NOTICE: Server work is underway to upgrade to newer versions of base software. Some forms and pages will not work until Tuesday.

Indoor Registration Open

Futsal Registration Opens November

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Info Center

Board Minutes/Notes Archive - MY2021

June 2022

No Board Meeting.

May 2022

No Board Meeting.

April 2022

No Board Meeting.

March 2022

Team Formation Meetings.

February 2022



PRESENT: Elaine Markley, Luke Cotton, Brian Dolan, Nicole Chapman, Duston Denver, Toby Westberry, John Sweet, Juan Fernandez, Vince Waterhous, Mary Cotton, Andy Ungerer,

Dan Herford, Sarah Child, Arianne Custer, Jessica Davis, Chris Jordan


  • Luke reported that there were 257 players in session #1 for indoor and 204 for session #2 that is still being played. There is a good response for volunteers, especially in the first session. Nicole helped recruit volunteers and the format was a jamboree style that made it easier to find volunteers.
  • Futsal was tried at the fairgrounds but that did not work. Covid drive-through testing was using the pole barn. We will try in 2023 from January through March. The cost to use the pole barn would have been $210 per weekend.
  • Adult league is getting together on Saturday from 10:30-noon and using Field 131. There has been an average of 30 adults each weekend. There are 80 signed up to play during the regular season. The adults paid $30 for fall and spring season.
  • Who will be returning this spring? Luke will send out an email request to team managers and coaches to coordinate who will contact players to see if they are returning. ONLY one of the volunteers will report back to Luke with their findings. Coaches need to let Luke know when they are practicing and where. An automatic email will be sent every 3 days until they finalize this information.
  • Andy reported there is a wait list and Luke will give Division Coordinators “rights” to see the wait list to help form teams for spring. There will be a team formation training Wednesday, March 2 and again on March 9. The training will be an instructional video on how to perform their job.
  • Field changes are up in the air due to Adams construction starting soon. Field #71 will be moved due to a fire road going through that area. Field #51 is also likely to be moved. The construction holding area will be in the “bone yard” so there will perhaps be construction traffic on Saturdays in the spring. Porta-pots will not go by the bone yard and will be relocated to the main gate area.


  • Practices can begin after spring break which would be Monday, March 28 and the first game is scheduled for April 2.
  • Shoe/Equipment sale will be April 2. Catalina will be out of the country so we need to find someone willing to head that event. Any suggestions? Luke can go back to sign up sheet from fall to gather names to contact who helped with that sale.
  • Two new teams will be formed in 9UB and one in 6UB.
  • A 6UB Division Coordinator is needed.
  • Dan will coordinate the training that will be done online. The referees will coordinate with Abe on their training.
  • Referee training will be March 28 and March 30 from 5:00-8:00pm using the online companion course. Vince will train Region 870 on March 29 and 30. Chris would like to rebuild the youth referee program. He will draft something for Elaine to send to the high school distribution list to see if there are high school players willing to give back this spring. Toby will send to CV and Elaine will send to CHS.
  • Elaine will schedule port-pots and reduce the number of standard units by 1. They will go by the main entry gate and by the pickle ball courts. Total will be 3 rather than 4 from March 28-May 23.
  • To mow the fields at Adams volunteers must do a training session.
  • There will not be any concessions this spring. Elaine felt we need to gear up in the fall with volunteer recruitment since we are having trouble filling Safety/Information slots in the fall. More publicity needs to be done. Elaine will make a sign to put on the doors of the concession stand announcing it will return in the fall!
  • Registration closes April 3!
  • The last schedule event for spring season is May 21 which is the 5-a-side jamboree.

TREASURER REPORT:  Sarah reported we received a refund check in the amount of $2301.08 from summer camps. The cost of the port-a-pots for the summer camps were $210 per week. Expenses for the camp will be taken out of the refund. There hasn’t been much activity over the winter months.

EXTRA: Brian reported there is 1 league Region 149 is competing in and that is out of Keizer. There is a 7th-8th grade team and a 5th-6th grade team. Newport would like to form a boys’ team and perhaps a girls team for the spring.  He said EXTRA will start their games one week after Core season begins. Brian hopes for a new high school rec team to join for the spring. Region 870 has 2 such teams. Brian will draft something for Elaine to get to CHS and Toby to get to CV explaining the concept and the Keizer league. Aaron Falotico is now on the Area Board as an EXTRA Coordinator. Tricia Costa is the new RC for Region 870.

EXPO UPDATE: Luke was the only Board member to attend EXPO which was in Salt Lake City, UT. He reported that the numbers were down making it more difficult to network with a lot of other regions.

  • Safe Sport will be required for coaches and referees in the fall. This is a 90-minute video training done online. This is required once every three years.
  • Background checks that are performed are valid for 15 months

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be “in person” in the basement of the church by Central Park, but the date will be determined by a Doodle Poll that Luke will send out. The meeting will be before Spring break.

Respectfully submitted
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

January 2022

No Board Meeting.

December 2021

No Board Meeting.

November 2021

No Board Meeting.

October 2021

No Board Meeting.


September 2021


SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

Zoom meeting

PRESENT: Luke Cotton, Elaine Markley, Mary Cotton, Andy Ungerer, Dan Herford, Vince Waterhous, Juan Fernandez, Nicole Chapman, Aaron Falotico, Catalina Sequra, Arianne Custer

REGISTRAR UPDATE: Andy provided the following update.


Developmental Core - 63 may include a couple that need to submit Refund requests

Recreational Core - 807  plus 6 on Wait List

High School - 11

Extra - 52  (closes today..Sept, 22, 2021)

Open Balance Status;  Response to this week’s e-mails

Recid 5 payments today

3 cancellations plus another possible

Payment errors by one parent for 2 players

Still need:

Payment for 4 players with Deposit only.  Owe $50

Payment for 12 players added from Wait List

THANK YOU TO DIVISION COORDINATORS: Luke suggested that we show our appreciation for all the work the division coordinators have done this season. Elaine volunteered to purchase gift cards ($10 from Dutch Bros.) for each of the coordinators and write a thank you note to each. Luke will email coordinators to pick up their card at the safety station on Saturday.

SEASON REVIEW TO DATE:  Luke highlighted the following

  • It is good to be back on the field.
  • Luke will handle the requests to cancel and track reasons for cancelling (pandemic issues)
  • EXTRA schedules are still being worked out. Biggest concern is the games are too close together to finish one and start another. 13U are playing 30 minutes halves and 15U are playing 35 minute halves and this is working out well.
  • Equipment sale/swap was a huge success! We took in $1087J Thanks Catalina and the volunteers. We ran out of X Small and Small shorts as well as shin guards. Luke will purchase additional shin guards in the smaller sizes for the spring sale.
  • Arianne will purchase clear containers for storage of the extra uniforms so they can stack and store easily.
  • Keeper jerseys will need to be ordered for next membership year.

U19 REPORT: Juan reported there are only 9 players signed up for fall. He will have a plan of what to do in the Spring by the end of February. Will they combine with Region 870? Will they play with the Adult League? He reported it is easier to do 11 v 11 than 5 v 5. Aaron said Region 870 might have 1 team in the spring.

U5/U6 PROGRAM: Mary wants Andy, Nicole, Luke and herself to talk about the U5/U6 program and evaluate how things are going. Luke wants this to be included in the JANUARY RETREAT.

PICTURE DAY: October 2nd  and 9th will be picture day. New this season: Coaches will sign up for their own time slot either Saturday. There will not be a “team” picture but NW Sports will be putting together a collage with all the players to create a team picture. If anyone misses the team time, they can still fill out a form and be a part of the team collage with the new system. Mary will book the 5U times and let them know when to report. The safety volunteers will take the forms to the coaches on the field Saturday, Sept. 25.

INDOOR REPORT: Luke will chat with the sports park and see what they have in mind for the winter season. The dates would be for November and December as we have done in the past. At this time, there is no Indoor Coordinator.

5-A-Side REPORT:   Scheduled for October 30. The plan is to line all the fields with orange paint the week before so there is adequate time to reposition the goals. There is a possibility teams could create their own team uniforms and it could be Halloween related. Schools are steering away from anything related to Halloween, so we need to exercise caution with this! EXTRA games will have to be moved that day. Aaron said Albany 870 could host the games. Medals will be given out for the “fall jamboree/5-A-Side.” We have plenty to unload.

FINANCIAL REPORT: None since Sarah was absent.

AREA TOURNAMENT: November 6 and 7 at the Adams fields. Teams do not have to go to the next level of tournament play if they don’t want to. There will be no limit on how many teams can play in the tournament. Core teams can add players to their team or combine two teams, but if they are doing the section tournament, it has to be the original core team.

ADULT PROGRAM: Nicole reported there are 63 registered for the program with 50+ in attendance most practices. Beginners are playing 13 v 13 and more advanced are playing 12 v 12. They are traveling to Albany as well as playing at Adams. They are having a blast.

NEXT MEETING: Typically our next meeting would be October 21 but no specific date was mentioned.  Watch for an email closer to the time.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Markley, Secretary
AYSO Region 149

August 2021

No meeting in August.

July 2021

No meeting in July.



Season Email Archive

SPRING 2022 ##############################



[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 5/14 - Notes and Reminders
Sat 5/14/2022 4:51 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,
The fields will be soggy today, but we are planning to move forward.


  1. 5-A-Side is on May 21st and signups are online here. Please complete your team or free agent signup ASAP, we start scheduling Sunday.
  2. Volunteer appreciation is Saturday remember to thank your team volunteers.
  3. Registration for fall 2022 soccer is open in Sports Connect here.
  4. Summer Camps start off June 20th with our first camp, some times are already wait listing. Learn more here about the June, July, & August camps.
  5. Coaches, if you are not joining us for 5-A-Side, please turn in your team equipment (balls, pinnies, cones, etc.) at the Concessions Shed today or on 5/21.
  6. Coaches, Referees, & Managers: We will have some treats for you at the canopy by the sheds.

Saturday Notes...

The fields will be soft, please expect some muddy soccer.

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing (over sweaters/jackets etc.).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

Field Setup & Takedown Responsibilities

I am leaving it to the home teams, to take care of this on game days. Below I have included the schedule for takedowns on Saturday.

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

Field Takedown: Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

home_team time field
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Jupiter -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Hawks -CR 11:45:00 111 Takedown
11UB Grizzlies -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Tornadoes -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Sharks -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
13UB Titans - CR 12:30:00 131 Takedown
09UB Mercury -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Eclipse -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Jaguars -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
19U High School 18:00:00 132 Takedown
EXTRA 17:00:00 151 Takedown

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side 5/21 - Registrations Due
Fri 5/13/2022 2:59 PM

To All 6U-15U Volunteers,
If you have not registered for 5-A-Side, please get it done today if you plan to participate (if you are not 100% on the roster, that is okay).
If you have registered and got the confirmation email, I'll be in touch Wednesday with the schedule & teams.

5-A-Side is a fun series of games for players to explore many positions, in an often high scoring game. The day is filled with many opportunities to network, as you move from one 15min game to another. Game Day is Saturday May 21st and we will be scheduling divisions in blocks of time in the early morning or near afternoon. See the main page for details (here).

Any team volunteer wanting to lead a 5-A-Side team can register (here).
You need to register each team/squad that wants to participate, many core teams will be able to create two teams. The registration form asks for a squad name, who will lead the squad, and each player name for that squad.

  • This has a cost of $5 per player paid in cash or check on game day at check-in.
    • Funds cover costs and raise money for field/playing space in Benton County.
    • Scholarship players can signup/play for free.
  • Each team plays 4-5 games, over about 3-4 hours.
  • Every player gets a medal.

  • Volunteers:
    • Team/Squad Coach: Any current referee, team manager, or coach can fill this role. You are tasked with checking in, organizing players for each game, assigning playing positions, and running substitutions.

    • Center Referee: Any current referee can fill this role. You would signup on the region website in hour blocks. You can swap on game day.
  • Teams:
    • Each team needs a unique lead coach, you will likely have overlapping games and you will need someone to lead the squad/team.
    • Players should be on and stay on a single team. Only exceptions are allowed for squads that are short, need balancing, or substituting for a sick/injured player.
    • 6U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 7U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 9U is 4-6 players on a squad, games are 4 vs 4 (no keeper).
    • 11U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 13U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 15U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
  • Notable Rule Modifications:
    • Games are 15 min w/ 5 min between games, games start by horn or whistle.
    • Any time, on-the-fly substitutions like hockey / indoor soccer.
    • Most restarts are direct except kickoff, drop ball, & throw-in/kick-in.
    • Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half.
    • 11U+ keeper punts/throws cannot cross half in the air, restart is at half.
    • 6U-9U no keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
    • 7min halves, 5min between games (all fields signaled by horn).
    • No offside.
    • No deliberate heading (except 13U+) restart is a direct kick.
    • No buildout line, no penalty box, and no penalty kick.

Register (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Outside Players?
If they registered for AYSO this school year, they can play. Please be sure you balance if you have multiple squads.

Balancing, How?
5-A-Side favors big kickers and a lot of energy, look to balance those players first. Only distributions from the hands of the goalkeeper are restricted by how far they can go in the air, you can score a goal from a goal kick (Most free kicks are direct, kick-off, drop ball, and throw-in/kick-in cannot score a goal directly).

4-A-Side for 9U?
In 9U, they will not have a goalkeeper, so it is actually 4-A-Side. The goals are 6ft tall by 8ft long. The field will be setup going in one half of a field with a goal on each touch (throw-in) line.

Yes, you can bring food, but you cannot use a flame and cook the food at an AYSO event.

Free Substitution?
There is free, any time, substitution. The substituted player must leave the field before the replacing player comes on. Again, this can be done at any time without needing to check with the referee. If too many players are actively playing on the field, it is a restart for the other team at half, if a goal was scored and too many were playing on the field, the goal would be reversed.


Goalkeeper throw or punt (11U+)?
Cannot cross the half in the air. If it travels over half without touching anything else, the opposing team restarts from half about where it crossed.

Central Horn Timer?
Once that horn goes to start a half, you can start, even if the other team is not on the field.

Home team starts the first kick-off, away team kicks off after the half, see the game schedule. If the kicking off team isn’t ready, the other team may kick off if the referee allows. Teams cannot score directly from a kick-off.

Penalty Kick?
No penalty area will be marked, just a goal box (11U+), so no penalty kick.

Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half (not directly from a kick-off, throw-in, or drop ball). Keep in mind that keepers (11U+) cannot punt or throw over half, but if it touches the ground on their half, another player on the other half, and goes in the other teams goal, that is a score.

Game Cards?
No game cards are required, no tracking of scores will be done.

Players Near Goal?
6U-9U Players should be discouraged from goal hanging. Keeping at least a few feet away from the goal line. Since the goals are small, and no players can use hands, it is not recommended to have players stick in the goal.

Restart Distance?

9U it is 4 yards or the goal line. 11U it is 6 yards or the goal line. 13U+ it is 8 yards or the goal line. No restarts should take place in the marked goal area except a goal kick. Since 9U has no goal area, move the ball 4 yards away from the goal (parallel to the infraction). 9U players are allowed to be on the goal line for a kick that is within 4 yards of the goal (In general players should be a few feet off the goal line as much as possible.

Register (here).

Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 5/7 - Game Notes and Reminders
Fri 5/6/2022 7:54 PM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Yes we have games in Corvallis, most traveling teams will not have games 5/7.


  1. 5-A-Side is on May 21st and team signups are online. You can learn more here.
  2. Volunteer Appreciation is May 14th, remember to thank your team volunteers.
  3. Registration for fall 2022 soccer is open in Sports Connect here.
  4. Summer Camps start off June 20th with our first camp, the June camp is currently wait listing. Learn more here about the July & August camps.

Saturday Notes...

The fields will be soft again (likely 71, 93, 111, and 112), please expect some adjustment as we try to reduce the damage. If you can help with field repair, please reply, I need help with, patching, grass seed, and fertilizer.

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing (over sweaters/jackets etc.).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

Field Setup & Takedown Responsibilities

I am leaving it to the home teams, to take care of this on game days. Below I have included the schedule for takedowns on Saturday.

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

Field Takedown: Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

home_team time field
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Orbits -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Hawks -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Dynamite -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Barracudas -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
13UB Lions -CR 12:30:00 131 Takedown
09UB Craters -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Meteors -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Wildcats -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
00UG Flames -EX 16:30:00 111 Takedown
00UB Wolves -EX 19:00:00 151 Takedown

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side 5/21 - Team Registration
Wed 5/4/2022 5:29 AM

|User First Name| & All 6U-15U Volunteers,

5-A-Side is a fun series of games for players to explore many positions, in an often high scoring game. The day is filled with many opportunities to network, as you move from one 15min game to another. Game Day is Saturday May 21st and we will be scheduling divisions in blocks of time in the early morning or near afternoon. See the main page for details (here).

Any team volunteer wanting to lead a 5-A-Side team can register (here).
You need to register each team/squad that wants to participate, many core teams will be able to create two teams. The registration form asks for a squad name, who will lead the squad, and each player name for that squad.

  • This has a cost of $5 per player paid in cash or check on game day at check-in.
    • Funds cover costs and raise money for field/playing space in Benton County.
    • Scholarship players can signup/play for free.
  • Each team plays 4-5 games, over about 3-4 hours.
  • Every player gets a medal.

  • Volunteers:
    • Team/Squad Coach: Any current referee, team manager, or coach can fill this role. You are tasked with checking in, organizing players for each game, assigning playing positions, and running substitutions.

    • Center Referee: Any current referee can fill this role. You would signup on the region website in hour blocks. You can swap on game day.
  • Teams:
    • Each team needs a unique lead coach, you will likely have overlapping games and you will need someone to lead the squad/team.
    • Players should be on and stay on a single team. Only exceptions are allowed for squads that are short, need balancing, or substituting for a sick/injured player.
    • 6U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 7U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 9U is 4-6 players on a squad, games are 4 vs 4 (no keeper).
    • 11U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 13U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 15U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
  • Notable Rule Modifications:
    • Games are 15 min w/ 5 min between games, games start by horn or whistle.
    • Any time, on-the-fly substitutions like hockey / indoor soccer.
    • Most restarts are direct except kickoff, drop ball, & throw-in/kick-in.
    • Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half.
    • 11U+ keeper punts/throws cannot cross half in the air, restart is at half.
    • 6U-9U no keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
    • 7min halves, 5min between games (all fields signaled by horn).
    • No offside.
    • No deliberate heading (except 13U+) restart is a direct kick.
    • No buildout line, no penalty box, and no penalty kick.

Register (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Outside Players?
If they registered for AYSO this school year, they can play. Please be sure you balance if you have multiple squads.

Balancing, How?
5-A-Side favors big kickers and a lot of energy, look to balance those players first. Only distributions from the hands of the goalkeeper are restricted by how far they can go in the air, you can score a goal from a goal kick (Most free kicks are direct, kick-off, drop ball, and throw-in/kick-in cannot score a goal directly).

4-A-Side for 9U?
In 9U, they will not have a goalkeeper, so it is actually 4-A-Side. The goals are 6ft tall by 8ft long. The field will be setup going in one half of a field with a goal on each touch (throw-in) line.

Yes, you can bring food, but you cannot use a flame and cook the food at an AYSO event.

Free Substitution?
There is free, any time, substitution. The substituted player must leave the field before the replacing player comes on. Again, this can be done at any time without needing to check with the referee. If too many players are actively playing on the field, it is a restart for the other team at half, if a goal was scored and too many were playing on the field, the goal would be reversed.


Goalkeeper throw or punt (11U+)?
Cannot cross the half in the air. If it travels over half without touching anything else, the opposing team restarts from half about where it crossed.

Central Horn Timer?
Once that horn goes to start a half, you can start, even if the other team is not on the field.

Home team starts the first kick-off, away team kicks off after the half, see the game schedule. If the kicking off team isn’t ready, the other team may kick off if the referee allows. Teams cannot score directly from a kick-off.

Penalty Kick?
No penalty area will be marked, just a goal box (11U+), so no penalty kick.

Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half (not directly from a kick-off, throw-in, or drop ball). Keep in mind that keepers (11U+) cannot punt or throw over half, but if it touches the ground on their half, another player on the other half, and goes in the other teams goal, that is a score.

Game Cards?
No game cards are required, no tracking of scores will be done.

Players Near Goal?
6U-9U Players should be discouraged from goal hanging. Keeping at least a few feet away from the goal line. Since the goals are small, and no players can use hands, it is not recommended to have players stick in the goal.

Restart Distance?

9U it is 4 yards or the goal line. 11U it is 6 yards or the goal line. 13U+ it is 8 yards or the goal line. No restarts should take place in the marked goal area except a goal kick. Since 9U has no goal area, move the ball 4 yards away from the goal (parallel to the infraction). 9U players are allowed to be on the goal line for a kick that is within 4 yards of the goal (In general players should be a few feet off the goal line as much as possible.

Register (here).

Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 4/30 - Game Day Notes
Sat 4/30/2022 6:00 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Help Needed: We are struggling to get helpers, please remember to signup to help on Game Day or at the Fields before game day. Referees, please remember to signup before the game day online.


  1. 5-A-Side is on May 21st and team signups will be starting next week. You can learn more here.
  2. Volunteer Appreciation is May 14th, remember to thank your team volunteers.
  3. Registration for fall 2022 soccer starts May 2nd.
  4. Summer Camps start off June 20th with our first camp. Learn more here.

Saturday Notes...

The fields will be soft again (likely 71, 93, and 112), please expect some adjustment as we try to reduce the damage. If you can help with field repair, please reply, I need your help with, patching, grass seed, and fertilizer.

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing (over sweaters/jackets etc.).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

Field Setup & Takedown Responsibilities

I am leaving it to the teams, primarily the home team, to take care of this on game days. See the schedule below.

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

Field Takedown: Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

home_team takedown_time field
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Jupiter -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Jaguarz -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Hurricane -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Orcas -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
13UB Lions -CR 12:30:00 131 Takedown
13UG Apex -CR 12:30:00 132 Takedown
09UB Pluto -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Orbits -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Panthers -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
00UB Hurricanes -EX 16:30:00 111 Takedown
00UG Galaxy -EX 17:00:00 151 Takedown

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 4/23 - Game Day Notes
Sat 4/23/2022 6:00 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Below are some quick notes for Saturday...

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing (over sweaters/jackets etc.).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

Field Setup & Takedown Responsibilities

I am leaving it to the teams, primarily the home team, to take care of this on game days. See the schedule below.

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

home_team time field
06UG Pandas -CR 7:45:00 61 Setup
07UG Penguins -CR 7:45:00 71 Setup
09UG Peregrines -CR 7:45:00 91 Setup
09UG Eagles -CR 7:45:00 92 Setup
09UB Meteors -CR 7:45:00 93 Setup
11UG Dynamite -CR 7:45:00 111 Setup
11UB Wolverines -CR 7:45:00 112 Setup
11UG Avalanche -CR 7:45:00 113 Setup
13UB Jets -CR 7:45:00 131 Setup
13UG Earthquakes -CR 7:45:00 132 Setup
15UG Illusion -CR 7:45:00 151 Setup
05UC S09 - Tigers -CR 8:45:00 51 Setup

Field Takedown: Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

home_team time field
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Comets -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Wolves -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Blizzard -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Sharks -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
09UB Craters -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Pluto -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Cheetahs -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
13UB Patriots -CR 14:00:00 131 Takedown
19UC Corvallis -HS 14:00:00 132 Takedown
15UB Vipers -CR 14:00:00 151 Takedown
00UG Flames -EX 18:00:00 111 Takedown

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 4/16 - Game Day Notes
Sat 4/16/2022 5:15 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Below are some quick notes for Saturday...

