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Board Minutes Archive - MY2015

JUN 2016

No Meeting


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Arianne Custer, Rachel Smith, Joan Ruekauf, Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Eric Gleske, Juan Fernandez, Doug Conrad, Andy Ungerer Benjamin Carleski, Kristin Francisconi, Anton Grube

MINUTES FROM APRIL MEETING: It was moved by Kristin and seconded by Anton the minutes be approved for the April 21, 2016 meeting as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD APPLICATIONS: Applications for Safety Director and Equipment Manager were reviewed and applicants were asked questions about their position and background. The duties of the Safety Director will now include being the liaison between AYSO Region 149 and the Corvallis School District, Will over see the Fields Coordinator, make sure the safety schedule is full each week, and be sure the first aid supplies are well stocked. It was moved by Anton and seconded by Rachel that Luke Cotton be accepted to this position. The motion passed unanimously. Arianne Custer applied for the Equipment Manager position. She understands the duties of the job and will be mentored by Leanne and Elaine, who have been piecing the Equipment Manager's job together. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Rachel we accept Arianne Custer as the new Equipment Manager. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome aboard Luke and Arianne. Mary Cotton has been approached about becoming the U5 Coordinator but no application has been submitted at this time.

BUDGET: Items in the budget were discussed. The issue of scholarship funds was discussed. There were 100 scholarships reserved and there are 29 players on a wait list for scholarships. After considering the amount of money in the scholarship fund, it was decided we have enough funds set aside to honor all the requests and have 9 additional scholarships that can be given out for the remaining MY2016-17 on a first come, first served basis. Those what were placed on the waiting list will be notified they can come to one of the registration events to pay for next season. It was moved by Eric and seconded by Luke that we approve the budget as written. The motion carried unanimously.

UPCOMING EVENTS: The mini camp will be held August 20 at either Adams or OSU. More details to come on this. August 16 will be the first parent meeting and August 20 will be the second meeting. Printing of the letters to be mailed to parents will be completed by July 20. The folding party will be at the July 21 Board meeting. All letters will be mailed by July 22 and should be received by players by July 26.
Team formation will start July 11 and will be completed by July 17. An email will be sent out to ALL families that key volunteers are needed and it is the hope the parents will jump on the opportunity to step up to coach, be an assistant coach, referee or be a team manager! July 1 all team names will be sent to John Williams to build the schedule.

REGISTRATION AT FIELD: On May 23, 24 and June 2, 2016, there will be open registration for those who need to pay since they were on a scholarship list or anyone who missed the events in May. Kristin will send an email to those who show up in the applicant folder to remind them they must bring paperwork and money to the shed in order to be completely registered. On May 23, Kristin, Leanne, Juan and Arianne will be at the safety station between 5:30-6:30 to accept registration materials. On June 24, Elaine, Kristin, Juan and Andy will be there and on June 2, Elaine, Kristin, Juan and Huberto will be there to help. A side note: Andy will be out of town June 8-16. Leanne purchased "Register Now" lawn signs that have not arrived. They will be sent to Humberto's home and he has volunteered to place them out and about prior to the registration event.

VIP PROGRAM: It was reported that there will be a maximum of 25 players in the program. A meeting of parents will be announced at a later date.

FIELDS REPORT: Doug will check with Luke and Mike about storing the goals for the summer. Water cannon coordination needs to be done and Doug needs to learn how to use them properly. He will be meeting with Mike to see about resurfacing the fields again this summer. EXTRA field lining needs to be coordinated with Bob who was not at the meeting.

COACH REPORT: Training will be held June 17 and June 21. Eric will do the classroom portion and Dan will do the field portion. Confirmation will need to be made on who will do the U5 coaching. There needs to be a cap on the number per coach. Anton will be sending Eric the coach evaluations.

TEAM MANAGER: Rachel will send names to Benjamin of who should not be a Team Manager next year. Next year, Rachel would like any flyer information sheets sent to her electronically so they can be emailed to Team Managers as well as being placed in the team files.

EXTRA REPORT: There were two girls teams formed; one at U12 and one at U14. On the boys side there was one U10 team, one U12 team and only about 10 players trying out for U14 so that team will not exist.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, June 16 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. Elaine will not be there so someone will need to take minutes for that meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Joan Ruekauf, Humberto Nation, Anton Grube, Bob Vingelin, Luke Cotton, Jason Hower, Juan Fernandez, Elaine Markley, Andy Ungerer, Doug Conrad, Eric Gleske, Gibby Reynolds, Rachel Smith, Michelle Sparks, Toby Westberry, Benjamin Carleski, guest Wade Haslam

REFEREE REPORT: Luke reported that things were going well. He presented the concept of cross training the Coach/Referee in U8 to be implemented next year. Juan wonders if that should be considered in U10 as well since there will be more teams due to the number of players on the field next fall. The U8 referees would not be scheduled online. They would fill in on game day .

PARKING LOT: The size of the U8 teams and how that affects practices. Combine teams for practices?

MINUTES FROM MARCH MEETING: It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Anton that the minutes from the March 17 meeting be approved as re-submitted with Andy's specific breakdown of team formation for the girls. The motion carried unanimously.

NEW BOARD MEMBER: Doug Conrad applied for the position of Fields Coordinator. This position will fall under the supervision of the Safety Coordinator. Doug has been a coach for the core program as well as Extra. Mike will be helping train Doug throughout the spring and into the summer. It was moved by Gibby and seconded by Humberto that we accept Doug's application for Fields Coordinator. The motion carried with one abstention vote. Welcome Doug

EXTRA PROGRAM: Decisions needed to be made for the Extra program and what direction we will go next year. With open registration closing in on us, there was a lot of discussion centering around the time to outline the program to advertise it with the "side by side" program option or continue to play concurrent with the core team. At this time we will stay concurrent for next year and continue to improve the direction of the program in our region. Bob asked for help with the tryouts that are being held May 16 and 17 at Adams. Doug, Jason, Wade and Juan all volunteered to assist in the selection process that will run from 6:00-7:30pm. The fee structure was discussed and broken down. The total per player would be $100. The breakdown is as follows:

  • $5.00 to the core program to cover port-a-pot units and paint for fields
  • $25.00 for OYSA membership for a year
  • $15.00 uniform cost
  • $50.00-$60.00 for fall league ONLY.

The $100 player fee does not include tournaments or spring expenses. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Gibby that $5.00 of the total fee goes back to Region 149 to cover the cost of port-a-pots and field paint. The motion was approved unanimously.

