke to post on website
  • Luke: Post additional registration dates and schedule when completed
  • Melissa: order uniforms
  • Leanne, Gibby, Juan and Nichole: Meet to discuss sponsorships and report back at next meeting.
  • Dan: conduct U12 coach training.
  • All: get budget items/requests to Joan ASAP.
  • All: send Vicki Guenther any newsletter articles that you want published
  • Nichole, Gibby and Mike: Create the Volunteer Spot/Sign-up Genius for spring volunteers.
  • Walt, Benjamin, Dan (chairing the group), and Juan: meet to discuss what can be done to prevent the "blowout" games in U8 and report back at the next meeting.
  • Anton, Kelsey, Dan, Juan, Leanne, Gibby put together report from EXPO
  • Elaine: contact Best Pots for port-a-potties for the spring season.
  • ANYONE: Take minutes at the March 19 meeting since Elaine is out of town.

MINUTES: It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Dan that the minutes of the January 31, 2015 retreat be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.

TEAM BALANCE: The practice zones will be reduced from six to three for the next year to help with team balance. There will be a South (Philomath, Adams, Lincoln, Muddy Creek), Central and North. The player evaluation numbering system will also be revised and standardized using smaller numbers. Samples of what each "number" looks like will be communicated to the coaches to help in the fair process. We will continue to keep track of all goals scored. It is critical that all coaches get their evaluations in on time.

REFEREE REPORT: Advanced training will be held with Region 870. Gibby and Walt completed the referee evaluation courses at Expo. Daniel, Gibby and Walt were all presenters at Expo and were recognized by National for their outstanding efforts to make our region so strong. This is a big honor and we are proud of what they have done for all our members. National as well as other organizations are using our youth referee program as a model. Great job Kelsey for putting Region 149 on the map! Walt is restructuring the chores for Referee Administrator. Joe McVeety will create the referee schedule. Walt will use referee volunteers who do not want to be on the field to handle some of the paperwork. He will continue to referee, monitor and direct volunteers each Saturday.

OPEN REGISTRATION: We are close to filling the openings on existing teams and two new U6B teams will be formed. Leanne is working with Juan in the transition to becoming the Boys Team Formation Coordinator. Dan reported that Newport is getting their team together but they need to provide volunteers just like everyone else. We will accept volunteer ID the first Saturday of the season so they don't have to make a trip to Corvallis. After the two registration opportunities at Adams, Leanne and Kristin will decide if another one will be needed and set that up at the shed. Computers will not be available for this one.

COACH REPORT: Starting next fall, the U8 teams will all be consistent with the number of practices during the week. Lopsided games are occurring and this has a direct correlation to those scores. Coach training will be offered for U12. Those coaches who have not completed the CDC and Safe Haven are being notified to take care of that online in the off-season. Further discussion will be taking place about the number of players on the field next fall in U8 as well as U6. The U6 proposal will require the purchase of more goals and teams will be limited to 8 players who will play 3 v 3 in games. Teams would divide into two groups when they are ready to "play" a game. The proposal for U8 would be to have 5 v 5 and a maximum of 7 per team. It appears this can be done with the existing fields and not extend the day at the field from what we are currently doing. A subcommittee was formed to discuss the "blowout" games. Walt, Juan, Benjamin and Dan (chairing the group) will bring a written review of ideas to the next meeting.

EXPO REVIEW: Leanne thanked the Board for supporting our members to attend the Expo. They drove rather than fly to keep the cost down and it allowed a lot of good conversation in the car to review and discuss what they learned. Each member that attended will write a summary of ideas they came away with to help our Region. Kelsey, Leanne, Juan, Dan and Gibby attended the Expo. Anton talked about the AYSO Playground program for U4 where emphasis is placed on motor skill development. Equipment used could be beanbags, hula-hoops, parachute and some soccer skills. The AYSO School Yard is the new name for the U5 program (U5 Jamboree). The books are not out for either program at this time. The Board members who attended brainstormed many positive things our region has going for it and how we want to improve. Reports will be given to us later. Leanne found out from Score that we should have been receiving Board shirts at no cost for purchasing our uniforms through them. They will provide 20 shirts this year (usually allow 15 every other year). Leanne will have sizes for everyone to try on so she can place the order. The Region 149 logo will be on the shirt rather than "Corvallis AYSO." Those who are teaching courses and can act as a question/answer resource will wear the polo shirts. The jackets will be worn out on the field and ordered for those serving significant years on the Board. Leanne suggested 10 years but few members have reached that milestone!