  • Wear your uniform/jersey over all other clothing (over sweaters/jackets etc.).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear shin guards under your soccer socks.
  • Leave the jewelry at home, no jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home.
  • Arrive at least 20min before game start (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

Field Setup & Takedown Responsibilities

I am leaving it to the teams, primarily the home team, to take care of this on game days. See the schedule below.

home_team setup_time field
06UG Koalas -CR 7:45:00 61 Setup
07UG Dolphins -CR 7:45:00 71 Setup
09UG Waxwings -CR 7:45:00 91 Setup
09UG Kiwis -CR 7:45:00 92 Setup
09UB Orbits -CR 7:45:00 93 Setup
11UG Hurricane -CR 7:45:00 111 Setup
11UB Bearcats -CR 7:45:00 112 Setup
11UG Tornadoes -CR 7:45:00 113 Setup
13UB Lions -CR 7:45:00 131 Setup
13UG Apex -CR 7:45:00 132 Setup
15UB Pirates -CR 7:45:00 151 Setup
05UC S09 - Tigers -CR 8:45:00 51 Setup
home_team takedown_time field
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Cosmos -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Pumas -CR 11:45:00 111 Takedown
11UB Wolverines -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Flame -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Barracudas -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
13UB Titans -CR 12:30:00 131 Takedown
13UG Thunder -CR 12:30:00 132 Takedown
09UB Rockets -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Craters -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Leopards -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
00UB Wolves -EX 17:00:00 151 Takedown

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line.

Field Takedown: Anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 4/9 - Game Day Notes
Sat 4/9/2022 5:18 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Below are some quick notes... (email archive).

  • Wear your uniform/jersey (need a swap, go to info shed (map)).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Leave the pets at home (see below).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (see below).
  • Sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field (conduct).

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view signups, and much more.

No Pets

No pets near the playing areas during any AYSO activities, games or practices.

Please clearly mark service animals to help avoid being asked repeatedly by volunteers (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.

Parking Notes

We have setup some painting/guidance for parking by the Western View Center. If you are playing on 51, 61, 91, 92, 111, 131, & 151, please park at Western View in the lot or on the marked grass area.

Parking in the dead end, by the AYSO sheds, is for handicap and board members only (fewer cars trying to turn around when people are in the road).

Field Setup & Takedown Notes

I am leaving it to the teams, primarily the home team, to take care of this on game days. See the schedule below.

Field Setup: The trash can with your field number will be by the brown shed, it will include everything needed for your field, take it to the field and get everything setup. The spectator signs go on the side with the red spectator line (for 6U it is the outside).
Field Takedown: The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be picked up from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the field).

Field Setup and Takedown responsibilities 4/9...
Ideally the home team takes this on.

home_team start_time  
06UG Bluebirds -CR 7:45:00 61 Setup
07UG Dolphins -CR 7:45:00 71 Setup
09UG Peregrines -CR 7:45:00 91 Setup
09UG Pelicans -CR 7:45:00 92 Setup
09UB Pluto -CR 7:45:00 93 Setup
11UG Blizzard -CR 7:45:00 111 Setup
11UB Raptors -CR 7:45:00 112 Setup
11UG Dynamite -CR 7:45:00 113 Setup
13UB Giants -CR 7:45:00 131 Setup
13UG Cyclones -CR 7:45:00 132 Setup
05UC S09 - Tigers -CR 8:45:00 51 Setup
15UG Illusion -CR 9:15:00 151 Setup
home_team end_time  
05UC S10 - Bears -CR 11:00:00 51 Takedown
09UB Saturn -CR 11:45:00 92 Takedown
11UB Pumas -CR 11:45:00 112 Takedown
11UG Blaze -CR 11:45:00 113 Takedown
06UB Orcas -CR 12:00:00 61 Takedown
13UB Patriots -CR 12:30:00 131 Takedown
13UG Earthquakes -CR 12:30:00 132 Takedown
09UB Asteroids -CR 13:00:00 91 Takedown
09UB Rockets -CR 13:00:00 93 Takedown
07UB Jaguars -CR 13:00:00 71 Takedown
00UB Hurricanes -EX 16:30:00 111 Takedown
00UG Galaxy -EX 16:30:00 151 Takedown

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Updates - Week 2
Fri 4/8/2022 5:53 AM


Hello Spring Volunteers,

I hope you had a good first game day. It is usually a bit challenging getting everything sorted out after spring break, and I thank you for putting in the effort to get these kids playing again.

All Volunteers:
Please read this section, then feel free to jump to your volunteer section below.

Parking: We will be setting up some painting/guidance for parking on the clover/grass by the Western View Center. Please tell families to look for that option. We will be reminding people later today that parking in the dead end, by the AYSO sheds, is for handicap and board members only (fewer cars trying to turn around when people can only walk in the road).

Field Setup & Takedown: I am leaving it to the teams to take care of this on game days, especially now that it would take you less then 10min.
Field Setup: If your game start is 8am, you are first on the field and need to setup the field. If you show up and the trash can with the correct field number is not by the field, you need to send someone to get the can of gear and setup the corner flags.
Field Takedown: If no other teams are trying to push you off the field, you are last, if your game ends around noon or 1pm, you are most likely last. The job is the easiest it has ever been, anything that is not a goal, net, or sandbag should be removed from the field and dropped off at the brown fields shed (again, leave the goals, nets, and sandbags on the fields, for all fields).

Missing Requirements: If you are missing a recent/updated Background Check, Concussion Training, SafeSport Training, or Safe Haven Training we will be notifying you next week to get it done in AYSOU. You can see your current status next to your volunteer registration:

Managers: Managers, please read this section.

M1 > Feel free to communicate what I have included in the section above in some way to the team about parking and fields setup/takedown.
M2 > No team snacks/treats at games, this will likely be the norm going forward. The list of cons for doing snacks on game days is longer than the pros, but that does not mean you cannot do something for celebrations at practices or at other times. Celebrations for meeting team objectives, goals, or a player's birthday can be done and you can help make that happen with families chipping in. Work out the details with the coach, and again, please avoid game days (if you are the last team on the field, it can be okay to do something after).
M3 > I need your help with field Setup & Takedown. Please look at your game schedule, if you have a game starting at 8am, please task someone to ensure setup is done. If you have a game ending around noon, please task someone to ensure the field is cleaned up. I'm also looking to try and include the first and last teams list in the emails I send in my game day notes Friday or Saturday.
M4 > Time to talk to people in person about signing up to help with fields or on Saturdays. I have the signups ready for the entire season, including 5-A-Side on 5/21. Feel free to highlight that coaches spend an average of 4h per week and referees about 2h per week, we ask each family to come up with 1-2h sometime in each season... and we make it easy to signup...

Fields Signup:

Saturday Help Signup:

Coaches: Coaches, please read this section.

C1> Please remember to share practice spaces as much as you can. Ensure you leave the field as you found it or as it should be... in other words if you move a soccer goal, return it! Rotate in the space, you will need that piece of green for another 6 weeks.
C2> 6U & 7U Coaches, please remember the intended number of players on the field is 4 for each team, you will likely have subs, and that is a good time to work on skills with the players. 6U, if you wish, please feel free to leverage the third field space that is marked with goals to run 3 vs 3.
C3> 13U & 15U game times can be 35min halves, if you have enough time. Confirm with the referee(s). I made a mistake in a prior email to 13U teams.
C4> We received a total of 10 Game Reports from last week. SUBMIT YOUR GAME REPORT.
C5> Please remember to find a space away of your future field to get players warmed up, we have little space, so you might setup a meeting space ahead of the game that is away from the field.
C6> Talk to the referee ahead of the game to discuss any desired stoppages, especially if you want quarter stoppages.
C7> 13U+ heading is allowed if a player is 11+, the following 13U players are currently 10 and not allowed to be heading: 13UBPatriots-Oliver D. | 13UBPatriots-Elijah A. | 13UGThunder-Thaily M. | 13UGApex-Charlette S. | 13UGEarthquakes-Auni W. | 13UGEarthquakes-Sienna S. | 13UGForce-Rielly E. (A referee is allowed to take away a goal if it is scored by a player that deliberately heads the ball if they are 10.)

Referees: Referees, please read this section.

R1> If you are unsure of the region-specific rules/highlights for a division, you can find them (here).
>R1A> 13U+ sliding is allowed.
>R1B> 13U+ deliberate heading is allowed if a player is currently 11 or older, the following 13U players are currently 10 years old (no deliberate heading for these players): 13UBPatriots-Oliver D. | 13UBPatriots-Elijah A. | 13UGThunder-Thaily M. | 13UGApex-Charlette S. | 13UGEarthquakes-Auni W. | 13UGEarthquakes-Sienna S. | 13UGForce-Rielly E.
>R1C> 9U no drop kicks or punting. All of these types of kicks/punts should be discouraged, allow a redo kind of thing. Try to keep it fair, the rule is intended to protect the keeper and the players.
>R1D> 13U & 15U game times are 35min halves, if you have enough time. I made a mistake in a prior email to 13U teams.
>R1E> 19U is 40min or 35min, confirm with coaches. Normal laws of the game.
R2> Please keep signing up for games ahead of time (here). Signing up ahead of Saturday will include you in the game card email that includes the Corvallis coach's name and all allowed player names (sorry no player numbers).
R3> We received a total of 17 Game Cards from last week. CENTER REFS SUBMIT YOUR GAME CARD, assuming you signed up early and received the emailed card.

AYSOU Training FYI
The AYSOU training site has changed and is still a work in progress. Please be patient with it, and keep in mind we are flexible as it is going through some changes/updates.


AYSO's Safe Haven - Online Training - (all Volunteers) (take once, then only as required)
You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start the "AYSO's Safe Haven - Online".
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.


AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness - Online Training - (all Volunteers) (take every school year)
You login to the region Sports Connect site (here), navigate to the Volunteers section, and open etrainu by hitting the AYSOU button found next your first volunteer registration. Under the "Training Library" link, look for the "Safe Haven Courses" courses and open it, then enroll and start "CDC Concussion Awareness - Online".
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.

NOTICE: Per Oregon law, every Coach and Referee is required to be Concussion Certified Annually*. You need to retake the entire training each school year.
*Annually refers to a School Year that starts after August 1st.


SafeSport - Online Training - (all ADULT Coaches & Referees) (take/update every 12mo)
This PDF (here) will guide you through the process and how to setup an account to get it going. SafeSport is valid for 12 months, then you will need to take a shorter update / refresher class.
Keep a copy of the certification for your records.


Online Training Advice

  • You need to have completed your volunteer registration before you can login for training in etrainu aka AYSOU v2.
  • Each volunteer needs a Sports Connect account with a unique email to do online training (including youth).
  • KEEP A COPY of your certification.


End AYSOU Training FYI


Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for your game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Sat 4/2 - Game Day Notes
Sat 4/2/2022 2:31 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Families,

Below are some quick notes to add to the full division info emails sent earlier... (email archive).

REMINDER: Soccer Equipment Sale from 8am - 12pm. Today we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds, especially YL), Soccer Shoes, Some Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Some Coaching Equipment.

  • Wear your uniform/jersey (need a swap, go to info shed).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs). NOTICE: The map has changed from fall.
  • Sit 6 feet from the field on the spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fields 132 & 113, you can park at the Church lot to the southwest or on Knollbrook Place.
Everyone else, it is recommended you park at the District Office or Western View, including the grass/clover area southwest of it.
See the (map) for the yellow parking boundaries and the red fencing.


Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.


Parents: Soccer is a fast paced sport that requires players to adapt and think on their feet. The least we can do is the same as we work through the first fall game day. AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, entirely powered by Volunteers.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] 15U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Fri 4/1/2022 5:32 AM

Hello 15U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 15U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8am - 12pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line or 6ft from the field. The spectator side of the field is the west side of the field.
    • 15U: Field 151: will only need a garbage can, six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • You will have away games, please be sure to check where your game is located.
  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie or jersey that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (15U @ 35m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with volunteers to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage.
    14. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored.
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    15. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    16. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    17. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    18. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    19. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    20. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (15U=35min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.



[CorvallisAYSO] 13U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Fri 4/1/2022 5:09 AM

Hello 13U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 13U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8am - 12pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field. Please avoid sitting near any soccer goals.
    • 13U: Field 131 & 132: will only need a garbage can, six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • 13U: Field 132: we do not need to remove the nets, please leave the nets setup.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (13U @ 30m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage.
    14. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored.
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    15. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    16. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    17. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    18. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    19. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    20. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Halves (13U=30min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.



[CorvallisAYSO] 11U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Fri 4/1/2022 4:52 AM

Hello 11U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 11U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8am - 12pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit 6ft from the field on the spectator side of the field. Please avoid sitting near any soccer goals.
    • 11U: Field 111: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 11U: Field 112: spectators are on the east side of the field by the barbwire fence.
    • 11U: Field 113: spectators are on the west side of the field, by the Adams wood chip path.
    • 11U: Field 111, 112, & 113: will only need a garbage can, two referee flags, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • 11U: Field 113: we do not need to remove the nets, please leave the nets setup.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If same color, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Quarter stoppage. (11U @ 15m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • Quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments, these stoppages are not required (as you can sub at any stop) and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (11U @ 30m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage.
    15. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by trying the following...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored.
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    16. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    17. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    18. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    19. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    20. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    21. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (11U=15min). Halves (11U=30min)
    2. No headers or slides. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or head.
    3. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec. Substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
    4. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 9U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Thu 3/31/2022 4:32 PM

Hello 9U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 9U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit 6ft from the field and avoid being behind the goal areas.
    • 09U: Field 091: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 092: spectators are on the east side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 093: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 091-093: will only need two referee AR flags, a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs. Goals and nets stay as is.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee (9U+), coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like you would in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Quarter stoppage. (9U @ 12.5m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
      • 9U & 11U quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments, these stoppages are not required (as you can sub at any stop) and should be discussed before the game if needed.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (9U @ 25m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field today, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game/scrimmage.
    15. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by exploring a few options like...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored.
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    16. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    17. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    18. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    19. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    20. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    21. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (9U=12.5min). Halves (9U=25min)
    2. Offside only occurs past a Build Out Line. Think of it like you split the 2in thick center line and moved each 1in of the line to top of the penalty area on each side.
    3. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or header.
    4. Substitutions are at referee allowed stoppages and quarters from the half line. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 30sec.
    5. Build Out Line: Once the goalkeeper takes possession of the ball, or when a goal kick has been called by the referee, the defending team (the team without the ball) should immediately run behind the Build Out Line, which is just above the penalty area. No player of the defending team may cross the build out line until the ball has been put back into play by the goalkeeper.
    6. 9U goal keepers should not drop kick or punt the ball. Discourage, return the ball to the keeper and ask them to redo with a throw.
    7. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  10. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 7U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Thu 3/31/2022 4:30 PM

Hello 7U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 7U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should 6ft away from the field and avoid being behind the goals.
    • 07U: Field 071 N & S: spectators are on the west side of the fields by construction fence.
    • 07U: Field 071: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide four pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If matching colors, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired.
    7. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the games, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other expectations. Each field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    10. See rules below for more about the game details. and rules.
    11. Quarter stoppage, if desired. (7U @ 10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (7U @ 20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    15. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    16. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    17. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  7. Game Rules...
    1. 2 Games at once, 20 minute halves. Quarters (7U=10m). Halves (7U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by moving players between the fields.
    8. Substitutions are free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  8. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 6U First Spring Game Day - Sat 4/2
Thu 3/31/2022 4:15 PM

Hello 6U Families,

Welcome to the spring soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the spring season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 6U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:00am - 12:00pm Saturday we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$10), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment.

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit 6ft away from the field and avoid being behind the goals.
    • Field 061 N & S: spectators are on the side of the fields, not in the middle with the team.
    • 06U: Field 061: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields after the last game.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.
  6. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Coaches setup cones for the first 30min of practice activities on one of the two fields (or in a green space to the north of the fields).
    3. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    4. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    5. Home team will provide four pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    6. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    7. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    9. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will work out who will be managing the game, when they plan to start, any specific modifications, and any other expectations. Each field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed in AYSOU (training).
    11. First 30min of game time is a practice, then you transition into a set of games with the rules below.
    12. Quarter stoppage, if desired. (6U @ 7.5m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (6U @ 15m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time, so the next team can start practicing.
      • 06U: 30min practice, 30min game.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess team or uniform equipment to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  7. Game Rules...
    1. 2 Games at once, 15 minute halves. Quarters (6U=7.5m). Halves (6U=15m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct)
    6. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by moving players between the fields.
    8. Substitutions are free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  8. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 12pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

Team Dashboard (here).

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.



[CorvallisAYSO] Uniforms & Coach Equipment
Thu 3/31/2022 10:42 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Players and Volunteers,

This email is about player uniforms and coach team equipment.

New Spring Players wishing to pick-up uniforms can do that:
> Fri 5pm-7pm at Adams School - East Soccer Sheds (4/1)
> Sat 7:30am-12:30pm at Information Shed (4/2)

Coaches wishing to swap or get replacement/more equipment (cones, balls, pinnies, keeper jersey) can do that:
> Fri 5pm-7pm at Concessions Shed (4/1)
> Sat 7:30am-12:30pm at Concessions Shed (4/2 & 4/9)

Returning players needing a new/replacement/larger uniform can do that:
> Fri 5pm-7pm at Information Shed (4/1)
> Sat 7:30am-12:30pm at Information Shed (4/2 & 4/9)

Uniform Costs:
> New Spring Players - Included
> Returning Players - If in excellent shape & clean, no cost for a swap to another size or number. Cost is Jersey $15 - Socks $5 (If you have the same uniform from Fall, you are good to go. No need to buy another unless you need to (lost, damaged, too small, changed divisions/teams).)

Luke Cotton - Regional Commissioner
Arianne Custer - Equipment Manager


AYSO Referees!
Wed 3/30/2022 9:50 AM

Welcome to the Spring 2022 season,

We are slow to get going this year - lots of chaos around Adams - but yes, matches start up on Saturday (this) April 2nd.

The signup drill is the same as the fall - you are on your own to put your name on the calendar. Here's the link:

Referee game signup is here:

I'll run the usual "refresher" session Friday evening before match day 1 (4/1, 6pm) at the Ref Shed on the Adams fields. This will give you a preview of the construction disruption around Adams, mostly impacting parking and traffic flow to the fields.

Lots of matches to cover, not many referees in the pool. Any outreach and recruiting you can manage would be amazing (remember - 12yo and up are eligible!).

Thank you for all your time and energy,


[CorvallisAYSO] Spring Season Update
Sun 3/20/2022 8:59 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Spring Teams and Unassigned Players,

Quick general update for everyone...

What are we still working on...
> > Player placements and team formation (we have a bunch of players to place in 9UG, 11UG, 13UG, & 15UG).
> > 9UG might get an added team for an odd number of teams.
> > Game schedules (6U-11U has the first draft out, 13U & 15U will take a lot more time).
> > Field lining (HELP!) and new game field map (Adams construction is starting and we are continually needing to adjust for late unknowns).

What we know...
> > Game Saturdays are 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, & 5/14 (most games are done before 1pm, with 13U & 15U going later).
> > 9UB, 11UG, & 11UB have added teams, so a team will play a double header each game Saturday.
> > 5-A-Side Games are on 5/21 (details).
> > No concessions stand this spring :(
> > We need safety helpers on game days (signup).
> > We need referees, youth 12 and older can referee (contact).
> > We will have a High School team.

Uniforms (pickup at Adams school east soccer sheds)...
> > New Spring Teams: You can pickup uniforms & equipment on Sat 3/26 9-11am.
> > New Spring Players: You can pickup uniforms anytime on game day 4/2.
> > Lost Uniform? If you need a new jersey, it is $15, socks $5, a complete set is $20.

> > Expect an email with specific tasks for you, I already sent the Safe Sport email, the next email will be a check-in about concussion training.
> > Referee training and Coach training are still being worked out, we will notify you soon.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Team Manager Admin., Webmaster, Core 6UB Coord., Summer Camp Coord., & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, powered by Volunteers. No person in our region is paid.


[CorvallisAYSO] Team Check In REQUIRED
Sat 3/12/2022 8:09 AM

Head Coaches (Cc: Asst. Coaches, & Team Managers),

You are getting this email, because we never received your team practice information! Please provide the practice info even if it is not confirmed.

You HAD three core assignments two weeks back...

  1. Please confirm all your players are playing this spring season.
    Player or Volunteer Removal Form:

  2. Please confirm all volunteers are sticking around to help this spring season.
    Player or Volunteer Removal Form:

  3. Please fill out this form to tell team formation where and when you are expecting to practice.
    Spring Practice Details Form:

This is needed by the end of the week 3/5 NOW.

We have many players on the wait list, we want them to play. Confirming participation ensures you start the season with a full roster, all waiting players can play, and we can help find needed volunteers for your team.


  • You can lookup your current roster in Sports Connect > > Visit Team Page button > ROSTER tab > Print Roster link.
  • Most team adds, moves, or removals are expected to be completed by March 19th, if not sooner.
  • Game schedule is expected over spring break.
  • Practices can get started after spring break, but team meetings can start the 19th.
  • Check the region website for the calendar and expect informational emails sent out each weekend in March.
  • Reserve Practice Locations or details about Practices...

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, powered by Volunteers (aka You).


[CorvallisAYSO] Wait List - Spring Outdoor Soccer
Sun 3/5/2022 5:48 AM

Hello Spring Rec Soccer Wait List Families,

We have you recorded as wanting to play this upcoming spring soccer season with games starting April 2nd. Over the next few weeks we will be activating players and placing them on pre-existing teams.

When activated, you will get an email to go into Sports Connect and pay the balance due for the spring season. When you are done with that, we will place your player on a team and you will get an email about the team placement. You can expect more emails about practice and game schedules as we get closer to the season in late March.

NOTICE: when you get the activation email from Sports Connect, please take care of it within a few business days so we can get you placed. If you do not, we might activate another player to fill the spot.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, powered by Volunteers


[CorvallisAYSO] Team Check In Needed
Sun 2/27/2022 6:36 PM

Head Coaches (Cc: Asst. Coaches, & Team Managers),

You have three core assignments this week...

  1. Please confirm all your players are playing this spring season.
    Player or Volunteer Removal Form:

  2. Please confirm all volunteers are sticking around to help this spring season.
    Player or Volunteer Removal Form:

  3. Please fill out this form to tell team formation where and when you are expecting to practice.
    Spring Practice Details Form:


This is needed by the end of the week 3/5.

We have many players on the wait list, we want them to play. Confirming participation ensures you start the season with a full roster, all waiting players can play, and we can help find needed volunteers for your team.


  • Another email will follow this with your roster from Sports Connect.
  • Most team adds, moves, or removals are expected to be completed by March 19th, if not sooner.
  • Game schedule is expected over spring break.
  • Practices can get started after spring break, but team meetings can start the 19th.
  • Check the region website for the calendar and expect informational emails sent out each weekend in March.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, powered by Volunteers (aka You).


[CorvallisAYSO] Summer Camps: Jun 20, Jul 18, & Aug 8
Sun 2/13/2022 9:30 AM

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to announce that we are once again running soccer camps in 2022 with the fabulous coaches from UK International Soccer, and we really hope you are all able to attend at least one of the camps. To make this more appealing, if you register between the 12th-19th of February, and use code FEBPROMO, you will automatically save $25!

To take advantage of this amazing offer (and it can be used for multiple children on multiple programs), just visit, find the program/session you wish to attend, click the green "View Details" button, choose your camp time, add it to your cart, and just add in the code FEBPROMO in the checkout area to get the $25 off.

-=-(Signup here)-=-

  1. Available Camp Weeks
    • June 20-June 24
    • July 18-July 22
    • Aug 8-Aug 12
  2. All Camps are at the Adams Elementary School - North East Fields in Corvallis Oregon.
  3. Camp Times & Costs
    • Morning 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $132
    • Afternoon 12:30 - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $115
    • Full Day 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $182

-=-(Signup here)-=-

Thanks, and we look forward to a great year of soccer in 2022!
Luke Cotton - Acting Camps Coord.

WINTER 2021 ##############################


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season Update 2
Wed 11/3/2021 9:16 AM

Hello All Nov-Dec Indoor Families,

You should have received an All-In-One email that includes most of what you will find at the end of this email. The start of this email has some helpful links, a few items of advice and a copy of the All-In-One email.