VOTING BOARD MEMBERS: Leanne discussed the need to identify Board positions with voting rights. 2/3 of the voting members must be present when voting on items submitted to National such as annual budget, procedures and protocol, RC appointments. All Regional items can be voted on by any Board member in attendance. According to the guidelines, Regional Coordinator positions are voting members. Region 149 will include the following Regional Coordinators in the eAYSO listing: Team Manager, Girls Team Formation, Boys Team Formation, Secretary. The required seven positions are also voting members: Commissioner, Treasurer, Referee Administrator, Coach Administrator, CVPA, Registrar. The idea of having a new Board member attend a minimum of 9 out of 12 meetings before being identified as a Regional Coordinator was discussed. Benjamin will add these changes to the eAYSO listing.

VOTING AMENDMENT: After a brief discussion, it was decided that we will follow Article 6, Section D as outlined in the Procedures and Protocol.

REFUND POLICY: It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Gibby that the refund policy states: Region 149 offers a full refund to players who have not participated in a scheduled match during the standard primary program. Those desiring a refund must submit a request in writing to the Regional Registrar. Special requests outside this policy may be submitted in writing to the Regional Commissioner for review on a case-by-case basis. All refunds are at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner or their appointee. The motion carried unanimously.

VIP PROGRAM: It was moved by Luke and seconded by Benjamin that we approve the VIP program for Regional 149 as outlined by the VIP Coordinator, Katie Carleski. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Gibby that the payment for the program will be $50. The motion carried unanimously.

ARTICLE 7 IN PROCEDURES AND PROTOCOL: It was moved by Eric and seconded by Gibby that we check the box for playing ¾ game. The motion carried unanimously.

REGISTRATION EVENT: Registration will take place from 9:00-am-2:00pm at Adams gym/computer lab on May 7 and May 14. Kristin will create an electronic sign up sheet for volunteers as well as Board members. Please plan on spending as much time as possible helping out in the gym or computer lab those Saturdays. Leanne will check with Kristin and get the letter ready for printing this week so Rachel can stuff the folders. A roster needs to be included in the Team Manager direction sheet. We will be using eAYSO for the program to register since Blue Sombrero is not ready. Credit cards can be accepted at the gym or pay online from home. Lawn signs should be ready to put out after April 30. Elaine will contact the radio station and newspaper for public service announcements for the event. She will have Spanish and English version flyers ready to take to the schools to post by May 1.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan shared budget information she has received but it is incomplete. All Boards members need to submit their items to her within the next week or so, allowing her time to complete the proposed budget for approval at the next Board meeting. If you have questions, check with Joan!

SAFETY STATION: The shifts for the safety station are not full. Each week there have been 2 or 3 open spots. Luke will send Gibby a list of volunteers who signed up for safety and see if they can fill the spots. Board members should not be doing their job.

SILENT SATURDAY: April 30 is Silent Saturday. Anton has the write up for this and will send it out to Luke and Eric for reminders to families of the purpose.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, May 19 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Anton Grube, Juan Fernandez, Eric Gleske, Rachel Smith, Elaine Markley, Humberto Nation, Kristin Francisconi, Andy Ungerer, Benjamin Carleski, Kelsey Walker, Joan Ruekauf, Luke Cotton

TEAM MANAGER REPORT: Rachel has been contacting each Team Manager to see how the volunteer pool is going and challenges for each team. U6 referees are hard to come by. There are a few U8 teams that do not have a Team Manager identified. Leanne will help contact teams that are having trouble getting people to volunteer.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: Mike Middleton has submitted his recognition as the Fields Coordinator. He has contacted several volunteers and hopefully they will fill out an application and train with him this spring. Benjamin will send out a notice to all fields volunteers to see if anyone would like to help in the Board position role. Gibby is stepping down as Safety Director since he will be the Area Commissioner. We are still in need of a Trusted Data Manager and Equipment Manager. Everyone needs to be proactive on the field and talk to folks about becoming a Board member. Networking is the key to getting new faces on the Board.

TRAINING: A new concept for registration in May will include trying to find 5 new volunteers who will be the expert in a particular aspect of the registration process. All registration volunteers will receive an email about this new opportunity. They would oversee the other volunteers, freeing up more Board members throughout the day. There will be ongoing coach training, perhaps during the season. Referee training will take place prior to the season and the refresher course the Friday before the season begins. Coach training will take place since there is a need. There will be a "mini camp" August 19 and 20 for the Team Managers, Coaches and Referees.

REFEREE REPORT: Luke briefly talked about monitored substitutions for U14B and U14G in the fall. The logistics will be worked out at a later date. U19 is currently doing this and Luke will be contacting Region 870 to see how they are monitoring this. An impartial volunteer keeps track (time) of players playing time. Each "EXTRA" team will need to provide one qualified, trained referee for their game that is played at our location.

EXTRA PROGRAM REPORT: Anton met with John, Walt and Jason. Tryouts will be held for the Extra program for both girls and boys on Monday, May 16 and Tuesday, May 17 from 6:00-7:30. Each team will be required to have a coach, assistant coach and a team manager. The team manager could act as the treasurer for the team. The teams would decide the length of the season. Some could do summer and end in the fall or others may decide to extend through the following spring. Girls play in the Kidsports league. U10 is always played in Eugene. U12 and U14 switch back and forth between Eugene and Corvallis. The name of the program will no longer be called Progressive, but "EXTRA." Information needs to be changed in any registration materials and on the website. Anton and his committee will bring a written draft of the "sales pitch" to the April meeting.


FIELDS REPORT: All fields are very, very, very wet! A review of the closure policy and practice schedule was discussed. If 50% of the fields are closed by the school district, ALL practices will be canceled. An email blast would be sent out and the website would have an up-date from information obtained from the school district. If we were to cancel the first week of games due to wet field conditions, the schedule would drop the first game and follow the games scheduled for week 2, which would be April 9.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan would like to have all the individual budget requests to her prior to the April meeting. We will discuss the information provided and she will then come back in May with the budget for final approval. She is looking into options of moving some of the money to different types of accounts to better serve our Region.

TEAM FORMATION: Juan reported there was one new U12B team and one U14B team formed. The teams are being adopted for practices so the players can have trained coaches. 17 boys were not placed on teams this spring. Juan was going to ask the U6B coaches if they would take one additional player to bring total up to 8 players since there were only 4 that were not placed in that division. Andy's report for girls program
U8G - 4 girls not placed
U10G - 7 girls not placed
U12G - 4 girls not placed, but 3 were already doing other sports
U14G - 1 girl not placed
Leanne will email the U5 players to welcome them back next week. If anyone needs additional uniforms, email Leanne with the information since she will be placing the order.

MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY MEETING: It was moved by Anton and seconded by Benjamin that the minutes from the February 25, 2016 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

VOLUNTEER EMAILS: Luke will send out email blasts to Concession, Safety, Special Events reminding them to sign up for their 2 hours shift this spring. Rachel will remind Team Managers to do the same and help fill the empty slots (there are a lot of them).