BUDGET DISCUSSION: The number of scholarships is exceeding the amount of money earned to be earmarked for scholarships. Currently money from concessions, shoe/equipment sale and bake sale are the sources of revenue. Leanne suggested that we only offer the number of scholarships as we had money for this year. The question would be how do you know when the maximum has been reached. The idea of sponsorships was touch on to use for scholarships. Leanne, Nichole, Gibby and Juan will present ideas about this at the next meeting. Joan is suggesting we increase the player fee to $75 for next season. No vote was taken on this. Also in the discussion was and early player registration discount, but again, more information is needed to make any decisions.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is back at OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15pm on Thursday, March19. The CPI building is going to have an extensive remodeling project so we will not be able to use their meeting room. The fourth Thursday of the month has too many conflicts, so we will go back to the long-standing 3rd Thursday of each month for meetings. Elaine will not be present so someone will need to take minutes (will be in New Orleans.)

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: John Williams, Walt Mahaffee, Dan Stevens, Bob Carleski, Kristin Francisconi, Elaine Markley, Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski, Marc Betz, Toby Westberry, Anton Grube, Juan Fernadez, Andy Ungerer, Sean Ziniker, Eric Gleske, Kelsey Walker, Duston Denver (Albany 870 RC), Mark Baur (Albany 870 ARC)


  • Leanne sign up on School Dude to reserve Adams for Feb. 18, 28 and March 3.
  • Elaine will generate flyers, send notice to radio and newspaper when location is confirmed.
  • Sean email letter to Coach that was sent to Team Manager for verification of returning players. Include request for practice days, time and location to go to Team Formation Coordination Coordinators.
  • Leanne and Benjamin will sign up for the Corduro credit card option immediately.
  • Elaine send reminder midway through month for "to do list."
  • Benjamin will stay in contact with Region 870 on progress of finding a software program to help generate referee and game schedules.
  • Luke create information on website to advertise spring registration with dates and new player verification of age (birth certificate, passport or immunization record). Coordinate with Kristin and Marc. See how Region 870 advertised their registration.
  • Leanne will follow up on changing the volunteer options on the eAYSO form to include only Coach, Assist Coach, Referee, Team Manager, Board member and "Other."
  • Juan/Kristin have names of any new teams and divisions to John Williams by March 6 so he can create the schedule for spring.
  • ALL newsletter articles to Vicki by March 6
  • Vicki newsletter to Luke to post on website by March 21
  • Mike proceed with field up-grades shown in your proposal
  • Dan and Walt create an email to be sent to U14 and U19 families about rule difference when teams are playing Region 870.
  • Dan will let coaches and parents know Blue Ox Rd is a "no parking" zone and police are writing tickets!
  • Juan will poll the coaches from U8 and above to see if there is an interest in planning a 5-a-Side jamboree May 3 or if there is interest in going to Albany May 23.
  • Andy follow up on Newport and make sure they can provide certified referees and coaches and let them know our registration dates for spring season.
  • Leanne will contact NW Sports Photography to obtain bids and package information for team/individual pictures
  • Kelsey will seek high school students to volunteer with the U5 Jamboree
  • Anton will gather the subcommittee to discuss team formation/balancing.
  • Dan and Eric will share a vision for U8 team size and how to operate in the fall.
  • Melissa orders uniforms for next season by March 1 and March 18 for newly added players.
  • ALL submit any budget items to Joan by February 19 for the next budget

MINUTES: Since we have not had a formal meeting since October 23, it was moved by Dan and seconded by Benjamin that the minutes from that meeting be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.


The following were identified as positive points:

  • U5 Jamboree
  • Number of coaches completing Safe Haven and concussion certification
  • Atmosphere at field on Saturday
  • Genius sign-up for Safety and Concession volunteers giving reminders of shift
  • Field conditions (thanks Mike .)
  • Interaction between coaches and referees
  • Coach communication from Dan on regular basis
  • Fairly smooth acceptance of no goalies at U8
  • Bake sale for scholarship fund thanks to Walt's daughter and friends.
  • Inter regional play communication between referee and coach training
  • Youth referee program
  • Game schedule pull down on website to identify individual team schedule (thanks Luke)

Speed bumps noted:

  • Communication at beginning of season within Board positions and what information was needed or how to obtain it
  • U8 referees being certified to do games
  • Replacement of U8 ref done too late…need advance notice to schedule new volunteer
  • Coaches not stepping up to complete training or run the team
  • Need consequences for not following through
  • Data managers transition to get information needed
  • Late data received created the above problem
  • Special Events
  • Field inspection for holes should be done when fields volunteers paint lines
  • Lack of dirt on site to fill holes

TECHNOLOGY FOR SCHEDULES: Region 870 is interested in sharing the cost of software that could generate new game schedules and referee schedules. Each region has their own needs and unique issues that might make this difficult. Keith Underhall from Region 870 is exploring programs. Leanne and Benjamin will work with Region 870. Benjamin will be the contact person for this. John Williams pointed out how he needs to customize schedules to accommodate coaches of multiple teams, etc. The hope is that there is something out there that can free up time for Walt and John.