Full Game Schedule (here) | Team Dashboard & Roster (here) | Referee Game Signup (here) | Details about Indoor (here) | All Indoor Emails Sent (here)

NOTE: I have wait lists of players in 9UB, 11UG, 13UB, 13UG, & 15UB. If you are not participating, email me.

COVID-19 Notes for the Corvallis Sports Park (more here)

Unvaccinated Players: Bring a face covering.

Fully Vaccinated Players: Bring a face covering, and your vaccination card if desired. Check in with the front desk to have them review your card and record that you have been vaccinated and can play without a mask. You still NEED THE FACE COVERING while entering and in the players box.

All parents, spectators, & managers must wear face coverings. I'm still checking with the park about referees during play, but I plan to have the electronic whistles in the ball bags for you.

Advice for Parents

Go inside with your player on the first game, you can leave after the game starts, but wait for it to start before you leave. If you have not completed the waiver, you will need to do it at the front desk. REMEMBER SHIN GUARDS, confirm you have them in the car. Bring a white shirt, if your team chooses a color later, you can bring that. No need to bring a soccer ball, the warmup time is short.

Advice for Managers

Print off the list of players. As they arrive, add quick notes so you can ID them on the field (socks black, shoes blue, etc.). The advice in the All-In-One below helps with subbing players, if needed have the players go in and pull the other player out before they start playing. Not ideal, but calling them off will not be easy this season. The soccer balls are at the desk or often in the ref box, find the bag with your size soccer balls (3 per team for warmup). If players are rowdy before getting on the field, have them do stretches. Pinnies: blue pinnies are youth size and red pinnies are adult size.

Managers, take a look at the referee section so you understand the role.

Manager Registration, if you are not doing anything more then managing player subs, you do not need to do the background check part of the volunteer registration at this time. In essence, you are helping the referee volunteer run the field with all the players. So go through the first part of the registration guide to get added to the team.

Advice for Referees (9UB, 11U, 13UB, & 15UB)

I'm working on the details regarding face coverings and running the clock. Stay tuned. Teams will likely be out of balance, work with managers to try and sort out balance issues. PRESS the teams to get started on time, do the equipment check as the players enter on the fly. The soccer balls are at the desk or often in the ref box, find the bag with your size soccer balls.

Referees will need to complete the Volunteer Registration, sign a Corvallis Sports Park (CSP) release, and need to be up to date with Concussion training from AYSOU. Volunteer Registration Directions:

Referees can signup for games (here).

All-In-One email sent earlier...

Dear Indoor Team,

For some of you this is a repeat, for others... Welcome to the indoor soccer season for Nov-Dec! This email includes most of the information you need for the season, it also includes everyone on the team in the email TO field, you can reply all to contact the team. Below are the key items for Game Days...

  • Arrive 20min early.
  • Sports Park Release Forms: Liability Forms are required for everyone touching the playing field, including volunteers. You can arrive early and sign one on game day or follow the link the sports park will send later to submit the form digitally.
  • Wear/Bring a White Shirt.
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • SHOES! 13U+ requires indoor turf shoes; all others could have indoor turf shoes or court shoes. 13U+: On the first game, you will not get kicked out for missing indoor turf shoes, but please work to get them for 13U+ (outdoor cleats are not allowed).
    • No Jewelry.

+ #### +
Team Roster/Dashboard: (here)
+ #### +

+ GAME SCHEDULE v1 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Please review your game schedule carefully. Some teams would play in a jamboree style each time, in many situations, that means the players arrive and split up into two teams to play. Teams playing in the first game each day are responsible for pulling the equipment out to the field from the front desk. Teams that are in the last game each day are responsible for removing all equipment and turning it into the front desk.

IMPORTANT: Games must start on time. If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.

REFEREES (9UB, 11U, 13UB, & 15UB): You can use the dashboard link above to signup for games for this team.

7U, 9UG, 13UG, & 15UG JAMBOREE DIVISIONS: Referees do not need to signup online. Game Leaders / Team Managers are asked to find a referee or do the refereeing of the Jamboree.

+ PLAYERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

+ ALLOCATED VOLUNTEERS So Far... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

When volunteers are registered in Sports Connect, they will be allocated and show in this list.


+ POSSIBLE VOLUNTEERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

If you can fill a team void as a Referee or Team Manager, please email the team and signup.

Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME DAYS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, confirm your release for is recorded (one needed per year); drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for 7U-11U) or turf shoes (required for 13U+); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger 13U+ players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDOOR RULES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 7U - 6 vs. 6, no goal keeper, full field, free substitutions.
  • 9U - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • 11U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (7U goal area kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall (to push off).
  • Deliberate or Out of Control Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in. (If they will not come off (do not know the name), feel free to send a player on to have them pull off the other player. Player going on should not get involved with play until they get the player coming off.)

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season Payment Due
Fri 10/29/2021 5:46 AM

Howdy |User First Name|,

It looks like your player was placed on a team for Nov-Dec Indoor. Please login (here) to your account and click on the "View/Pay" button located in the Open Balance box of your account to complete the payment for the registration before the end of day today.

The program fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in (Sports Connect). Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20.

If you do not intend to participate in indoor, please just reply to me so we can remove you and I can get another player from the wait list.

Luke Cotton
Acting Indoor Coord.


{CorvallisAYSO} Indoor 11UB Majestic Mustangs All-in-One
Thu 10/28/2021 7:01 AM

Dear Indoor 11UB Majestic Mustangs Team,

Welcome to indoor soccer season for Nov-Dec! This email includes most of the information you need for the season, it also includes everyone on the team in the email TO field, you can reply all to contact the team. Below are the key items for Game Days...

  • Arrive 20min early.
  • Sports Park Release Forms: Liability Forms are required for everyone touching the playing field, including volunteers. You can arrive early and sign one on game day or follow the link the sports park will send later to submit the form digitally.
  • Wear/Bring a White Shirt.
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • SHOES! 13U+ requires indoor turf shoes; all others could have indoor turf shoes or court shoes. 13U+: On the first game, you will not get kicked out for missing indoor turf shoes, but please work to get them for 13U+ (outdoor cleats are not allowed).
    • No Jewelry.

+ #### +
Team Roster/Dashboard: (here)
+ #### +

+ GAME SCHEDULE v1 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+










Crooked Chinchillas

Majestic Mustangs

Indoor Ref - Please Signup

Please review your game schedule carefully. Some teams would play in a jamboree style each time, in many situations, that means the players arrive and split up into two teams to play. Teams playing in the first game each day are responsible for pulling the equipment out to the field from the front desk. Teams that are in the last game each day are responsible for removing all equipment and turning it into the front desk.

IMPORTANT: Games must start on time. If your game starts late, the referee may need to shorten your match to prevent conflict with the next scheduled game.

REFEREES (9UB, 11U, 13UB, & 15UB): You can use the dashboard link above to signup for games for this team.

7U, 9UG, 13UG, & 15UG JAMBOREE DIVISIONS: Referees do not need to signup online. Game Leaders / Team Managers are asked to find a referee or do the refereeing of the Jamboree.

+ PLAYERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


+ ALLOCATED VOLUNTEERS So Far... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+





Team Manager


When volunteers are registered in Sports Connect, they will be allocated and show in this list.

+ POSSIBLE VOLUNTEERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+



Team Manager


If you can fill a team void as a Referee or Team Manager, please email the team and signup.
Adult Volunteer Registration (here).

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME DAYS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #

Game Day Gear: The sports park will have a bag with soccer balls and pinnies for players, stored at the front desk.

Parents: Ensure you player is wearing the right equipment and has a white shirt; first game day, confirm your release for is recorded (one needed per year); drop your player off with the right team manager by the benches next to the field; if you are staying for the game, I suggest you go upstairs to spectate and cheer (note: players can hear your conversations and comments from the balcony); if you have young children with you, consider the downstairs space by the benches (do not kick soccer balls against walls); from entering the field the game is about 42min, be back to meet your player in the lobby at that time.

Players: Wear a white shirt (or team designated color and bring a white shirt); standard soccer restrictions ([no watch, earrings, etc.], socks over shin guards, court shoes (okay for 7U-11U) or turf shoes (required for 13U+); the field could be cold at start, but you will warm up fast, sport pants can be a good idea; enter on the ground floor and check in with your manager at the bench seats right next to the field (be sure you know your team name); when your manager says okay, enter the field and place your equipment in one of the player boxes, after the other team is out; warm up, stretch, and wait for positions from your manager; after the game, grab your equipment and leave the field to the lobby.

Team Managers: Bring a printing of your roster, the referee could have a roster for you (use the roster for sub/player tracking); if you are the first game, or the team before you uses different size soccer balls, ask the front desk to check for the game day bag for your size; gather your players in the waiting area by the benches (or on the field if the referee is present); check player equipment on arrival and note them in your roster; enter the field with your team after the prior game clock is done (about 5min before your start time according to the field clock); figure out a team box to the west and place your equipment, after the other team is out of the box; talk with the opposing team manager, find the pinnies, and decide who will wear them (often the team with players not all wearing one color); indicate positions to players (1 GK (use a rotation if needed), 2 defenders, 2 midfield (your energizer bunnies), 2 forwards, remainder to box), give the goal keeper a unique color pinnie; after game start, do on the fly substitutions (players should only sit out for 6min at a time), and mark the subs in the roster; I use a method where I sub a player every 2min (w/ 3subs) or every 3min (w/ 2subs); at half YOU HAVE 1MIN, swap the goal keeper (if they want to stay in the position, press them to play the field), and do your 1 sub; at the end of the game, gather all the gear from the team box and leave the field, we have little time between games, so do the high five off the field.

Referees: Get team roster from front desk (they will often highlight the players missing something); if clock is off, ask them to turn it on; enter the field and place your gear in the box to the south east; check the sports park clock (often 6 min slow) and set the game clock to count down to about 2min before the game should start; check w/ managers for players missing liability forms (you can give them the roster); check player equipment (standard soccer stuff, no outdoor cleats)(larger 13U+ players need turf shoes); ensure the teams have consistent colors and the keeper is a unique color; get a game ball, if it is flat the front counter has a pump; INDOOR IS FAST, please do everything you can to keep the pace and get folks playing; set the clock for 18min, start the 18min within 1min of game start no matter what; you do not need to put scores on the board; at half set the clock for 1min or less to catch up; start the last 18min, 30seconds after the half time clock ran out, no matter what; take all of your equipment and help get game equipment off the field to the front desk.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDOOR RULES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

GAMES: 18 minute halves w/ 1 minute half

  • 7U - 6 vs. 6, no goal keeper, full field, free substitutions.
  • 9U - 7 vs. 7, red line is build out line, free substitutions.
  • 11U-15U - 7 vs. 7, free substitutions.



  • Roof Netting - restart on red line on the side where the ball was kicked.
  • Side Netting or Off the Field - restart one yard from the wall near where the ball hit the netting or went out.
  • Over the Goal Netting - either corner kick on the white dot or a goal keeper throw (7U goal area kick).

RED LINE VIOLATION: The ball cannot cross 2 red lines in the air. The restart is anywhere on the first red line that was crossed for the opposing team. If it touches the wall, a player, or the ground before crossing the 2nd line, it is not a violation.


  • All are direct.
  • Opposing team should be 3 yards away.
  • Kicking player cannot touch ball again without it touching someone else.
  • Non-penalty infractions (passing back to keeper) free kick at edge outside keeper box.

PENALTY KICKS: Penalty taken from the top of the keeper box. Non-kickers line up behind the red line and can move once the ball is kicked. Penalty kicker cannot touch the ball twice (must touch another player).


  • All outdoor fouls for the age group (including heading rule).
  • Two hands against the wall (to push off).
  • Deliberate or Out of Control Sliding.
  • Punting or Drop Kick.
  • Jumping Over Wall.
  • Playing on the Ground.

Make sure outgoing player steps off field before incoming player steps in. (If they will not come off (do not know the name), feel free to send a player on to have them pull off the other player. Player going on should not get involved with play until they get the player coming off.)

ENTERING FIELD (not from player box) - get referee permission first.


  1. Blue - 2 minute penalty or until opponent scores.
  2. Yellow - 2 minute penalty.
  3. Red- ejection plus 5 minutes penalty served by another player.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.



[CorvallisAYSO] 11UG Indoor Division Change
Tue 10/26/2021 9:54 AM

Hi All Indoor Nov-Dec 11UG Families,

We got enough players to create three teams for the division. The games will be like Jamboree style, as balancing is always a challenge, but you will now have two teams of 9-10 players for each time/game slot.

Again, Wednesday, I plan to send out an All-In-One email with all the program details.

We are working on the schedule now, but with the change, it might take an extra bit of time.

Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Need Players for 7UG & 9UG Indoor
Mon 10/25/2021 10:52 PM

Hi |User First Name|,

If you are not already signed up for indoor this Nov-Dec, we could use more players in our 7UG & 9UG divisions.

You can register in Sports Connect (here).

7U Girls Jamboree (Tuesdays at 4:10pm)
9U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Monday at 4:10pm with a few Saturday afternoon)

A jamboree division is made up of a group of players that show up and play a pickup game each week. A rec division will have teams made up and those players will play a game.

(Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, and work through the registration process.

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 and a second game starting at 4:50. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 2 - Dec 18, team notifications will happen by Oct 24, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $50 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $50 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Season Update
Mon 10/25/2021 1:15 PM

Hi All Nov-Dec Indoor Families,

Sorry for the delay, I'll try to keep this update brief... rosters and schedule v1 will be sent out by Tue morning, if not earlier. Below are some updates for each division, expect a Welcome / All-In-One email Wed this week...

7UB - Bite-Sized Bengals
Volunteers: Substitution Manager: Renee Mason; Game Managers / Referees: Jeff Gardner & Theresa McRae
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game. We have 4 openings if you have friends that might want to join (registration is open). Games will mostly be Tuesdays at 4:55pm.

7UG - Gritty Giraffes
Volunteers: Game Managers / Referees: Jessica Porter & Mitch Wiltbank
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game.  We have 10 openings if you have friends that might want to join (registration is open). Games will mostly be Tuesdays at 4:10pm.

9UB - Boys Rec Teams (4)
Volunteers: We need team managers and referees. Once you get the rosters, I will follow up with an email to the division to try and get volunteers signing up.
We were able to get more time slots from the sports park, so we have 4 teams. We have a few openings in the division for more players (registration is open). Games will be mostly Monday after 4:55pm, with one or two on a Saturday.

9UG - Ruthless Rabbits
Volunteers: Game Managers / Referees: Jonathan Stoll & Erin Henthorne
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game. Games will be mostly Monday at 4:10pm, with one or two on a Saturday. We have no openings in the division for more players.

11UB - Boys Rec Teams (3)
Volunteers: We need team managers and referees. Once you get the rosters, I will follow up with an email to the division to try and get volunteers signing up.
We have 3 teams and no space for more players. Games will be mostly Saturday, with one likely in the week.

11UG - Glorious Griffins
Volunteers: Game Managers / Referees: Marisa Schwartzman, Jessica Porter, & Ben Kevan
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game. We have no openings with a wait list of 4 players in the division. We are currently over-full, if you want to play up a division, please contact me. Most games are Saturday with one on a weekday.

13UB - Boys Rec Teams (4)
Volunteers: We need team managers and referees. Once you get the rosters, I will follow up with an email to the division to try and get volunteers signing up.
We were able to get more time slots from the sports park, so we have 4 teams and some players on the wait list. Games will be mostly Saturday, with one on a weekday.

13UG - Fluffy Firecats
Volunteers: Game Managers / Referees: Sarah Beldin, Molly Hutchinson, & Dana Monroe
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game. We have no openings in the division. If you want to play up a division with 15UG (you will get more playing time), please contact me. Most games are Saturday, but you will have two in the week.

15UB - Boys Rec Teams (3)
Volunteers: We need team managers and referees. Once you get the rosters, I will follow up with an email to the division to try and get volunteers signing up.
We were able to get more time slots from the sports park, so we have 3 teams and some players on the wait list. Games will be mostly Saturday, with one on a weekday.

15UG - Devastating Dragons
Volunteers: Game Managers / Referees: Todd Reeve, Lynn Roylance, & Nicole Sharp
Jamboree's are approached in a way that everyone from the activity group shows up, splits into teams, and plays a game. We have about 8 openings in the division for more players (registration is open). Games will be mostly Saturday, with one on a weekday.

Volunteer Notes: Referees will need to complete the Volunteer Registration, sign a Corvallis Sports Park (CSP) release, and need to be up to date with Concussion training from AYSOU. Game/Team Managers can be registered volunteers or just helpers, if you are on the field directing play, you need to complete a Volunteer Registration, a CSP release, and have concussion training complete for this school year. I will provide more about the CSP release in the welcome email. Volunteer Registration Directions:

Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


FALL 2021 ##############################


Re: The last chance (well, almost the last)
Wed 10/27/2021 5:29 PM

I'm baaaack!

I promised that the final fall AYSO Core Saturday was going to be almost your last opportunity to ref this season.

The Area 2S tournament will be held at Adams fields this year.

Here's an email from Walt asking for help officiating these matches.

What I can gather so far is that the tournament will involve 10U, 12U and 14U matches - but the exact composition is still evolving.

Please consider doing these more competitive matches if you want to add some challenge to your Saturday.

Any questions, let me know, or reach out directly to Walt.




The Area 2S Tournament will be held on Nov. 6 at the Corvallis fields.

I will be organizing the referees and need to find referees that will be interested in helping out. Unfortunately, at this time I do not have a clear picture of the referee positions required.  The only thing I know at this time is there could be between 20 and 30 games hopefully all occurring on Nov 6.  I do not know how these games will be grouped into divisions or how many consecutive games, thus it is hard to know for sure how to manage assignments until November 1 when we receive a schedule.

All games in all divisions will be 25min with a 5 minute half otherwise normal FIFA law applies with no region specific guidelines.

If you are interested in helping please, Reply to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a time block you are available to and age groups you are comfortable refereeing. I will try to get all the assignments done November 1 depending on when I get the schedule.

Thanks for helping and enriching childrens’ lives.

Walt Mahaffee

Area 2S Referee Administrator


[Corvallis AYSO Coaches] And that's a wrap!
Wed 10/27/2021 12:58 PM

Hey Coaches!

Alright - now that I finished my player evaluations, I can remind you all to make sure you got those done.  I don't see the evals, so as far as I know I'm the last one to get them done.  But, if not, here are a couple of thoughts:

  1. These are important for the ongoing work of team formation in our region.  Please do them!
  2. Take a little time, get out a chunk of paper and think through each of the players.  Brief comments are helpful.

Abe and I are scheming about a Grand Coach Get-Together sometime between now and the spring season.  It feels like our fall opportunities may be slipping away but we will keep you informed.  On that note - please send us any thoughts you might have about how to make the program better.

Some things we are working on include more concrete and uniform approaches to addressing lopsided games, and ways to improve the year-to-year continuity of coaching.

Abe and I are very grateful to be working with you all.

Coaches on three - 1 - 2 - 3 - Coaches!!


[CorvallisAYSO] Thank You Coach
Sat 10/23/2021 4:15 AM

Hello All 6U-15 Families,

Remember to Thank Your Coach!!!
Also thank your referees and team manager, but the team volunteer that invests the most time, and is the only reason you get to play, is the head coach.

Managers & Coaches: Safety Helpers will be finding you to hand off pictures, you can save them time by getting the items at the Information Shed.

Coach Reminders...

A fun series of games for players to explore many positions, in an often high scoring game. The day is filled with opportunities to network, as you move from one 15min game to another.
Team: Any registered volunteer can lead a squad of 5 or more players. The players must be AYSO registered, but can be from any team in the same division. On 10/27 we post schedules & teams. On 10/30, coaches check-in, drop off each player’s $5 (scholarship=$0), pick up a copy of the rules & schedule, grab any needed equipment, and get the player metals to hand out at the end.
Individual: Each player can signup as a free agent to join another squad or to allow us to build a squad. On 10/27, we will send you info.
5-A-Side Team or Player Registration:
More Info About 5-A-Side:

Spring Season
Our core rec outdoor program continues this spring. The same teams from fall, play again in spring, no added cost & no re-registering.
In February we open up new player registration and check-in with all players and volunteers from fall. Some team members from fall might drop from the team, so new registrants will fill the team openings or we will create new teams.
In February we also look at opportunities to balance teams, some players could change teams or move divisions at the cost of a new uniform.
Team Equipment: Coaches Please keep team equipment and store it for the winter in a dry place. Return any excess items to the info shed.
February Registration for Spring Outdoor:
Core Season Info Page:

Coaches, from all of us on the region board, THANK YOU!!!

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

If you are not doing 5-A-Side, Tournament, or Indoor, I'll see you in Spring 2022.


 [CorvallisAYSO] Indoor Soccer Registration - Closes Sat 10/23
Thu 10/21/2021 9:30 AM

Hi |User First Name|,

If you have not already signed up / registered your player(s) in (Sports Connect) for Indoor Soccer...

Indoor Soccer Season 1: Nov-Dec Overview

COVID: Face Coverings are currently required for un-vaccinated players while playing for the Nov-Dec season.

[# players out of possible #] Divisions & (Schedule):

  • [11 of 20] 7U Boys Jamboree (Tuesdays after 4pm)
  • [4 of 20] 7U Girls Jamboree (Tuesdays after 4pm)
  • [20 of 30] 9U Boys Rec (Mostly Monday after 4pm with some Saturday afternoon)
  • [7 of 20] 9U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Monday after 4pm with some Saturday afternoon)
  • [18 of 30] 11U Boys Rec (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • [11 of 20] 11U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • [24 of 30] 13U Boys Rec (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • [11 of 20] 13U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • [18 of 20] 15U Boys Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • [7 of 20] 15U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)

A jamboree division is made up of a group of players that show up and play a pickup game each week. A rec division will have teams made up and those players will play a game. We need a minimum of 12 players to move forward with a division, if we cannot make a division work you can get a refund, try the division up, or join with the other gender.

Register (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, and work through the registration process. If you have a special request (like play up a division), use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. During the week, games could start at 4:10 and a second game starting at 4:50. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 2 - Dec 18, team notifications will happen by Oct 24, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $47 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $47 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

NEW Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once I know the team framework, I will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed.

EXISTING Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): Please register as a volunteer online in Sports Connect, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name so I can connect the dots. You will not need to go through the background check process again.

Luke Cotton - Acting Indoor Coord.


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side Registration Due 10/23
Thu 10/21/2021 1:14 AM

Hi |User First Name| & All 6U-15U Volunteers,

Well, it is odd, but could be a hint... I have 0 team registrations for 5-A-Side on 10/30 and only 1 team registration for the 9U-13U tournament on 11/6. Again, if you want to do either, the registration details are below...

5-A-Side 10/30: Any registered volunteer can lead a squad, the group can be a mix of AYSO players in the same division, games are on 10/30, each player pays $5 on 10/30 unless the family has a scholarship ($0), you can choose your team name, you can choose your team color, and the squad volunteer can register (here). No leader for a squad?... The player can signup as a free agent to join another squad (here). More Details about 5-A-Side (here).

9U-13U Tournament 11/6: Teams can signup by emailing me, if you are short players, we can add players to a team from another (you could merge teams), the team cost is $50, see the email sent today "[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament on 11/6" with more details. More Details about Area Tournament (here).

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


 Wrapping up Fall Season
Wed 10/20/2021 10:21 AM


And just when you are hitting your stride, here comes the end of the fall season.

Last game - a couple of thoughts and encouragements:

First, Safety First!  
From the coach reports (thank you for submitting those!) we had a highlight on keeper safety.  
Coach your kids to prioritize keeper safety over trying for that goal by kicking the ball out of the keeper's hands.  
Free balls are fair game, but when the keeper has a hand on the ball, back off.

Second, SHHHHHH!  
Sometimes a quiet coach, during games, can observe and assess more than a coach who actively micromanages.  