INDOOR REPORT: Prem was not present, but it was reported there were 253 players in the first session and 144 in the second session. No major complaints were reported. Good work Prem!

BOARD MEMBERS ON THE FIELD: Elaine will create and send out a Genius Sign up sheet for Board members to pick either a time you can help at the field to open the fields or close them. Watch for that and help when you can.

USED SOCCER BALLS: Anton will present the plan for collection at the April meeting.

U12 INTERPLAY: Due to lack of interest by the coaches, we will not participate in any interplay with Region 870 this spring.

VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AND KEY DATES: The following dates will be earmarked to show appreciation for our key volunteers:

  • April 16 ~ Team Manager appreciation
  • April 23 ~ Referee appreciation
  • April 30 ~ Silent Saturday
  • May 7 ~ 2016-17 Open Registration at Adams gym all day
  • May 14 ~ 2015-17 Open Registration at Adams gym all day
  • May 14 ~ Coach appreciation

If anyone has ideas of how we can honor these volunteers let each of the Board members who oversee these volunteers know your thoughts.

SUMMER CAMPS: The dates for the AYSO summer camps are June 27-July 1, July 25-29 and August15-19. All sessions will be held at Adams fields.

NEW POST OFFICE BOX: We will be transitioning away from our PO Box 516 in Philomath and our new post office box will be located on Philomath Blvd at the UPS store. The new address is

5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193
Corvallis, OR. 97333

Kristin will have a key to pick up mail since she goes there on a regular basis. Rachel will be the back up.

NEWSLETTER: Vicki is putting the final touches on the newsletter and it will be out soon. Leanne will give Vicki the dates for the Volunteer Appreciation.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 21 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Gibby Reynolds, Kelsey Walker, Andy Ungerer, Juan Fernandez, Eric Gleske, Elaine Markley, Humberto Nation, Anton Grube, Rachel Smith, Kristin Francisconi, Luke Cotton, Benjamin Carleski, Joan Reukauf

MINUTES FROM JANUARY RETREAT: It was moved by Anton and seconded by Gibby that the minutes from the January 9, 2016 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

NEW AREA COMMISSIONER: Congratulations to Gibby Reynolds for being chosen to serve as Area Commissioner with his term beginning April 1, 2016. Many thanks to Shellie Parmelle for all the years of service and leadership to our area

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: We must continue to recruit and talk to volunteers about filling the open Board positions. The most critical right now are Equipment Manager, Data Manager and Safety Administrator (since Gibby is the new Area Commissioner). With the new restructure of Board positions and standard policies, all Board members are now considered voting members. 2/3 of the Board must be present.

BOARD AND VOLUNTEER POSITION TRAINING: Regional Board training will be offered several times with the first training on March 9 from 6:00-8:00pm. Benjamin will send out a reminder to all those who need their job specific training. Specific dates for referee training, coach training registrar training and team manager training will be posted on the website.

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: After the March 1 limited open registration evaluations will be made as to which division might still have openings. There are currently 1142 registered players, 51 players have registered and waiting to be placed on a spring team and there are 35 players in the applicant stage. There will be no new teams formed in U8G and U8B as well as the U10G and U10B teams. Since there is an odd number of teams in U12B, it was decided to form a new team in that division as long as the key volunteers can be identified and trained. Leanne will draft a letter to be mailed out March 9 to those who were not placed.

PROGRESSIVE REPORT: Anton reported that he met with Bob and John to discuss the nuts and bolts of the progressive program. From his training at the EXPO, Anton reports that the title "progressive" is not an AYSO word for what our progressive program is setting out to accomplish. Anton found out that there are tiers of soccer that are under the AYSO umbrella:

  • AYSO primary
  • "EXTRA" (this would be our current Progressive teams)
  • Club - A player is not on a primary AYSO team and membership must be approved by National
  • Academy - An elite level group

BALANCING TEAMS: The number of goals scored has been tallied from the fall. The format is ready for volunteers to calculate the information in the safety station. It was proposed that the referees turn in their game cards at the Safety station rather than the referee station.

VIP REPORT: Katie, Walt and Leanne all took classes at EXPO. They found out the VIP program does not have to have a separate budget to operate. Although it would be legal to raise the player fee to support the expenses of the VIP program, our region will not do this.

YOUTH REPORT: Kelsey is planning on a pizza party for all the youth volunteers at the end of the season. Training opportunities will continue for the youth volunteers to include coach training.

CALENDAR FOR 2017: In thinking ahead, it was suggested that open registration for spring 2017 be completed by mid February so have more time to form teams, order uniforms and get the schedule developed for printing.

TREASURER REPORT: Joan reported a concern about enough scholarship money to go around by spring. We need to find a way to track the number of requests when the families register to know if we have overspent our budget. We have a new PO Box with UPS on Philomath Blvd. We will keep the old one so there is an overlap in case mail is going to the one in Philomath. The cost to keep the existing box is $41 for six months.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby followed up on the Corvallis School District policy on the use of drones at the fields. The school district does not allow drones on the property. AYSO National does not provide insurance for this new fad. Gibby talked about the new ruling on heading the ball and relationship to concussions. Heading the ball is banned from U12 and below. U14 and above can not have more than 15-20 headers in an activity lasting 30 minutes. They are legal in games since it is not a repeated action with the ball coming into contact with the head. We must follow AYSO policy for return to practice and games is someone has had a concussion or head injury. Gibby will put the new policy on heading the ball in the newsletter. Luke will post the policy on the website.

REFEREE REPORT: Due to the lack of time, the discussion of open substitution at U14 and above will take place at the March meeting.

COACH REPORT: Luke and Eric are now certified as Advanced Coaches. Anton is certified as a Coach Instructor. An Advanced Coach instructor will teach the U12 and U14 coach clinics. Dan, Luke and Eric will be sent to Golden Gate Camp the last week in July for continued education. New materials are coming out soon. Eric is looking for suggestions for "coach appreciation" that will be the 2nd week in April. Give Eric your ideas.

TEAM MANAGER REPORT: Rachel reported there are still 11 teams looking for key volunteers, primarily coaches and referees. There were 10 teams that found their own volunteers that were primarily the coach positions.