TEAM MANAGER: We need one! Think of volunteers you know who might be a good addition to the Board in this position. Leanne will conduct a Team Manager meeting after the initial letter for Fall 2015 has been received in July. With proper training and expectations laid out, everyone should have less on their plate to have a smooth running team. Team Managers will have the volunteer form completed by August 7, 2014 and training notices will be sent to specific volunteers. Data should be entered the following week since it is being handled electronically from the Team Manager.

PARENT MEETING: The parent meeting will be held on August 24, 2015 at a to be determined location. The purpose will focus on information about the organization rather than securing volunteers. Team Managers will have submitted volunteer lists electronically prior to this meeting. Training opportunities will be stressed. Uniforms will not be given out at this time, but equipment will be. We would hold 2 sessions rather than 4 since the purpose has changed. Details will be worked out later. Uniforms would be given out September 14 with the last chance being on September 19 which is the first game day. The reason for the late distribution is to make sure the volunteers are properly trained for their referee or coach position, not just have their name on a sheet of paper.

REGISTRATION: Kristin will offer open registration for spring on February 18 and 28 from 6:00-8:00pm and March 3 from 8:00-10:00. Leanne will sign up for Adams computer lab and gym for the events and report the confirmation to Elaine who will develop a flier in English and Spanish, send notices to the schools, radio and newspaper. We believe there will be two new U6B teams based on the number of boys on the waiting list from fall. Any new teams must be submitted to John by March 6 so the schedule can be finalized. The U19 players will be referred to the website to follow directions on how to register. Luke needs to communicate with Marc on this. Changes in registration for spring include:

  • Proof of age for all new players (birth certificate, passport or immunization record)
  • No player card
  • Only form needed is the eAYSO form
  • Could pay with a credit card, cash or check

Paying with a credit card was tested by Region 870 and they found it to be very beneficial. They estimated that approximately 60% of their registrations were paid this way. They use Corduro which is linked with National eAYSO. There is a 2 ½% fee per registered player but they budgeted for that additional expense. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Dan that Region 149 use Corduro for immediate use (spring) and the exact player fee for the following season will be determined at the February meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Benjamin and Leanne will coordinate what needs to be done with Joan and Kristin, but they will start the process of applying immediately.

Leanne requested that we only include Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, Team Manager and Board member as "key volunteer" roles and have a box that says OTHER on the eAYSO form. The "other" jobs would be filled by the teams on the volunteer form (safety, concessions, fields, registration, special events). It was moved by Kristin and seconded by Benjamin we honor Leanne's request on the eAYSO form. The motion carried unanimously. Leanne will need to follow up on the edit of the form. It was also suggested there be a space on form that allows families to donate to scholarship fund as a "optional fee."

Registration for Fall 2015/Spring 2016 will require only the eAYSO application form to be turned in with player fee. The player card will be populated after the coach ratings have been entered by Data Managers. This will eliminate the need to create player packets. We will have 1 handout with directions and a team roster given to each Team Manager. More details will be discussed at a later date.

CALENDAR: Leanne has set the date for the January 2016 retreat to be held on January 9. Mark your calendar now!!!! The Christmas party was discussed and Board members indicated an interest in getting together socially but use a different format. All newsletter articles need to be submitted to Vicki by March 6. The newsletter should be posted on the website by March 21. Sean and Benjamin were adding dates to the Google calendar so stay tuned for that document!

FIELDS REPORT: Mike submitted his budget request to continue upgrades on all fields. The total proposal was $20,222. Bids were included in the report. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Toby that we accept this proposal, knowing that Mike can make changes to better fit our needs. The motion carried unanimously. The cancellation policy for practices was discussed. It was decided that we continue with the same procedure and the Commissioner has the final say in the matter of cancelling practices. If more than 50% of the teams can not practice no one will practice. If a random field is closed, coaches are encouraged to share their space on a dry field, knowing this is a temporary situation.

INTERPLAY WITH REGION 870: Duston and Mark clarified rules that were different in our two regions. The Power Play Rule will be dissolved by Region 870 in the spring but the Monitored Substitution Rule will remain until the Fall 2015 season. When Region 149 is playing in Region 870 they will use their rules and vice versa during the spring. Good communication between Boards and parents is necessary. We do not want the referees to be policing the rules. Dan and Walt will create an email to parents regarding the rule differences so everyone is on the same page. U12 Interplay will be on a volunteer only basis for spring. Coaches will be asked if they want an extra game on Saturday or during the week. There is a parking issue on Blue Ox Road and tickets are being issued. Dan will let coaches know to inform their parents.

