Outdoor Recreational - Fall 2024 & Spring 2025
Our outdoor rec program is the foundation for all the fun, excitement and learning that happens on the fields. AYSO is best known for our rec programs - it's where the large majority of kids fall in love with soccer and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Teams are put together in a way that makes playing soccer about the experience, not wins or losses. It's not about blowing out another team with an unbelievable score; it's about sportsmanship and learning to be the best possible teammate and opponent. Developing players is what we're about, because soccer skills and life skills go hand in hand. AYSO's main purpose is to get kids on the field, provide them with good coaches, and teach them to play soccer.
![]() Preschool |
![]() Kinder |
![]() 1st Grade |
![]() 2nd Grade |
![]() 3rd-4th |
![]() 5th-6th |
![]() 7th-8th |
![]() High School |
Signing Up
You can register to play soccer before the season starts by filling out the registration online (here).
Start Here
- Typically, in May or August for fall & spring, and in February for just spring.
- You have the option of paying online by credit card. (If you want to pay by check or cash, you will have to attend a registration event listed in the calendar.)
- It is best to register early to be guaranteed of a spot. We try to accommodate as many players as want to play, but are limited by time or team openings.
At the regional level, AYSO is a 100% volunteer organization; no one gets paid for their effort, which for a core group of people is very considerable. Simply, AYSO could not and would not exist without its volunteers. Everyone plays because everyone volunteers. Please consider volunteering (here).

Kindergarten - Born 9/1/2018 - 8/31/2019
- Players born 9/1/2018 - 8/31/2019 or Kindergarten in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break, scheduled between 8am-2pm.
- Training sessions are on game days, with an optional session in the week to help players as needed (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 3 vs. 3 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding restarts.
- Game Fields are 61, 62, & 63 in Corvallis (here).
- Built off AYSO's 6U Core Recreational Program.
Contact Boys Kinder Coordinator =|= Contact Girls Kinder Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?

1st Grade - Born 9/1/2017 - 8/31/2018
- Players born 9/1/2017 - 8/31/2018 or 1st grade in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break between 8am-2pm.
- You will have one training session throughout the week that could be 1 hour (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 4 vs. 4 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding restarts.
- Game Fields are 71, 72, & 73 in Corvallis (here).
- Built off AYSO's 8U Core Recreational Program.
Contact Boys 1st Grade Coordinator =|= Contact Girls 1st Grade Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?

2nd Grade - Born 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2017
- Players born 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2016 or 2nd grade in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break, scheduled between 8am-2pm.
- You will have one training session throughout the week that could be 1 hour (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 5 vs. 5 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding restarts.
- Game Fields are 81, 82, & 83 in Corvallis (here).
- Built off AYSO's 8U Core Recreational Program.
Contact Boys 2nd Grade Coordinator =|= Contact Girls 2nd Grade Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?

3rd & 4th Grade - Born 9/1/2014 - 8/31/2016
- Players born 9/1/2014 - 8/31/2016 or 3rd grade or 4th grade in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break, scheduled between 8am-3pm.
- You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1 hour each (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 7 vs. 7 (see region rules). Unique rules apply regarding goalkeepers.
- Game Fields are 91, 92, & 93 in Corvallis (here).
- Built off AYSO's 10U Core Recreational Program.
- NOTE: Build Out Line Rule
Contact Boys 3rd-4th Grade Coordinator =|= Contact Girls 3rd-4th Grade Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?

5th & 6th Grade - Born 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014
- Players born 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014 or 5th grade or 6th grade in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break, scheduled from 8am-3pm.
- You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1 hour each (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 9 vs. 9 (see region rules). Common soccer rules, excluding headers.
- Game Fields are 111, 112, & 113 in Corvallis (here).
- Built off AYSO's 12U Core Recreational Program.
Contact Boys 5th-6th Grade Coordinator =|= Contact Girls 5th-6th Grade Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?

7th & 8th Grade - Born 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012
- Players born 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012 or 7th grade or 8th grade in 2024-2025 School Year.
- About $107.75 per player, with scholarships it is $57.75. Includes jersey, socks, and registers you for fall and spring seasons.
- Games are on Saturdays, 7 in fall after Labor Day and 7 in spring after spring break, scheduled from 8am-3pm.
- You will have two training sessions throughout the week that could be 1½ hours each (volunteer coaches choose location & time).
- Games are 11 vs. 11 (see region rules). Common soccer rules. Heading is allowed, but should not be part of normal training.
- Game Fields are 131 & 151 in Corvallis (here). Traveling game locations are on the fields page and include Albany, Lebanon, Newport, and Keizer.
- Built off AYSO's 14U Core Recreational Program.
NOTICE: Occasional travel is involved.
Contact Boys 7th-8th Grade Coordinator =|= Contact Girls 7th-8th Grade Coordinator
Start Here
Get started with Sports Connect, our player registration portal.
FAQ? Cost and Scholarships? Special Request?