COMMISSIONER WRAP-UP: Leanne reported the team that represented Region 149 came away from the EXPO with a lot of good ideas. There will be more information to follow about changes in birth year, small sided games and field size for the MY2017. She reported they got a lot of good recruitment ideas from the conference. The big news is that the Blue Sombrero registration program will not be opened in time to start it with next year registration. It will open in January of 2017 so we will continue to use the eAYSO for the fall/spring 2016-17. Hopefully by spring of 2017 all the kinks have been worked out and it will be foolproof by then.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, March 17 at 7:15 in the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Benjamin Carleski, Katie Carleski, Anton Grube, Elaine Markley, Leanne Henriques, Humberto Nation, Dustin Denver, Mark Baur, Luke Cotton, Toby Westberry, Dan Stevens, Marty Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, Kristin Francisconi, Jason Hower, Rachel Smith, Kelsey Walker, Michelle, Sparks, Andy Ungerer, Bob Vingelin, Bob Carlseski, Marc Betz

MINUTES: The minutes from the November 19, 2015 were approved as corrected. The addition to the word "limited" was added to the spring registration statement. In the section review of Region 870, it was noted that the U12 teams may have a game with Region 870 this spring.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Introductions of Katie Carleski and Marty Hernandez were made and questions were asked of each of the applicants. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Humberto that Katie Carleski become the VIP Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Elaine and seconded by Kristin that Marty Hernandez become the Concession Coordinator at the end of the spring 2016 season, transitioning with the help of Nichole. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Luke and seconded by Benjamin that Marc Betz become the Assistant Data Manager. The motion carried unanimously. Welcome to the Region 149 Board!

SEASON IN REVIEW: Leanne began the discussion of things that went well this past fall and others added to the list. Positive results included:

  • Field conditions
  • Team Manager interaction and follow through
  • Less complaints in general
  • Parent meeting structure
  • Changes were well received
  • Credit card option for paying was positive
  • More scholarship money generated through the credit card option
  • Club data better and more timely. Jason Hower will be the liaison between AYSO and club
  • Great Board member additions
  • Referee schedule with new program
  • More coach and referee training options

Things that could have been better include:

  • Data flow
  • U6 confusion. Not enough research done and not enough coach training on changes
  • Volunteers not getting their original choice of job for their team
  • Lack of communication with volunteers
  • Lack of follow through on deadline dates
  • Need to recruit in person for filling Board positions that are open, not just an email blast
  • Staffing for safety/information was not always filled
  • Field volunteers didn't help clean up even though they were reminded many ways
  • The purpose of the August parent meeting was not clear to everyone

COACH: Thank you to Dan and Jason for making the U5 program a success. There is a huge potential for growth, therefore more coaches need to be trained to present the curriculum. One suggestion was to use the OSU club soccer group who has to do community service hours. It was suggested that game balls be returned and used the following year in addition to receiving new balls. More balls per team = better player involvement. It was moved by Kristin and seconded by Benjamin we ask for used soccer balls to be returned at the end of the spring season and redistribute in the fall along with 3 new balls per team. Motion carried unanimously. Anton will discuss possible storage after the spring season at a later meeting. Thank you to Eric for his report and suggestions since he could not attend. (There was cream cheese for our snacks, Eric!)

REFEREE: The U8 referees could sign up to referee their own child's games. This could be done in all divisions except U14. This seemed to help fill the game time slots, therefore there were less games that were not covered. The new game cards were custom made to match our needs. All games were scheduled in Horizon Web Ref program. Feedback can be given to other referees in this program. The referee administrator has a support structure to break the job into more manageable tasks. The structure is:

  • Director of Referee Instruction
  • Director of Assessment
  • Director of Youth Engagement
  • Youth Referee Coordinator

Referee equipment is being cut back, saving costs. Rather than a full uniform in the lower divisions, t-shirts have been issued. In the future, Progressive teams will need to provide a referee for their games. These will be scheduled in the Horizon Web Ref program.

TEAM MANAGER: Only 2 teams did not receive some sort of training in the fall. Email communication was good. Team managers need to be made aware of who is volunteering for which positions. An email with the list is helpful. For improvement for next season, Rachel and Michelle want to have three dates in the early part of August (2, 10 and 18). They would like to have rosters with email address on them. There will be an "open house" for the current team managers prior to the season. Training guidelines need to be made clear and all team managers must compete the Safe Haven training but the concussion training is suggested by National. It was moved by Rachel and seconded by Benjamin that all Region 149 Team Managers complete both Safe Haven and Concussion training. Coaches need to know that if their team manager is not doing their job, Rachel and/or Michelle need to know this. In the future, a token of appreciation will be given after the 1st game and a smaller appreciation will be given at the end of the season.

PROGRESSIVE: Anton will lead a subcommittee to look at the Progressive program as a whole and make sure both the girls and boys programs are structured the same way. Members on this committee are John W., Bob V., Jason, Juan, Prem and a member of Region 870. The boys program is growing , therefore, another coordinator is needed to help Bob. The age groups will change in January 2017.

TREASURER: Joan dropped off the report and had to attend a work meeting. There will be an additional $1259 added to the scholarship fund from summer camp funds.

SAFETY: Gibby was not able to attend since he a referee in AZ but did send the Corvallis School Policy about the use of drones on the field. It was decided to table the topic until more information can be obtained about the use of drones to film referees in action.

FIELDS: No report. There was good snow in the mountains for Mike!

CVPA: Since Anton has taken on additional duties as an Assistant Commissioner, we need to find someone who could help check references of new volunteers. Toby will look up the National position on background check and see if a Board member can do the calls to help cut down on the amount of time required by just two Board members.

SPRING SEASON PREP: Season will begin April 2 and end May 14. There will be some sort of closing day celebration on May 14. Katie and Juan will work on ideas for this.

VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION: Key volunteer positions will be recognized in the spring. Board members are to report back in February as to what this might look like.

  • Coach appreciation April 9
  • Referee appreciation April 16
  • Team Manager appreciation April 23

EQUIPMENT: Uniform deadline is March 11. There will be a late order placed on March 21 if necessary and the last order will be April 3. Leanne will do this unless a new Equipment Manager steps forward.

SPRING SEASON TIMELINE: The dates are also on the Google calendar and reminders will be sent to phone or computer.

  • January 11 Review Team Manager letter from previous year
  • January 13 approval of letter
  • January 15 letter sent to Team Managers
  • January 25 Kristin contact wait list players to see if they are wanting to play in spring
  • January 26 Newspaper/radio information
  • February 3 Follow up with Team Managers on openings
  • February19 Deadline to add teams
  • March 1 Newsletter articles due to Vicki
  • March 9 Players notified if they were placed on a team
  • April 1 Individual budgets to Leanne
  • April 30 Silent Saturday

INTERPLAY WITH REGION 870: Both regions will follow National Standards so every game will be played the same way. U12 coaches would have the option to playing 1 away game and 1 home game with Region 870 to eliminate the "bye" and get a taste of U14. Leanne will check with John W. and Keith U from Region 870 to see if it would be better to schedule the interplay games on two Saturdays ONLY or throughout the season when they make the schedule. A deadline will need to be identified so this can be worked into the schedule.

VIP PROGRAM: Katie expressed a commitment for at least 5 years. She will be attending all the VIP classes offered at EXPO, including instructor courses. The VIP program will be independently financed and will not be in the general fee for other players. Region 870 will start their program this spring and set a limit to the number of participants. Katie has a key person identified that might be willing to work with her in developing the program.