5-A-SIDE: Juan discussed possible times to do a 5-a-Side tournament. It was decided that before any extra energy goes into this, poll the coaches as to their interest. Would their team participate on May 3 (Sunday) at Adams or May 23 (Saturday) in Albany?

U12G NEWPORT TEAM: Andy has been in contact with a team that is perhaps interested in joining AYSO for the spring season. All coaches and referees must be certified to allow them to join. They will be informed of the registration dates.

TEAM PICTURES: Leanne reported there have been complaints about Hise Studio. She will contact NW Sports out of Portland to bet a bid and information about their program. They give an "kick back" to the program and have offered other incentives for give-away prizes.

U5 JAMBOREE: The location for spring is likely to be on the Jamboree B field. Team Managers will be notified and the field will be listed in the schedule. Too swampy in the Field A location during the spring unless we continue to have a drought. Kelsey will be contacting high school students to see if they are interested in becoming a volunteer at the U5 level. They would need to fill out a youth volunteer form, complete Safe Haven and CDC. While she is at the schools she will plug the U19 program for Marc.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reports "all is well!"

TEAM FORMATION/BALANCING OF TEAMS: A subcommittee of Kristin, Anton, Juan, Andy, Bob V, Leanne and Eric via email will formalize how teams will be formed and any zone changes that need to be made. Data will be entered from coach evaluation to each player card and then be given to the Division Coordinators. Anton will be the lead on this committee. Dan and Eric will be discussing the structure of U8 and report back by March 1. This is important for uniform orders.

YOUTH VOLUNTEERS: Kelsey reported she plans to be a part of our region for some time to come. She will also be helping generate youth volunteers at the Area level. She plans to recruit high school players/students to help with the U5 Jamboree in the spring. She is in the process of obtaining her Advanced Instruction certification for referees.

EQUIPMENT REPORT: Uniforms must be ordered by March 1 for the Fall 2015/Spring 2016 season and by March 18 for the new players in the spring. Earlier for this order would be better. Leanne will contact Score and see about what "deals" they can offer us since Region 870 has a contract with them that is offering different things.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan was not able to attend but will remain on the Board while she completes her Masters degree. All budget items must be submitted to Joan by February 19 so they can be discussed at the February 26 meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, February 26 at CPI at 7:15. The retreat adjourned at 3:02pm. Thanks to everyone for staying on task and for Leanne and Benjamin for their organization and leadership for the retreat.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

DEC 2014

No Meeting

NOV 2014

No Meeting


PRESENT: Joan Reukauf, Andy Ungerer, Toby Westberry, Sean Ziniker, Juan Fernandez, Walt Mahaffee, Elaine Markley, Dan Stevens, Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski

MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER MEETING: It was moved by Dan and seconded by Benjamin that the minutes for the September 18, 2014 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan reported that we are in good shape right now. Indoor money will be coming in and will be noted in the next report.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby reported that there were 2 reports filed, but neither were serious in nature. It is important to keep all the forms together and Gibby will process them. Leanne reported that she feels the coaches did a good job of discussing the concussion form and information with the parents. Gibby will ask National about the OR. law and whether or not the players ages 12 and up need to actually sign the form.

REFEREE REPORT: Walt reported that there have been complaints about rule differences when Region 149 plays against Lebanon and Sweet Home teams. Two in particular were mentioned: Free substitution and removal of players when one team is 4 goals ahead. At this time, each region must play by the rules of the host region, but this will be discussed at an AREA gathering before spring season. Inter regional play will be on the agenda for the January retreat. There was concern that the "home" teams were not equal in U8 for the referees games. This needs to be examined before the final schedule goes to public eyes in the spring. Walt reported the Bake Sale took in $276 in the fall and the girls want to do it again in the spring. Thank you to Walt's daughter and her friends for their support in raising more money for the scholarship fund. Walt is concerned about the condition of the fields where there are holes. We need dirt! The idea to build owl boxes and place them in the trees around the field to catch the voles was discussed. Walt will give Elaine a plan for the boxes and she will contact the Corvallis High School woodshop classes to see if they can do this for a class project. AYSO Region 149 would pay for the supplies. Mike has been given a name of a possible Assistant Fields volunteer to help him out.

CVPA REPORT: All is quiet at this time Only 17 Team Managers have completed Safe Haven so a push to correct this needs to be made before the spring season.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy and Juan will report at January retreat. There have been reports of lopsided games. It was suggested that Progressive Coordinators be a part of team formation since they know the strength of skills for those players. It was felt that the lopsided games do not lead to player development. Juan wants to keep the player cards so he can continue to check player information.