Be vocal with praise on jobs well done (or well attempted)!  
Help them see the game (eg 'spread out', or 'find your teammates', 'defense up', 'talk to each other')!  
But, avoid micromanaging (eg 'pass the ball to Susie'), and keep criticisms for your coaching notes for figuring out how to structure your next practice.

When in doubt, err on the side of just letting them play the game.

Kudos to you all - the praise goes to you in your efforts to help the bunch of kids in your care develop as players and as people.

Speaking of those people, please get player evaluations done.  Take a little time and help us do the best job possible with future team formation.  Thank you!


Thank You,
Dan Herford                     Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator                        Director of Coach Instruction
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


 The last chance (well, almost the last)
Mon 10/18/2021 9:58 AM

R149 Referees,

Thank you for a wonderful Fall season! We have made it to the last regularly scheduled match day. Weather has been great, so far. Matches have been covered, so far. Players have had fun, so far.

Let's keep our record strong and show up this Saturday to close out the season!

Lots of openings in the schedule, so don't be shy.

And just in case you are already regretting the end of the regular season, don't fret!

5-a-side jamboree will be the next weekend, followed by the mid-valley AYSO tournament, and of course, all winter there will be AYSO indoor at the Corvallis Sports Park.

Thank you,



[CorvallisAYSO] Team Discussions - 5-A-Side & Last Game
Sat 10/16/2021 4:30 AM

Hello Coaches,

Here are some quick tips for talking to your team today and this coming week about 5-A-Side and other items...

Last Core Game Day 10/23: All players/volunteers on the team stay with the team for spring, coaches & players keep team equipment safe over the winter, spring often has some dropping players and some adding players (we do that in Feb 2022), HAVE FUN!

5-A-Side 10/30: Any registered volunteer can lead a squad, the group can be a mix of AYSO players in the same division, games are on 10/30, each player pays $5 on 10/30 unless the family has a scholarship ($0), you can choose your team name, you can choose your team color, and the squad volunteer can register (here). No leader for a squad??? the player can signup as a free agent to join another squad (here).

9U-13U Tournament 11/6: Teams can signup by emailing me, if you are short players, we can add players to a team from another (you could merge teams), the team cost is $50, see the email sent today "[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament on 11/6" with more details.

Winter Indoor Soccer: Games are at the Corvallis Sports Park, currently masks are required, parents signup in Sports Connect (here), it costs $47 per player ($45 is the sports park fee), jamboree groups meet up and split into teams, some of the boys divisions will likely have enough players to do teams.



[CorvallisAYSO] Area Tournament on 11/6
Sat 10/16/2021 4:03 AM

Hi 9U - 13U Volunteers,

It is not often we have a tournament for recreational players, but this year we have one! Take a look at the details below...

The tournament is on November 6th here are the quick items to know...
>1< Teams are your Core team only.
>2< Games are on Saturday Nov 6th, Check with your Players to see if you have enough on the 6th.
>3< Participation is Not Guaranteed...
>>3a<< If many signup in a division, we would select teams based on volunteerism of the team (count of active referees & helpers from the season).
>>3b<< Teams will be asked to help with volunteer/helper duties to make this tournament a reality.
>4< The tournament costs $50 per team, you will need to scrounge that for the tournament.
>5< Reply to me if you have the players from your core team and wish to participate. You need to reply by EOD on Saturday 10/30.

Attached are the tournament rules published by the Area, many of them mimic the rules of the tournament run by the Section.


P.S. - This tournament is being operated by the Area that oversees our AYSO region, they have a website here:


{CorvallisAYSO} 07UB Panthers Player Evaluations
Fri 10/15/2021 10:25 AM

Dear Coach Elisabeth,

We are looking to collect player evaluations from fall to help with team balancing/additions in spring, please complete the player evaluations by 10/24.

Evaluations: Evaluate the player comparing them to players in the 07UB division. We are asking for evaluations broken down into four categories Psychosocial, Physical, Technical, and Tactical. The evaluations should be from 1 to 5 in each, where 1 is below the expected and 5 is above. You can find details about the expectations by following the evaluation link.

Psychosocial Evaluation: Respect, motivation, confidence, cooperation, competitiveness, etc. Also, include a player's ability to reason, learn, and solve problems in the 07UB division.

Physical Evaluation: Speed, agility, endurance, strength, power, etc. at the 07UB level.

Technical Evaluation: Ability to master ball skills expected for the 07UB level, i.e., ball control, shooting, passing, etc.

Tactical Evaluation: Capacity to use their skill and ability within a 07UB game environment, i.e., creating space in midfield, possession and transition, creating width, etc.

Comments: Please add some quick details that can help with placement and balance. We do look at the comments you add, and we often find them to be one of the best factors in placement decisions or special requests (strong striker, plays club, only plays keeper, etc.).

Evaluation Links: Below are the links to the remaining evaluations. Please evaluate all the players you can by clicking on the link and filling out the form.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER EVALUATIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

Notes: Division Coordinators and Other Coaches could see this information. Submitting an eval form for a player twice from this email will overwrite the prior evaluation. We are asking both registered head and asst. coaches to submit evaluations, each will get a customized email specific to them, if they do not, reply.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


Re: Last two game days + Player Evaluations
Fri 10/15/2021 3:22 PM

OK - yes - praise, damnit!  We want lavish praise!!

Do you think Abe and I are in it for the warm fuzzies?  NO!  We want praise! and chocolate covered gummie bears!  Well, Abe wants the gummie bears.  I prefer peanut M&Ms.

But we both want player evaluations!

And coach reports.  That, too.

Just talk to each other before the games, people.

And thank you for coaching!


Last two game days + Player Evaluations
Fri 10/15/2021 9:53 AM

Hey Coaches!

Please keep those game reports coming.  It helps us identify issues and helps with long-term team formation and player development planning.  Thanks to all who have been getting that done.

You should have just received an email asking you to provide player evaluations.  We are collecting those evaluations at the end of both the fall and spring seasons.  This information is a big part of balancing during team formation, so please take a little time and fill it out.

As we hit these last couple of game days, please make the effort to connect with the coach for the opposing team and identify any issues - a series of blowouts, playing down, etc.

Our goal is to provide all of the kids an environment where they are encouraged to do their very best while giving thought to the experience of others.  That might look like strong players getting extra work on weak-footed shots rather than increasing the point spread.

As always, let us know if you have issues or concerns (or lavish praise, for that matter).

Thank You,
Dan Herford                    Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator                        Director of Coach Instruction
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Indoor, 5-A-Side, & Saturday Reminders
Fri 10/15/2021 7:32 AM

|User First Name| & All 6U-15U Families,

Indoor Soccer registration is open until 10/23. We play 6 games in Nov & Dec with a cost of $47.
More Information (here) < Parents can register online in Sports Connect.

5-A-Side registration is open until 10/23. You would play on 10/30 in a bunch of rapid 15min games over about 3 hours on smaller fields with 3-4 teammates.
More Information (here) < Coaches & Free Agents can register online at the region website.

Saturday Reminders:

  1. Coats/Jackets need to be under uniforms, and avoid any metal or hard plastic parts.
  2. Wear your face covering while within 6ft of another person (and not playing), if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them (see full COVID details here). Go to the shed at the "i" icon on the map (here).
  3. Wear your uniform/jersey (need to swap / new player? Go to info shed at the "i" icon on the map (here)).
  4. Wear dark athletic shorts.
  5. Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  6. No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  7. Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  8. Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the school grass).
  9. Sit behind the red line on the spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct). Remember, the focus is on getting the kids playing, building a Kids Zone of sorts.

5-A-Side FAQ for 10/30:

>> Uniforms? Squads can choose a team color, but must have an alternate color. Halloween costumes are okay, but need to be safe (here).
>> Field Setup? Help is needed the week of 10/24, we will setup goals and paint orange lines that week. The fields are simple in concept and will use much of the existing field lines, moving the goals will take a bit of work. I will send out more once I know how many squads we have.
>> Scheduling? Based on the numbers we will plan the larger divisions in the morning, and smaller divisions starting right after.

Indoor FAQ:
>> 2 Seasons? Yes, I have registration open for both Nov-Dec & Feb-Mar, if you signup for both seasons now, you can save the extra Sports Connect fee, just be sure you are signed up for the right season.
>> Minimum Number? We need at least 14 players in each division to make it viable. Some divisions are capped at 20 players. If we get enough I will pull from the wait list and build formal teams instead of a Jamboree.

Luke Cotton
Acting 5-A-Side Coord. & Acting Indoor Coord.


Re: This Saturday!
Thu 10/14/2021 12:58 PM

OK everyone, ready to go. Penultimate AYSO Fall Match Day.

I've arranged for beautiful Fall weather.

The region has arranged many many soccer matches from 0800 - 1600! Ouch, that's a whole lot of running around.

Our webmaster extraordinaire has arranged a web app for you to view and capitalize on all of the refereeing opportunities!

Here's the link in case you haven't been there yet -

Now, will you please arrange to click one (or more) of those OPEN links?

All the players and coaches and parent spectators who aren't rockstart volunteers like you appreciate your time and effort!

Thank you,



This Saturday!
Wed 10/13/2021 9:40 AM

R149 Referees,

For the 20 of you who have already signed up for refereeing this week - thank you!

I very much appreciate your commitment and that you've jumped onto the schedule already. Your pre-work for the week is done. You can stop reading now and go back to your wonderful day knowing you're making soccer happen for all those smiling screaming kids!

Now, the rest of you - please sign up! There are lots of gaps on the schedule. This is not your gap year.

Yes, you can sign up at the fields, and I do appreciate all those last minute commitments, but if you signed up in advance, then you wouldn't be reading this, I wouldn't be haranguing you.

Jump on the schedule.

Thank you,

All the players of R149


[CorvallisAYSO] 5-A-Side 10/30 - Team Registration
Tue 10/12/2021 12:45 PM

|User First Name| & All 6U-15U Volunteers,

5-A-Side is a fun series of games for players to explore many positions, in an often high scoring game. The day is filled with many opportunities to network, as you move from one 15min game to another. Game Day is Saturday October 30th 2021 and we will be scheduling divisions in blocks of time in the early morning or near afternoon. See the main page for details (here).

Any team volunteer wanting to lead a 5-A-Side team can register (here).
You need to register each team/squad that wants to participate, many core teams will be able to create two teams. The registration form asks for a squad name, who will lead the squad, and each player name for that squad.

  • This has a cost of $5 per player paid in cash or check on game day.
    • Funds cover costs and raise money for field/playing space in Benton County.
    • Scholarship players can signup/play for free.
  • Each team plays 4-5 games, over about 3-4 hours.
  • Every player gets a medal.

  • Volunteers:
    • Team/Squad Coach: Any current referee, team manager, or coach can fill this role. You are tasked with checking in, organizing players for each game, assigning playing positions, and running substitutions.

    • Center Referee: Any current referee can fill this role. You can signup on the region website in hour blocks. You can swap on game day. Scheduled subs/alternates will be prioritized to players looking to referee.
  • Teams:
    • Each team needs a unique lead coach, you will likely have overlapping games and you will need someone to lead the squad/team.
    • Players should be on and stay on a single team. Only exceptions are allowed for squads that are short, need balancing, or substituting for a sick/injured player.
    • 6U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 7U is 3-5 players on a squad, games are 3 vs 3.
    • 9U is 4-6 players on a squad, games are 4 vs 4 (no keeper).
    • 11U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 13U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
    • 15U is 5-8 players on a squad, games are 5 vs 5.
  • Notable Rule Modifications:
    • Games are 15 min w/ 5 min between games, games start by horn or whistle.
    • Any time, on-the-fly substitutions like hockey / indoor soccer.
    • Most restarts are direct except kickoff, drop ball, & throw-in/kick-in.
    • Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half.
    • 11U+ keeper punts/throws cannot cross half in the air, restart is at half.
    • 6U-9U no keepers (no goal hanging allowed).
    • 7min halves, 5min between games (all fields signaled by horn).
    • No offside.
    • No deliberate heading (except 13U+) restart is a direct kick.
    • No buildout line, no penalty box, and no penalty kick.

Register (here).

Frequently Asked Questions

Outside Players?
If they registered for AYSO this school year, they can play. Please be sure you balance if you have multiple squads.

Balancing, How?
5-A-Side favors big kickers and a lot of energy, look to balance those players first. Only distributions from the hands of the goalkeeper are restricted by how far they can go in the air, you can score a goal from a goal kick (Most free kicks are direct, kick-off, drop ball, and throw-in/kick-in cannot score a goal directly).

4-A-Side for 9U?
In 9U, they will not have a goalkeeper, so it is actually 4-A-Side. The goals are 6ft tall by 8ft long. The field will be setup going in one half of a field with a goal on each touch (throw-in) line.

Yes, you can bring food, but you cannot use a flame and cook the food at an AYSO event.

Free Substitution?
There is free, any time, substitution. The substituted player must leave the field before the replacing player comes on. Again, this can be done at any time without needing to check with the referee. If too many players are actively playing on the field, it is a restart for the other team at half, if a goal was scored and too many were playing on the field, the goal would be reversed.


Goalkeeper throw or punt (11U+)?
Cannot cross the half in the air. If it travels over half without touching anything else, the opposing team restarts from half about where it crossed.

Central Horn Timer?
Once that horn goes to start a half, you can start, even if the other team is not on the field.

Home team starts the first kick-off, away team kicks off after the half, see the game schedule. If the kicking off team isn’t ready, the other team may kick off if the referee allows. Teams cannot score directly from a kick-off.

Penalty Kick?
No penalty area will be marked, just a goal box (11U+), so no penalty kick.

Goals can only be scored with a touch on the defending half (not directly from a kick-off, throw-in, or drop ball). Keep in mind that keepers (11U+) cannot punt or throw over half, but if it touches the ground on their half, another player on the other half, and goes in the other teams goal, that is a score.

Game Cards?
No game cards are required, no tracking of scores will be done.

Players Near Goal?
6U-9U Players should be discouraged from goal hanging. Keeping at least a few feet away from the goal line. Since the goals are small, and no players can use hands, it is not recommended to have players stick in the goal.

Restart Distance?

9U it is 4 yards or the goal line. 11U it is 6 yards or the goal line. 13U+ it is 8 yards or the goal line. No restarts should take place in the marked goal area except a goal kick. Since 9U has no goal area, move the ball 4 yards away from the goal (parallel to the infraction). 9U players are allowed to be on the goal line for a kick that is within 4 yards of the goal (In general players should be a few feet off the goal line as much as possible.

Register (here).

Luke Cotton - 5-A-Side Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] 10/9 - Game Day Reminders
Sat 10/9/2021 6:32 AM

Hi |User First Name| & All 6U+ Families,


Last day for pictures, photos are taken near the trees by field 91 (here)(northeast corner of the district property). Each photo is taken individually, no team photo, get in line for photos at any time if you missed a prior team scheduled time. You can go online afterword and order: > Teams > Search Group "AYSO" > Select AYSO Region 149.

Coaches, no matter if a player has missed practices, if they show up for a game, please remember to play all team players at least three quarters before having any one player play the entire game. In other words, play every player on the team as much as possible, before allowing others to play the entire time.

Coaches, remember to wear your face covering when within 6ft of players. If you need a covering, we have a bunch at the information/safety shed that you can pickup and take to practices or use yourself. Go to the shed at the "i" icon on the map (here).

No Jewelry (player equipment) (game rules) No pets/dogs

Wear your face covering while within 6ft of another person (and not playing), if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them (see full COVID details here). Go to the shed at the "i" icon on the map (here).

Season Email Archive & COVID details (here).

Indoor Soccer Registration is open for Nov-Dec & Feb-Mar (here). Yes, indoor would require face coverings for unvaccinated.

Details about 5-A-Side signup will be sent out Monday. It will be a 4vs4 or 5vs5 set of fast paced games on Saturday 10/30, some mini-teams form using the same core team, or some teams can just form with a bunch of free agents... then we play a set of 4 or 5 games over about 3-4 hours on Saturday 10/30 (depending on signup #s). All players will get metals and the cost will be $5 per player paid on game day.

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view current game schedule, and much more.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Winter Indoor Soccer Registration
Tue 10/5/2021 3:30 PM

Hello AYSO Families,

All players from divisions 7U - 15U are invited to sign up online (here). 6U players could choose to play up in the 7U division.

Divisions & (Schedule):

  • 7U Boys Jamboree (Tuesdays after 4pm)
  • 7U Girls Jamboree (Tuesdays after 4pm)
  • 9U Boys Rec (Mostly Monday after 4pm with some Saturday afternoon)
  • 9U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Monday after 4pm with some Saturday afternoon)
  • 11U Boys Rec (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • 11U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • 13U Boys Rec (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • 13U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • 15U Boys Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)
  • 15U Girls Jamboree (Mostly Saturday afternoon with a few on Thur or Friday after 4pm)

A jamboree division is made up of group of players that show up and play a pickup game each week. A rec division will have teams made up and those players will play a game.

COVID: Face Coverings are currently required for un-vaccinated players while playing for the Nov-Dec season.

Register in (Sports Connect). Select a program that is available, and work through the registration process. If you have a special request, use this request form (here).

All games will be played at the Corvallis Sports Park. The 6 games are about 36 minutes long and are scheduled as shown above. During the week, games could start at 4:10 and a second game starting at 4:5. Games on Saturday are anywhere from 12-7pm. There are no practices. This session will go from Nov 2 - Dec 18, team notifications will happen by Oct 24, with a game schedule expected soon after.

The fee is $47 and will need to be paid by Credit Card in Sports Connect. Players that have not played with AYSO this School Year often need to pay the AYSO membership fee of $20. We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case, and we could not place your player, your credit card would be refunded the $47 (if your player is placed, and you cancel, the refund could be $45. After we start the season/games, no refunds) (refund form).

NEW Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): During player registration, I am asking for volunteer indication. Once I know the team framework, I will indicate that the individual needs to register as a volunteer. This saves us the cost of a potential Background Check and it saves you the hassle of registering before we know you are needed.

EXISTING Volunteers (Referees & Team Manager/Coach): Please register as a volunteer online in Sports Connect, if your account is not tied to your player, ensure the helper/volunteer spot in the player registration form has your name so I can connect the dots. You will not need to go through the background check process again.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Acting Indoor Soccer Coordinator (contact)

See the indoor soccer program webpage (here) for more details.


  • What is the cost for the AYSO Indoor season?
    $47/player all paid online by Credit Card. No scholarships are available for this program. NOTICE: Sports Connect charges $2.75 per credit card transaction, so for one player, it could be $49.75.

  • Can we play up a division?
    Please register for the division that is available & use this request form (here) to have us move the player up.

  • What is the refund policy?
    We cannot guarantee that a division will have enough players for teams, if that is the case and we cannot place your player, your credit card will be refunded the full amount. Players dropping after placement, but before games, will be charged a non-refundable fee of $2. Players dropping after playing cannot be refunded. Please fill out the refund request form (here).

  • My child is currently enrolled in the 6U division. Can he/she sign up for the indoor season?
    The indoor season starts at 7U only. Historically there has not been enough interest for form teams at the 6U level. If you wish to have your player play up in 7U, you can.

  • Are there practices?
    No. For the indoor season, there are no practices. Typically, managers will organize the teams a few minutes before the game and do a brief (4 minute) kick around.

  • How many games will each team play?
    Each team will be scheduled to play 6 games during the season.

  • I currently coach. Can I sign up and keep my team intact for the indoor season?
    We would love to have you coach your child's indoor team. You will not, however, be able to keep your outdoor team intact for the indoor season. AYSO will be forming new teams from individuals who register to play. We adhere to the AYSO philosophy of creating balanced teams to ensure fairness for all.

  • How long are the games?
    36 minutes.

  • Are scholarships available?
    We are not be able to provide scholarships for indoor.

  • What happens if not enough players sign up to form a team?
    If there are not enough players to form a team, we will refund the $47 per player.

  • Are special shoes required?
    Court shoes are allowed for 7U - 11U only.
    For safety reasons NO RUNNING SHOES are allowed.

  • How do managers and referees learn about differences between outdoor play and indoor play and the Corvallis Sports Park rules and operating the time clock?
    We will offer some brief training for managers and updates for referees before the start of the first games.


[AYSO Region 149] Coach Clarifications and Reminders
Fri 10/1/2021 11:28 AM

Hey Coaches!  Thanks for all you are doing.

Just a couple of things as we get ready for kickoff on game day 4:

First, remember that Everyone Plays.  Our region has adopted the '3/4s' policy - all kids play at least 3/4 of the game before anyone plays a full game. 

Second, remember that Refs are volunteers who are also learning and growing into their roles.  Keep any critiques for quiet post-game sharing, and remember to share the kudos, too.  If there are issues, note them in your coach game report and we will follow up.

Speaking of game reports, we had 37 submitted last week, which is almost half of what we're shooting for.  With ~40 games and a report from each head coach we're looking for around 80 reports.  It takes just a couple of minutes!

All right, 'Coaches' on 3!!  Go team!

Thank You,
Dan Herford
Coach Administrator
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Picture Days - 10/2 & 10/9
Fri 10/1/2021 5:41 AM

Hello All 6U-15U Families,

Pictures are the next few Saturdays 10/2 & 10/9. Your coach or manager has hopefully scheduled a time for the team and communicated that with you. Remember to arrive 20min before your picture time.

Additional Details:

  • Players need the order form IN HAND with minimum of first name, last name, and team name written on it. Additional order packets will be at the safety/info shed at the fields.
  • Photos will be taken near the trees by field 91 (here)(northeast corner of the district property).
  • Please be ready as a team 10 min prior to your scheduled photo time.
  • Each photo is taken individually, no team photo. The team photo will be joined together afterward.
  • You can go online afterword and order: > Teams > Search Group "AYSO" > Select AYSO Region 149.

NOTICE:These are each individual pictures, for any reason, you can get in line to have the photo taken at any time from 7:30am-2pm on 10/2 & 10/9.

Catalina Segura - Special Events Coordinator
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

Team Scheduling?
10/2: You can just show up and see if a slot is available at the area above field 91.
10/9: Go to > enter code "AYSO149" > Select your time > fill out details > click ADD


This Saturday, there will be soccer!
Wed 9/29/2021 9:29 AM

AYSO Referees,

Yes, again, there are matches on Saturday!

Yes, again, there are opportunities to referee these matches on Saturday.

Yes, again, you sign up for these opportunities to referee these matches on Saturday at the Region web page (here's the link).

Yes, again, there are many spots for you to sign up for these opportunities to referee these matches on Saturday at the Region web page (here's the link again).

Thank you for signing up (and you will)!



 [CorvallisAYSO] 9/25 Saturday Game Day Notes
Fri 9/24/2021 4:06 PM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Fall Families,

It should be sunny Saturday, enjoy it.

Safety helpers will be passing out picture day packets at your Adams games, Coaches please read the directions to schedule a picture time on either 10/2 or 10/9. (Go to > enter code "AYSO149" > Select your time > fill out details > click ADD)

  1. Wear your face covering while within 6ft of another person (and not playing), if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them (see full COVID details here).
  2. Wear your uniform/jersey (need to swap / new player? Go to info shed at the "i" icon on the map (here)).
  3. Bring water.
  4. Wear dark athletic shorts.
  5. Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  6. No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  7. Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  8. Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the grass).
  9. Sit behind the red line on the spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).

13U & 15U: Please remember to work with the players that show for the game, and mix players up if a team is missing players (traveling teams might not have a full squad of players).

15U: most 15U games are in Albany (AL6) or Lebanon (CH6) this week (here).


Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[Corvallis AYSO] Coaches!
Thu 9/23/2021 10:51 PM

Hey Coaches!

Here we are, several weeks into the season and ready for the 3rd game day.  It seems good to check in.

First, thanks to all for taking the time and making the effort to engage with the kids, to plan practices and to get out there and pull it all together.  You are making a big impact in their lives.

Kudos to everyone who is filling out and submitting the game reports.  We are figuring out a process to gather relevant information out of those reports, and to identify and respond to games that seem to have issues.  Please take a few minutes after your game to follow the link in the email you get and report the score and any additional comments that come to mind.