TEAM FORMATION: Andy, Juan, Toby, Dan and Leanne will be evaluating the goals scored and the rankings for team formation. Starting in the fall of 2016, U10 will be 7 v 7 to comply with National standards with team size, goal size and field size matching the standard. More key volunteers will be needed at this level compared to this past season. Changes will need to be communicated in the newsletter and all coach communication.
The topic of having a U7 division was mentioned but will be discussed at a later date. It was felt that team balance was good this past fall and there were less blow out games. Volunteer placement of key volunteers (coach, referee and team manager) should be spread out first amongst the teams, then start creating the balanced teams from that point. Less problems of getting volunteers is anticipated if this is done in advance rather than begging people to fill the key spots.

FALL 2016: By April 18, Coach training, Referee training and Team Manager training dates and job descriptions will be completed. Open registration for MY2016-17 will be May 7 and 14. The fee will be $75. After May 14 the fee will be $80. Since eAYSO will no longer exist after December 31, 2016, we will register through Blue Sombrero. This program has a credit card system that seems to work quicker than what we used last season. Kristin wants to have the registration as a walk-in at Adams gym May 7 and 14.
May 31 open registration will close so that team formation workshops can begin.
June 23 team formation will be completed for the MY2016-17.

NEW NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDELINES: Anything our Region wants to customize will become an amendment and not be found in an appendix. A key change is that ALL Board members will be voting members, however, there must be a quorum. In preparing our Regional guidelines, the first month we will discuss the amendments and the second month we will vote on them. A subcommittee will go through our current guidelines and compare to National guidelines. The final vote will be in June. Luke, Benjamin, Gibby, Eric, Anton and Leanne will serve on this committee.

PICTURES: Leanne has asked Luke to prepare a survey to be sent to all families about team pictures. It will be framed around whether families buy pictures, do they want pictures, why or why not? Should a new vendor be used? This survey will be prepared by the February meeting for preview.

RAP: Leanne Benjamin and Anton will be meeting with each Board member after EXPO over the next several months to fill out the RAP report that pertains to their Board position.

RETREAT 2017: The retreat date for next year will be Saturday, January 14, 2017. Mark your calendar now.

THANK YOU: Thanks to Anton for securing our location for the 2016 retreat. The venue was perfect. Thank you to those who were able to attend the retreat. Your dedication to kids in Region 149 is appreciated.

NEXT MEETING: Due to schedule conflicts, our next meeting will be Thursday, February 25 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

DEC 2015

No Meeting


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Anton Grube, Andy Ungerer, Luke Cotton, Gibby Reynolds, Eric Gleske, Toby Westberry, Elaine Markley, Rachel Smith, Humberto Nation, Kristin Francisconi, Joan Ruekauf

MINUTES: It was moved by Rachel and seconded by Humberto that the minutes from the October 15 2015 meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD OPENINGS: We are currently looking for an Equipment Manager and Data Manager as well as a Public Relations coordinator. Marc Betz has indicated he would be willing to help as an Assistant Data Manager. Benjamin will give a better picture of the job description of the Data Manager since he has been working out the kinks. Leanne will contact Rich Raleigh and see if he is interested in helping out again. It was suggested an email blast be send out prior to December 15 with these positions advertised. Leanne would draft the blast and send to Benjamin to email to members.

EXPO: At this time the following Board members indicated interest in attending Expo in January. They are: Luke, Gibby, Walt (going as a presenter), Leanne, Eric, Anton and Benjamin. Leanne needs to know if anyone else is interested in attending so arrangements for travel and lodging can be made.

SAFETY REPORT: The was nothing to report since the October 15 meeting. Gibby clarified the question about having stretchers at the safety station. He said they should not be allowed and 911 should transport any player or spectator if necessary. The topic of drones was discussed. Gibby will bring a draft policy about use of drones during practice and games to the January retreat. It was suggested that Karen Selander from the Corvallis School District be contacted to see if the school district has a policy in place for the safety of those on the district fields.

TREASURER REPORT: There was no report given.

REFEREE REPORT: Luke reported there were 628 referees assigned in the computer for games. Allowing the U8 volunteer referees to do their own child's game was considered a big plus. There were only 6 volunteers that did not fulfill their obligation in the fall but there were 7 who did not do any games. There were 50 new regional referees properly trained. It was felt that the gaps in the schedule were smaller than in past seasons. Luke made appreciation coupons for referees to redeem snacks at the concession stand after the last fall game. Those who used them very surprised and appreciated the gesture.

RRA Addition: Fall 2015 - U08+: 628 referee slots were assigned in Horizon Web Ref, 131 Referee Assignments were filled, 137 Referee Assignments were requested, 133 Web Ref Licenses were used (135 purchased), 7 Web Ref users never logged in or took a game assignment, 42 Referees Trained with Companion Course, 8 Referees Trained in Person, 13 U8 Referees Trained, 50 new regional referees, & 6 reported incidences this past season. Intermediate Referee class on 12/11 run by Walt, no stats yet.

REGISTRATION: Open registration for spring 2016 will open February 1. There will be a detailed discussion about this at the January 9th retreat. Some players registered for fall and spring while others just registered to play indoor in the winter. This needs to be sorted out before teams receive new players for spring.

CVPA REPORT: No report.


COACH REPORT: Eric reported there were 200 coaches trained and certified. Additional training will take place in February and March. Eric will present a proposal at the retreat for coaches to have interactive training. There were three reported incidents this fall and all the coaches involved only had the on-line training.

TEAM MANAGERS: Rachel reported that approximately 75% of the team managers picked up their appreciation gift card at the shed steps when getting their mail from the team folder. The feedback was very positive to be recognized for their volunteerism. Both she and Michelle liked having a face to go along with the name they have been working with throughout the season. They talked about having an "open house" in the early spring to talk to team managers and pump them up for a return job next year. They are going to keep the extra gift cards and use them as needed. Leanne appreciated all the extra training both Rachel and Michelle did to help the team managers carry out their job.

INDOOR PROGRAM: Prem was not present, but it was reported there were a few problems tracking players that had 2 last names. Clarification needs to be made for the intent of the player for the spring outdoor season.

MEETING WITH AYSO REGION 870: Leanne attended their Board meeting. They have a rigid Roberts Rule of Order that she received and will send along to our Board. There was a concern that the U14 teams had the same uniforms in both regions. We will place our order first and then give Region 870 a list of colors/styles used. They are asking that we consider playing one game each week in U12 in the future. This will be discussed at a later date.

VIP PROGRAM: We are in the exploration stage, not a fundraising stage. Region 870 wants our region to have the same fee for the VIP program as theirs. It was felt we will do what is best for our Region.