COACH REPORT: There has been discussion of the U8 changes. Some coaches report that players are parking a player in the goal mouth which seems to be a goalie. Dan is currently injured so he will not be able to actively conduct training sessions. All the U10-U14 coaches are Safe Haven and CDC certified but need to take age level training to continue at the next level. The goal would be to have all training sessions prior to March 30. Several opportunities will be offered so that the coach volunteers properly trained. The coaches and referees may have a pizza party in the month of November to celebrate the fall season. The U5 Jamboree sessions are going fine. Consideration needs to be made for location in the spring if Mother Nature repeats herself with the rain and creates a swamp where the U5 played this fall.

SPECIAL EVENTS REPORT: It was moved by Walt and seconded by Benjamin that the fall 5-a-Side event be canceled due to lack of planning time. The motion carried unanimously. A discussion will take place at the January retreat of perhaps opening the spring season with a 5-a-Side jamboree rather than regular games.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Andy and Bobbie will host the annual December Christmas party/meeting this year. A doodle poll will go out to determine the date. There will not be a regular December meeting.

EXPO FEBRUARY 20-22: The following Board members have indicated they would like to attend the Expo this year: Juan, Gibby, Kristin, Anton, Dan, Leanne, and Benjamin. If there are not advanced coaching classes, Dan would opt not to attend.

INDOOR REPORT: Prem reported that there are 231 players registered for Indoor Soccer. This is about 25 teams. The numbers seem to hold steady from year to year. Thanks to Prem for coordinating this fun extended program for Region 149.

PLAYERS FROM MONMOUTH: There have been 3 requests for players to join Region 149 and perhaps form a team from their own area to play in our Region. It was suggested we try this for the fall and see if they can get enough to form a team. Registration would be held in Corvallis in May at the Adams gym and players would need to register at that time. Leanne will contact Rachel about this.

JANUARY RETREAT: The January retreat will be held at the CPI building this year. A doodle poll will be created by Andy to see which date works best for the majority. Leanne will attend the RC training in late January so she is hoping we can have the retreat after she returns with a wealth of knowledge to share! Topics for the retreat at this time include:

  • Following a player from start to finish with forms, team formation, notification
  • Up-date timeline with dates
  • Team Formation
  • 5-A-Side Jamboree in spring
  • Meeting date nailed down for CPI location

If you have any other topics that need to be addressed, please let Leanne know so they can be added to the agenda.

NEXT MEETING: There will not be a November meeting since the 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving. There will not be a December meeting but a gathering at Andy and Bobbie's home for a Christmas dinner party. The next official meeting will be the January retreat at CPI beginning at 9:00am and ending no later than 3:00pm. The date will be determined with a doodle poll.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Sean Ziniker, Elaine Markley, Toby Westberry, Anton Grube, Dan Stephens, Eric Gleske, Andy Ungerer, Walt Mahaffee, Benjamin Carleski, Prem Mathew, Juan Fernandez, Kristin Francisconi, Rema Robinson, Bob Carleski, Daniel Haak

MINUTES FROM AUGUST MEETING: It was moved by Toby and seconded by Walt that the minutes from the August 21, 2014 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

GUEST: Douglas Conrad, U10B Sounder coach attended the meeting to seek clarification about the amount of time U8 teams should be practicing and if other players can join other teams for practice sessions. Eric explained the amount of time for the practices per week. Players must be registered to participate in a practice and either a parent must be present or emergency medical information forms must be with the coach at all times.

REFEREE REPORT: Walt reported that there were two teams in the U8 division that did not have assigned referees. There were a few (possibly four) in the U6 division. He felt we have enough referees to populate. The U8 volunteers supplying a referee for their own child's game has helped in the upper levels with scheduling. Additional training sessions will be offered in the spring for those who got a late start. The question of wearing sunglasses was discussed. It was felt that if the player has sensitive eyes and needs the glasses as a corrective measure, they should be allowed to wear them.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan emailed her report to Leanne, but reported that all is well with the budget and financial standings. Leanne will email the report to the Board.

CVPA REPORT: Toby and Anton feel that they are on top of the volunteer background checks and all newly registered volunteers have been checked. There are seven teams that are missing one or more key volunteers. As with other key Board positions, they expressed a need for the names of volunteers earlier.

JANUARY RETREAT: Board members are asked to keep a list of items they want to cover during the January retreat. Leanne wants to follow a player with information from when they register to when they are placed on a team and see how our local data is kept in addition to where it goes in the National database. 2) Progressive structure will be discussed. 3) Discuss stumbling blocks from start of May registration until start of the season. Send your ideas to Leanne in advance of the retreat.