It does sound like there have been a number of unbalanced games.  That's not unexpected as we get through the first couple of games, but we want to work together to limit blowout games as we go forward.

We encourage all coaches to communicate before games and to identify potential issues before they happen.  The ideal situation will be one where the stronger team is encouraged to play hard without rolling the score up too high.  Ways to accomplish this might include allowing the opposing team extra players (though that can clog the field), playing players in less familiar/comfortable positions, and adding extra criteria before taking a shot (weak foot, minimum number of passes, etc.).  This is all difficult, especially at the younger divisions, so have a plan if you know you have a strong team.

Thanks for continuing to take COVID seriously.  You'll have to keep reminding the kids to maintain their 'helicopter' distance when they aren't actively playing.  Also, if coaches and players are interacting and not able to maintain distance, masks are required.

Thanks again for all you do.  Feel free to email coaches with any questions, comments, or issues.


Thank You!

Dan Herford                  Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator                     Director of Coach Instruction
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


AYSO Referees
Wed 9/22/2021 1:51 PM

Hello Referees,

Welcome to Week 3!

If you were wet and cold last week, we have solved that problem - it will be 80F and sunny this Saturday.

Sign up. Come on out. Bring your sunscreen.

When you sign up. And you will. You will get an email confirming your assignment, that you signed up for, and providing a link to a game report that you can file after the match. Please provide information afterwards - score, how did it go, how were the coaches, players, spectators, fields - it all is very helpful.

Note - you won't get the chance to provide input on the match unless you sign up.

So, you know what to do, now please go for it!


Chris (for all the players you support by signing up)


[CorvallisAYSO] 9/18 Saturday Game Day Notes
Fri 9/17/2021 8:15 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Fall Families,

I am expecting rain on Saturday, coats can be worn under uniforms during games, but you should avoid items with hoods and metal or hard plastic zippers. Players will warm up quick, make it easy for them to drop the coat and get the uniform back on if desired.

  1. Wear your face covering while within 6ft of another person (and not playing), if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them (see full COVID details here).
  2. Wear your uniform/jersey, if you have one (need a swap, go to info shed).
  3. Bring water.
  4. Wear dark athletic shorts.
  5. Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  6. No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  7. Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  8. Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the grass).
  9. Sit behind the red line on the spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).

13U & 15U: check the schedule, some of you might play two games on a Saturday. Please also remember to work with the players that show for the game, traveling teams might not have a full squad of players.

15U teams should look to confirm the field location (here), some games are in Albany (AL6) or Lebanon (CH6).


Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Face Coverings
Thu 9/16/2021 1:30 PM

Hi AYSO Coaches,

Quick Reminder... You are required to wear a face covering if you are within 6ft of a player (outside your family).

The only potential exception to this is during a game/scrimmage where you are officiating the game from the playing field. In this case, it is still a good idea to keep a distance from players.
"(5) A mask, face covering, or face shield is not required when an individual: ... (h) Is officiating a competitive sport that requires a high level of physical exertion by the official."
The full OAR 333-019-1025:

Thanks for volunteering and helping to keep players playing,
Luke - Region Commissioner


AYSO Referees
Wed 9/15/2021 4:52 PM

Welcome to the Fall season!

Yes, true, we are already a week into it, but still, welcome and thank you for being volunteers with AYSO Region 149!

If you've not figured out how to sign-up for matches, here's a link to this week's opportunities. Hint, there are still a bunch of available spots...

Fall is here (well, at least for the weekend). Expect rain and lots of happy kids.

We need you and your friends to jump onto the schedule. Grab a spot or two. Ask for help if you're new, or want to move up to a more challenging assignment.

But first, sign up.

Don't forget to follow through on all the training and certifications (Vince will be sending you messages if there are missing items).

Then, sign up.

Oh, and in case you aren't sure what to do, sign up.

Thanks (for signing up),

Chris (and all the other referees and players and coaches)

PS - if you are not going to be a referee volunteer this fall and don't want to be on this email list, please let me know.


[AYSOAdult] Wed 6pm Corvallis & Sun 4pm Albany
Wed 9/15/2021 3:26 PM

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for signing up for our AYSO Adult Pick Up League and for continuing to support our AYSO philosophies!  The sportsmanship and level of play these first two weeks has been awesome!

We have 60 players registered so we are going to look at creating an Intermediate Division and an Advanced Division tonight to benefit the playing levels of everyone.  If you aren’t sure which level to join, no worries, you can still move from field to field to find the best fit for you!

Tonight, we will meet in the grassy area west of Field 112 and south of Field 93 near the AYSO sheds at 6PM.  We will divide into Intermediate and Advanced at that time with one group playing on Field 131 and the other on Field 112.  The goals can be moved to the top of the goal boxes on both fields depending on our numbers.  The Beginner/Recreational Division will play on Field 93.  Click here for a map of the fields

Lastly, we are adding a Sunday Pick Up on Field #4 at Timber-Linn in Albany from 4-5:30PM starting this Sunday, September 19th!  Everyone is welcome to join either or both pick up nights throughout the fall season!


[CorvallisAYSO] Game and Field Helpers
Wed 9/15/2021 3:45 PM

Hi Game and Field Helpers,

If you have not already, please signup to help on Saturday (here) or help with repainting fields (here). We have many openings for field setup (pulling equipment out and setting up fields) and many openings for field takedown (picking up equipment and bringing it back to the brown shed). You can take a look at your team dashboard to see if one of the setup or takedown helper jobs is available before or after your game (here). Below are the updated job descriptions / tasks...

Game Field Setup & Takedown Helper

The directions for this job are emailed 3 days prior and on game day. You can find the details about what you need to do in that email, and the job could be slightly different for each field.

Safety Helper

Help operate the Safety/Information station on game day, answer questions about game day, general operations, and keep first aid supplies and forms in order for an hour shift. On-the-job training will be provided. You will be paired with another helper.

Safety Opening Helper

Help set out equipment for use during the game day, checks fields, and could do other field tasks (like lining fields, helping with nets, etc.). On-the-job training will be provided.

Fields Opener Helper

  • Bring shoes and gloves you are okay getting paint on.
  • Pull equipment out of brown shed (see picture to the side and setup signage as directed).
  • Check field markings (walking the fields with a painter, look for any light lines that need touch up).
  • Check goals (walking the fields with zip ties, check for safety concerns, missing weights on small goals, and repair holes in nets).
  • Help with additional field markings (beside the base markings, some fields have additional marks that could be missing, like the penalty spot and arches).
  • Help setup referee canopies, table, and chairs.
  • Check with the board member for additional tasks, if none, help teams get equipment to fields and start to setup fields.

Fields Closer Helper

  • Bring gloves.
  • Help get equipment in brown shed (recycle bins, trash cans, flags, and signs).
  • Pickup field trash (walking all fields, pickup trash and lost items, lost & found is in the brown shed).
  • Ensure recycle bins are returned and all trash is in the massive brown dumpster.
  • NOTICE: we no longer need to remove the nets from fields 132 & 113.
  • NOTICE: field 61 & 71 do not need to have the goals returned to the sheds.

Field Relining Helper
Field relining is done after Thursday 5pm and before 8pm Friday of the week you signed up (here) (mowing is often done on Thursdays). In some cases, you might find that the lines are easily visible and in good shape, please review all the lines for the field and ensure they get touched up if needed. Do not rush and do not let kids do the job; we are looking for visible and continuing straight lines.

Cans, paint, and string are stored in the AYSO brown shed, we will send the shed combination lock code to you in your signup reminder email 3 days prior.

  • If you have not lined before it is very simple, pull the liner out of the brown shed and start to look at the setup and test the sprayer (video). Remember to shake the can, and ensure you stay centered on the prior line to get the few inch wide line matched up. The lines should still be slightly visible, so you should have something to follow and reline.
  • You can paint lines rain or shine (ideally shine). Careful, the sun can make the lines disappear when painting, sun glasses can help. The rain can fade the lines fast; see if you can paint at a time when it is not raining or closer to the game day.
  • There is string in the brown shed and screwdrivers to keep the string taught / in place if you feel like this would help get a straight line.
    If the paint comes out narrow, simply twist the can a quarter turn and it should come out wider, like 2-3".

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] FYI Thunder & Lightning Policy
Tue 9/14/2021 12:45 PM

Hi AYSO Volunteers,

As this weekend is looking to have rain with potential Thunder or Lightning, I figured I would send this policy out to everyone. You can find this policy along with policies about Air Quality, Cancellations, and more in the rules page (here).

If you hear it, clear it. If you see it, flee it. Keep the field clear until you have at least 30 minutes with no thunder or visible lightning.

Each year, about 400 children and adults in the U.S. are struck by lightning while working outside, at sports events, on the beach, mountain climbing, mowing the lawn or during other outdoor activities. About 80 people are killed and several hundred more are left to cope with permanent disabilities. Many of these tragedies can be avoided. Finishing the game, getting a tan, or completing a work shift aren't worth death or crippling injury.

The AYSO National Referee Commission position regarding severe weather states: "It is said that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky that is within a ten mile radius of a storm. It is therefore strongly recommended that practices and games be terminated immediately upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning."

In view of the above, the following is the position of AYSO Region 149 regarding severe weather and is to be instituted by coaches and referees at all practices, games and other AYSO sponsored events.

AYSO 149 will not cancel entire days or all remaining games due to active thunderstorms in our area as these storms usually pass through quickly. Regardless of the weather overhead, when thunder is heard and/or lightning is seen, suspend play and direct participants to a safe area by following the guidelines below. Play may resume 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard, or lightning seen.

Areas considered safe

  • Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up
  • Inside a substantial building (roof and four walls)

Unsafe Areas

  • Small buildings including picnic shelters and the open area of a concession stand
  • Anywhere near metallic objects like flagpoles, antennas, towers, underground watering systems, soccer goals, metal bleachers, electric equipment
  • Open fields, trees and water

Open area without shelter

  • Avoid standing in groups
  • Spread out to reduce risk
  • Crouch on your feet, keep your head low
  • Avoid being the tallest object
  • Avoid lying on the ground

If a strike occurs to an individual

  • Call 911
  • If you are qualified to do so, apply First Aid or CPR immediately
  • People struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to touch

Restarting after the All-Clear (30 minutes after the last boom is heard or strike is seen)

  • Games which have completed the first half will be considered finished and the score at the time play was suspended shall be the final score.
  • Games which have completed less than one half; the referee will resume by starting the second half, reducing the remaining time if necessary so that the match ends at the scheduled time.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


 [CorvallisAYSO] Game Day Notes - Sat 9/11
Sat 9/11/2021 5:00 AM

Hello All 6U-15U AYSO Fall Families,

Below are some quick notes, and a few edits from the emails sent yesterday to each division (here).

REMINDER: Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm. Today we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  • Wear your face covering while within 6ft of another person (and not playing), if you need a replacement, the safety shed has them (see full COVID details here).
  • Wear your uniform/jersey, if you have one (need a swap, go to info shed).
  • Bring water.
  • Wear dark athletic shorts.
  • Wear Shin Guards under your soccer socks.
  • No Jewelry (equipment) (rules).
  • Arrive early (20min before start time) (schedule).
  • Find the field and the best parking area (map) (no pets/dogs) (do not park on the grass).
  • Sit behind the red line on the spectator side of the field, after the prior team leaves (conduct).
  • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
  • No eating or drinking within 7ft of a soccer field.

EDITS: (from division specific emails sent yesterday, found here in the email log)

  1. Referees / Activity Officials are allowed to go without face coverings during the game.
  2. 9U+ fields should also include getting referee flags located at the field, often placed in the center.
  3. 9U+ substituting players should be located at the half line. This helps the referees see the players needing a swap at the next stoppage.
  4. 13U age players are allowed to head the ball and slide tackle, not recommended, but allowed.
  5. In 9U & 11U quarter stoppages are recommended to allow coaches to make quick adjustments, these stoppages are not required (as you can sub at any stop) and should be discussed before the game if needed.
  6. 9U goal keepers should not drop kick or punt the ball. Discourage, return the ball to the keeper and ask them to redo with a throw.

Team Dashboard (here) << see if you have a referee for the game, contact volunteers, view game schedule, and much more.

Parents: Soccer is a fast paced sport that requires players to adapt and think on their feet. The least we can do is the same as we work through the first fall game day. AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment, entirely powered by Volunteers.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Volunteer Region Commissioner, Volunteer Webmaster, & Volunteer Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


 [CorvallisAYSO] 15U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 4:15 PM

Hello 15U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 15U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the west side of the field.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • 15U: Field 151: will only need a garbage can, six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (15U=35m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with volunteers to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game.
    14. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    15. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    16. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    17. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    18. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    19. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    20. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    21. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Half (15U=35min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 10sec. Subbing players should be near the half line.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 13U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 3:45 PM

Hello 13U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 13U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the south or west side of the field.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • 13U: Field 131: will only need a garbage can, six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • 13U: Field 132: will only need a garbage can, orange field nets (strung up and taken down each Saturday), six corner flags, two referee flags, & spectator/team signs.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (13U=30m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game.
    14. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    15. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    16. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    17. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    18. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    19. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    20. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    21. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Half (13U=30min)
    2. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 10sec. Subbing players should be near the half line.
    3. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 11U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 3:15 PM

Hello 11U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 11U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the north or west side of the field.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • 11U: Field 111: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 11U: Field 112: spectators are on the north side of the field by the old track.
    • 11U: Field 113: spectators are on the west side of the field, by the Adams wood chip path.
    • 11U: Field 111 & 112: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.
    • 11U: Field 113: will only need a garbage can, red field nets (strung up and taken down each Saturday), four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee, coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage like in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. If you are missing Assistant Referees, Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Quarter stoppage. (11U=15m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (11U=30m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game.
    15. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    16. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    17. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    18. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    19. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    20. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    21. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    22. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (11U=15min). Half (11U=30min)
    2. No headers or slides. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or head.
    3. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 15sec.
    4. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 9U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 2:15 PM

Hello 9U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 9U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the south or west side of the field.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • 09U: Field 091: spectators are on the south side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 092: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 093: spectators are on the west side of the field.
    • 09U: Field 091-093: will only need a garbage can, four corner flags, & spectator/team signs.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. No Center Referee? If your game does not have a center referee (9U+), coaches are encouraged to lead the teams in a scrimmage (Signup To Referee). Without a referee you cannot have a game, but you can have a scrimmage, like you would in practice. You can see if your game has a referee on the team dashboard (here).

  8. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide three pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches will equip the goalkeeper with a pinnie that does not match either team's main color.
    7. Referees can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We also have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Referees would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand/dirt from the brown shed).
    9. Referees should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will see if any helpers are willing to be club linespeople and assist the center referee. You can read more about this helper below.
    11. See game rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Quarter stoppage. (9U=12.5m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (9U=25m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Avoid Blowouts: Let's ensure players & volunteers leaving the field today, want to come back. Coaches, games with final scores like 0 to 6 are unacceptable for rec soccer, make adjustments, at least in the final quarter, to ensure a better balance, even if you can only get to something like 1 to 6. If you are a coach on the receiving end, and morale is not looking good, feel free to propose a forfeit, re-balance the teams, and try a new game.
    15. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by...
      • Limit each player to 3 goals scored (the restart for a player scoring over the three is a goal kick).
      • Rotate players between positions within a team to balance opportunities.
      • Rotate players between teams to balance skill levels.
      • Give strong players extra work (play w/ weak foot only, all shots need to be from outside the penalty area).
      • Give strong team extra work or added objectives (every forward touches the ball before the next shot).
    16. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    17. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    18. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    19. Referees return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    20. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    21. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.
    22. Referees can use the game signup reminder sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  9. Game Rules...
    1. Quarters (9U=12.5min). Half (9U=25min)
    2. Offside only occurs past a Build Out Line. Think of it like you split the 2in thick center line and moved each 1in of the line to just above the penalty area on each side.
    3. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet. An indirect free kick is awarded for any deliberate slide or head.
    4. Substitutions are at allowed stoppages and quarters. Once a coach confirms with the referee they are allowed to sub a player, they can swap the player(s). This process should be quick, max 30sec.
    5. Build Out Line: Once the goalkeeper takes possession of the ball, or when a goal kick has been called by the referee, the defending team (the team without the ball) should immediately run behind the Build Out Line, which is just above the penalty area. No player of the defending team may cross the build out line until the ball has been put back into play by the goalkeeper.
    6. The remaining rules follow the normal laws of the game (here).

  10. Help, Information, & Equipment: The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.

  11. Club Linesperson like an Assistant Referee (could be used in any division, no training required, can be a spectator that is 12 years or older)
    1. The only responsibility of the club linesperson is to signal when the ball went over the touchline / sideline.
    2. Raise your arm only when the entire ball goes over the entire line.
    3. The Game Coach or Center Referee might ask for a discrete signaling with a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a direction, but you normally do not signal the following...
      • Do not give the direction of the throw-in(9U+) or kick-in(6U-7U).
      • Do not signal fouls
      • Do not signal when the ball goes in the goal.
      • Do not signal offside.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 7U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 12:00 PM

Hello 7U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 7U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the north side.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • 07U: Field 071 W & E: spectators are on the north side of the fields by the playground.
    • 07U: Field 071: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    3. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    4. Home team will provide four pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    5. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    6. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired.
    7. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    8. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    9. Coaches will work out who will be managing the game, who is keeping time, any specific modifications, and any other expectations. Each field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed.
    10. See rules below for more about the game details.
    11. Quarter stoppage, if desired. (7U=10m qtrs)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    12. Half-time stoppage. (7U=20m half)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with other coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    13. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time and before the next team is scheduled to start.
    14. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    15. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    16. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    17. Coaches return any excess equipment or uniforms to the AYSO sheds.
    18. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. 2 Games at once, 20 minute halves. Quarters (7U=10m). Half (7U=20m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct) (why teach them to shoot, then punish them for doing it?)
    6. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by moving players between the fields.
    8. Substitutions are free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] 6U First Game Day - Sat 9/11
Fri 9/10/2021 11:30 AM

Hello 6U Families,

Welcome to the fall soccer season. This Saturday will be your first game day of the fall season and below is the rundown of the information pertinent to the 6U division.

  1. Soccer Equipment Sale from 8:15am - 12:00pm: we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls ($2-$10), Soccer Jerseys ($4-$8), Soccer Shorts ($2-$5) (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards ($3-$6), & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones).

  2. Wear Team Uniform (or team color) (player equipment). (some teams need to pickup uniforms on Saturday, if you need to order/swap a uniform you do that at the safety/information shed)
    • Shin Guards Required.
    • Jersey must be on top, undershirt/sweatshirt is okay (no zippers & avoid hoods).
    • Shin Guards should be covered by the team socks... you put on the shin guards, then the socks.
    • Wear dark athletic shorts, or buy black shorts ($2-$5) at the Equipment Sale.
    • Bring water.
    • Please bring a face covering. Face Covering should be worn when within 6ft of another, but is not required while playing.
    • No Jewelry or Earrings.

  3. Arrive 20min early (game schedule). Carpool, Bike, or (CTS route 8).

  4. Find the field and the best parking area (map).
    • No Pets/Dogs.
    • Spectators, should sit behind the red line. The spectator side of the field is the south side.
    • If you are within 6ft of a person outside your family, wear your face covering.
    • Do not park on grass.
    • Field 061 W & E: spectators are on south side of the fields near the fence.
    • 06U: Field 061: will only need a garbage can, eight corner flags, spectator/team signs, & field # sign. The goals should stay out on the fields.

  5. We run a Kid Zone (conduct).
    No matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Spectators are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Kids are No. 1.
    2. Fun - not winning - is everything.
    3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
    4. No yelling in anger.
    5. Respect the volunteer (Adult & Youth) referees.
    6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
    7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    8. No weapons.
    9. Leave no trash behind.
    10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.

  6. COVID Requirements...
    1. Bring a face covering.
    2. Per OHA: Face coverings are required outside if you cannot distance 6ft, an exception is included for persons playing or practicing soccer. No face covering required while playing.
    3. All spectators should be 7ft away from the playing field (behind the red line).
    4. No food, snacks, drinking, or eating is allowed within 7ft of a soccer field.
    5. A parent, guardian, or person bringing the player to the activity must confirm, before joining the activity, a players capacity to participate and confirm the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. If you, a family member, or player are sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY.

  7. Game Day Rundown...
    1. Coaches will setup a spaced out area on the team side for the players to set gear/water.
    2. Coaches setup cones for the first 30min of practice activities on one of the two fields.
    3. Players arrive with the proper attire. Read more about player equipment (here).
      • Bring face covering.
      • Wear uniform and dark shorts.
      • No Jewelry, not covered, not taped, again, No Jewelry.
      • If you wear a jacket, sweatshirt, or pants, avoid anything with hard plastic or metal.
      • Shin Guards, with team socks covering them. (soccer socks should cover the foot, then go on top of the shin guards)
    4. Coaches confirm player or team equipment. Missing something? Send a runner to the AYSO sheds.
    5. Home team will provide four pumped game balls, pumps can be found at the AYSO sheds.
    6. Coaches will confirm no team color conflicts. If conflict, coin toss to see who wears pinnies.
    7. Coaches can go to the referee shed (blue shed) to checkout an electronic whistle if desired. We have normal whistles at the AYSO sheds.
    8. Coaches would do a field safety / setup check (corner flags set, look for golf balls or dangerous holes, you can send a parent to get fill sand from the brown shed).
    9. Coaches should do a player equipment check (no jewelry, no watches, and socks covering shin guards).
    10. Coaches will work out who will be managing the game, when they plan to start, any specific modifications, and any other expectations. Each field coach needs to have all the online trainings completed.
    11. See rules below for more about the game details.
    12. Quarter stoppage, if desired. (6U=7.5m)
      • 1min.
      • Allows coaches to adjust player positions.
      • Provides a quick break for players, good to have on warm days.
      • Helps coaches confirm players get equal play time.
    13. Half-time stoppage. (6U=15m)
      • 5min.
      • Check-in with coaches to see if any changes are needed.
      • Teams switch sides of the field.
      • Kick-off from the same side (now has the opposite team on it).
    14. Teams need to wrap up by the scheduled end time, so the next team can start on time.
      • 06U: 30min practice, 30min game.
    15. No snacks at half time or at the end of the game.
    16. No handshakes at the end of the game.
    17. Coaches return electronic whistles to referee shed.
    18. Coaches return any excess team or uniform equipment to the AYSO sheds.
    19. Coaches can use the game report email sent each Saturday to report any issues or areas of confusion.

  8. Game Rules...
    1. 2 Games at once, 15 minute halves. Quarters (6U=7.5m). Half (6U=15m)
    2. No throw-in (do kick-in) with all other players about 12ft back.
    3. No goalkeeper or goal-hanging... remind players no goal hanging, keep about 3ft away from the goal.
    4. No offside.
    5. All kicks are direct and players can score. (the book/training might say otherwise, but we do everything direct) (why teach them to shoot, then punish them for doing it?)
    6. No headers or slides, stay up & on feet.
    7. Coaches should make a reasonable effort to balance the game by moving players between the fields.
    8. Substitutions are free flowing at any time, but the player needs to come off the field, before the new player goes on.
    9. The goal kick is 3ft from the goal, and all other players should be about 12ft away from the kicker.

  9. Help, Information, & Equipment...
    1. The Safety and Information Shed (Saturday 8am - 1pm) will have helpers and board members available for questions, equipment replacement, uniform swap, uniform order, etc.


Team Dashboard (here).


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


{CorvallisAYSO} 11UG Coaches Activities on 5/29
Thu 9/9/2021 8:06 AM

Hello 11UG Coaches,

To help with coach communication, this email includes all coaches in the division. Please reach out to your opposing coach (schedule) if you need to discuss anything.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REGISTERED COACH VOLUNTEERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#


Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


{CorvallisAYSO} Referee Game Signup
Thu 9/9/2021 7:00 AM

Hi ,

  The customized link below will send you to the referee game sign up page. We ask that each referee help for at least seven games per season per team they are helping. You can choose the games you want to referee and feel free to take multiple games in a day. Each 9U+ game requires a center referee, if you can, please take the center position first so newer folks can take the Asst. Ref spots.