ACCOUNT AT UPS: Region 149 now has an open account for printing needs at the UPS store on Philomath Blvd. next to the Subway sandwich shop. Bring receipts to Joan to help track spending.

HOLIDAY PARTY: It was decided to forgo the holiday party this year. Every Board meeting is a party!!!!

JANUARY RETREAT: Kristin has offered the services of her daughter's girl scout troop to babysit for those Board members who would need childcare on January 9. Agenda items that have been identified are:

  • Calendar planning/Use of Google calendar
  • Each Administrator have concrete goals
  • Regional goals
  • New National Standard Guidelines (every Board member present gets to vote)
  • Changing team sizes
  • Progressive programs
  • Registration procedures for spring 2016 and Fall/Spring 2016-17
  • Proposals from Anton, Benjamin and Leanne who each have sub-groups

The location of the retreat will be at the Corvallis Clinic Asbury Bldg. at 3680 NW Samaritan Drive. Anton will provide specific directions for parking.

Leanne will send out a Doodle poll with hour by hour time slots for Board members to indicate when they will be present. Elaine will base the food purchases on the results of the Doodle poll.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be the retreat on Saturday, January 9 at the Corvallis Clinic beginning at 9:00am.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Andy Ungerer, Jason Hower, Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Leanne Henriques, Eric Gleske, Humberto Nation, Anton Grube, Kristin Francisconi, Joan Ruekauf, Benjamin Carleski, Katie Carleski (guest), John Fassler from Region 870 (guest)

BOARD NEEDS: Leanne gave a brief rundown of what is needed for priority Board positions and changes that may be taking place. She said that Marc Betz has indicated a desire to help as an Assistant Trusted Data Manager. Benjamin, Bob Carleski and Marc will talk about roles and how this will look. Leanne will talk to Rich Raleigh to see if he has time to assist with pieces of the data collection. Leanne has had someone approach her about helping as the Social Media Coordinator. She will meet with this person and discuss the role of this Board position. Lawn signs are being drafted for future registration by Tera Bluhm. The word "fall" will be added to the drafted signs. Joan is looking for an assistant as Treasurer. She will not resign from her position at this time.

SAFETY REPORT: Gibby was not present by wanted to thank all the Board members for their help with ambulance calls the past two weeks. He reported that each of the incidents were truly an "accident" and no action needed to be taken, The Lebanon player had a severe concussion and will be held out of practice until released from her physician. There was a U19 player with a bruised rib that did not require transport. An experienced referee slipped and fell on his elbow and required an ambulance transport. There was also an ACL injury that did not require transport. It was a good reminder for all coaches to carry their emergency contact forms with them at all times and Eric will put this in his "Hey Coach" newsletter. A question for Gibby: What is the policy for having stretchers at the field for transport of an injured person?

RETREAT AGENDA ITEMS: The following were suggested for discussion at the January 9, 2016 retreat.

  • Proposal for emergency forms to coaches
  • Quality of soccer balls purchased from Baden
  • Walkie talkies on field
  • Assigning referees to U6 in the current format (just do it like we did before smaller sided games)

VIP EXPLORATION: John Fassler from Region 870 made a presentation to the Board regarding the training he has obtained and willingness to assist our region if we want to start a VIP program. Christi Carleski, wife of Benjamin, is interested in continuing the exploration of this program. The program would not begin until proper training can be obtained which would likely be Fall of 2016 or Spring of 2017. The youngest age of participation can be determined by each region and there is no top age for someone to participate, according to John. John is looking for a corporate sponsor to pay for any costs to participants. Special equipment may be needed as well as the uniforms. There are no practices, like our current U6. It was suggested that we may be able to tap into OSU volunteers who work with the special needs programs. John suggested a representative of Region 149 meet with the teachers in the Corvallis and Philomath districts to share the program and get the word out through their communication avenue. Benjamin would represent AYSO Region 149 when talking about the VIP Program until an official Board application has been filed and action taken on any applicants. We can start advertising with our current members when we are ready to proceed. It was moved by Eric and seconded by Jason that our region begin the exploration of a VIP program and support necessary training as we move forward. The motion carried unanimously,

TREASURER REPORT: Joan would like to remove past Registrar Rema Robinson from the signature card and add current Registrar Kristin Francisconi as an identified signer. The names on the cards would be: Leanne Henriques, Commissioner, Elaine Markley, Secretary, Joan Ruekauf, Treasurer and Kristin Francisconi, Registrar. Joan will prepare the paperwork that will indicate this change.

INDOOR REGISTRATION: Leanne and Kristin will talk about the players in the applicant status that want to play indoor soccer this winter. All players must be a registered for MY2015-16 in order to participate in indoor. Prem needs to be kept informed as to the status of the players.



FIELDS REPORT: The goals for U8 have not arrived yet. Leanne will follow up on this. In the meantime, thank you to Jason for loaning a goal from his home so we can have goals on all fields.

COACH REPORT: Eric reported there have been a few issues with the U8 teams having two players camp out in front of the goal while the other three are going the length of the field. All in all, there have been more positive comments than negative in the new look for U8 The U10 spectator/team signs are not being followed. A reminder will be made about why players are on one side and parents on the other. In the coaches report Kristin brought up the need to provide instruction or review when there are unequal numbers of players on teams during game situations. Eric will address this in "Hey Coach." The U12 coach training will not be offered before the end of the season but it will definitely be offered before spring 2016. Eric sees the value of having "live training at all division rather than just video training at U8 and U10.

REFEREE SCORE CARDS: The intent was to enter data on a spreadsheet while volunteers are at the safety/information station (in their down time). That has not been done. After the current high school and AYSO season, Anton will collect and sort data during the winter months. Game cards are stored on the table between the windows in the safety/information station.

TEAM MANAGER REPORT: Neither Rachel or Michelle were present so there was no report. Leanne has had good feedback from team managers about their training and the support they have from our Regional Team Managers. Good job girls!

COMMISSIONER REPORT: Leanne is trying to gather names of those who will attend Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah January 29-31. Although the road trip to Expo 2015 was valuable and saved money, we will fly to this conference. Walt will be there as an instructor. Others that have expressed interest in attending are: Kristin, Anton, Jason, Eric, Humberto, Luke and Leanne. If anyone else would like to attend, please get in touch with Leanne right away.

INDOOR SOCCER: Prem was unable to attend the meeting but asks for the following help in preparing for indoor season. How to process wait list or non-regular season players: I spoke with Andy and will take the following approach unless the board has issues with it:

For new (or returning) players:

  • Complete registration for regular season on eayso (it is open now for indoor).
  • Bring print out of registration plus fee for regular season to Safety / Information station.
  • Complete indoor registration for and pay fee.