FIELDS REPORT: Yeah for Mike! The fields look fantastic. Board members heard many positive comments throughout the opening day about the conditions of the fields. Emails were also received. Mike calculated that the cost to cover the water bill this summer would be between $6-$7 per player.

SELECT A TEAM: Luke developed a program that allows anyone to type the name of the team they would like to follow and the program will show all the games for the season, the field and time without searching the entire schedule to find that information. Thank you Luke! There have been many positive comments about this new feature on the website.

YOUTH VOLUNTEERS: Kelsey will be using youth volunteers to help with the U5 jamboree this fall. Daniel Haak reported that Region 149 is being used as a model for other regions to see the success of our youth volunteer program. He said that Kelsey is helping advance more youth referees than any other region. This is helping retain referees. Keep up the good work, Kelsey.

COACH REPORT: Dan and Eric reported that there are still coaches that have not completed their Safe Haven or CDC. This must be completed before September 27. Benjamin will send out a note outlining the deadlines to comply if these volunteers are going to be allowed to continue in one of the key volunteer positions. Eric would like to offer a group showing of the CDC since many are having trouble with the online course timing out or just quitting. He would keep a list of those in attendance then submit the names to National. He will look into the possibility. We are better off than we were last year with coaches following through, but still not perfect. The next challenge will be to have all coaches trained at the level they are coaching. Dan will offer training for U10-U14 in November. Region 870 is having an instructor-training course that we can be a part of.

INDOOR SOCCER: Prem will have an email blast sent out to let everyone know the sign-up for Indoor Soccer will begin September 27 at the Safety/Information station. The cost will be $46 again this year. There are no scholarships available for this program. The program will run for 6 weeks as in the past.

BAKE SALE: Walt's daughter and friends will hold a bake sale to support the scholarship fund on Saturday, October 4. If anyone wants to bring items for the girls to sell, please do!

CLUB SOCCER: Casey Fries has requested that the Corvallis club soccer group have a tent at the field to advertise the academy skill building. The Board felt this would be appropriate since it will benefit all soccer players in the community. Casey would like to be on the agenda for the November meeting.

EXPO 2015: The Expo will be February 20-22, 2015 in Santa Clara. We have budgeted for 10 people to attend. If anyone is interested in attending, email Leanne. The Section budget has been cut 50% so all instructors must pay their own transportation.

U8 GAMES WITHOUT GOALIES: Concerns were expressed about the lack of goalies in the U8 games. Our coach administrators and referee administrators felt the goal size was not an issue since our goals are only a couple of inches off from the National standard size. Lopsided games were reported, but there were lopsided games when we had goalies. Since there were more goals scored in some games, the concern was it takes too much time to start the game at midfield, reducing the time to "play" the game. We recognize we did not train the coaches on how to adapt their player positioning prior to the first game of the season. Positive comments were also heard about not having a goalie…less stress on the one player in front of the net! Coaches were surveyed and the results found split opinions. Since National guidelines are being followed, no additional changes will be made at this time. Walt will track the goals scored and how the teams are doing the substitution. Leanne stressed the importance of all Board members to support this decision.

5-A-SIDE: Juan has selected October 19 for the 5-A-Side date this fall. Juan will send out information to all coaches about the event. Leanne volunteered to pick up any flyers that need to go in the team folder at the UPS Store for Juan. Sign up will be at the Safety/Information station. Banners will be placed on the fences and on the front of the Safety/Information station.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 23 at 7:15pm at the CPI building on West Hills Road. All meetings will now be held on the 4th Thursday of the month (except for November) at the CPI building rather than OSU Oceanography Administration Bldg. Thanks to Andy for hosting the meetings for so many years. Sean works at CPI so he can help with opening the building.

Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski, Bob Carleski, Sean Ziniker, Andy Ungerer, Gibby Reynolds, Juan Fernandez, Dan Stevens, Eric Gleske, Kelsey Walker, Marc Betz, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Mike Middleton, Walt Mahaffee, Vicki Guenther

MINUTES FROM JULY MEETING: It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Toby that the minutes from the July 17, 2014 be approved as written. The motion was unanimously approved.

SAFETY: Gibby discussed the concussion form and how parents have e-signed them when they registered their child indicating that they have discussed the information with their child. Rather than have the players print, sign and turn in the concussion form, it was moved by Gibby and seconded by Walt that we accept the electronic e-sign copy and not collect an additional copy. The motion was unanimously approved. We will display posters of concussion symptoms to watch for and Dan will make sure the coaches discuss symptoms with their team. Referees will be reminded of symptoms as a continued educational awareness.