  Saturday Referee Game Signups:

  SIGNUP DIRECTIONS: No login/account needed, click the "OPEN" link to signup for that shift (that opens a new tab), confirm your details, and submit the form. You might get an error when selecting a position if another referee is actively filling the spot, refreshing the page will show an updated list of available slots.

 NOTES: 9U games will only show a center position, any others helping with 9U games can show up and assist. 13U and 15U only have games recorded for 9/11, the remaining games will be added to the schedule later this week.

 Thank You,

 Chris Jordan - Referee Admin

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{CorvallisAYSO} ATTN Background Check Requires Action
Wed 9/8/2021 9:23 AM

Hi ,

  Something is odd about the background check, when you have a second, please call or email Sterling Volunteers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-855-326-1860 #3 to check on the status of your background check.


 If you need help, reply to this email.


 Current Status: Incomplete

  Volunteer ID:

  First Legal Name:

  Last Legal Name:

  Signup Date: 2021-08-18

  AYSO Region: 02/S/0149



 Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


 P.S. You can cancel your volunteer registration by clicking on the Delete button in Sports Connect >> Volunteer. If the delete button is grey, you must email me for removal.


{CorvallisAYSO} 's Activity Release Form Needed
Wed 9/8/2021 9:14 AM

Hi ,

 We have placed  on team 11UG Blaze -CR. We need you to read and sign an additional release before activities start. The link below includes a required release and gathers additional details for your coach.

 Release Form:

 Issue with the form?, reply to this email. Already submitted the form? This email was sent because we did not find an EXACT match with the name in Sports Connect.

  The following is your medical note for your coach pulled from your Sports Connect registration. If you have additional information, please use the notes section in the release form. Medical Note: none


 Thank You,

 Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner

 >> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? <<


{CorvallisAYSO} 13UG Newport 05 - Coaches Roster v4
Tue 9/7/2021 10:41 AM

Core 13UG Newport 05 Leaders,

This email has your current player roster, including player release and emergency information. You can use the following link to remove a player or a volunteer from the team (here).

Head Coach Email:

Asst Coach Email(s):

Referees Email(s):

Team Manager Email(s):

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYER RELEASE FORMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTES: This data shows the most recent submission of the various forms matched on the legal name of the player.

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#

NOTE: The parent can update the contact details after logging into Sports Connect and selecting the edit/pencil icon by the player name.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Webmaster
You can contact your division coordinator by replying to this email.


[CorvallisAYSO] Equipment Pickup Today 9am-10am
Sat 9/4/2021 4:06 AM

Hi AYSO Fall Volunteers,

Today 9/4 9-10am @ Adams School AYSO Sheds

If you are missing the required volunteers and/or cannot get the uniforms today. We will select the team color and prep the uniforms for you to pickup on Saturday 9/11.

Uniforms*: To pickup uniforms today or before your game on 9/11 you need to have your team worksheet (here) completed and have at least both coaches and one referee volunteer registered in Sports Connect (referees are only required for 9U+).

*: The table below shows teams allowed to get uniforms according to the data in sports connect and allowing for a team to only have one referee. Teams with red text are missing a role or have a volunteer filling multiple roles to cover the required position.

NOTICE: The table below does not include instances where volunteers are filling multiple roles, so please keep that in mind. Many folks are filling multiple team roles, but Sports Connect cannot show that (hence the need for the team worksheet).

Sports Connect Team Volunteer Data:

06UB Hammerheads 1 2   1 12
06UB Orcas 1 1   1 11
06UB Sharks 1 1   0 11
06UG Bluebirds 1 1   1 9
06UG Bunnies 1 1   1 8
06UG Koalas 1 1   1 8
06UG Pandas 1 1   1 8
07UB Bobcats 1 1   1 11
07UB Cheetahs 1 1   1 12
07UB Jaguars 1 1   1 12
07UB Leopards 1 1   1 12
07UB Panthers 0 1   1 11
07UB Wildcats 1 1   1 9
07UG Dolphins 1 0   1 10
07UG Kangaroos 1 1   1 10
07UG Peacocks 1 1   1 10
07UG Penguins 1 1   1 10
09UB Asteroids 1 1 1 1 10
09UB Comets 1 1 1 1 9
09UB Cosmos 1 1 1 1 11
09UB Eclipse 1 1 2 1 10
09UB Jupiter 1 1 1 0 10
09UB Mars 1 1 1 1 10
09UB Mercury 1 1 1 1 10
09UB Meteors 1 0 0 1 10
09UB Orbits 1 1 1 0 9
09UB Pluto 1 1 0 1 10
09UB Rockets 1 1 0 1 10
09UB Saturn 0 1 0 1 11
09UG Bluejays 1 3 2 1 11
09UG Canaries 1 1 3 1 10
09UG Eagles 1 1 0 1 10
09UG Kiwis 1 1 0 1 10
09UG Pelicans 1 1 1 1 10
09UG Peregrines 1 2 0 1 10
09UG Seagulls 1 0 1 0 9
09UG Waxwings 1 1 1 1 10
11UB Bearcats 1 2 0 1 12
11UB Grizzlies 1 1 0 1 12
11UB Hawks 1 2 2 1 13
11UB Pumas 1 1 1 1 13
11UB Raptors 1 1 1 1 13
11UB Timberwolves 1 1 0 1 12
11UB Wolverines 1 1 0 1 12
11UB Wolves 1 2 1 1 13
11UG Avalanche 1 0 1 1 12
11UG Blaze 1 1 1 1 12
11UG Blizzard 1 1 0 1 11
11UG Dynamite 1 1 2 0 11
11UG Flame 1 1 0 1 12
11UG Hurricane 1 1 2 1 11
13UB Chargers 1 1 2 1 14
13UB Giants 1 1 0 1 13
13UB Jets 1 1 1 1 13
13UB Lions 1 1 0 0 14
13UB Patriots 1 1 1 1 13
13UB Titans 1 1 1 1 13
13UG Apex 1 1 1 0 13
13UG Cyclones 1 0 1 0 14
13UG Earthquakes 1 1 1 1 13
13UG Force 1 2 1 1 13
15UB Marauders 1 1 1 2 14
15UB Pirates 1 0 1 1 13
15UB Vipers 1 1 2 0 14
15UG Ajax 1 1 2 1 15
15UG Illusion 2 1 1 0 15


Missing Volunteers: If you have at least one referee and all other positions are filled, feel free to stop in and get uniforms. We still want two referees, but could survive with just one dedicated & registered referee from each team. Most 9U+ teams are stuck on getting referees, the reality is that we need them to have games, without them we run scrimmages. Please keep trying to recruit. If we are unable to get more before 9/11, we will likely adjust how we run Saturdays having some be with referees, and others with coaches running a scrimmage.
Missing Ref (R): 9U+ If you have no referees, you would likely get the uniforms after your first game on 9/11.
Missing Asst Coach (AC): If you have no assistant coach, we would look to shuffle some players or ensure the head coach has some helpers.
Missing Head Coach (HC): If you have no head coach, we would potentially disband the team as it is formed, and reorganize it.
Missing Manager (TM): We assume the head coach will fill this role if it is not filled.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Equipment Pickup Days & Missing Volunteers
Wed 9/1/2021 7:38 AM

Hi All Core Volunteers,

We are having two more coach & uniform pickup days. You can pickup practice equipment, swap equipment, or grab more equipment.

Today 9/1 7:30pm - 8:30pm @ Adams School AYSO Sheds
Saturday 9/4 9-10am @ Adams School AYSO Sheds

You can always pickup your team equipment, a coach or team manager can grab it for the team.

Uniforms: To pickup uniforms you need to have your team worksheet (here) completed and have those volunteers registered in Sports Connect. Most teams are stuck on getting referees, the reality is that we need them to have games, without them we run scrimmages. Please keep trying to recruit. If we are unable to get more before 9/11, we will likely adjust how we run Saturdays having some be with referees, and others with coaches running a scrimmage.

Missing Volunteers: If you have at least one referee and all other positions are filled, feel free to stop in and get uniforms. We still want two referees, but could survive with just one dedicated & registered referee from each team.
Missing Ref: 9U+ If you have no referees, you would likely get the uniforms after your first game on 9/11.
Missing Asst Coach: If you have no assistant coach, we would look to shuffle some players or ensure the head coach has some helpers.
Missing Head Coach: If you have no head coach, we would potentially disband the team as it is formed, and reorganize it.
Missing Manager: We assume the head coach will fill this role if it is not filled.

NOTICE: The table below does not include instances where volunteers are filling multiple roles, so please keep that in mind. Many folks are filling multiple team roles, but Sports Connect cannot show that (hence the need for the team worksheet).

Sports Connect Team Volunteer Data:

06UB Hammerheads -CR Good Good   Good
06UB Orcas -CR Good Good   Good
06UB Sharks -CR Good Good   Missing Manager
06UG Bluebirds -CR Good Good   Good
06UG Bunnies -CR Good Good   Good
06UG Koalas -CR Good Good   Good
06UG Pandas -CR Good Good   Good
07UB Bobcats -CR Good Good   Good
07UB Cheetahs -CR Good Good   Good
07UB Jaguars -CR Good Good   Good
07UB Leopards -CR Good Good   Good
07UB Panthers -CR Missing Coach Good   Good
07UB Wildcats -CR Good Good   Good
07UG Dolphins -CR Missing Coach Missing Asst   Good
07UG Kangaroos -CR Good Good   Good
07UG Peacocks -CR Good Good   Good
07UG Penguins -CR Good Good   Good
09UB Asteroids -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UB Comets -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UB Cosmos -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
09UB Eclipse -CR Good Good Good Good
09UB Jupiter -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
09UB Mars -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
09UB Mercury -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
09UB Meteors -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 2 Refs Good
09UB Orbits -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
09UB Pluto -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UB Rockets -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UB Saturn -CR Missing Coach Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UG Bluejays -CR Good Good Good Good
09UG Canaries -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
09UG Eagles -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UG Kiwis -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UG Pelicans -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
09UG Peregrines -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
09UG Seagulls -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
09UG Waxwings -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
11UB Bearcats -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UB Grizzlies -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UB Hawks -CR Good Good Good Good
11UB Pumas -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
11UB Raptors -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UB Timberwolves -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UB Wolverines -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UB Wolves -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
11UG Avalanche -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 2 Refs Good
11UG Blaze -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
11UG Blizzard -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
11UG Dynamite -CR Good Good Good Missing Manager
11UG Flame -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 2 Refs Good
11UG Hurricane -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
13UB Chargers -CR Good Good Good Good
13UB Giants -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Good
13UB Jets -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
13UB Lions -CR Good Good Missing 2 Refs Missing Manager
13UB Patriots -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
13UB Titans -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
13UG Apex -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
13UG Cyclones -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager
13UG Earthquakes -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
13UG Force -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
15UB Marauders -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Good
15UB Pirates -CR Good Missing Asst Missing 1 Ref Good
15UB Vipers -CR Good Good Good Missing Manager
15UG Ajax -CR Good Good Good Good
15UG Illusion -CR Good Good Missing 1 Ref Missing Manager

NOTICE: The table above does not include instances where volunteers are filling multiple roles, so please keep that in mind. Many folks are filling multiple team roles.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


AYSO Fall '21 Referee Training
Mon 8/30/2021 5:23 PM

Hi Everyone!

First off, thank you so much for volunteering to participate in AYSO as a referee!

I have you captured as new Regional Referees

 Below is information that you need to sign up and complete coursework needed.

New Referees

Before you get started at your first games, you will need to take training to be certified as a Regional Referee. The first part of the training is On-Line so that you can complete it as you have time. The 2nd part of the training will be On-Field in Companion Courses.  Both the Regional Referee Course and the Companion Course are required to complete your certification.


To complete the Regional Referee Course, you can follow these steps:

  1. If you haven’t yet, go to Sports Connectand register as a volunteer referee.  It will have you complete a background check through Sterling Volunteers (which is free, and WAY easier than it sounds) and will receive the email once your volunteer registration is completed.  If you do not get this email please check your spam or junk email and let us know.
  2. Log into AYSO U, access may take up to 24 hours from completion of your volunteer registration. It is the same username and password as your Sport Connect account and you should have your Sports Connect account open when logging into AYSOu.
  3. Go to the Online Courses.
  4. Open the Refereeing Courses.
  5. Complete the Regional Referee Training.


To Sign up for and complete the Companion Course:

  1. Log into AYSO U.
  2. Go to the In-Person Courses.
  3. Choose In-Person Courses from the banner just below the AYSO U logo.
  4. Open the Referee Instructor Led Courses.
  5. Open the Regional Referee Online Companion Course.
  6. Select Sessions next to the Regional Referee Online Companion Course.
  7. Register for the class named "2S149 Regional Referee Companion Class" (there is a Search window at the bottom of the 1st page)
  8. Attend ONE of the following classes: 
  9. Regional Referee On-field Companion Course 1:  September 6th, 6pm at Adams School
  10.     Regional Referee On-field Companion Course 1:  September 8th, 6pm at Adams School

In addition to other coursework you may need to complete, you will need to ensure your Safe Haven and CDC HEADS UP Concussion courses on AYSO U are completed and up to date.

While not required, we also recommend that you take the time to go through the Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the Stewards of the Game courses which are also offered along with the Safe Haven courses.

Have questions? Please ask.

Thank you all for supporting AYSO Soccer. 


[CorvallisAYSO] COVID Face Covering Notes
Mon 8/30/2021 10:30 AM

Hi AYSO Core Program Volunteers,

Below is the current COVID Mask Guidance. Nothing substantial changed from the prior email, just adding clarifications and source material.

Players are not required to wear a mask when practicing or playing a competitive sport at any level. Players not actively participating (i.e., on the sideline during a competition, etc.) are required to wear a mask if they cannot distance from other players.

  • C1> Players should bring face coverings.
  • C2> Coaches should apply the helicopter principle whenever players are standing or sitting...
    Helicopter Principle: Players must always have clearance to swing their arms around and not hit any other hands in the area. Helicopters, prepare for takeoff, blade clearance check.
  • C3> !!! Coaches, if a parent requires their player to wear a face covering, you must enforce it at ALL TIMES. Like any other medical equipment, you ensure the player keeps it on. The coach's roster email should have that detail (parent indicates it on the release), but coaches should follow up if the player arrives in a face covering.
  • C4> Coaches need to have face coverings with them, and should use them when in close proximity to players.
  • C5> Referees are not required to wear face coverings, but should keep distance from players as much as possible.

NOTE: Any family with a member that has tested positive for COVID-19 should notify the team coach and safety (here). An AYSO volunteer will reach out to the Local Health Authority (541-766-6120) for further guidance in each positive event. The family is not to participate until guidance has been provided by the LHA.

From the player release form...
IMPORTANT: If you, a family member, or player is sick DO NOT COME TO THE ACTIVITY. A parent, guardian, or releaser must confirm with the player, before joining the activity, that the player does not have and/or had not had that day: a fever of 100.4°F or greater, a new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, odd chills, odd muscle pain/aches, a sore throat, a headache, fatigue, odd congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a new loss of taste or smell. You do not need to notify your coach that they are okay to play; we assume you will follow the first sentence and not come to the activity.

State Mask Requirements:

"(4) Individuals, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask, face covering or face shield except as exempted in section (5) or (6) of this rule when: ...
(b) In an outdoor space if the individuals cannot or do not consistently maintain at least six feet of distance from individuals not in their household."...

"(5) A mask, face covering, or face shield is not required when an individual: ...
(g) Is practicing or playing a competitive sport at any level.
(h) Is officiating a competitive sport that requires a high level of physical exertion by the official."...
(competitive sport = soccer, football, baseball, etc.)

Quarantine Guidance:
"'Close Contact' means a susceptible individual who has had a substantial exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case or a presumptive COVID-19 case."...
"'Substantial exposure' means having been: Within six (6) feet of a confirmed COVID-19 case or presumptive COVID-19 case for 15 minutes or more within one day."...
Close contacts are required to: Quarantine by staying home and at least six (6) feet away from everyone, including household members. A 14-day quarantine is the safest option to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others."...

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner


[AYSOAdult] Fall Adult Pickup Soccer
Mon 8/30/2021 9:45 AM

Hello AYSO Adults (18+),

It’s your turn to play soccer too! We just finished our first AYSO Adult Pick up Summer League and it was so much fun!  We were so impressed with the turn out each week, the level of play, and most importantly the sportsmanship!

We will begin our fall league this Wednesday, September 1st from 6-7:30PM on field 131 at Adams (131 parallels highway 20 so it would be best to park near the pickle ball courts).  Please click here for more information and on how to register

We plan to add another pick up time in Albany this fall, and we will pass along that information as soon as possible.  We look forward to playing soccer with you again this fall!

Thank you,
Nicole Chapman
AYSO Adult Program Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Referee Volunteers Needed
Sat 8/28/2021 4:50 AM

Referees are critical to soccer - the game can't be played without them. Our program will teach youth (12+) and adults (18-60+) to officiate the game of soccer, no prior soccer experience needed.


We need YOU!. Yes, you. It is the best seat in house! No previous soccer or job experience is necessary. We teach you what is required, and you provide the enthusiasm! Beyond the classroom, we provide 1:1 mentors and support you through every step. We literally will be right there with you to guide and support as you ref your matches. We don't just teach you how to ref and then send you off on your own. We ref with you, making sure you are well supported. Our region serves over 1,200 children each year and is administered entirely by volunteers. All referees who work directly with children are trained and certified. This includes a background check, concussion training, as well as job specific training. Training sessions are offered locally, prior to the start of each season.


Referee Mentoring Program

Our referee mentoring program helps you to become a confident and highly competent ref by providing support and feedback at all stage of your ref career. Whether a new or existing ref, a mentor can give you support during those first few games early in the season or help reinforce good practices and provide friendly feedback for areas that could use improvement throughout the season. A mentor also provides a "live person" to ask all the questions that invariably come up after a game (or even during!), as opposed to trying to look things up later. Each year we have a mentoring program for youth and adults. Participants can vary their participation, providing observation or advice, helping provide feedback for advancement, or being a scheduling buddy (ref together). There are many possibilities to get or provide support to fellow referees. Anyone at any level can be a mentor or mentee.


What Is The Ask?

  1. You register as a referee volunteer in Sports Connect (here) (Referee or Youth Referee).
  2. You take & signup for the trainings (here) (Concussion, Safe Haven, Regional Referee part 1 Online, & Regional 9U+ Referee Onfield/in-person).
  3. We provide you with the referee equipment & uniform.
  4. You signup for games online for each of the 7 game weekends per season.
    BONUS: You can referee your own kid if you want to.

That is it.
You can referee your own kid, you pick the game you want to referee, we will equip you, and we will teach you everything you need. We are not expecting you to center a game on your first day, you can pick sideline or center positions when you signup for the game.


We can't have games without referees. More importantly, it's rewarding and working with kids is great fun!

  • Referee Registration Guide (here)

  • Referee Job Training / Certification (here)

  • Frequently Asked Questions (here)

  • Game Day Checklist (here)

  • Contact Referee Admin (here)


Thank You,
Chris Jordan - Referee Administrator
Vince Waterhous - Director of Referee Instruction
Joe McVeety - Director of Youth & Director of Referee Assessment
Luke Cotton
- Advanced Referee

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Payment Required
Fri 8/27/2021 1:45 PM

Hello AYSO families with a remaining balance,

This e-mail is going to families that have not completed the full payment for this fall and have an open balance.

These are:
1. Late registrants that never paid after being activated from the wait list.
2. Families that chose to only make the initial deposit for their registration.

Please login (here) to your account and click on the "View/Pay" button located in the Open Balance box of your account to complete the payment for the registration.

The start of the fall season is rapidly approaching. Please make this payment soon. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you do not intend to participate this fall, please use the refund form (here).

Andy Ungerer
AYSO Region 149 Registrar
13UG Division Coordinator


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteer Certifications / Training
Wed 8/25/2021 4:30 PM

Hello Assigned Volunteers,

Many of you will get a customized email today with your current certification / training data...

Is it perfect data? no
As the email says, contact me if I'm missing something you have fully completed.

Do I expect you to have everything done today? nope
The purpose is to provide a heads up if you did not already have one. If you are struggling with the training or you will miss a needed part of the training, reach out to your administrator (coaches) (referees) (managers).

Certification/Training Detail Pages

Coach Certification/Training Page:

Referee Certification/Training Page:

Manager Certification/Training Page:

Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Soccer Update - 8/23
Mon 8/23/2021 11:07 PM

Hello Fall Season Parents & Volunteers,

This email is packed with information for this season. The later part of the email has information specifically for volunteers, but is being included for everyone just in case some volunteers are not registered yet.

Game Days:
We will be posting the first versions of game schedules this week. Your games will be Saturdays starting 9/11 from 8am-2pm, older divisions can go a bit longer on some days, but most wrap up the game day at 12:30pm. The final game day is 10/23 with a 5-A-Side jamboree planned for 10/30. We are currently reviewing the first pass of the game schedule, and looking into an idea of doing a schedule for September, then taking game data and adjusting the October game schedules with brackets.

COVID-19 Updates:
Benton County's Order Details are (here)... "Individuals, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask or face covering when in an indoor or outdoor public settings where physical distancing of 6 feet is not feasible, unless the individual... Is practicing or playing a competitive sport at any level."

  • C1> Players should bring face coverings.
  • C2> Coaches should apply the helicopter principle whenever players are standing or sitting...
    Helicopter Principle: Players must always have clearance to swing their arms around and not hit any other hands in the area. Helicopters, prepare for takeoff, blade clearance check.
  • C3> !!! Coaches, if a parent requires their player to wear a face covering, you must enforce it at ALL TIMES. Like any other medical equipment, you ensure the player keeps it on. The coach's roster email should have that detail (parent indicates it on the release), but coaches should follow up if the player arrives in a face covering.
  • C4> Coaches need to have face coverings with them, and should use them when in close proximity to players. I am following up with Benton County Health to get this clarified.
  • C5> Referees, stay tuned, I am waiting on a clarification.

Saturday Shoe Swap / Equipment Sale 9/11:
8:30am-1pm we will be selling excess new and used soccer equipment by the AYSO soccer sheds, we will have items like Soccer Balls, Soccer Jerseys, Soccer Shorts (we have hundreds), Soccer Shoes, Shin Guards, & Coaching Equipment (flags, pinnies, & cones). The funds will help cover the increased equipment costs and scholarships. We accept cash, check (to AYSO), and in some cases equipment swaps of a like value (your old fair shoes swapped for bigger fair shoes, etc.). You can also donate soccer equipment.


Team Helpers

Signups for Game Day Helpers:
If you are not a team volunteer, you are a Helper for your team, and each family is asked to step up for one slot each season. The signup slots for game day helpers is online (here). We have signups for Shoe Swap Equipment Sale helpers, Opening helpers, Closing helpers, & Safety/Information helpers.

Signups for Field Helpers:
We ask that each team have a helper for fields and field related work. Along with helping to setup if you are first, or take down if you are last, we ask that you signup (here) for at least one field work task per season.


Coaches & Team Managers

Quick Links:

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request
    • Region Calendar > (here)
  • (here) < All Volunteer Training Event Signups
    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)
  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide
    • All Emails Sent for Fall 2021 > (here)

Team Worksheet:
All teams need to get started on this document (here). This document and all volunteers registered, is required to pickup your team uniforms at a coach equipment pickup event.

Team Meeting:
The best way to get through the team worksheet, is setting up a team meeting w/ scrimmage. If you are the only volunteer for the team, please get this process started.

  1. Pickup your team/coach equipment, dates below. (if you are the only volunteer for the team, feel free to come and grab the team equipment)
  2. Pick a date, time, & location to meet at a field.
  3. Email the entire team about the meeting & scrimmage time (multiple times).
  4. Arrive early and setup a small soccer field.
  5. Have the players free play while you discuss the team worksheet with the families.
  6. Send reminders to potential volunteers to get registered.