For wait listed players: I will do this on a case-by-case basis as situations I suspect are different. I'm going to assume (unless you tell me otherwise) that all are registered through eAYSO).

For those that have paid for the regular season, I will allow them to register for indoor just like a player that is playing in the outdoor season. I will then verify that the player is registered and paid for outdoor.

For those that have not paid, I'll have them bring payment for the outdoor season to the Safety/Information station and deposit that along with indoor registration /fee.

Data collection: In years past, the data manager has provided me with player data that facilitates team formation. I believe that Benjamin is doing this role temporarily but cannot help in this process, which is quite time-consuming. I spoke with Andy on Saturday and he's willing to help me out. Additional help in this area would be great.

Team formation: Once registration is closed, I will be forming teams. I know the girls in the program fairly well, and have people that can help. Bob V. helped with the boys last year, and said he'd be willing to do it again. He suggested that Juan also help with the boys side. I have not reached out to Juan. This would take place shortly after Oct. 24th.

Jason said he can help Prem with team formation. Prem needs more help than just one person!!! Contact Prem if you can help him.

RETREAT DATE AND LOCATION: Andy found out that Consumer Power is a long way from completion so we can not use it for our January 9, 2016 retreat. Anton was going to explore a couple of options. If anyone knows of a clubhouse or meeting room that has heat, restrooms, a small kitchen set up, wi-fi, tables and chairs, please let Leanne know as soon as possible. Anyone live in Grand Oaks? We have met in their clubhouse before and it fit our needs nicely How about Willamette Landing? They also have a nice clubhouse that can be used by residents. And the cost needs to be FREE!

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting is Thursday, November 19 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building at 7:15.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Leanne Henriques, Kristin Francisconi, Rachel Smith, Elaine Markley, Humberto Nation, Luke Cotton, Eric Gleske, Jason Hower, Juan Fernandez, Andy Ungerer, Anton Grube, Benjamin Carleski, Kelsey Walker

MINUTES: It was moved by Kristin and seconded by Rachel that the minutes from August 20, 2015 be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

BOARD APPLICATION: Humberto Nation, a current U19 coach, applied for the U19 Coordinator position. Board members had a chance to review his application and ask questions before casting their vote. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Rachel that we accept Humberto as the new U19 Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously. Humberto will work with Marc Betz for the remainder of this year to make the transition smooth.

SAFETY REPORT: The walkie talkies and AED will be at the shed and ready to go for the first game. Leanne and Kelsey will look through the first aid kit and supplement any outdated items and restock what we are low on.

REFEREE REPORT: Classes are up and running for training. As always, there have been a few complaints but nothing major. There are still some openings in U8 and a need for referees for the Progressive games. Future plans for game cards would be to have the Safety Station volunteers to collect the data from the previous week and follow directions provided by the Referee Administrators.

REGISTRATION: There are currently 1077 registered players at this date. There are 67 players in the applicant status. There were 27 drops. Fall registration will close on September 19 except for U5 and U19. The website will show that beginning February 1, 2016 registration for the spring season will be open. Players will be notified in early March if they were placed.

CVPA REPORT: None. We do need Board members to check ID at the field the first few Saturdays being stationed at the Safety Station.

FIELDS REPORT: The goals for Fields A and F have been converted to smaller goals to accommodate the team sizes and number of players on the field during the game. Portable goals will be on Fields C East, C Middle, C West and I. They will be stored in the brown equipment shed after each game.

TEAM MANAGER REPORT: Rachel is looking for ideas for Team Manager appreciation since they have been asked to do a lot of work for their team so far this season. If you have any ideas send them Rachel's way.

U5 VOLUNTEERS: Leanne, Elaine and Rachel will check in the U5 players and check their volunteer ID if they are not on the master list that Toby will provide of all approved volunteers on the first Saturday. T-shirts, socks and a size 3 soccer ball will be given to the players when they arrive.

BOARD CLOTHING: Leanne explained the difference in some clothing items worn by the Board. If a Board member has been serving on the Board for 5 or more years or is in a position to answer questions on the field, they will receive a jacket to wear in addition to the polo shirt. Board members need to wear their clothing items on Saturday so be visible.

UNIFORM LOGO: The question has come up about the Fox logo on the front of all uniforms this season. The birthday logo made sense and no one questioned that. The answer to the question is to refer anyone who wants more information to National AYSO for the answer since they are the ones who made the decision. Region 149 does not get any monetary gain from the logo.

DATA TRACKING: Benjamin would like to have a data tracking committee to track any data that might be helpful for future years of planning. If you have anything what you want tracked, email Benjamin.

FUTURE MEETINGS: Regular Board meetings will be held on October 15 and November 19. The January retreat date was not discussed. Leanne would like to have a different format for the December Christmas party and include the kids in some way. Leanne will create a Doodle poll for a date that will work for the majority. If you have any ideas of what you would like to do for the party, send Leanne your ideas. One idea was to rent the Bounce House for the kids and get former AYSO players to chaperone while the adults went to dinner. The issue of having to hire a babysitter was partly the reason for the low turn out the last few years.

BAKE SALE TO SUPPORT SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Walt's daughter and friends are no longer doing the bake sale. Kristin said she would ask her daughter's U14G team if they would like to do that as a community service project.

FUND RAISER: Leanne shared a possible fund raiser centered around the donation of gently used clothing and toiletries. Several other Board members got the same email and felt more research needed to be done before moving forward on this. Leanne will check into the details.

NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be at 7:15pm on Thursday, October 15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building. Thank you Leanne for providing the variety of treats for the September meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


PRESENT: Benjamin Carleski, Leanne Henriques, Michelle Sparks, Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Walt Mahaffee, Gibby Reynolds, Eric Gleske, Juan Fernandez, Andy Ungerer

MINUTES: The minutes for June and July meetings were reviewed. It was moved by Benjamin and seconded by Gibby that the minutes were to be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS: Leanne outlined the following Board positions that need to be filled sooner than later: 1) Trusted Data Manager 2) Registrar 3) Treasurer 4) Equipment Manager. All Board members are encouraged to talk to people to see if we can get these positions filled. Joan will remain Treasurer until there is a replacement. Kristin would like to start working with her replacement before the end of the 2015-16 season. The Trusted Data Manager position currently held by Bob is too time consuming for his current work schedule. Benjamin is working on a lot of the data entry as a partner with this position. We received an application for Referee Administrator from Luke Cotton. Walt would like to step down from this position and focus as a director of referee instruction. Ideally there would be another person who would be in charge of referee assessment and handle the complaints, review game cards and organize people for advancement training. It was moved by Walt ad seconded by Eric that Luke be accepted as the Referee Administrator. The motion carried unanimously. Luke Will continue to act as the Webmaster on the Board.