PRINTING MATERIALS: Leanne mentioned that Board members can use the UPS Store on Philomath Blvd. for any printing of materials. Sending files to the store will speed up the process. She will explore setting up an account with the owner, Sean, so Board members do not have to pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed. There is also an account at Hederson's Copy on 2nd Street as well as Fed Exon 9th Street (aka Kinko's).

VOLUNTEER UPDATE: There are about 12 teams that are lacking the key volunteers with the number of coaches, team manager and referees needed. Leanne will contact those teams individually to see what needs to be done and how we can support the team.

CVPA REPORT: Toby reported the numbers of volunteers who have actually registered and the number that are in the applicant status. There were 35 non-registered volunteers in key roles, but of those 20 are in the background check status so that leaves only 15 that have not moved forward. Hopefully they will get that done before September 3rd so the teams can get their uniforms. Leanne discussed information from Golden Gate, especially that all volunteers must be registered if they are going to be on the field with the U5 players.

FIELDS: Mike reported that the district removed the goals on Field A since they were in poor shape and we will use portable goals there. The field was originally going to be rested due to the poor conditions and unsafe areas on the south sideline, but will now be reduced in size and games that were placed on Field M will be moved to Field A. John Williams will need to change the location of the games from Field M to Field A on the schedule. Luke will need to post the revised schedule on the website when it is completed by John. The U5 jamboree fields will be moved to open space in the area next to the modulars where Field G was previously located. If necessary an additional jamboree field space can be created west of Field B. Sean Ziniker will create the final field map and send it to Luke to post. A copy needs to be sent to Vickie Taylor at the Corvallis School District office as well. Mike reported that our water bill for the past month was $3200. There are 3 water cannons going most of the day and night. We will have a 50' trailer in the "bone yard" to store the water cannons and the golf cart in the off season. The fields look green and great! Thanks Mike for all the dedication and attention to detail to make this happen.

COACH REPORT: There have been concerns about the length and frequency of U8 practices. Some coaches are doing one practice while others are doing two per week. All practice issues should be directed to Eric Gleske. Practices should not be longer than time allowed per session on game day. We are still in need of coaches. There are 5 teams without coaches and 29 teams with only one coach. The Area Coach Administrator is Tuck Thompson from Albany/Lebanon.

NEWSLETTER: Vicki will complete the newsletter and hopefully have it out before the first practice which is Sept. 2. If you have any edits to previous articles that were submitted, get them to her by August 24.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Shayna Hicks will be coordinating the Shoe/Equipment Sale the first Saturday of the season. She is hoping to get the list of special events volunteers soon so she can fill her slots. Juan will select a date for the fall 5-A-Side jamboree and hopefully it will fly this fall.

NEW BOARD POSITIONS: Kelsey Walker has asked expand her role on the Board to become the Youth Volunteer Coordinator rather than just the Youth Referee Coordinator. She would work with anyone under the age of 18. It was moved by Walt and seconded by Benjamin that Kelsey Walker become the Youth Volunteer Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Kristin Francisconi resigned from Boys Team Formation but applied for the Registrar position. She feels confident in this role and will work with Rema during the transition. It was moved by Walt and seconded by Gibby that Kristin Francisconi be accepted as the Region 149 Registrar. The motion passed unanimously. Juan Fernandez applied for the position of Boys Team Formation. He feels like the commitment to his current Board position as Special Events Coordinator will not conflict with the time commitment necessary for Team Formation. It was moved by Walt and seconded by Benjamin that Juan Fernandez be accepted as the Boys Team Formation Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Kristin will work with Juan through May to make sure the transition is smooth as teams are formed for the 2015-16 season. In the position of Trusted Data Manager, Bob Carleski will focus on the process of data entry and Sean Ziniker will take over the front facing of the job. They are changing their role within the Data Manager duties. It was moved by Walt and seconded by Dan that the duties of Sean and Bob change but both continue in the role of Trusted Data Manager. The motion carried unanimously. Information of this change will need to be relayed to National so Sean has the rights given to the Trusted Data Manager. There was mention of someone that might be interested in the position of Treasurer. Joan Reukauf is interested in becoming the Auditor if a Treasurer is found. We are currently seeking a Team Manager to replace Ronda McLean and would like to find an Assistant Registrar to assist Kristin. Melissa would like to find a replacement for Equipment Manager as her son's are no longer playing AYSO. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please let Leanne know.

LATE UNIFORM PICK-UP: Wednesday, September 3 between 5:30-7:00 we will meet at the main entry of the soccer fields to register any volunteers and players who are hoping to be placed on a team. There are limited openings in most divisions so no promises of being placed. If players can not be placed, they can try again in February for the Spring 2015 season.