If you are struggling to get volunteers, remember that youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers for your team, the team meeting can be used to get help with finding these folks.

Hard Time Finding a Coach?
I have seen many combinations that have worked for coaching. Ideally, you have one head coach, but the job can be split up...

  • One coach running practices, another on games, having parents signup for staying for practices as the second adult;
  • One coach on separate practice days, one parent helper at each practice, and both on games;
  • One adult coach at each practice, coordinating High School players that run the practice;
  • Recruiting grandparents, other coaches, or college students to help run practices & games, with the team manager coordinating.

You can start practicing now, we are allowing things earlier to help with coordination and to get players caught up. This webpage (here) tries to include everything you need to have to start practices. Some additional info about requirements for practices/activities:

  1. Practices require one adult lead/head coach that is trained to do the job for the age level*, trained in AYSO's Safe Haven online, trained in Concussions yearly online (Oregon law), and cleared with a background check yearly**.
  2. Practices must have of two adults in the vicinity.
  3. One adult near the practice must be the same gender as the players.

If you do not meet the following requirements, the practice should be canceled. Keep in mind, if you schedule your practice at the same time as another team (like at Adams where many teams practice at once), you can potentially meet this requirement across the two teams in the area.

*This school year, you can start practices while only having the online job training done, but you eventually need to take the final in-person parts to get the certification. Signup for the in-person training (here).
**You need to start the background check process with Sterling Volunteers, and within 7 days have a Green status showing in your Sports Connect >> Volunteer page. You can see the list of disqualifying reasons (here).

Coach Equipment Pickup:
Join Us at Adams School AYSO Sheds, to get general team equipment, you do not need to have the worksheet done. This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered in the proper Sports Connect division, before you can pickup your uniforms.

  • Tuesday 8/24 6pm-7pm
  • Saturday 8/28 11am-12pm (after coach training)
  • More dates TBA

Uniform Details:
This year we are providing the jersey and socks only for each player. The family needs to find black/dark shorts or purchase them at the Shoe Swap on the first Saturday. We are also moving to a new jersey approach where we order only 4 colors in bulk, in sizes from YS-AXL. This approach will reduce waste, shipping, and allows us to keep the price down this year and next year for everyone. The down side is that you could get players with the same numbers, and you will likely play a team with the same uniform in your division. We are providing enough pinnies to equip your entire team in these instances. This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered in the proper Sports Connect division, before you can pickup your uniforms.

Coach Equipment Distributed:

  • Pinnies...
    • Enough pinnies to cover everyone for a game.
    • If not reversible for the pinnie, we will provide another pinnie color to allow for half the team to play in another color.
  • 2 new game balls.
  • 6 practice balls.
  • 30 cones.
  • 1 first aid kit.

    Please keep in mind, a new practice quality ball costs $10, a new game quality ball $20, a single disc cone $0.40, a reversible pinnie $10, a ball bag $4, & a first aid kit $4. Everything you return in good order, helps us lower costs.


 You made it to the bottom of my 4 page write up. I would appreciate your feedback about how I could improve the structure of emails like these, feel free to reply to this email.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Volunteers: Team Equipment Pickup & Worksheet
Mon 8/16/2021 5:24 PM

Hello Fall Season Volunteers,

TEAM WORKSHEET: All teams need to get started on this document (here). This document, along with all volunteers registered, is required to select / pickup your team uniforms. After you are done with the worksheet, bring it to one of the equipment pickup events (more will be scheduled in September).

TEAM MEETING: The best way to get through the team worksheet, is setting up a team meeting w/ scrimmage. If you are the only volunteer for the team, please get this process started.

  1. Pickup your team equipment, details below. (if you are the only volunteer for the team, feel free to come and grab the team equipment)
  2. Pick a date, time, & location to meet at a field.
  3. Email the entire team about the meeting & scrimmage time (multiple times).
  4. Arrive early and setup a small soccer field.
  5. Have the players free play while you discuss the team worksheet with the families.
  6. Send reminders to potential volunteers to get registered.

If you are struggling to get volunteers, remember that youth, college students, grandparents, friends, and family could all be volunteers for your team, the team meeting can be used to get help with finding these folks. Some common scenarios, co-head coaches, volunteer parents that have their volunteer high schooler run practices/games, youth referees, referees also being team manager, etc. We provide training for all volunteer positions. At the end of the day, our region is powered/run entirely by volunteers, without them teams cannot function.

Coach Equipment Pickup:
Join Us at Adams School AYSO Sheds - you will need to park at the Pickleball Courts, then go to the fields and down to the AYSO sheds.

  • Tuesday 8/17 6pm-7:30pm
  • Saturday 8/21 11am-12pm (after coach training)
  • Tuesday 8/24 6pm-7:30pm
  • Saturday 8/28 11am-12pm (after coach training)

Volunteer Q & A:
Join Us Online:

  • Monday 8/16 8pm
  • Wednesday 8/25 8pm
  • Monday 8/30 8pm

Team Volunteers

6U & 7U are required to have a volunteer filling the role of head coach, another volunteer filling the role of assistant coach, and a volunteer filling the role of team manager.

9U - 15U are required to have a volunteer filling the role of head coach, another volunteer filling the role of assistant coach, two volunteers (not the head coach) filling the role of referee, and a volunteer filling the role of team manager.

+You can have multiple assistant coaches, but one must be designated as a head coach.
+Head Coaches cannot serve as a Referee or an Assistant Coach for the team.
+Team volunteers can fill multiple roles, unfortunately Sports Connect only allows a volunteer on a team once
+Please be sure you register as a volunteer in each role you fill, without this you might miss communications.
+Referee 1 and Referee 2 must be separate individuals.


This worksheet (here) must have all required positions filled out and all volunteers must be registered in the proper Sports Connect division, before you can indicate your desired uniform colors and before your team can pickup uniforms. After you are done with the worksheet, bring it to one of the equipment pickup events (more will be scheduled in September).

Frequent Questions

The following quick links can be helpful if you have questions..

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request
    • Region Calendar > (here)
  • (here) < All Volunteer Training Event Signups
    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)
  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide
    • All Emails Sent for Fall 2021 (here)

I am not able to make the volunteer meeting, what should I do?
If you are able to volunteer or know someone who can fill a spot, email others on the team. The prior email to teams included all emails for the team (check your spam if you do not see it).

Where and when can the team practice?
Full details are on this page (here).

How do I know if a volunteer completed registration?
The team dashboard (here) is updated almost daily and will include all team player & volunteer allocations.

What if we don't have all the volunteers registered?
We will have pickup events in September, more details will be sent later. Tell the folks to get registered as volunteers in Sports Connect (here).

Getting Started Recap

Coach / Team Equipment Pickup: We will have two in-person coach/team equipment pickup nights (8/17 & 8/24 6pm @ Adams School Field Sheds), at these events you can pickup team equipment (balls, pinnies, cones, etc.) and if you have all the needed volunteers registered in Sports Connect, you can select your uniform color/style.

Volunteer Q & A Nights: We will have three volunteer Q & A virtual connects (8/16, 8/25, & 8/30 8pm @ Virtual ) that will then be followed by Team Manager trainings.

Volunteer Training: We have the coach trainings and signups online (here). The team manager trainings are online for signup (here). Referee training is online for signup (here). NOTE: AYSOU online training will be used this fall. Please login to that tool using your Sports Connect login and get the online trainings done (here). I recommend you get them done in the mornings, as the site has faster load times in the AM.

Practices: These are decided by the head coach, they choose the time and location. Practices could start after 8/23, but will likely take some time to sort out and plan around all the closed schools/locations. Coaches can find details about running practices (here).

Games: The games will be on Saturdays, and for 6U-13U they will be at Adams School in Corvallis. The game schedule v1 should be done on 8/22 for most divisions, 13U & 15U will likely take longer to schedule.


Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Training Signups
Sun 8/15/2021 6:12 AM

Hello All AYSO Families, Potential Coaches, & Coaches,

With the upgrade to the new online training system still underway, it is tough to see who has taken what trainings, so please be sure you have the required trainings complete for the age you are coaching. After you finish the online portions of the trainings in AYSOU, you are allowed to start coaching, but the in-person practical training is required to finalize your training/certification.

AYSO uses an online training portal ( ) that you can login to using your same login as Sports Connect / Blue Sombrero. Login to take the Online Courses in the Coaching Courses area.

Each coach (Asst., Youth Helper, & Head coaches) needs to take the following trainings (NOTE: Always take the training for the highest level you are coaching.)

  • Safe Haven Certification Required Once (online).
  • Concussion Training Each School Year Required (online).
  • Job Trainings (you only need to take the trainings once per level/division)
    • 6U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 6U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 06U & 07U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 7U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 8U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 07U & 06U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 9U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 10U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 09U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 11U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online 12U Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 11U Coach Class Training (signup here)
      • Part 3: 11U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)
    • 13U & 15U Coach
      • Part 1: Coach Online Intermediate Training (Go to AYSOU)
      • Part 2: 13U Coach Class Training (signup here)
      • Part 3: 13U Coach Practical Field Training (signup here)

Below are all the coach trainings you can signup for and attend (signup here).

Date Start-End Course
Coach 06U & 07U (aka 8U) Part 2 - Field
Coach 06U & 07U (aka 8U) Part 2 - Field
Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field
Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field
Coach 09U (aka 10U) Part 2 - Field
Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 2 - Class
Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 3 - Field
Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 2 - Class
Coach 11U (aka 12U) Part 3 - Field
Coach 13U+ (aka Intermediate) Part 2 - Class
Coach 13U+ (aka Intermediate) Part 3 - Field
Coach 13U+ (aka Intermediate) Part 2 - Class
Coach 13U+ (aka Intermediate) Part 3 - Field

Missing Coach Volunteer Registration...?
Please register online. Volunteers should have their own Sports Connect account; this is necessary, as the training system requires a unique login and ties one login with one volunteer. Ideally you have an account with your kids or you created an account based off an invite from your main family account ( > bottom of the page "Add Additional Account Holder" button) with your kids. However, sometimes is not an easy task, so please create a new account. Get started, and login to the region's Sports Connect. If you do not have an account, you can create one from the "Register Here!" link on the login page.

Volunteer Registration Guide:

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.
Join Us:


[CorvallisAYSO] Coach Training - Sign up now!
Wed 8/11/2021 2:28 PM

Hello AYSO Parents and Guardians! 


In preparation for the coming soccer season it's time to get necessary coach training completed.  We put a high priority on getting our volunteers trained for their jobs so that they and their young athletes have the best experience possible.


If you are signed up to coach in a division that you are not fully trained for, or are considering taking on a coaching role this season, it's time to get signed up for classroom and field training, and it's time to do all the required online training.


The training requirements for your division are all listed on the following web page:


For all divisions you are required to complete Safe Haven (once) and Concussion training (annually). 


For all divisions there is an online component of training at AYSOU.


For all divisions we have a practical field training component.  Dates are set for the training opportunities for this fall.  Region coach trainers have made sessions available on two weekends to accommodate schedules as much as possible.


For the 11U and above divisions there is also an in-person or video conference classroom session.  Again, dates are set for these trainings.  Follow the link above to see the dates and to sign up.


If you have done training in the past and are not sure of your certifications, check the AYSOU site (linked from the link above), where your certifications should be available.


To all the parents to step forward take on the role of Coach, THANK YOU!  Our program depends on the efforts of our volunteers, and particularly on the role of our coaches.   (Of course, referee and team manager volunteers are also key to the success of the program. Please see the website for referee and team manager training information)


Thank You,
Dan Herford                    Abe Drabkin
Coach Administrator                       Director of Coach Training
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


{CorvallisAYSO} 09UG Seagulls Team Roster v1
Sat 8/7/2021 10:05 PM

Hello Core 09UG Seagulls Team,

Below is a brief copy of the team dashboard with volunteers, helpers, and players. The full team dashboard (here) includes more details and links.

NOTE: All families and volunteers are included in the TO of this email, so reply all will send to the entire team.

+ Team Status +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

Players: 10
Head Coach: 0 of 1 Required
Asst Coach: 0 of 1 Required
Referee: 0 of 2 Required
Team Manager: 0 of 1 Required
Team Helpers: 14 of 4 Required

This section lists team summary counts and the needed volunteers.

COACH: Each team needs a Head Coach and Assistant Coach, one to backup the other.
REFEREE: For 9U+, each team needs two referees that are 12 years and older. Younger divisions (6U-7U) will be playing scrimmages with coaches running activities, if you want to help, please signup as an assistant coach.
MANAGER: Each team needs a manager to help coordinate and communicate with the team, also to help recruit volunteers for the team. This person could also be an assistant coach or referee.

+ Registered Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

No Volunteers Registered Yet.

The individuals above, if any, have completed the Sports Connect volunteer registration and have been allocated to the team. Sports Connect only allows one role per person per team, so some might fill multiple roles. Keep in mind that background checks could still be in process for some newer volunteers.

+ Team Helpers and Potential Volunteers +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


POTENTIAL VOLUNTEERS: If the team is missing someone in your listed role, email everyone you can take that role and register as a volunteer online using the volunteer registration guide (
NOTE: The data above is from the helper section of the player registration, to be removed from this list, you can edit the player registration in Sports Connect.

+ Team Players +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar
09UG Division Coordinator



[CorvallisAYSO] Fall Season - Getting Started
Sat 8/7/2021 12:19 PM

Hello All Fall 2021 Rec Soccer Families,

This weekend you will be getting a few emails with your team roster. One will be from Sports Connect indicating your team, the other will be a customized region email showing player names, registered volunteers, potential volunteers, and team helpers. Some adjustments are likely as we try to find additional volunteers and place wait list players, but these are the expected teams for fall. We tried on many special requests, but with few players and fewer volunteers, we have fewer options for adjustments.

The following quick links can be helpful if you have questions or need to request changes...

  • (here) < Player Refund/Drop Request
    • Team Roster Change Request > (here)
  • (here) < Board Member Contact Us Page
    • Region Calendar > (here)
  • (here) < All Volunteer Training Event Signups
    • Volunteer Job Descriptions > (here)
  • (here) < Volunteer Registration Guide

Please review the quick season information that can answer some common questions...

Volunteer Meetings: We will have two in-person volunteer meeting nights (8/17 & 8/24 6pm @ Adams School Field Sheds), at these events you can pickup team equipment (balls, pinnies, cones, etc.) and if you have all the needed volunteers registered in Sports Connect, you can select your uniform color/style. More details will be sent out to registered volunteers as we get closer to 8/17.

Volunteer Q & A Nights: We will have three volunteer Q & A virtual connects (8/16, 8/25, & 8/30 8pm @ Virtual) that will then be followed by Team Manager trainings. More details will be sent out to registered volunteers as we get closer to 8/16, 8/25, & 8/30.

Team Meeting & Scrimmage: This year your team volunteers will schedule a team meeting at a time and location of their choosing. At the meeting you will review missing team requirements (like needed volunteers), and you will decide practice days, times, and locations. The players would do a simple scrimmage / free play while the parents are meeting. The Adams school fields or Philomath fields are often available for this.

Volunteer Training: We have the coach trainings and signups online (here). The team manager trainings are online for signup (here). Referee training is online for signup (here). NOTE: AYSOU online training will be used this fall. Please login to that tool using your Sports Connect login and get the online trainings done (here). I recommend you get them done in the mornings, as the site has faster load times in the AM.

Practices: These are decided by your head coach, they choose the time and location. Practices could start after 8/23, but will likely take some time to sort out and plan around all the closed schools/locations. Coaches can find details about running practices (here).

Games: The games will be on Saturdays, and for 6U-13U they will be at Adams School in Corvallis. The game schedule should be done on 8/22 for most divisions.

More details later... season info page is (here) along with the full season email log.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

AYSO, where kids play in a fun, family environment powered by Volunteers.
Join Us:


[CorvallisAYSO] Head Coach & Referee Volunteer Registration
Sat 7/24/2021 6:45 AM

Hello All AYSO Fall Core Rec Families,

If you plan to help as a head coach or referee. Please go and register as a volunteer online. No one in our AYSO region is paid, we are powered by volunteers like you, we need you. With about 700 players so far, we need more head coaches and referees. After teams are formed, we will be asking Asst. Coaches & Team Managers to register.

All Head Coaches & 9U+ Referees...
Please register online. Volunteers should have their own Sports Connect account; this is necessary, as the training system requires a unique login and ties one login with one volunteer. Ideally you have an account with your kids or you created an account based off an invite from your main family account ( > bottom of the page "Add Additional Account Holder" button) with your kids. However, sometimes is not an easy task, so please create a new account. Get started, and login to the region's Sports Connect. If you do not have an account, you can create one from the "Register Here!" link on the login page.

Volunteer Registration Guide:

YOUTH: Youth (12+) do the same process as adults, but select volunteer positions like Youth Referee & Youth Coach Helper.
NOTICE: In Sports Connect we can only allocate you to one role per team, please still register under each role so you get the emails.
IMPORTANT: Be sure you select ALL the roles in ALL the divisions you want. If you are not targeting a specific division (freelance referees, board members, & youth), please register in the "00UX Volunteer" division.
NOTES: Background Checks do not require a middle name, you can leave that blank. Do not start trainings yet, AYSO national is still working on system updates, just the volunteer registration and background check right now.

General Registration or Login Issues >> registrar@corval...
Update Inaccurate Volunteer Details? >> safehaven@ayso...
Any issues with Sterling Volunteers? >> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


[CorvallisAYSO] Quick Soccer Updates
Sat 7/17/2021 12:15 PM

Hello All AYSO Families,

Fall Season?

Andy just sent out player registration confirmation emails, if you do not have it, check your spam/junk box, email me if you did not get your confirmation. Team formation is starting soon, so please read that email and make any data updates as soon as possible. If you are no longer playing, the refund/cancel form is (here). After team formation, we will open up volunteer registration and send out targeted and general emails.

If you have not registered a player for fall 2021, please get it done TODAY or Sun. We close Player Open Registration on Sunday night. After Open Registration, we pause to do some team building, then open up the divisions for limited registration until we hit player limits, then you go to the wait list.

Register a Player for Fall 2021?... Login (here), select the program to register, and pay the per player fee in Sports Connect. A $20 membership fee along with a minimum of $20 program deposit is due for application today (+ a $2.75 Sports Connect fee). The 2021-22 program + membership fee total is $90 ($40 for scholarship players), and would need to be paid on or just before training activities start. (FAQ?).

Summer Camps?

We are booked up for both July 19-July 23 & Aug 9-Aug 13 in Corvallis, you might find an opening, this site will show you... (here). Albany is having summer camps, and they have openings for the camp July 26 - July 30 (here).

Adult Pickup Soccer?

We are playing every Wednesday night in Corvallis, ending on August 25th and every Friday night in Lebanon, ending on August 27th; both from 6-7:30PM.
More Details:

Competitive EXTRA Play?

We are still working on formation for this and confirming fall leagues. More will be posted here as we get things sorted:

I hope you are having an AMAZING summer.

Keep active and healthy,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner, Webmaster, & Fields Coord.
American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333


{CorvallisAYSO} Z's Registration Confirmation
Sat 7/17/2021 8:42 AM

Hi ,

  We are gearing up for team formation starting 7/24, please verify and update the details below for Last, First. Update the bad data as soon as possible in Sports Connect: .


 + User Account Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

 (In Sports Connect, hit the gear icon in the top right to edit your user account details)

  | Name:

  | Primary Email:

  | Secondary Email:

  | Associated Email: 

  | Primary Cellphone:

  | Alternate Phone:


 + Player Registration +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

  | Program: 2021-2022 - Fall & Spring - Recreational Core

  | Division: 09UG

  | Registration Date: 6/13/2021 12:50:58 PM


 + Player Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

 (In Sports Connect, hit the edit/pencil icon next to the player name to edit any of the details below)

  | Legal Name:

  | Nickname: 

  | Year of Birth:

  | Current Shirt Size: Youth Large 2021

  | Medical Note For Coach: Na


 + Player Formation Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

  | Practice Zone 1: Corvallis North (Adair/Albany-Circle Blvd)

  | Practice Zone 2: Corvallis Central (Circle Blvd-Washington Ave)

  | Years Playing Organized Athletics: 4

  | Years Playing Soccer: 4

  | School: Hoover/Husky Elementary

  | School Grade: 3

  | Recorded Special Request Type(s): None found matching player legal name.

 (Details about Special Requests can be found in the season page on the region website.)

 (R1 NOTE: We will be doing player division moves this coming week, you will get an email.)


 + Helper or Volunteer 1 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

 (NOTE: Once teams are formed, we will reach out about what you need to do to signup or register.)

  | Legal Name:

  | Email:

  | Potential Job(s): Field Helper,Game Day Helper


 + Helper or Volunteer 2 Details +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

  | Legal Name:

  | Email:

  | Potential Job(s): Fields Helper,Game Day Helper


 Thank You,

 Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar and Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner


 >> Unsubscribe from Region Emails? <<


[CorvallisAYSO] Missing Registration for Fall 2021 Soccer
Sun 6/27/2021 5:11 AM

Hello AYSO families,

I do not see a player registration tied directly to this primary email address for fall 2021. If you are planning to signup for AYSO soccer in Benton County Oregon, please get it done before July 19th.

Returning Players: Login (here), select the program to register, and pay the per player fee in Sports Connect. A $20 membership fee along with a minimum of $20 program deposit is due for application today (+ a $2.75 Sports Connect fee). The 2021-22 program + membership fee total is $90 ($40 for scholarship players), and would need to be paid on or just before training activities start. (FAQ?)

Thank You,
Luke Cotton
Region Commissioner

American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) - Region 149
A 5060 SW Philomath Blvd #193 Corvallis, OR 97333

P.S. Use the link below to unsubscribe if you no longer want emails from AYSO in Benton County Oregon.


[CorvallisAYSO] Programs: Core Rec, EXTRA, Adult, & Camps
Sun 6/27/2021 4:19 AM

Hello All AYSO Families,

Below is a summary of emails about our Core Program, EXTRA Program, Summer Camps, & Adult Program.

Programs Summary

You can register core players online (here) for fall 2021 soccer. The fall fee also signs you up for spring, you only pay for core once per school year. In other words, signing up for the fall 2021 season also signs you up for the spring 2022 season. If you only signup for spring, you pay the same as you would in fall. The core player registration guide is (here).

Development Core for Players Born 2017 & 2016 (Signup Here)
The development program is for children who need additional help to get started. You can choose for Saturday morning or an available evening activity day, in August you will choose what day in the week best suits you. Players in the recreational program can also do the developmental program. (more)

6U - 15U Recreational Core for Players Born 2016 - 2007 (Signup Here)
AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players.

  • 6U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) players play on Saturday with first a practice, then a game. More advanced players born in 2017 can also signup.
  • 7U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 9U (7 vs 7, size 4 ball) includes some adjustments to the game as we add goal keepers with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 11U (9 vs 9, size 4 ball) has two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 13U & 15U (11 vs 11, size 5 ball) will be like a regular soccer game with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.

High School Recreational Core for Players Born 2007-2003 (Signup Here)
To give players more variety, we schedule games with other recreational groups in Albany and Lebanon giving teenage athletes another choice for competitive play. (more)

11U - 15U Competitive EXTRA (Signup Here)
EXTRA is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level than what is offered in the core program. After formation of groups, based on open and fair evaluations, the teams play tournaments, soccer leagues, and inter-regional matches. With a season from late spring through the next school year, players going into 8th grade and below are eligible to participate. (more)

Summer Camps (Signup Here)
[July 19-July 23] & [Aug 9-Aug 13] have openings.

Adult Pickup Soccer Program (Signup Here)
We will most likely start the program as a Pickup/Open Play League with one activity per week outside. If we have enough interest, we could potentially have two leagues: one for beginner/recreational and one for intermediate/competitive players. (more)


EXTRA Competitive Play

Greetings 11U+ AYSO Families,

I hope you have enjoyed the week off, but it is already time to start thinking about the fall. This fall, region 149 is excited to announce the return of the EXTRA soccer program. AYSO's EXTRA program is for players who would like to play (you guessed it) extra soccer and at a more advanced level. The EXTRA program is a commitment in addition to the regular CORE program which all players participate in. This is a great opportunity for players to further develop skills and play in more competitive games.