BOARD CLOTHING: Every other year Score provides regions with a Board polo shirt. Leanne will order the shirts in a royal and white color. Board members on the field on Saturday who are key people to answer questions will receive a jacket to wear. T-shirts will be ordered for other staff/workers at special events. If Board members were not at the meeting, they need to get their sizes of clothing items to Benjamin.

NEW GOALS: The size of the goals will change with the size of the field and number of players on the field at one time. Eric will email Gibby a proposal for goals that are safe and fit our needs. Jason was looking to this as well. Leanne will follow up with Jason. There was discussion of using the 5-a-Side goals that are stored in the rafters of the referee shed to save money. They are "portable" and may not be sturdy enough.

POST OFFICE BOX IN PHILOMATH: We will renew the Philomath post office box for another 6 months at the cost of $38.00. At the end of the 6 months which will be in February, we will decide if we want to change the location of the post office box to Corvallis. Since there are less Board members from Philomath now, it is hard to check the mail on a regular basis. Anton will be in charge of checking the mail on a regular basis. He needs to get a key from Andy.

CDC TRAINING PROBLEMS: Luke and Eric will put together directions on what people should do to make sure they can complete their concussion training in a timely manner. The program has not been responding properly. Benjamin will contact Torrie at National AYSO to discuss the problem. We received an email with information to email the completed certificate to Torrie and she would enter the information by hand. Some Board members were able to complete the training without any problems and others had to do it several times. Some have emailed their certificate to Torrie.

VOLUNTEER LISTS: Benjamin will continue to update the lists as they come in from the Team Managers. Michelle will send out an email explaining that families can volunteer for more than one position on their child's team. In smaller teams they will have to take on more than one job! Contact to team managers needs to be done to see what they have done to get people to step up. The training sessions are listed on the website so the longer the team waits to find their key volunteers the harder it will be to get them properly trained. A notice will be send to the Coach/Team Manager when their team has completed all the requirements to pick up their uniforms. There will be a list at the two uniform stations listing those teams who can get their uniforms.

AUGUST 27 AT THE SHED: We need to have a large vehicle or several smaller ones meet at the shed to take the balls, coaches bags and cones to CHS for the second parent meeting. Benjamin is that you? If any Board member wants to see the uniform choices and select them for their team they should be at the shed at 5:30 to do so. An email will go out to also select the color. Let Elaine know your team name and what color you would like to reserve ASAP.

SIGN UP TO HELP CLOSE FIELDS: Leanne requested all Board members take turns helping close down the fields each week. Elaine will put together a Genius Sign Up sheet for 2 members to sign up to help each Saturday. Elaine will assume responsibility for opening the fields each Saturday and if something were to prevent her from doing this, she will get a replacement. There are field volunteers assigned to help with this.

TEAM MANAGERS: The Team Manager Coordinators are requesting that a primary email be included on the rosters so their line of communication can be streamlined. Shutterfly will be available to coaches starting August 24. Leanne will set this up. Unfortunately it will only be linked to the coach of each team, not team manager. The coach must get the information to their team manager.

PICTURE DAY: Pictures will be taken by Hise Studio again this fall. The date for pictures is September 26. Leanne will confirm with Jock Edblom, owner of Hise Studio.

TROPHIES FROM WILSON: Leanne received information about a potential fundraiser for the spring. For every trophy purchased from Wilson, AYSO Region 149 would receive $1. This will be placed in the PARKING LOT UNTIL JANUARY.

NEXT MEETING: Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, September 17 at 7:15 at the OSU Oceanography Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149


Those in attendance were Leanne H., Bob C., Walt M., Kristin F., Juan F., Eric G., Luke C., Anton G.

There was discussion about Golden Gate and who will be attending. Dan and Gibby will be attending as instructors. Joe, Zane and Leanne will be attending from our Region.

EXPO will be held in Salt Lake City this year. There is not a specific date at this time but it should take place in February or March 2016.

Referee Report - Walt is working through the new software and is learning out to use the program. Walt needs the specific team names so that he can enter these into the software database. There are tentative referee training dates set up for 8/29, 9/5 for full day, 9/2, 9/7, 9/9 for half day and 8/31, 9/11 for U8 training.

Registrar Report - Kristin is catching back up after being gone. Leanne and others are working through players who had paid, there are 80 originally and the number is slowly moving down. Juan and Kristin will follow up on this. Leanne asked that we set up some more registration dates. Luke will update the website with wording allowing late registration and updated registration dates.

CVPA report - Toby was gone but submitted his report to Leanne in writing. Overall things are going well. There was a concern with how many registered volunteers we have at this point compared to previous years. Letters will be sent out reminding parents to register and sign up online. Letters will be sent to all parents about available volunteer spots notably coaching and refereeing.

Boys Team Formation - Juan noted that we are missing some of the data to form teams (goals scored data, club data) and that they have been able to gather some of this data but not all of it. There was discussion around goals scored data and if coaches could input this each week, could a team manager input this each week, could the safety shed person input this while sitting in the shed when cards are returned? Leanne asked that Bob C. and Eric G. form a committee to come up with a plan for this fall to address how we can capture this data.

General Team Formation - We discussed that the "yellow sheets" will be sent in by Team Managers once completed so this will be continuous as opposed to on the night of the parent meeting. As these come in a weekly status update e-mail will be sent that lets key Board members know how many teams have completed their information. Parent meeting will be held August 19th and August 27th. Coaches will get balls and a coach bag but uniforms WILL NOT be handed out at these meetings. Uniforms will be handed out on September 8th and 12th with a final unpublicized date of the 14th or the first game for anyone who doesn't get to those pick up dates. It was agree that teams must be formed by the 27th (hopefully sooner) and that letters need to go out July 29th.

Scheduling - needs information on which coaches are coaching more than one team ASAP in order to develop the schedule. Andy and Juan to get this information to scheduling ASAP.

Fields - Luke is working to get a map created and on the website showing the new field locations. Jason Hower supplied information on suggested goals. Anton to contact Jason to make sure that he has looked at what existing goals we already have before we purchase. We need to also confirm with Gibby that goals meet any safety requirements.

Team Manager Meetings - Team Manager Meetings are set for July 22, July 23, and July 28. A detailed list of what team managers are supposed to do will be presented via a letter/e-mail as well at this meeting. We hope that this training will help with getting all the "yellow sheets" filled out correctly and in a timely manner.

Coach Report - Recruitment letters will be sent out to each parent asking them to consider coaching. Training dates have been set and will be up on the website. August 27th is the intermediate coach training. September 11th and 12th will be U12 coach training.

Parking Lot Items:

  • Eric would like that next year you volunteer to be a coach, not an assistant coach or head coach, just a coach.
  • Eric suggests that we recruit heavily starting in the first game of the spring for coaches for the next fall season.

Respectfully submitted,
Anton Grube