PRACTICE CANCELLATION: Leanne wanted to have a clear policy on what is done if some of the school fields are closed due to too much water. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Dan that if an estimated 50% of the teams can not practice in their regular practice area, ALL practices will be cancelled. The motion carried unanimously after discussion. Mike Middleton and Leanne would be in contact with the school district to confirm which practice areas are closed before making a flash alert and website notice for teams.

AUDIT: Benjamin presented the findings from the audit he did with our Treasurer. There were a few minor corrections in what needed to be done, but it appears from his report the books are being done in accordance with National AYSO.

SPONSOR INQUIRY: Benjamin received an inquiry from Power Volkswagon wanting to be a "sponsor" for AYSO Region 149. The details are not clear as to what the general manager of Power, Bryan Koehnke, had in mind so Benjamin will follow up with his ideas. Mike Middleton will ask the district if banners can be placed on the fence if Power wanted to advertise on Saturday. If this sponsorship is a monetary donation, the scholarship fund is the likely place for the funds to be deposited. Further discussion will take place when more information has been received.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 18 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Bldg. The Doodle poll that was sent out did not include Tuesday so Andy will check with Consumer Power to see what dates are available. Leanne is not able to meet on any Wednesday. A new Doodle poll will be created once dates have been gathered.

Respectfully Submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Benjamin Carleski, Bob Carleski, Toby Westberry, Eric Gleske, Walt Mahaffee, Rema Robinson, Anton Grube, Andy Ungerer, Kristin Francisconi, Kelsey Walker, Elaine Markley

Secretary Note: The meeting was held in conjunction with the packet stuffing for team meetings, therefore difficult to track all conversations since everyone was multi-tasking!

GUEST PRESENTATION: Alicia Collins, a doctorial student from OSU presented information on her research project she hopes to complete with the use of AYSO children, coaches and parents. She is seeking support from kid's ages 7- 14. Her plan is to attend two practices in the fall season to record and observe kids in motion. She needs a maximum of 30 teams to help support her research. Eric will be the Board contact and communicate with coaches. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Eric that we allow Alicia to seek candidates for her research from Region 149. It was suggested that Alicia attend the parent meetings on August 6 and 7 to present her request.

MINUTES FROM JUNE MEETING: It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Andy that the June minutes were approved as edited. The motion was carried unanimously. Thank you Toby for taking the minutes for Elaine

BOARD MEMBER ADVANCEMENT: Congratulations to Gibby for qualifying for National referee assessor status and Walt for National referee while they were at the Section conference in LasVegas. Walt shared a picture journal written by Adrian, Zane and Kieran VanHorsen who participated as referees at the AYSO National Games. Kelsey, Gibby and Daniel Haak mentored all three VanHorsen's. They expressed appreciation for the opportunity to represent Region 149 and all performed at a high level.

BOARD MEMBER ROSTER: It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Toby that the current Region 149 Board of Directors is voted in to serve in the MY2014 season. The motion was unanimously approved.

BOARD STRUCTURE: Leanne is working on a spreadsheet of what would be considered the E-Board, Board and Staff. Different levels of commitment would be indicated with these titles. Board member clothing could possible change to match the level of commitment of Board roles. The spreadsheet will be emailed at a later date.

CHANGING OF MEETING DATE: Since the number of Board members has grown for our monthly meeting, it has been suggested that we try to reserve the Consumer Power building for future meetings. Andy will check into the dates available and a Doodle Poll will be created to see if there is a better date for the majority other than the 3rd Thursday of each month.

NEWSLETTER: Vicki has agreed to be the newsletter editor for the Fall newsletter. Please submit all articles to her by July 26. The newsletter will be electronic.

MANDATORY TRAINING: Don't forget that Safe Haven needs to be done yearly, after August 1 as well as the concussion training. The links can be found on under training.

FIELDS REPORT: Since the water cannon can not reach Field A, Mike has set up a new field south of Field F that will take the place of Field A. The size will be a bit smaller than the current Field A to better match the division that has been playing on it in the past. The U5 Jamboree will practice on Field A on Saturday with their parents on the field at the same time. Mike will purchase a new water cannon to allow more coverage of fields.

FIELD BANNER/BLADES: Leanne discussed and showed pictures of samples of Field Blades to purchase to mark the fields. There was considerable discussion that the pictures that Leanne presented needed to be altered to make sure we are accomplishing our goal of identifying fields and educating fans about Kid Zone philosophy. She was going to discussion the concerns with Vicki who has been looking into the purchase of the blades.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Thursday, August 21 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. A Doodle Poll will help determine whether or not we will change the meeting date and location.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149