NOTE: Players going into 4th - 8th aka 11U - 15U are eligible to signup here.

If EXTRA sounds like something you child is interested in, we encourage you to keep reading. Success in an EXTRA program requires a more serious commitment by both the players and the families of players. EXTRA games tend to be on Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) afternoons after CORE games are completed. Additionally, our EXTRA teams play in a league independently organized from AYSO and EXTRA teams will sometimes be traveling to their games, which can take place in Albany, Lebanon, Salem, Silverton, Springfield, Stayton, and Keizer. If your child is involved with EXTRA, this can mean your entire Saturday is spent in Soccer mode. It is a lot of fun, but can be tiring.

In addition to games, players in the EXTRA program usually have additional practices. Players will have to practice with both their CORE team and their EXTRA team. Inevitably there will be some scheduling conflicts, and families will have to work with both EXTRA and CORE coaches so players can attend as much practice as possible. Participation in the EXTRA program requires participation in the CORE program as well. EXTRA practices also tend to be more intense and players will be challenged to a much high degree. Only players who are serious about participating in more intense and longer practices should consider joining the EXTRA program.

Much like our CORE program, EXTRA is entirely run by volunteers, this includes the coaching staff and team managers. The number of positions that can be offered to players is often limited by the number of teams which have coaches and the league allowed roster size. In years past we have had instances where there were too many players and too few roster spots available. In these instances, coaches will often have to make decisions about which players can join a team. Often times these decisions are based upon players skills, attitude, attention during practices, and commitment to making both practices and games.

We are still working on many of the details, but if you are interested in participating please sign up soon. SIGNUP HERE. Practices will be occurring over the summer and final team formation likely taking place in August. If your child is selected to join an EXTRA team, and you are able to participate, there will be an additional fee of $150 dollars. In some instances, scholarships will be available to help defray costs. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Brian Dolan
EXTRA Coordinator - AYSO Region 149


Adult Pick-Up League: Summer 2021

AYSO Adult Region 149 is excited to announce the start of our Adult Pick-Up League next Wednesday, June 30th. Based on the AYSO’s Six Philosophies, we intend to provide the same safe, fair, fun, and positive environment into our AYSO Adult Soccer League.

Summer format - fluid and evolving, but skill and fitness based:

  • Born before 2003
  • Co-ed, 6v6 and/or 7v7 pick-up games
  • Smaller-sized fields
  • Field sizes will vary with skill and fitness
  • No fixed teams, players divided each week
  • Unlimited substitutions
  • No referees
  • Players overwhelmed by the level of competition, or the level of fitness, may move to another field more appropriate to their needs.
  • As the league grows, we envision adding a women’s-only division, and/or an over 50 division.

Since the number, and size, of the fields will be determined by the level of registrants, we will be asking for your playing level when you register.

Player Divisions:

  • Recreational 1: New to soccer (few skills), limited experience
  • Recreational 2: Basic skills, some competitive experience, played soccer a long time ago
  • Intermediate: Played competitive soccer, good individual skills, low fitness level.
  • Advanced: Played competitive soccer, strong individual skills, great fitness level.

When: Every Wednesday night starting June 30th and ending on August 25th from 6-7:30 PM

Where: The Western View complex next to Adams Elementary (here).

Albany/Lebanon Players we are planning to add a pick up night starting mid-July in Lebanon (more details coming soon). All are welcome to play in both pick-up games in Benton County and Linn County.

Cost: $30 per player + the $2.75 Sports Connect fee. The $30 includes your registration costs for U.S. Soccer, United States Adult Soccer Organization (USASA), and your Player Accident Insurance (PAI - covered up to $25,000).

Register: Signup in Sports Connect (here). You must complete the registration before you can participate.
TIP: This is a new Sports Connect site, unrelated to your local region, you might need to register as a new user. Once you create your account, you signup as a participant and select the main program, we only have one division for everyone this summer.

Registration Page:

Nicole Chapman - AYSO Adult Region 149 Coord.


Summer Camp Signups

Hello All AYSO Families,

Summer Camp Registration: $25 off w/ code 1-100-100
This summer we are offing 3 camps, June 21-25, July 19-23, & Aug 9-13. 9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) = $126 & 9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) = $178.

-=-(Signup here)-=- at

Learn More:

Camp 1: Jun 21 - Jun 25
Camp 2: Jul 19 - Jul 23
Camp 3: Aug 9 - Aug 13

9am - 12pm (Age 4-14) $126
9am - 3pm (Age 7-14) $178

Adams Elementary School North East Fields Area
1555 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333

Register for Summer 2021:

Summer Camp Registration Support / Contacts:
Our summer camps are primarily run by UK International, questions or issues with registration should be directed to them.
General Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-855-857-6223

Host a Coach
We would like to extend this invitation to all families, and allow you the opportunity to be a part of a fantastic cultural experience. Hosting one of our Soccer Coaches allows you and your family to learn all about another culture, whilst also having a live-in specialist to enhance your soccer education. And for the Coach, they get to enjoy and appreciate a real American lifestyle. It is a fantastic cultural exchange program and the differences of our language and backgrounds, combined with the love of soccer, ensure a memorable time with long lasting friendships.

In terms of the current climate, we want to assure you that all of our Coaches have been in the US for a number of months and have had a clean bill of health throughout. For the duration of the COVID-19 situation, they have always followed the strictest of Social Distancing procedures, for both their own safety and also, for the families they have been staying with.

For more information please visit:

Luke Cotton - Acting Summer Camp Coordinator


Core Program Frequently Asked Questions

Special Placement Request?
Fill out this form (here); use the categories to select what you are requesting. Types of requests include Team Friend/Buddy (want to be placed with this one other player), Play Up a Division, Not Placed With (volunteer or player), Volunteer Buddy (want to volunteer with this person), Player w/ Family Volunteer (family volunteer has independent account and is not associated to the player), & Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement. We cannot guarantee requests will be honored. Please fill out two forms when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.

Cash or Check?
Everything can be paid by Credit Card online in Sports Connect, they charge $2.75 per transaction. In rare circumstances we can accept payment by cash or check, please email the registrar if you need that accommodation (contact).

Registration Event?
We are not holding a registration event for registering. If you are able to access a safe device for registering, you can type in to get to our registration portal.

Those desiring a refund must submit the request (here). We cannot refund the membership or the Sports Connect fees, of the program fees we look to cover our costs and that can be 3% for the credit card.

COVID-19 & Player Masks?
Currently, we do not expect to require masks for players in Fall while they play in practices or games.

Per Player Scholarship?
You register/apply the same as everyone else, when asked about eligibility for a scholarship during registration, check yes. You should see a question... "My family and this player is approved for free and reduced meals, SNAP, or TANF. My family can provide proof when requested and authorize AYSO to verify my approval/enrollment. If I cannot provide proof when requested, I understand I will be charged the full player registration fee." after checking yes, your fee would be reduced by $50 and you can finish the application online.

The Special Request Form - Types of Requests?
(submit multiple when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.)

Playing Up a Division Request:
Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play up a division (here). I review the request, confirm it is a good fit based on the player evaluation, and transfer the player into the new division in Sports Connect (before team formation happens).
Common Reasons to Play Up...
1> The player is outmatched in the division. For some players, they need to play up to improve, without it, they would dominate a division and end up in games where they would need to be restricted / held back to allow others to play/develop.
2> To play up with a friend. This is not recommended if the player is not a top player in the division. With each player having two years in a division, they have one year when they are likely weaker in a division (developmental year), and the next year when they are likely stronger (confidence boosting year). It is good to allow a player to get both of these in a division.

Player Buddy/Friend Request:
Division Coordinators will work on these requests during team formation, but these tend to be the hardest to accommodate. To simplify things, we focus on your most recent buddy request for a player, in other words, one request per player. When considering requests, we look to team balance. Therefore, the directive is to focus on Head Coach & Center Referee requests first, second the other volunteers, and then the remaining requests are prioritized by the date of the request. Family / relative requests are separate and should be submitted separately from this type of request. Volunteers, wishing to volunteer together, please use this request and indicate the other volunteer's player.

Play Down / Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement:
To accommodate all players, we have an option to place players as it is appropriate for them. This request will involve the review of a player's evaluation and could include additional evaluation before final placement. Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play down a division (here). I review the request along with any player evaluation and move the player, if appropriate, or reach out to gather more data & confirm.

Not Placed With (volunteer or player):
This request helps to reduce the likelihood of a known issue between players/families or help parents indicate coaches that are not a good fit for the player. We prioritize these requests.

Related/Family Player or Volunteer:
This request is to help team formation with ensuring we group players in the same family together. It is not always easy to identify family or relatives, so we have this request to help us with getting the family on the same team. You can submit this request along with a player buddy/friend request.

Volunteer w/ Player:
In the player registration form we have you indicate helpers or volunteers that we could expect to help on behalf of that player. You can use the player registration to associate a volunteer with a specific player, if cannot indicate it on the player registration, please submit a volunteer interest form (here), and I will add you to the player's registration.


Luke Cotton - AYSO Regional Commissioner - Benton County Oregon


 [CorvallisAYSO] Fall Open Registration - Closes 7/18
Wed 06/23/2021 11:45 AM

Hi |User First Name|,

If you have not already registered for fall soccer, please get it done before July 19th. Open Registration closes July 19th, then we move to a more limited registration. Limited registration could mean a division will go to wait listing, no special requests for non-volunteers, and the program could be a higher cost per player.

You can register players online (here) for Fall 2021 soccer. The player registration guide is (here).


Development Core for Players Born 2017 & 2016 (Signup Here)
The development program is for children who need additional help to get started. You can choose for Saturday morning or an available evening activity day, in August you will choose what day in the week best suits you. Players in the recreational program can also do the developmental program. (more)

6U - 15U Recreational Core for Players Born 2016 - 2007 (Signup Here)
AYSO core program offers recreational soccer for multiple levels of players.

  • 6U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) players play on Saturday with first a practice, then a game. More advanced players born in 2017 can also signup.
  • 7U (4 vs 4, size 3 ball) with a practice in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 9U (7 vs 7, size 4 ball) includes some adjustments to the game as we add goal keepers with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 11U (9 vs 9, size 4 ball) has two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.
  • 13U & 15U (11 vs 11, size 5 ball) will be like a regular soccer game with two practices in the week by a volunteer coach and a game on Saturday.

High School Recreational Core for Players Born 2007-2003 (Signup Here)
To give players more variety, we schedule games with other recreational groups in Albany and Lebanon giving teenage athletes another choice for competitive play. (more)

11U - 15U Competitive EXTRA (Signup Here)
EXTRA is a program that offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level than what is offered in the core program. After formation of groups, based on open and fair evaluations, the teams play tournaments, soccer leagues, and inter-regional matches. With a season from late spring through the next school year, players going into 8th grade and below are eligible to participate. (more)

Summer Camps (Signup Here)
[July 19-July 23] & [Aug 9-Aug 13] have openings.

Adult Pickup Soccer Program (Signup Here)
We will most likely start the program as a Pickup/Open Play League with one activity per week outside. If we have enough interest, we could potentially have two leagues: one for beginner/recreational and one for intermediate/competitive players. (more)

Core Program Costs

Here is the full breakdown that covers activities for fall 2021 & spring 2022. Our costs are primarily player uniforms, team equipment, fields, and volunteer background checks. If you signup and only want to play in fall, the price is the same. If you signup for spring in Feb, the price is the same with the costs covering the added volunteers, added players, and replacement or new team equipment.

  • Regular Player Full:
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $70 for Program Cost.
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
  • Regular Player Deposit: (a new option for a lower upfront cost)
    1. Amount Due Today:
      • $20 for AYSO Membership.
      • $20 for Program Cost.
      • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
    2. Amount Due by 09/01/21:
      • $50 for Program Cost.
      • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.
  • Scholarship Player:
    • $20 for AYSO Membership.
    • $20 for Program Cost.
    • $2.75 for Sports Connect Transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cash or Check?
Everything can be paid by Credit Card online in Sports Connect, they charge $2.75 per transaction. In rare circumstances we can accept payment by cash or check, please email the registrar if you need that accommodation (contact).

Registration Event?
We are not holding a registration event for registering. If you are able to access a safe device for registering, you can type in to get to our registration portal.

Those desiring a refund must submit the request (here). We cannot refund the membership or the Sports Connect fees, of the program fees we look to cover our costs and that can be 3% for the credit card.

COVID-19 & Player Masks?
Currently, we do not expect to require masks for players or volunteers in Fall while they play in practices or games.

Per Player Scholarship?
You register/apply the same as everyone else, when asked about eligibility for a scholarship during registration, check yes. You should see a question... "My family and this player is approved for free and reduced meals, SNAP, or TANF. My family can provide proof when requested and authorize AYSO to verify my approval/enrollment. If I cannot provide proof when requested, I understand I will be charged the full player registration fee." after checking yes, your fee would be reduced by $50 and you can finish the application online.

The Special Request Form - Types of Requests?
Fill out the form (here).
(submit multiple when needed, for example if you wish to play in a higher division with a friend, please fill out one form for each request.)

Playing Up a Division Request:
Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play up a division (here). I review the request, confirm it is a good fit based on the player evaluation, and transfer the player into the new division in Sports Connect (before team formation happens).
Common Reasons to Play Up...
1> The player is outmatched in the division. For some players, they need to play up to improve, without it, they would dominate a division and end up in games where they would need to be restricted / held back to allow others to play/develop.
2> To play up with a friend. This is not recommended if the player is not a top player in the division. With each player having two years in a division, they have one year when they are likely weaker in a division (developmental year), and the next year when they are likely stronger (confidence boosting year). It is good to allow a player to get both of these in a division.

Player Buddy/Friend Request:
Division Coordinators will work on these requests during team formation, but these tend to be the hardest to accommodate. To simplify things, we focus on your most recent buddy request for a player, in other words, one request per player. When considering requests, we look to team balance. Therefore, the directive is to focus on Head Coach & Center Referee requests first, second the other volunteers, and then the remaining requests are prioritized by the date of the request. Family / relative requests are separate and should be submitted separately from this type of request. Volunteers, wishing to volunteer together, please use this request and indicate the other volunteer's player.

Play Down / Medical / Developmental / VIP Placement:
To accommodate all players, we have an option to place players as it is appropriate for them. This request will involve the review of a player's evaluation and could include additional evaluation before final placement. Sports Connect will only allow you to register in the divisions available to you based on your DOB. You register in that division, and then submit a request to play down a division (here). I review the request along with any player evaluation and move the player, if appropriate, or reach out to gather more data & confirm.

Not Placed With (volunteer or player):
This request helps to reduce the likelihood of a known issue between players/families or help parents indicate coaches that are not a good fit for the player. We prioritize these requests.

Related/Family Player or Volunteer:
This request is to help team formation with ensuring we group players in the same family together. It is not always easy to identify family or relatives, so we have this request to help us with getting the family on the same team. You can submit this request along with a player buddy/friend request.

Volunteer w/ Player:
In the player registration form we have you indicate helpers or volunteers that we could expect to help on behalf of that player. You can use the player registration to associate a volunteer with a specific player, if cannot indicate it on the player registration, please submit a volunteer interest form (here), and I will add you to the player's registration.

NOTICE: In Late-July, after teams are built, we are unlikely to honor buddy requests, if you are not a head coach or center referee. If the request references a person that is not registered by the time we form teams, we delete the request.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Region Commissioner
Andy Ungerer - Region Registrar (email)


[CorvallisAYSO] EXTRA Competitive Play - Signup
Wed 06/23/2021 7:25 AM

Greetings 11U+ AYSO Families,

I hope you have enjoyed the week off, but it is already time to start thinking about the fall. This fall, region 149 is excited to announce the return of the EXTRA soccer program. AYSO's EXTRA program is for players who would like to play (you guessed it) extra soccer and at a more advanced level. The EXTRA program is a commitment in addition to the regular CORE program which all players participate in. This is a great opportunity for players to further develop skills and play in more competitive games.

NOTE: Players going into 4th - 8th aka 11U - 15U are eligible to signup here.

If EXTRA sounds like something you child is interested in, we encourage you to keep reading. Success in an EXTRA program requires a more serious commitment by both the players and the families of players. EXTRA games tend to be on Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) afternoons after CORE games are completed. Additionally, our EXTRA teams play in a league independently organized from AYSO and EXTRA teams will sometimes be traveling to their games, which can take place in Albany, Lebanon, Salem, Silverton, Springfield, Stayton, and Keizer. If your child is involved with EXTRA, this can mean your entire Saturday is spent in Soccer mode. It is a lot of fun, but can be tiring.

In addition to games, players in the EXTRA program usually have additional practices. Players will have to practice with both their CORE team and their EXTRA team. Inevitably there will be some scheduling conflicts, and families will have to work with both EXTRA and CORE coaches so players can attend as much practice as possible. Participation in the EXTRA program requires participation in the CORE program as well. EXTRA practices also tend to be more intense and players will be challenged to a much high degree. Only players who are serious about participating in more intense and longer practices should consider joining the EXTRA program.

Much like our CORE program, EXTRA is entirely run by volunteers, this includes the coaching staff and team managers. The number of positions that can be offered to players is often limited by the number of teams which have coaches and the league allowed roster size. In years past we have had instances where there were too many players and too few roster spots available. In these instances, coaches will often have to make decisions about which players can join a team. Often times these decisions are based upon players skills, attitude, attention during practices, and commitment to making both practices and games.

We are still working on many of the details, but if you are interested in participating please sign up soon. SIGNUP HERE. Practices will be occurring over the summer and final team formation likely taking place in August. If your child is selected to join an EXTRA team, and you are able to participate, there will be an additional fee of $150 dollars. In some instances, scholarships will be available to help defray costs. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Brian Dolan
EXTRA Coordinator - AYSO Region 149


[CorvallisAYSO] Open Board & Team Formation Positions
Sat 6/12/2021 7:15 AM

Hello AYSO Families,


Did you know we have MANY jobs that do not require soccer knowledge? AYSO Region 149 is currently in desperate need of volunteers willing to put additional time into managing this program to support our local families annually. Please consider these options seriously and contact friends and family members that may be interested.

Open Board Positions...

  • Team Manager Admin
  • Fields Coord.
  • Summer Camp Coord.
  • Indoor Soccer Coord.
  • Girls EXTRA Coord.
  • Director of Youth (volunteer) Engagement
  • 6U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 6U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 7U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 7U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 9U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 9U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 11U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 11U Girls Rec Division Coord.
  • 13U Boys Rec Division Coord.
  • 15U Girls Rec Division Coord.

Learn more (here), reply to this email, or talk to a board member at the information shed (Saturday 6/12) in-person if you have questions.

Apply for an open position:

Division Coordinators: The Division Coordinators shall be responsible for the formation and operation of their respective divisions, by assisting the Boys and Girls Coordinators with the placement of the players into balanced teams, placing of late-registering players on teams, coordinating such placements with coaches and parents, notifying such players and parents and the Registrar that no more openings exist within the division. The job is mostly email and spreadsheet work. Time commitment varies with more time forming teams in Late-July (MS Excel), about 20 emails per week, moving players and volunteers in Sports Connect, then additional emails closer to the start in Sept. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Team Manager Administrator: The duties of the Team Manager Admin may include distributing information to the coaches, players, and families of AYSO players through the individual Team Managers, and assisting Regional Board and staff members distribute team and individual photos, fundraising materials and awards or certificates to the players.

Girls EXTRA Coordinator: The Girls EXTRA Coordinator serves as the liaison between the Regional Board and Girls Progressive Play participants, overseeing the Girls Progressive Play program, including: advertising, the recruitment of coaches and referees, registration of players, girls Progressive Play team formation as per AYSO Guidelines, collection of Regional team fees, and other duties as needed to provide a Progressive Play (EXTRA) venue for the players. The Coordinator also ensures that each Girls Progressive Play team coach provides a complete list of all players, volunteers, and team assignments that must be verified by the Registrar and CVPA prior to the first practice or game. This position rarely needs to attend board meetings.

5-A-Side Coordinator: The 5-A-Side Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the registration of players, the scheduling of games, the collecting of fees, the recruitment of coaches and referees, and other duties as needed to provide a venue for the players. The Registrar and CVPA must verify a complete list of all players, volunteers, and team assignments prior to the event. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Fields Coordinator: The Fields Coordinator shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the playing fields. He/she shall ensure that goalposts, nets, and corner flags are provided for each game, that they are put up before the first game of any day and taken down after the end of the last game of such day and properly secured at all times. He/she shall also ensure that the fields are properly lined. He/she shall also assist the Regional Risk Management/Safety Director in maintaining the playing fields in a safe condition. This position does not need to attend the monthly board meetings.

Apply for an open position:

Thank You,
Nicole Chapman - Assistant Regional Commissioner


[CorvallisAYSO] Fields Help & Needed Materials
Sun 6/6/2021 6:00 AM

Hello AYSO Families,

I could use some help with a handful of odd field needs, if you can help, have ideas or contacts, please reply to this email. Feel free to forward this, I can use all the help I can get on these items.
Side Notes: Player Registration is open (here), Adult Soccer interest (here), & Division Coordinators needed (here).


Saturday 6/12 Goal Moving: If you are the last team on fields 151, 132, 131, 113, 91, & 92, I could use your help moving the soccer goals on to the old track or to the nearest chain link fence, and removing the soccer nets. If you are on field 71, we would be storing the metal goals in the shed for the summer.

Summer Watering: If you live in the Adams school area, have a car with a tow hookup, and can wheel 200 pounds 30ft, have I got a job for you! In June-August the watering is one night per week and focused on fields 111, 112, & 93. In late-August the watering is every other night with a lot of shuffling.

Brown Shed Decking: If you are able to help at any time this summer and have experience with installing decking, I could use your help. Take a look at the brown shed on Saturday and see if you can help with replacing the boards that are at the entry of the shed.

Concessions Shed Siding Repair: If you are able to help any time this summer and have experience with siding, I could use your help. The back of the concessions shed has not weathered well, and could use some help/repairs from particle board getting wet.

Brown Shed & Referee Shed Painting: If you are able to help any time this summer and have experience prepping & painting , I could use your help. Both of these sheds could use some touch-up in weathered/damaged areas, either with a repaint of just spot fixes.


Grass Seed: In fall we often overseed & fertilize, if you have contacts that can donate or provide a reduced price for grass seed that is good for sports fields, please reply.

Soccer Goals / Metal Fabrication: As the Corvallis school district is working on schools, we (AYSO) will be helping with acquiring and potentially installing soccer goals, the district has requested fixed metal goals |---------| . These are expected to be like what most schools have now, sleeved or sunk metal post with welded top bar as they are the safest and easiest to maintain. The specifics could vary (square vs round, 2" or 4", likely steel), but we would be supplying 6 goals that are 6.5’x18.5’ at Garfield, Lincoln, & Husky. If you know of a local group/company/person that could help, please reply.

Thank You,
Luke Cotton - Acting Fields Coordinator


[AYSOAdult] Summer Adult Soccer Program
Fri 6/4/2021 9:30 AM

Hello Adults (born before 2003),

It's your turn to PLAY Soccer! We plan to offer an AYSO Adult Coed program this summer but would like some feedback from you first!

Indicate your interest and signup (here).

We will most likely start the program as a Pickup/Open Play League with one activity per week outside. If we have enough interest, we could potentially have two leagues: one for beginner/recreational and one for intermediate/competitive players.

The cost would be $30 per player + the $2.75 Sports Connect fee. The $30 includes your registration costs for U.S. Soccer, United States Adult Soccer Organization (USASA), and your player accident insurance (PAI), which will cover you, in case of an accident, for up to $25,000. We will notify you when and how to register after we confirm numbers and set a schedule.

Learn more about the concept and proposed summer program (here).

Thank You,
Nicole Chapman - Adult Soccer Program Coord.